U U ..m EU -U U y. -i BY GLENN MCDONALD i1UTRAHI N itJss'ti MFISINGU. FNEBRAS KA Double Take X Square Ah, the privileged of youth. In his new hook, Managing GenerationX.: How To Bring Out The Best In Young Talent, Bruce Tulgan provides "useful sug- gestions to managers to make the wont of this energetic new hreed of worker." U. Magazine: How do you envision GenerationX? Bruce Tulgan: The' slacker myth is just that. It's an insult. It positions us as dropouts. But there's a new myth - thle loner entrepreneur. It's ahsolutely true that this gen- eration is inure fiercely entre- preneurial than any in histury. U.: What do Xers want in a job? B.T.: No one is offering us joh security, somwe can't helieve it when managers demand we pay our dues. We're not going to do the grunt work without some kind ot return. U.: Any advice for graduat- ing college Xers? B.T.: Interview your inter- viewer. Go in with the under- standing that you have as much to utter as they have. All guod advice - assum- ing you have plenty uf money. What ahout the deht-ridden English grad? We'll never knuw. Some oftthe Xers Tulgan inter- views in his hook: a puhlic- interest lawyer, a vice president nf t major investment hank and a physician in residency. Imploding Drastic Inevitables ITHINK OF IEVERYTHING~. Not content with simply chronicling collegiate history and documenting the current campus scene, we here at U. Magazine have now figured our a way to accurately predict the future. - You can thank us later. (And yott will - we've foreseen it.)Selstwekou ntr Kisty (hereafter refeired toi as Brilliant Young Proenige) foi- tritlateul aniaweso mely coimiplex planarittrianigii, lotion prtohgritam tid fed it ito our suiperconmpunter HAl. By tracing tise trajectiiry if cnl- tutal trends of the 19570s tu igh the p resent and projectinig theti foirsrard 20 yeats, weste ben ahle iii ascertain what liftesvill he like in the year 21)15. In onerliever- eniini~g quest to better the livesof yoin, ioiriloyal readers, sceveipto- visdtd1our itnhiing~is bloiiw. P'roijectiing thse pails of 19701s disci thtlrioughl1990s rare culture rereals that ini the yenr 2015 cdance musisic is real- Iy, really list lily toi121111Is tll), while sell bonttiims ire still ini fishitoit As is Joist TIraviilta. 1'hc trenid towird ssyithietic dliutis (cocaiie t spet iiecstasy)Itops ot Iwith tse poipuilar dlesignle deity H.. "Hvlrctripptoy" biecomlses til ewitOrige us kids 1rthuMan- chiestetrts ManhasttaninktI.dcozens of gil- lotis iof wtier ini atniht.lPsitttiderit urntal art doittisaes the cdesignlscetie. InithlaI tse'Os tblttid ITV ws s xpsriiici ssithiprtstotypslikeRaPoles an/05/ ud l//t'sIncred-s~ i/alt.1I5 seess tse'stirs. in Full ibloottmias dumb i ptetle eserysshete sic rifice ill digitysfor tile chane toBe O TV.I1 01 ste netssorks last .rrangiedi lotr everyoiisto Its tiedai titits. ismotehok-s1 t is vterhotkresordi sout ssvsr move adibticsiitff asasiellite ciiiectisyisiais to siirsssssmiio.In ts rtilt levi555silninesis,tse ssititu its bein reducsdctoiots stilt icsht iof'Sits- isis itcsy'isriiatthis cameaiss a oninsu laugylstrashck.isoial is lstaeetsisarbeingprs pared inthie 0.J. trial. Its '7is nick, tmtu iere urie sis1nsdtioensisere wmnit 'lissisiheld stid lacik'Sabthistitrictill mea'n anits)snls CarlessKittya s _its)hus loiisticdt srssitivettandipoppy.In 195, 1dits Nccdcr cstso05ftlyabsts rsa ndictitugts aing, sits isit's no sect Liz Phir iicouldci .iick lostiiass.I Ills trendit)otinuettis.lIn 2)115, ssiiiein sosnisrtck ands roll. Fraces Beant 'Cosbia i rnissills swtudis ists Itnd ait), ilt labesi as ssiytnedia'til rislt itlur yeatrs. Rokandsitsihis teitseoitie Priojectiingcuirrenl tilitical trends:I Ts 70~s stir the tilend of')mai gf~ulststi tatchiissisi.i Ireseit- is', ts' censirali ssue galsaiingittyudcensntinwd appeas tobe, u, ca pslusriny.Intheiyeasr 21)15, Ontetloe hosldouit at Berkeleyrattempiits iitotrtesttte admitsnis trattins 11)1111cetitusititi hike Isistis sht and iillediccfotr smtokingtyga rtts beinthl iekUsits. Soitime rainsiomitidhits: hei 1111lifea iitiniof caffineitntks cstieise addesld is a fifithIfiod grist, andf 70ipcretof teF.astilt tufc i oeres) byStar- bus ~cafes. Amterica' s cleycier- ate coitiictioit that fit its'ls bialy (Farirtil Iawcei ts ko Christie. Brintkc Icy toi Kite Mosss) produssces Ssit tsenisicel Scusie 'tusspkini bi llsndescwihingyin is 12 Itliundcs. ,ti"' In spoitstile NBA is recrti ng1 dctl r oot justniorsirghyl.,bseball estssouily ini comitiersimtula-, r iitins anidstickeryplyyers fiygit withiv ciies. So there it is, Aimisrica - 'lis IFstlts!5 Exci tingyisi't its E'igrate nssr.kOuri Briyilisnt Yuv oss tegey is currenitly wrkingyisnilptojectionts 'fist the stir 2165, asid althoughylswe havent glyeaniedl musch, IHAL hIss 51silt tsrstwwrds: Emperor trarsilit. Ieta II/yC : iig. .,o Aioa I ON YOUHATEuv3N a ir ye 'NE LL WIECAF/T OVEN (lvi Q'F I M FWBUG o IThcuy- p p(E FEiV JUT Bp teekE'E.~ I MEN, MThAT ALL- lityEM esATnoEiticer-! . - . . ern -~ - I v Yim, D)T IMT s Uvs1' WRAT 1 UkE hour Q Q. ThE5g-'RE ;i o sl TkYm(9 To AOOOBT To MtE 111& Apt VrAT 'M ;OIhhNGAROUNDiT- '.-- t~ 38 U. Avlagainse" October 1995