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October 10, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-10

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night: Mostly clear, low
ound 47.
morrow: Mostly sunny,
gh around 73'



One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom

October 10, 1996

Vol .u n ic0 b i 2ia al


9 Machen File
t a special meeting scheduled for 6
.m, the Board of-
egents will vote
n whether to
onfirm J.
ernanrd Machen
s provost. '.
ean of the
School of
Dentistry since
eld teaching and
posts at the dental school at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill from 1975-89.
iso.taught at University of Maryland,
George Washington University, the
University of Iowa, and the Medical
University of South Carolina.
.D.S. degree from St. Louis University,
1968; Ph.D. University of Iowa, 1974..

Machn tapedas provost

N Regents to vote tonight on
Duderstadt recommendation
By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Board of Regents may officially
name interim Provost J. Bernard Machen as pro-
vost and executive vice president for academic
affairs at a special meeting this evening.
President James J. Duderstadt's recommenda-
tion of Machen for the appointment comes on the
heels of a faculty advisory committee's cancella-
tion of its seven-month provost search.
If approved, Machen - who has served as in-
terim provost since September - will begin a two-
year contract that would expire in September 1997.

The search committee had narrowed its choices
to five external candidates, yet cancelled its search
in the wake of Duderstadt's announcement that he
will retire next June.
"This is really a one-year extension to the one
year that I had agreed to work as interim provost
in the first place," Machen said yesterday. "No
one feels that the University can hire a permanent
provost until we hire a permanent president. I will
be provost for two years so that there will be time
to both complete a president search and then a
provost search.
"I will step aside whenever the new president
finds a provost, and then I will return to the Dental
School as dean."
Machen has recommended that William
Kotowicz, acting dean of the School of Dentistry,

remain in that position until the searches end.
Kotowicz was out of town and could not be
reached for comment.
In a statement yesterday, Duderstadt cited the
need to keep stability at the University as the key
reason behind choosing Machen for the position.
"After careful consideration, the executive of-
ficers and I agree with the search advisory com-
mittee that it would be best to end the provost
search at this time," Duderstadt said. "After con-
sulting with the deans and executive officers of
the University, I have asked Interim Provost Ber-
nard Machen if he would be willing to accept a
two-year appointment as Provost in order to pro-
vide continuity during the transition period be-
tween presidents."
Associate Vice President for University Rela-

tions Lisa Baker said choosing Machen is the best
course of action for the University.
"Bernard Machen has quite rapidly come into
his job as interim provost and has assumed his
duties and done a good job," Baker said. "He
quickly became a part of the leadership team. He
is respected and deeply committed to doing what
he can as provost.
"While there is a great deal of change going on,
he will be able to provide stability in the office of
the provost," she said.
School of Public Health Prof. Kenneth Warner,
who chaired the search committee, said he and
other committee members were not pleased to put
an end to their search.
"I am very disappointed that we had to end at this
See PROVOST, Page 2

Bosnia delays
Serb shelling and NATO airstrikes
continue while government tries to
restore utilities in Sarajevo
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - Already
ed by shelling that killed 16 people over two days, the
west hopes for a break in Bosnia's bloody cycle of war
red yesterday in a jumble of tangled wires and cables.
The cease-fire scheduled to take effect early Tuesday
rning at one minute after midnight (7:01 p.m. Ann Arbor
e yesterday) was delayed because the government and
snian Serbs could not finish restoring electricity and
tural gas service to Sarajevo, said Hasan Muratovic, the
snian government's minister in charge of relations with
United Nations.
Muratovic appeared on Bosnian television at the end of a day
nctuated by Serb shelling and retaliatory NATO airstrikes.
"It will not happen because the conditions have not been
t yet," Muratovic said.
Electric service was only partially restored, and there was
11 no natural gas service. Muratovic blamed much of the
s problem on Russia, where the supplies originate, for
ling to order the valves opened on the pipeline running
ough Hungary to Bosnia.
oth sides pledged to honor the truce when it does take
ect, but fighting continued in Bosnia's northwestern and
thern regions.
ATO planes attacked Serb targets in northeastern Bosnia
yesterday after Serb shelling of government territory
led a Norwegian peacekeeper and claimed dozens of
ilian casualties.
AMliance spokesman Capt. Mark Van Dyke said six U.S.
rplanes attacked a Bosnian Serb command and control
nker with 10 laser-guided bombs and four rockets south-
,t of the government-held city of Tuzla. He said the bunker
arently was destroyed.
he airstrikes were NATO's first since Oct. 4, when three
ssiles were fired at Bosnian Serb radar that locked onto
iance jets.
espite the sharp increase in shelling and fighting that has
ned dozens of other truces during 3 1/2 years of war, the
lities problem - a key provision of the truce accord
kered last week by the United States - was the main
son for delaying the latest cease-fire.
fter a meeting of the warring sides yesterday evening at
rajevo's airport, the U.N. civilian chief in Bosnia, Antonio
aye Gonzales, said the parties "have cooperated fully" in
ing to meet the cease-fire conditions.

