COOL- U. of Colorado, Boulder A team of physicists as CU recently stucceesled in creasing an etttirely new farm of matter at thec lotwest semspertureever recotrded its the universe. Kttown as thc Botse-E intseisn cosndesisate, the mat- tee was predcttetl hy Albert Litt- steittatad istttnly pttssible at temt- peratutres tnearittg absolctte zero- a theoretical temoperature at which a sttbstatnce has ntt heat atnclno ttattittn. Thc ptoint of all tltis beisng svltat did you do fttr yottr slim- met vacatiosn? ALL THE N"1EWl'S THAT FITS U. of New Mexico Attd yso thousgh t nth ing cxcit- tag eseihappcescd at vtttr schtool. T1he followitng stttry tppeareci- we sweat io the ftsststpage tof the U. osf New Mexicos's LDtly Itsbts."Euigesse Sasnchsez epcrsuted tos pltiictihat an uttkntownsusstsance collected ott his casr wihile it rse itt a parking s trttctttre, ptolice reposrts state. I nmiiedi a liisht brotwtndirt ttrcdust-like sustsatnce ot said vehsicic,' officer R.kJUilsw repttrtecd. I believed tisis suibstasnce to he ducst that stttck tot water sdrops, bhets dried.' Uglosw infttrmSot anchseeztarttis was ntt crimiinal siansage. I The sttbsttnce canse soff easy,' thesofficer rcposrt- edI"iTatnk goosdtness fsr a free tress, tsr we toay have sever earnoed(if tisostr sage. ll S itJOS ByssoWILLsOs ssss, 5U. soCI-Ississ sa, DsVIs POWER e pi U. of Hawaii Btssitess stu- dcnts atr thc U. of Hawis recccttiv)0 ) tgc tuttont tincreases at thcir catttous. Seniosr , acscoutintsg maor Tyv Kanaanssoh I tie bussitss scitool bclieve ttey'cc nttgettitng ts' test psossleicedusca tissss bocause theis ersitcys lackss cttrrctnt techsnolosgy.Altisousglhttorcettsn301 tstcictsspickcted its frotsso f tise statehousssc' tossitice thicr consscrnsslegislasstoslcdeto reply. "Wdle fedeloas tiyssts iay morc syos getsmore,"Kanaanehtsais.o Wh5/atevrcosayspace mns. death, toscsvs ers osf tise Jasses fasssilv allioved sloe body so be exhumdtotss irovsectisey are te actusal rclatives itf thc fsssssssussoa. Finnseg~asscd Isis teams-ss oshoulssd wsocall tiemt ste Finnetgans Gansg? - hope sso rlSsse uip sle truthisloy sid-ci Feosasv at, too, ssssdsssvs. CUTTNG THROUG3H THE BUL U. of Georgia He gossit soshertt. cssor gsia polsicesiquestionssthsestssr givens sessistr,regardsinsg ashoossstinsg ilar iciesnce issll. iiJohnssso ossoisce thsas hewssoithie butt5cks biy tos rrsisiscrinisron's dmrom~5ssstsisli. removesthe sallcalibierbllist. A stlie searcis of tesooisc vee maosijssaan reasmsossi unsy'ssss st Cassh. lRisht lmssssvs smes elo qetosatothesesiaisisty 5sfthr St, sas Chuck l lsorssss,sssss coos nosw." Tfhere are no suspects Intshie bsrief Mclisappsearassce, bit she little Wesody's chick was reposrtedly found grimnacisog sear she crime scene. THE CHE"APER PAPER CAPER U. of New Mexico Tsssoi bathsromsaits tsshreat- esnesd aUNM cusodoianith ssoa ksnsfcesvhesshe swalked ison00tbess attcempssted ess. The targcetof thc theft sitesdsslir's worosssfs pperct sossels. (CusstoiiianssDasvid Masrsquiezsays ie salkes inisissa menctIs testtossst isthcsmantagemsent schools isnsisiw n' osf ithsoesse sststig pper towselsistom.u cis locisser it a backpack. ,Varcgisez sass sloe seconsuitnsths en thsreat- esned buss with a 4- s t osisss kife ansousssted, "Ysousaren' t g011isto~ss ssit s!" hcsesien sshen sicdes cleant getawayso situlefttsecusstiosdi- ansssunisarsssed. itslisceltesears~schedi thes area tssssssassil.Giss stscy'is U. of Utah arst iste brakcs ott seiers, bsst so oss btsiabsly tonttsece.any high-speedchses. The lismit is 10i mp,ssandis's tor cyclists, slits- boresadi-lsn'skaters. sitsg isdr o sctc ste ssffessdess, police haecoscedcyclists ,goit stisis dsown stepscasusss sh ills. Nots,ho lonsg 1b1efreskstes adsike iisssomse U. of Utah Ansothser wssthiy frsnt-p