A The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 12, 1995 PARKING for rent Call 665-8825. RENT WITH US! WE HAVE IT ALL! 4-6 & 10-13 bedroom houses, efficiencies & 6 bdrm. apts. Call PMSI 665-5552. ROOM TO BE shared. Bi-level $300 + heat & H2O. Claudia ASAP @ -7579. SHARE HOME with senior citizen, very low rent for driving and companionship. Ca Homeshare Program. 763-07 SPACIOUS TWO person bdrm. near Kerrytown. Available Jan.-Aug. Low rent, laundry, parking. 662-6489. TYPING & WRITING Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing 994-5515. VCR - TV - AUDIO SERVICE Immediate attention, pick-up & delivery available... Rentals of big screen TVs, camcorders, TVs and sound equipments. Ask about our used equipments inventory. 215 South Ashley (1/2 block north of Liberty St. down town Ann Arbor) Telephone: 668-7942 or 769-0342. WRITE ON Complete writing, editing, and graphics services. Academic, business, and technical. 96-0566. LOST CAMERA, Olympus Twin 35 mm, in Nickels Arb. on Sunday, 10-8-95. Please, call 995-8916. Reward! "GARAGE SALE" Oct. 13-14 only 9- 4:30. 2240 Belmont (Ann Arbor Hills), 971- 6655. Lamps; glasses; silverware; living room chairs, sofa & tables; baskets; tools, and many other items. BRAND NEW FUTON, $99. Call: Michael @ 213-7500. LARGE BEAN BAG $20. Call Mike @ 213-7500. PARKING AVAIL. adjacent to S. Quad. 741-9300. SUBLET 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Close to $1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our campus. Jan.-Apr. Call 9954707. circulars. For info. call 301/306-1207. I ***FREE TRIPS & CASH!*** Find out how hundreds of students are already eaming FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH with America's #1 Spring Break company! Sell only 15 trips and travel free! Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, or Florida. CALL NOW1 TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL. 800/95-BREAK! * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M $ Discount. 426-5217. ***BODY PIERCING*** Nose, ear, navel. Miami Moon Jewelry 769-7478. 209S. 4th Ave. '91 HONDA CRX SI Excellent cond., rare teal green, 5-speed, power sunroof, dealer maintenance, all records, warranty, freeway miles, must sell. $6200 or best. Day: 677- 0082 Eve.: 483-0013. '91 JETTA GL, red, 69k miles, very clean. Price is $7300 neg. 663-2893. 1986 CHEVY Nova. Good cond., 140K, A/ C, 4-door. $825. Dexter area. 426-0491. 1991 ACURA Integra LS 3 door, auto, air, cruise, power windows/mirrors/sunroof, stereo cassette, 56,000 mi., $8900 or best. 810/828-9722. 83 HONDA ACCORD 66,000 miles exc. cond. $2,700. Call Jim 213-0341. 85 HONDA Civic wagon, 4wd, 200,000 miles. Good condition., $2000. 665-2912. 93 EAGLE TALON ES 5-s ed, deep reen,ower sunroof. Loaded 5k $10,500. -5593. sn - CHRYSLER CORDOBA '77 1 owner, very low mileage, excellent condition, 313/482- 0868. **BODY JEWELRY** Quality body pier- cing jewelry at whole sale prices. For price list call 313-937-3295. 2 WORK STUDY positions. North Campus Nursing Center. Basic office skills. $6/hr. Call 747-1636. A SPECIAL GIFT- We're looking for heal- thy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to AARMA, P.O.2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. A-1 LAWN CARE and snow removal, Ann Arbor's largest lawn care & snow removal service now has available fall lawn mowing positions starting @ $6.50-$7/hr. Positions can lead into winter snow removal. Shovel- ing walks $11-$18/hr. Trucks with own plow $35/hr. Valid driver's license a must, students welcome. Call 663-3343 between 9 & 3. ACT ON YOUR BELIEFS. Great part-time jobs at GREENPEACE. Call today at 761- 1996. _ POSTAL & Government jobs $21/hr. + benefits. No experience. Will train. Call 313/ 913-5082. PRESCHOOL HELP. Love children, cleaning, pets & yard work. P.M., eves. & some Saturdays $6-S8/hr. 769-2795. PROGRAMMERIHACKER, 'isual basic 3.0, SQL re minimum 1 yr. exp., degree not nec. 994-9321, Fax 761-4952. RECEPTIONISTWORK ASSIST. small property mgmt. office seeks motivated person. 