.yA The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 10, 1995 - 3 Lqor law - volatios at !fotbligame Among several alcohol problems at Michigan Stadium, there was a unique :iquor violation at last weekend's game. ,. Department of Public Safety officials reported that a man was contributing to the deliquency of minors at Gate 4. .A 44-year-old manfrom Ohio gave ole beer each to four children to carry into the stadium for him while he tail- t ated. One of the four children was his son. The others were kids from his neigh- borhood. The man was ejected from the game. .Other reported stadium violations: -.2 DPS was notified of two attempts tw do a "pass up" in Section 25. . In Section 30, people were ejected for throwing "stuff on field." Three subjects were ejected from Section 34 for "consuming large quan- tities of alcohol." O.J. graffiti found in -athroom The day after the O.J. Simpson ver- tiict was announced, graffiti was found .naUniversity Hospitals bathroom, DPS reports indicate. The writing stated, "O.J. is a dead ngger." The graffiti was removed by .housekeeping. There is no evidence of a suspect. Child's parents escorted from Mott Children's Hospital DPS reports indicate that Mott Children's Hospital staff requested se- curity to escort parents from the hospi- tal Saturday. Police said, "Parents were -drunk and out of control with staff." The parents were escorted off the floor for refusing to comply with staff. They were then "escorted to the Red Roof Inn for the night." Missing teeth at University Hospitals According to DPS reports, a Univer- sity Hospitals patient lost some items Thursday evening at the hospital. A caller reported that the patient "is missing her purse containing $213 and a set of teeth." Minor at alcohol- related crash PPS reports indicate a car accident ,9cured on Duffield Street shortly after midnight Saturday. According to the reports, a car "ran off road, blew two tires, driver fled." No emergency medical service was requested. The car was towed from the scene. 6ne man was arrested for"zerotoler- ance," police said, meaning the man bad a blood alcohol content more than .0 and was under 21 years of age. Non-affiliate steals 8. books -A caller reported to DPS Thursday that a staff member or student, who is no longer affiliated with the University, allegedly stole many books from the Taubman Medical Library. >-Ieports indicate that the person "has afen approximately 81 books from the - Compiled by Daily Staff - Reporter Jodi Cohen MSA pres.: Search needs student voice Wainess to propose two stages of student input for presidential search By Michelle Lee Thompson Daily Staff Reporter Michigan Student Assembly Presi- dent Flint Wainess has created a pro- posal on how the Board of Regents should conduct its search for the next University president. Wainess said yesterday that he thinks the regents should charge a search com- mittee of faculty and students with nar- rowing the search down to five to 10 candidates, and then announce the names of those persons publicly. The search would remain open from there. "There's representation in the first wave and the second wave is totally open," Wainess said. "That would be a legal search and an open search." Wainess co-authored a letter to the regents last week with MSA Vice Presi- dent Sam Goodstein. The letter also included a plea to the regents to make this an open search. "We are requesting that student mem- bers are formally included on the search committee to choose a new president, and that MSA should be the body that appoints the student members," the let- ter said. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said students have been involved in the past two presidential searches. Baker said the regents have not dis- cussed how the search will be con- ducted. Goodstein and Wainess said in their letter that students currently serving on the committee to select a new provost have made valuable contributions. Although students were involved in the 1987-88 search that resulted in the hiring of President James J. Duderstadt, the state Supreme Court declared that search illegal because of secret meetings between members of the board. ROTC team finishes 4thi' iRanger - Challengwe By Heather Miller Daily Staff Reporter The University's Army ROTC pro- gram placed fourth in last weekend's Ranger Challenge at Fort Custer in Battle Creek. Teams from seven universities in Michigan and Illinois participated in the competition, which ran Friday and Saturday. Teams competed in activities such as a physical fitness test, a hand grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship and weapons assembly. Team captain Ryan Ehrler said events are chosen because they are similar to the types of skills ROTC cadets will need when they enter the Army. The team from Western Michigan University finished in first place. The winning team from each region usualty goes to a national competition, but tle national competition will not be heId this year because of financial con- straints. Ehrler said the competition is "cama- raderie-building and team-building." "(The competition) was a fun atmo- sphere," team member Mike Szalma said. "It was somewhat informal." ROTC cadets are chosen for the team based on try-outs. Cadets practice the competition events for five weeks, four times a week, for approximately two hours a day. Nine cadets were for the team based on their performance dur- ing this practice period. Szalma said the team had a positive attitude. "Morale was very high," he said. After the team was chosen, Ehrler said, members continued to practice to polish their skills. This year's team had six returning members, so Ehrler said the team was "easier to train." Ehrler said this year's team had a strong performance at the competition. Team member Michael Thompson agreed. "We were much improved over last year," he said. The University came in fifth place last year, and Thompson said this year was a "marked improve- ment." UDAMIAN UA/Daiy Final touches Art School junior Mark McKinley ties together his wooden sculpture outside the Art and Architecture Building yesterday afternoon. City Council reviews fina attorey candidates. By Maureen Sirhal Daily Staff Reporter The city of Ann Arbor is one night closer to filling its vacant position of