jagestsory friomsth ose wa~cksssst Wtest: " cindsimentt csuntsis'sxlodedc, ~4w1Yy row vqb qcK 1 1 1ctxl iedl iS Pe~~~tIP thsrowinig naspkis ite Isireigis Eschsasge ini ass Tohursdiay," repsorts te iSsms U. of Utahsl's tis- A UnonerraI isana t ge r syig, Ilie bildsinsig is old. Tiksikeg hssthis happsiens."No site wsas injurec initshle blisast essosismss psolice reiportseoct- erl comttint ss fromi s rl- tied hitt dog. Michigan State U. - MSU stus- dents get to rol int he green tsusff befosresissy ee graduate. Ito homoage so sass- bail, football asid socrfields ever'vsere, MSU has its sownsscihool oit tissrassmaaige- meitsiichices classes int crop ansd silssciesices. Te cho heclpciisdcselop sash'brid grssssseed sssi sdringthests199i4 Wrldnit p 'SoccerTrnIamenstiisis. Whoisiiknew tit ithesiriss is uslitsysreerc oil tsessothericsite If she Mici ait U. of Arizona Ptsours' lituse awhere I cast see it!A ftrmrio U 1. sitArizonat stsudent blew a ,icircuit andiiirdflive t5sits int toiunversity omputoisiesrIsisin wt pol ssiss ic recallingy asirasndom acst o ittoilence. T'eloeislice seport say s JotisMead, woviosttsendcesthsie schols i inte'its,swas ositshifot isig tforte cioputers. Measd con- tessesd suit be was airnsinsg tforsets ple ite iilout thit, beccause h wsas a bad shtl, hoe diamsagedonlb tedciopliters. Ftisas sects charsgedsitihshires countis ofiaggra- vateid assault last otiscolitsot feloniy endsansgermsents. Kige .sgaists Kansas State U. Whosi is buiiied its Jesse lasses' tomsb? loss'swaa ateamsiof scien- sists and researchers as Kasas State hU. iss tognst figure isis. Ansthro- pooypsiofessior Michoael Finniegans Issbrouights ibeskeletal reomaiss believed st be lasses' back so te KShU camutosionssduucttests, Because te trse story of Jesse's sheath is sinknsowvi ansi these were too autopsy records as she tinse of typlcoetie:Buutt offic.. North Carolina State U. Mcioalsd has beet sasuel' rtrehefbesgi isOstatuse of . thoc burger-batik- aY sn ownuovswoas fonesod us theeo fromusa fMcDon alists tesscamustis. KRoaldowsseft EN NV hangiguton'sitsee Harvard U. stein NC Stats's issisatasucsumibser it yoursnpocketf Authoru D..HillLbrboany ihubsiaty woas excitedi so see aulusgsesturosu swith a loose at Isis 'oske Buck rise bPenis nails its (aunioid'e, attachsed climoiung "Mass. ZLss h~shatdediest csuucussbiestrut ici- shout she Hanui- iants and passersby so celebnate sloe aforeomen- gluarisissuiot tionecd ongasn of te soale anutomy. "I'Is sOK to responssihbs. for the be a stat,' /obaty says. W5litho other moesmhers kidntappinog. "It uof Menton, a ntaisoal men's organizations that said hoe usst wenst ads'ocatsessnasculissity, Zubaty gathoeredt inoFian- oust on his oswo vard Sqsiare so ptiitest anti-male propaganda. attdovasnted so get Althsousghs /ubaty says she tally stanted oust as a a Whoopper,' says spoouf, its snto coincideoce shut hoe was sintulta- harsyI ibis, psublic steously promsotiog his stew book out shat hoe safety spokesper- says ate she frauds of femnismo.Kiumsoor has it suui. 'He sus- tat a femoale dnivehy yelled, "Lortena Bosbbitt tained 550itijuries. fusssurgeons gesneral!" He's doisng fuse FH I U. of Michigan Mike Pixley is douinig isore fist huutmankintd friom the comtos of Isis La-Z-Boy thansosts stun dii stanidisng up. Webb, tmafybesuit. Pixley, ass aerosopace etigisseernsgmoajior it rise U. sif Michigan, tested La-Z.-Boy chairs fist eight housa o say thsis sstmmser. Mike's jobh, iccordnsg tuo a spsokespserson for the iosmspussy, was tout the chisstrosugho asstucssighous use us puss- sibsle ini itseight-housir period." IPixley replacedsa dummyosstfe55r whsest cumspoliy officials sdes- stouned that i's easiesrio get a hiumnto sit hick, ruick oustreclisse. Kiosk ono, diudef 6 U. Matgezie "October 1995