1-5 Mon.-Fri. Call 995-5454. RESEARCH ASSIST./Assoc. required immediately. SPSS or SAS. Full/part time. Please respond to: 994-0003. SEASONAL SKI positions: Ski lodge in Alta, UT. 11/01195 to 4121/96. Salary, bonus, room, board, and ski pass. For application call 801142-3000, or write to Alta Peruvian Lodge, P.O. Box 8017, Alta, UT 84092. SECURITY GUARDS needed for U of M campus. Part & full-time positions avail. No car required. Apply at State Security Services M-F 9-3 525 Church. 668-0444. EOE. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED, O negative. For this blood type, $120 is paid per accep- table donation. Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for an es- tablished infertility clinic. Male students or graduates 20-40 yrs. old are sought. Donors are paid $60 per acceptable donation. Write, APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SPANISH TEACHER for after-school clas- ses in Plymouth. Elementary grades. 1-2 hrs./ wk. $25/hr. Andrea @ 668-7181. BORDERS BOOKS-MUSIC-CAFE Our Music Store is accepting applications for full and part-time holiday help. Apply in person at 612 E. Liberty. SUBJECTS NEEDED for cognitive psychology, reaction time experiment, right- handed, native English speaker, normal vision and hearing. Pay $5.50/hr. or by experiment. Call 936-2056. SUBSTITUTES NEEDED immediately at an early childhood program on North Campus. Paid training, flexible schedule, please call 998-6195. TEACHER AID pre-school Northwest A2. Must have exp. w/ yong children. 12:30- 5:45 p.m. Mon. thm Fri. $6.50/hr. reliability a must. 662-6002. TRAVEL ABROAD AND WORK Make up to $25-45/hr. teaching basic conversa- tional English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For information call: 206/632-1146 ext. J55982. TRAVEL FREE for Spring Break '96. Form a group of 15 and travel free + eam $$$. Cancun, South Padre, Bahamas, Florida, Carnival Cruises. Food and drinks included. 800/574-7577 ext. 302. UNIVERSITY UNION is seeking an ex- perienced photographer to document renova- tion phases for the Michigan Union, Michigan League, & NCC. Qualified can- didates please apply at room 1310, Michigan Union. Work-study welcomedl WASTE TREATMENT technician Flatrock area. Immediate opening. Part-time. 2-3 weekends per month. Fax resume to 810- 932-5705. WORK STUDY POSITION Research asst. Duties incl. basic office tasks & word processing. Call 763-5224 for moe info. WORK STUDY job: must like to work on computer. Data entry & odd jobs involved. 10 hrs./wk. East Engineering Building. Call 764-3471 for interview. WORK STUDY position: Needs reliable person, simple typing, & filing. Good PR and telephone skills. Previous office experience pref. 763-5456. ZAMBONI DRIVER: Operator of resur- facer and all other equipment. In the absence of a supervisor will be responsible for total operation of arena and staff. Minimum age 1, independent worker, mechanical aptitude. Weekend, late evening, and morning hours required. Will train. $8/hr., 35-40 hrs./week, Sept.-May. 761-7240. ATTENTION SPRING BREAKERS! Book Now! Jamaica/Cancun $389, Bahamas $350, Florida $129. Sell Trips, Earn Cash, & Go Free! 1-800-234-7007. ONE-WAY plane tkt. from Detroit to NY (JFK) or Boston on Sat., Oct. 28. $90. Please Call 996-2337 before 10 p.m. PHOENIX ROUND-trip plane tkt. outof Detroit for a male Oct. 25-30. Best offer!!I Call Bob at 764-0753. REM TICKETS - 13th Row. Call 439-2662 for more information. REM TIX four seats together. Best offer. Call 662-6937. ***KIDSITTER needed 9 yr. old boy. Sat. morning & occasional eves. Exp. pref. refs. Call Carolyn 663-2804. Must be kind. BABYSITTER NEEDED 1 night/wk. Female, non-smoking, own transportation. $6/hr. 930-0496. BABYSIITER NEEDED 2-3 days a week. 1-2 p.m. you pick days. Call 996-1807. BABYSITTER NEEDED: 1-2 nights per week, for 5 yr. old boy. Non-smoker, own transportation preferred. Call Dr. Behling, Psychology @ 936-9094. CAREGIVER Latch-key program. Dexter comm. schools. 