The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 13, 1995 - 5
Union eases restrictions
for weekend entrance
Students see ax
in East Quad
. Several East Quad residents were
scared Monday atthe sight ofa group of
students carrying an ax, DPS reports
A theatrical group in the residence
hall was using the ax in a performance,
but several disturbed residents called
the DPS to have the ax removed. The ax
was confiscated by DPS.
Golf ball through
the window
A homeowner reported to DPS that a
golf ball from the new University driv-
ing range shattered a window in his
The caller did not report any injuries,
nor didhe report the estimated financial
damage. The driving range is located
across from Busch's Valu-Land at Ann
Arbor-Saline Road and South Main
Damage at EECS
A caller reported damage to several
boxes at the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science department earlier
thisweek, DPS reports indicate. A drain
backed up in an adjacent room and
caused the situation, the caller said.
Theft at Randall Lab
Two towel machines, valued at ap-
proximately $3,300, were reported sto-
len Tuesday from the Randall Lab Ad-
dition contracting site.
The caller said these items were sto-
len three weeks ago, but that he only
recently discovered them missing, DPS
reports indicated.
Wanderers caught
in University
A 48-year-old male, not affiliated
with the University, was found sleep-
ing inthe main hallway ofthe Michigan
Union, DPS said. DPS ran a warrant
search, which came up negative. The
man was escorted from the building.
Car troubles
around campus
Overthepastfew days, several people
across campus have complained of car
troubles or have been in accidents.
0 On Monday, DPS received a call
from a man who said his car was hit in
the M-18 structure. He parked on the
first floor on the South end facing west
ontheramp. When hereturnedataround
11 p.m., he noticed a deep scratch on
the left quarter of the car's panel by the
rear tire.
DPS reported that it believes another
car hit it when the other car was pulling
into the parking space. DPS has classi-
fied this as "hit and run."
Also on Monday afternoon, two
construction vehicles were involved in
an accident at a construction site. There
were no injuries and no disputes among
the drivers, DPS said.
Stop sign
knocked down
University Hospitals reported that a
one-way street sign was knocked over
earlier this week on East Medical Cen-
ter Drive, near the Taubman Circle
Drive. The damage was less than $500,
DPS reported.
4 Also, DPS reports indicate that a stop
sign at the exit circle in the Medical
Center was knocked down by an un-
known perpetrator earlier this week.
DPS did not indicate if these two
incidents were committed by the same
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Zachary M. Raimi
Universiy Pres'dent James J- Dderstadt speaks yesterday at the dedication of
the Randall Laboratory with signer Joan E. Smith.
Physics Lboti
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
After numerous complaints from stu-
dents and visitors, the Michigan Union
is operating under a loosened weekend
access policy.
The policy, enacted three years ago
and amended during the summer by a
committee including the Department
of Public Safety, Union staff and stu-
dent representatives, limits access to
the Union on Friday and Saturday
Student IDs are required for admis-
sion to the building after 9:30 p.m. and
each student is allowed up to three
guests. Guests must sign in and show
appropriate identification to one ofthree
trained students stationed at each en-
"Originally, it was alot more strict-
it's become more lenient over the past
three years," said Leslie Baxter, chair-
person for the Michigan Union Board
of Representatives.
The new procedures replace policies
requiring that students show ID after
8:30 p.m. and admit only two guests per
student, following the recent reduction
in Union security.
This "access procedure," Baxter said,
began four years ago when a fight broke
out on the Union steps. One year later,
when another incident took place at the
Union, an emergency security meeting
gave birth to the policy.
Since then, however, questions have
been raised about whether the policy's
usefulness outweighs its inconve-
nience. Comments through written
feedback forms at the checkpoints
within the Union, and observations
by the staff on the procedure's suc-
cess last spring, prompted this fall's
"The comments were (that) some
people felt safer with the access points
in place," said Union Director Audrey
Schwimmer. "Others felt it was quite a
process to get through the doors, espe-
cially for people who are affiliates, who
are students or alumni.
"The only times that I've come here
it's been an inconvenience because I
was coming from somewhere and I
didn't have my ID or I had more than
two guests with me," said LSA senior
Penny Hiipakka.
The access limitations also have
been a hindrance to various student
groups holding mass events at the
Union. Not only is the ID and sign-in
procedure more time-consuming, it
also complicates admission of those
who are not students at the University
to community and inter-university
"For Pow-wow weekend many
people came from all over the United
States so we try to have something for
them to do on Friday and Saturday
nights," said Barb Washegesic, Native
We wanted to
have them play
pool (a the Union)
or something but
we couldn't do
that because we
didn't have enough
people with IDs"
- Barb Washegesic
Native American Student
Association co-chairperson
American Student Association co-chair-
person. "On Friday we wanted to have
them play pool (at the Union) or some-
thing but we couldn't do that because
we didn't have enough people with IDs
and it would be too complicated to have
people at the doors letting people in."
Representatives from several con-
cerned student minority groups, includ-
ing the United Asian Americans Orga-
nization, the Black Greek Association
and the Queer Unity Project sit on the
board designed to assess and amend the
For more info
The Michigan Union Board of
Represent ativeswil hold access
forums for students to present
their views on the changes and
policies next Tuesday and Nov. 7
at 6:30 p.m. in the U-Club.
"It is more of a hassle with the Union
access policy as it currently is," said
Johnny Su, co-chair ofthe United Asian
Americans Organization and board rep-
resentative. "It just makes the Union a
less friendlier place."
