What's All the Drewmh-ha? I I YOU'REli A 1II I IIV15RitW1111) dabblid in homtte hreing, you can relattc to the cry of ainovie "Help! It's mty first batch, attd it smells terrible!" Kitt Williatms had his fiest "sotir doutgh" batch six years ago. "Your get a teal bad skttnky smoell," says Williams, a grad stuideint at the C. otf Califotrnita, Berkeley. Not tot worry. That first bsatch of hiome brew shsiould be thioght of as a sacrificial offerintg. It's part of the process - attd cdi-it-yiiurselfers say it can becused for shampio011or as an ingredient in the wosrld's best pieea crust. "Not all if rtsc bccts y oonmakc are good, bitt you can alwaysus tterto lm sariniade,"Williaimsess Homne brewitis15girowinig Iy leaps atid hops, and college camuis- es have a new crowd itfcdriinkittg ciopanionis. These bcctrilivers goi fttr the taste gusto. Mark Catleman, a giad stitdcnt at the U. iif Ciiliiiado, Denvr, began Ibrewinig whehits SpilaIre ost grew the tracdiitinal chetp briwsyn-> onymiius with keg patrtics. I staited svhin I beccamc mori (itrsrctadin ultyes n untt, W>1illiatossdigs thi cxperimcntail aspict of doigtit vourscelf. "I waIs out plcktsg blackbcrrics by msybouisiiind I siid, FHcythat might bcinttirecitipg."'siga rccipc ftr0m0 anothir fruit Iecci Wlul iamtis moid ified it swiththe lizarre Homes. I Gariens blackberries. "1t tunediouitgrecit be says. With liome briniig, youcdon' icedniofly xii Munich for iiiiwc- siime pint, andilyiiiusn'tced tii bc 21, as liong as you Liep thiings quiet. Brew stes are poiing 1tiP eveery- wehere -somse nmajoirclipartmcnt stores exvii carry bicwing kits. And there's always mtailiorer Ihelin iitiail invsestmnit rosts ibiiiut '$ i intl iclds osore thain twso itcassofseer. Aftcr thse set-lip set- IbicksiiiicaniibIrew flit as little as 32 cints fiii a 12-ounice biitile. Of ciuselStliiiliiilncar of itse goics ciii cliii abuc~k i boittle. Vairicry, quiality anti incdividutali- tgi te l th le feser iiinlse bisise bnnwer's soil. Mass-isiarket stew- eries cais'i affiird ito produce, tsarket aiid distribiutec ihecquality iif srewvski dfedicatcd bcer silts can stew. "My all-time fayisrite is niead," silys Brians Butienschoiein, a jiuiior at the U. if Portlansd, Ore. The msains ferioeniing insgredie'nt in msead is boitey, not the barley malt commtions ini muost beers. "Let meist x say that it's a really stronig aphrodisiac," Butensschoeti confides. Clean hair, good pieea and aphroidisiacs - wh'at else could a college student want? Maybe a frosty blackberry stout to top it off? Tricia Laine, Assistant Editor/Jay Hug- gins, Colorado State U., contributed to this story/Photo by Chad Weihrauch, Penn State Ui. ANTED:iF(11?11IC,: 511 W alsthstitall y piilaing living a rranis mnsit that sciiffsiatitraitionalesrablishmesnts suchds tsoirssatiifGreek fiitt biuses. 'So, livintg intsh e fltiriss is dim- mniig yvurtkarmsst aid dyiiuswatnt wlkltoni the wyild siide Of studeint hittising? Yiii'reinst alotne. Meet a fiw studients who save takets stes its esunre ty'reilivinsg onirie edge. Nestlet ini thick gardens ansd cur- tainetf by trees is Baggii's lEii, a place Riussel ''sarts ifietmstmagical.I lie D~omes, as it's iinoiwns fylocah, is a cootperative stuifetrcommuity itf 14 dornse-shsapetd buildinigs at the C. of California, Davis. Warts, a '95 gradu- ate, msoved there three years ago. "It has the air of freedom toi do whatever you want, be whoever yoiu are," Waits says. Designed anti built by students in the '7is, the domses are muolded in Fiberglass and polyitrethase foam. Two people live in each structure, which measures about 25 feet wide at the base and 15 feet sigh and is equipped with a bathroitmstatid a kitchen. The corfmtnity iscludes a chicken coop, vegetable garden and recycling center. "Whenever I've bad a really tough time, during msidterms and flsals, I've done yard work for meditation," Watts says. Donti't plaitson miditatinig itsthe Rid Housits t i Syraictise C. IThe parry bigani 25s viars agoi when ats alitmnsus putricsit anemtpty lhtuse to tint to stuttentts swhst wouldf share th cresisitbility tof ruitinttg it. Iftintiti ced by thi' originsal 211 risitdintsihieliiiusc is isart of cati- pits litri. With a '50s Oltdsmosbile ax thet fireplaceiitantli, t dttorbell that pla ys 25 itus anitiaIrefputtttn flit wild partiesrise Red Hotuse usually atrais stuideists itsars fields. "Wieitotk for someneiie who will jisc with its,"stys Victour Vitale, a gratduarcte tdestin architecture. Ar OhioitStane C., hlvis irise sinsilar itseresr that itiduttes studets it tsiiindanwluace to dwell. "Hi's the Kitig - what mitre ctis yiouisty?" says Ohito State settior Scott KRein.Rilits atid the othrers haveinitvisted ciutitsless dotllars decot- raring their plait with Elvisxlamiss, posters atid velvet paitings. "It got starred our freshmnii year whets we were still livitng in the dornis," says Ohio State senior Brent Hornet. "We kisew this guy [who] was a huge hivis fats. He's the one who made us the faux we are." 'These fans believe that what they started, like Elvis, will never die. "We've bad plenty of different people living in this apartment, and before they left, they were all hlvis fatis," Klein says. "This will go on." Robert Moll, Syracuse U/David Fong, Ohio State U., contributed to this story/ Photo by Aaron Burg, U. of Calif., Davis Octo~ber 1995 M . ~agazinte 17