25 hrs./wk. Mon.- Fri., $7- $8. Plan & supervise age-appropniate rec. ac- tivities for children in attendance. Exp./edu. pref. 426-5530. CHILD CARE 1 child, middle school. Light housekeeping, 3:30-6 p.m., 3 days/wk. flex. $6/hr. Respond to 913-6886. NANNY WANTED Lakefront hse. 3 1/2 yr. adorable well behaved boy, rm.& board, salary. 12 min. to campus. 449-4186. STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental $159 or $239. Bring your Con- tinental voucher & AMEX card. Arlene at Regency Travel, 209S. State, 665-6122. WANTED TICKETS: football all games home & away. Call Ken or John 741-0368. WORLDWIDE LOW FARES Euro-rail passes 665-6122. '91 FENDER ULTRA strat Ebony-Burst Ebony fretboard $850. Roland JC '77 amplifier with chorus, reverb, distortion pedal, etc. $250. 4 channel Micromix MP9 PA with 15" round & 12" hom speakers (1 cabinet) $300. Call 313/886-6424. HERB DAVID GUITAR Studio 302 F. Liberty, 665-8001. Great wonderful cool sweet OK trustworthy. Not just guitar. ROMANTIC LOG CABINS on lake. $54- 75/night. Inc. outdoor hot tub, boats, canoes, more. Traverse City. 616/276-9502. SPRING BREAK REPS WANTED Form- in groups now. Call Dan, Regency Travel 69512 209 S. State. SPRING BREAK TRAVEL FREE with Sun Splash Tours. Highest commissions paid, lowest prices. Campus Reps wanted! Sell Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, Padre. Rates & info. call 1-800/426-7710. LECTURE NOTES: We take notes in your classest Over 100 sets to choose from. Call or stop in and browse. Grade A Notes at Ulnch's Bookstore, Second Floor, 549 E. University Ave., 741-9669. MAC QUADRA 650 16230/CD. Apple 15" monitor, keyboard, & mouse. Lots of original software. $1500 or best. Call Mickey at 747-0048. SAVE $$$$ New computers, still in boxes. Up to 70% off. Used computers as low as $299. 800-613-8365. ARE YOU A MARKETING pro? Part-time. Brokerage firm in Livonia looking for dependable, self-motivated indiv. w/good communication skills. Flex. hrs., bonus potential. Good for resume. Call Tom Grossman at 313-953-5592. BABY-SITTER wanted for various times. Days/evenings. 434-5613. BUSINESS MGR. needed for local band. 2 hrs./wk. Undergrad OK. Tom 769-0871. CAMPUS INN Seeking enthusiastic and dependable individuals for the following positions: * Waitstaff: am & pm * Breakfast cook * Banquet servers & set-up Excellent benefits & wages offered. Please apply in person at CAMPUS INN 615 E. Huron (Corner of Huron and State Street). CATERING WAITSTAFF Needed! North Campus Commons. Flexible hours - early mornings and afternoons only. Great $$$ - Call Petey at 763-0352. Leave message. CLEANING POSITIONS open on Zingerman's cleaning crew. Part-time, 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. & 11 p.m. - 3 a.m. 3-4 shifts per week, some weekends. $6.50/hr. to start. Great benefits including meals! Apply at 218 N. Fourth Ave. or call 668-2779. DELIVERY STAFF- $8-12/hr. Own car. Call 995-3675 - Food By Phone. EARN $2500 & FREE TRIPS! SPRING BREAK! Student Holidays, the nation's leader in Spring Break Vacations, seeking enthusiastic, highly motivated students and orgazations to oote and see our ALL-INCLUSIVE CANCUN TRIPS! Call now, 1/800/360-TRIP. FLEXIBLE WORK HOURS Great Food Good Atmosphere You can be one of the TEN buspersons needed for the Martha Cook Bldg. We are a women's residence hall loc. on the comer of South U. & Tappan St. Work hrs. can be arranged to fit in your class schedule. If this peaks your interest call Jan or Paula at 763- 2085 to arrange for an interview. GET GREAT EXPERIENCE working with and educating children in group day care. Contact Angela at 663-4067. GROUP HOME for the mentally ill looking for direct-care staff. College students in nur- sing or human services welcome. Call 485- 1047 btwn. 9-5 p.m. Part-time or full-time hours avail. DIKA3 + . 