city attorney. City Council finished the first day of a two-day interview process with the four finalists: Abigail Elias, Hurticene Hardaway, acting city attorney John Van Loon and M. Jill Weinger. The candidates came from a larger pool of applicants that had been paired down to eight through a special panel. The panel is composed of five council members and five city residents, in- cluding University lecturer Joan Lowenstein. "I was really impressed with the two candidates so far," said Councilmember Jane Lumm (R-2nd Ward). "We will AO AO wO $f. 16I do not think it is the city attorney's place to be setting policy." - Abigail Elias City attorney candidate have to see what happens tomorrow." The city attorney reports directly to the council and serves as the main legal adviser and the manager of the city's law department. In past years, the attorney has played a larger role in city-University rela- tions, especially when former city at- torney Bruce Laidlaw tried to make the University pay for its share of city ser- vices. As another governmental body, the University pays no property tax. Elias and Hardaway were the first of the four candidates to be interviewed. During a caucus meeting Sunday night, Mayor Ingrid Sheldon and coun- cil members voted on questions to be asked of the candidates. Questions per- tained to the candidates' management style, how they would handle hypo- thetical situations and what they be- lieve their role should be in dealing with City Council, department heads and the city administrator. Elias, former deputy corporation counsel for the city of Detroit, said she was interested in making improvements in the city attorney's office so that the clients are better served. "My philosophy in terms of a lawyer is to be professional and as cordial as possible," Elias said. "I do not think it is the city attorney's place to be setting policy. The lawyers need to be neutral in terms of politics." Hardaway focused on wanting to make the legal staff more efficient, and cited experience working in the city ofPontiac and for the UAW-GM legal services. "I have a lot of experience in evaluat- ing staff," she said. "I think it is impor- tant we use process that runs periodic reviews (of staff)." The interviews conclude today with Van Loon and Weinger, the senior as- sistant city attorney in Denver. "A request for an injunction that would stop the Oct. 17.Michigan- Michigan State football game and permanently close the Michigan Stadium was filed yesterday in Washtenaw County Circuit Court. ... The stadium 'is a place used for the purpose of lewdness,' the com- plaint charges, specifying the 'un- lawful storing, possessing, trans- porting, and sale' of drugs and li- quor." 12-year-old author interviews Gov. Engler LANSING (AP) - For a 12-year- old, Amy Burritt has a polished guber- natorial interviewing technique. The Traverse City youth worked through her prepared list of questions yesterday when she interviewed Gov. John Engler, her eighth one-on-one with a governor. In the process of answering, Engler told Amy his most significant duty is to "set the tone and direction for govern- ment policy" and said the Great Lakes, visible as they are from outer space, are the state's most significant attractions. "Nothing defines us like the Great Lakes," he said. Amy's interview was part of a 56- week tour of the United States the youngster is taking with her family - mom and dad, Emily and Kurt Burritt, and 7-year-old brother Jonathan. Although the two children have been home-schooled for five years, Emily Burritt said the trip is more of an Ameri- can history lesson. "It's not to promote home-schooling, but traveling," she said. Three books are planned from the venture. Amy hopes to write a historical book for students from her perspective, Jonathan is planning an activity book and Kurt and Emily are planning a book detailing the experiences of an Ameri- can traveling family. Kurt Burritt, who sold his interest in a family meat market to pay for the trip, said the intent of Amy's book is to make history more appealing to students. "Something we found missing in our education is it had no timeline. Part of the idea of the book is to make it fun, interesting - and in order," he said. So the trip is being arranged as a timeline. It began on the East Coast with Plymouth Rock and Boston. Want to help change education? Consider MICHIGAN for graduate studies in EDUCATION Attend a prospective students' meeting Saturday, Oct. 14 beginning at 9 a.m. Learn about our innovative master's and doctoral programs designed to rt. 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GROUP MEETINGS Q AUANZA - Latino Organization, weekly meeting, 764-2837, Trot- ter House, 1443 Washtenaw Ave., 7 p.m. Q Golden Key National Honor Soci- ety, membership drive, 913-5409, Michigan Union, Mall Area,9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Q Michigan Union Program Board, mass meeting, 763-5750, Michi- gan Union, Wolverine Room, 6:30 p.m. EVENTS Q "Coming Out in The Classroom: A Workshop For Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Straight Teachers," sponsored by Washtenaw Rainbow Action Programs, Modern Languages Building, Room B124, 5-6 p.m. Q "Leo Burnett, USA information Session," sponsored by Career Planning and Placement, Michi- gan Union, Pond Rooms ABC, 7:30- 9:30 p.m. Q "Life As A Graduate Student," sponsored by American Soci- ety for Engineering Education Undergraduate Seminar, North Campus, lacocca Room, 4:45 p.m. Q "Marcus Wood Lecture: Imagining the Unspeakable and Speaking the Unimaginable: Some Visual interpretations of Slavery and Their Interpretations 1780- 1860," sponsored by English De- partment, OVPAMA and Art His- U "TheSummer 1995 China Program," The Davidson Institute Summer internship Program, sponsored by Center for Chinese Studies, brown bag lunch series, Lane Hall Com- mons Room, 12 noon U "Victor Sidel M.D. Speaking on Health Care," sponsored by Physi- cians for Social Responsibility, School of Public Health ii, Audito- rium, 10-11 a.m. Q "Victor SidelM.D. Speaking on Vio- lence Prevention," physicians for Social Responsibility, Medical Sciencei ,South Lecture Hall, 12- 1 p.m. great scores Law School Business School Dental School 0- STUDENT SERVICES Q Campus Information Center, Michi- I