MSA to consider
mandatory health
care for students

By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
Most students would be required to
enroll in a "mandatory-with-waiver"
health insurance plan under a proposal
to be presented to the Michigan Student
Assembly tonight.
Stephen L. Beckley, the director of a
private consulting firm, will present the
proposal he has developed over the last
three years. Beckley was hired by the
University in 1992 to assess the
community's health-care needs.
Beckley's proposal would require all
University students to purchase a Uni-
versity-administered health-care plan
unless they could prove that they were
adequately covered by another insur-
ance carrier.
MSA President Flint Wainess, who
has worked with Vice President for
Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford
and Beckley to research the issue, said
he endorses the plan.
"This entire plan would open up so
many new choices for students,"
Wainess said.
Beckley said that besides having too
many uninsured people, the University
community is plagued by high
deductibles, no coverage of pre-exist-
ing conditions or prescriptions, and a
lack of continuity.
Although MSA sponsors a student
health insurance plan, Wainess said it
leaves students under-insured because
it fails the above tests, and it only pro-
vides $250,000 in catastrophic cover-
age. The proposed plan would provide
a maximum of $500,000.
Hartford said tonight's meeting
would be the first indicator of student
response to a such a policy.
"There are several positive effects
from moving in this direction, includ-
ing guaranteeing affordable coverage
for all students and covering things that
are of special concern for college stu-
dents," Hartford said.
The proposal includes a boost in fund-
ing to Counseling Services, which
would expand significantly if the plan
is implemented.
Wainess said the plan provides for
"world-class counseling services," add-
ing that the University has consistently
ranked last in the Big Ten for its coun-
seling resources.
The proposal is a point-of-service
plan, which means that enrollees could
visit physicians outside the plan's net-
work by paying 20 percent of the phy-
sicians' fees. The network would in-
clude the entire University Medical
Center and may be administered by

Insurance Plan
The consulting firm that formulated a
new proposal estimates 70'percent of
University students would partcipate
in a mandatory health care plan. The
plan has a provision allowing students
with coverage to opt out..
All foreign students are expected to
partcipate in the plan. The estimate of
how many students from the United
States.would participate:
Graduate students
Undergraduate students
How the proposed $250-$350 per
student annual feewould be spent
under the plan.
16% 4%
Cjnew counseling 0~miscellaneous
center services benefits
Q University , out-of-network
Health Services care
p retention p managed care
source: StephenLBecker & Associates
MCare, the University's faculty health
care plan.
"The University Hospital is an MCare
site, and you can't get any better than
the University Hospital," Wainess said.
Wainess asserted that the mandatory
nature of the plan was not very different
from the current situation. Beckley said
students pay $96.50 per term for Uni-
versity Health Services, which would
become a provider under the proposed
Wainess said students who choose
not to be insured would lose that choice
under the proposal, but he added that he
feels health care "is a community prob-
The plan includes a co-pay for pre-
scriptions and a $200 annual deduct-
Beckley's 150-page proposal also
reports on the status of graduate stu-
dents, who are not insured by the Uni-
versity when they accept fellowships
and sometimes take less prestigious
teaching assistant positions to earn
health care benefits.
Beckley's firm has done similar work
for The Ohio State University, the Uni-
versity of Illinois and the University of
Minnesota, Wainess said.
None of those schools has yet adopted
a plan, Beckley said.

Testing the waters
LSA student Ami Shah collects a water sample to test for bacterial counts in the Huron River with her
Microbiology 206 class.

Maureen Sirhal
ly Staff Reporter
e race forthe Ann Arbor City Coun-
on the southeast side of town, includ-
many of the Greek houses east of
shtenaw Avenue, is the city's most
wded contest.
andidates competing for the council
ancy left by retiring incumbent Re-.
lican Peter Fink include Democrat
bara Bach, Republican David Kwan,
ependent candidate Douglas Friedman
Libertarian Donald Kenney.
ach is taking another run a the 2nd
rd seat after sqauring off against cur-
t Councilmember Jane Lumm 2 1/2
a half years ago, when city elections
ntrak wre
boteurs lea
YDER, Ariz. (AP) - Saboteurs
ing themselves "Sons of Gestapo"
led 29 spikes from a stretch of rail-
d track, sending an Amtrak train hur-
g over a bridge into a dry stream bed
terday, authorities said. One person

Znd Ward field ready to talk taxes

were held in the spring.
Bach considers the budget to be one of
her biggest issues.
"Because of Pro-
posal A, there are 2
now caps on (prop- o1ncil
erty) assessments. If
necessary, we need -
to consider a 1-per-
cent cut across the
board," Bach said.
Kwan proposed EleCtions
concentrating less 4
on the tax dollars
from residents as a
means of funding the budget."People in
Ann Arbor are taxed to death," he said.

Kenney, an education professor at
Concordia College, is focusing his cam-
paign less on the specific budgets issues
and more on city-University relations.
Friedman, a University doctoral stu-
dent and second-time council candidate,
says the city should privatize some pub-
lic housing and rely less on money from
parking enforcement.
Each candidate proposed a different
way to solve the city's parking dilemma.
Bach said there isn't much the city can
do to amend the problem simply because
of a lack of space.
Friedman maintains the basic prob-
lems relate to lack of student parking.
"Enforcement levels need to be more

realistic," Friedman said. "It just seems
that they are targeting students."
Kwan agreed with Bach that there is
little the city can do for student parking.
"The issue should be more of getting
the University to do something," he said.
Both Friedman and Kenney said the
city should get more involved with the
"I think we could look at combining
services from both the city and the Univer-
sity," Kenney stressed. "Ann Arbor has in
its midst one of the top research universi-
ties in the country. Why can't we use it?"
Both Kwan and Bach said the University
should somehow pay the city since Univer-
sity land is exempt from property taxes.

ck kIs1;
ive manifesto
with three coming to rest on their sides
on the sandy bottom of the desert wash.
Passengers, jolted awake, made their
way through jumbled belongings and
crawled out the windows.
"I heard babies screaming, and their

Nunn becomes 8th Senate
Democrat to retire this year

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Sen. Sam Nunn
(D-Ga.), the Democrats' most power-
ful voice on defense policy and a leader
of the party's once mighty southern
flank, announced

recapturing control of the Senate and in
their prospects for reversing Republican
gains in the South. He is the eighth Senate
Democrat to announce retirement fornext
year, the fourth from the South.
Nunn's decision also comes as a blow

_ !.

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