1 1S * . I " 4 S PER PERSON DEPENDING ON4 DESTINATION I BREAK DAES J LENGTH Of STAY mwTOL V1!Wo tIWATSOR4& IS5~VAIOS FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800- 6 -6495 ext. F55982. INDIGO GIRLS. Coming October 10. New live album, "1200 Curfews." Over two hours of concert favorites. Also new "Watershed (Ten years of underground video)." Net site: http://www.music.sony.com/Indigo Girls. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DV-1 Greencard program available. Tel 818/882- 9681 #20231 Stagg St. Canoga Park, CA 91306. LAVA LAMPS, CANDLES and other ex- otic gifts for a catalog write to Fountain Enterprises 548 South Highland Box 148 Dept. 54 Memphis, TN 38111. U OF M MEN'S basketball walk-on try-outs will be held on Mon. Oct. 16 7:30 p.m. at Chrysler Arena. WANTED: 100 students! Lose 10-30 lbs. Next 90 days. New metabolism breakthrough. Guaranteed. Dr. recommended. $34.95. MC/Visa. 800/352-8446. 1 BDRM., STATE & Kingisey, high ., ceilings, hardwd. firs., sunny & airy, ldry. & off-st. pkg. 994-1168 or 741-8882. 10-12 BEDROOM HOUSE near campus, parking 663-1370. Available May or September 1996. AVAIL. NOW 2 bdrm. apt. seeking under- graduate fem. to live w/ 2 females. 301 N. State. 998-0436. BEAUTIFUL LARGE campus homes. 6* bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, parking. 663-1370. Available May or September 1996. INDOOR & OUTDOOR limited access car/ boat storage in Ann Arbor. Ask about our motorcycle special. Call 761-7491. RESUME SERVICE: Fast, friendly, profes- sional & accurate. Grade A Notes at Ulrich's Bookstore, Second Floor, 549 E. University Ave., 741-9669. FEMALE RMMTE. wanted to share 3 bdrm. home, Packard & Stadium. $150/mo. or help w/ housework instead. 994-5789. MALE NON-SMOKING grad. stud. seeks male rmmte. to share large 2 bedrm. 2 bath apt. No pets. 662-6438. LUXURY 3-BDRM., nicely fum. New bath .°t*ii-t or (310)477-8226 & kitch. Close to campus, CCRB. Parking, 3- Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 5 persons. 665-8825. 11322 Idaho Ave., #206-A, Los Aneles, CA 90025 Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS Snoop Disturb the class Fruit protection First name of a 1950s tough-guy actor Dogie snarer 212, in New DOWN 1 Young salmon 2 Lamb's nom de plume 3 Country singer Arnold 4 Molokai snack 5 Went after trout 6 Was able 7 Best or bests 8 "Born in the -" 9 Writers' org. 10 Tire type 11 Press 12 TV staple 13 Ophelia or 35 Former, formerly 37 Papeete is its capital 38 Geraint's lady 39 Below expectations 44 Bursts of applause 45 Greek sea 46 Pole 48 Account book 50 Editor's "take out" 51 Major or Minor in the sky 52 Part of a school year 53 Sicilian smoker 54 Advertiser's trademark, for HOUSEKEEPING Now Selecting Key Player For Ann Arbor's #1 Service Team! Part time, evening position available in our housekeeping department for loyal, detail oriented individuals at BELL TOWER HOTEL, 300 S. Thayer (on UM campus) IF YOU MUST WORK, work at Pizza Bob's. Good pay lotsa Perks day & might shifts. No smokers. Apply at 814S. State. INNKEEPER'S ASST. for housekeeping, breakfast, also reservation taking for a 4 guest room B&B. 994-9100. JURORS NEEDED FOR the Child Ad- vocacy Law Clinic child abuse Mock Trials: Oct 17-19, 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 763-5000. I N FO C O RNU AOQN E GUERID LA M E EDOLRE B R GHTEA U TRI OS JE T RAE S EP I G U E I L LA 10/12/95 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Seasonal & full-time employment available at National Parks. Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits U =.. ..