Keeping the Union accessible and
convenient is of major concern, Bakter
said. The security is not meant to dis-
courage usage of the building on the
weekends or to discourage guests.
"The Union's one ofthe nicest places
on campus and you should be able to
use it on the weekends. If you have
people from out of town, it's one of the
places you'll want to show them," said
Engineering sophomore Ben Bassin.
There are those, however, who say
there are ways to avoid the security
procedures. Not every door is properly
guarded, said first-year LSA student
Scott Gersch.
"If I had two guests or if I had five,
there is still a way to get in and it's not
such a bad idea to have security," he
said of the guest policy.
"There had been a lot of talk about
the appropriateness of the policy and
now in 1995 if it is still appropriate to
limit access to the Union," Baxter said.
"They've been hearing a lot of things
like, 'I can't bring my family in;' 'I
can't run in and get something to eat if
I forget my ID;' 'if you bring in a guest
and he wants to go out for a cigarette,
you have to go with him."'
Before finalizing any permanent
policies this January, the board is look-
ing to gather student opinion on the
changes and on the idea of limiting
By Eileen Reynolds
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's new $22 million
Randall Physics Research Laboratory,
the first of its type in the nation, was
dedicated yesterday amid pomp and
Vice President for Research Homer
Neal pushed the University to construct
the cutting edge laboratory.
"The facility is a remarkable testi-
mony to Homer Neal's vision and per-
sistence," said President James J.
Duderstadt. "The real credit goes to
Neal and his colleagues; they made
Randall happen."
The dedication ceremony took place
on the Diag just in front of the building.
Stanford Prof. Martin L. Per], a former
University faculty member, was sched-
uled to speak at the dedication but can-
celed after winning the Nobel Prize for
Physics on Wednesday.
Other guest speakers included Re-
gent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor) and
state Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
The new physics research laboratory
will accommodate state-of-the-art fa-
cilities for a broad range of research in
modern physics. With guidance from
physicists and engineering specialists,
the building was built with vibration-
proof rooms to accommodate those
laboratories requiring vibration-sensi-
tive equipment.
"The lab will be able to accommo-
date construction of a full range of
equipment and machinery," said alum
David Reynolds, editor of News of
Michigan Physics.
The old lab facility built in the 1920s
was "sub-standard for the needs of a
modern physics and education pro-
gram ranked 18th in the nation," he
said. The building was designed on a
modular-type system, allowing for the
"The tlb will be
able to
construction of a
full range of
equipment and
- David Reynolds
Editor, News of
Michigan Physics
"anticipated lab needs and future
trends in modern physics, a frequently
changing field," Reynolds said.
Major projects underway at the new
building include a series of astrophys-
ics experiments. A group of researchers
are building detectors and launching
them via balloon to the farthest reaches
of the atmosphere.
The construction of particle detec-
tors and gondola launch pads are key
parts of the project. Because they are
sending high-tech, sensitive computers
into space, Reynolds said, it is a chal-
lenge to protect them. A new high-
ceiling research facility will allow the
final stages of the project to be com-
Major responsibility goes along with
the new facility, speakers emphasized.
"The state views Randall as an in-
vestment and expects to get out as much
as it put in," Reynolds said. "In atime of
budget cuts, the state saw the impor-
tance of giving students the opportu-
nity to work and learn in a modern,
state-of-the-art laboratory."
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Police charge teen in
Ann Aror murder
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2 Blocks 0 Lof itot
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
An Ann Arbor teen-ager has been
charged in connection with Tuesday's
stabbing death of Jeffrdy Robinson, 25.
Abass Diane, 19, was arraigned
Wednesday for second-degree murder,
pending a preliminary exam Oct. 25.
Ann Arbor police said a fightbroke out
betweenDiane, Robinsonandathirdman
in the south section of Ann Arbor.
Police said the men were at a home
on the 900 block of Wildt Street when
Robinson was stabbed. The police ar-
rived at about 4:30 p.m.
"When they got here, the suspects
fled the scene," said Officer Scott
Kearney, an Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment spokesman.
"The suspects fled the scene and later
called and wanted to surrender them-
Kearney said he did not know the
cause of the fight, but that it occurred at
about 4 p.m.
Robinson later died at University
Hospitals at about 11 p.m.
Diane is being heldat the Washtenaw
County Jail without bond. The second
man has not been charged.
If convicted, Diane faces a sentence
of life in prison.
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U "Fridays In Leonardo's: Janet
Tenaj," sponsored by NCC,
Leonardo's, 8-10 p.m.
O "From Abnormal to Normatively
Different: Clinical Perspectives on
Work With Gay Men, Lesbians and
Bisexual People," Linda Garnets,
sponsored by Interdisciplinary Pro-
gram in Feminist Practice,
Rackham West Conference Room,
3-5 p.m.
UTk f rat de saidand sset lnal
Turner Lecutre Series, sponsored
by Department of Geological Sci-
ences, Chemistry Building, Room
1640, 4 p.m.
U Nlnjitsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, IMSB, Room G-21,
6:30-8 p.m.
0 "Practical Training and Employ-
ment," sponsored by International
Center, International Center,
Room 9, 10 a.m.
D Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, begin-
ners welcome, 994-3620, CCRB,
U "Arts Crafts and Bake
Sale," sponsored by Residents
Council, North Campus Family
Housing Community Center, 1000
McIntyre Drive, 12 noon-3 p.m.
D "Only a Mother With Special
Guests," sponsored by Cava Java,
Cava Java, 1101 South University,
9:30 p.m.
~ff A'