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October 09, 1995 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-09

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begin to
Nearly a dozen people were found hud-
dling in the wreckage of their homes on
the narrow barrier island where Hurri-
cane Opal charged ashore, rescuers said
Saturday. At least two people were con-
sidered missing.
Rescuers using dogs and sensitive
listening devices searched for a 51-
year-old man who had called 91 ito say
he was riding the storm out Wednes-
day, said Tom Carr of the Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency. Carr said
the man's Navarre Beach house had
been washed away.
A 17-year-old girl who also called
911 was unaccounted for, too, but
Carr said authorities did not know
where she had been or where to look
for her. Neither person's name was
The death toll rose to 19 when a man
died Friday after a tree fell on him as he
cleared debris from his yard in DeFuniak
Springs, authorities said.
Rescuers searching the eastern end
of Santa Rosa Island known as Okaloosa
Beach on Friday found 10 or 11 people
who had weathered the storm in their
houses and condominiums, said Raul
Chavez. a rescuer with the Miami Metro-
Dade Fire Department. They were taken
to the mainland.
As the search wound down, residents
of Navarre Beach and next-door
Pensacola Beach, at the other end of
Santa Rosa Island, returned for the first
brief visit to their homes since Opal.
"It's gone. It's flattened. It's a pan-

The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 9, 1995 - 7A
Earthquake rocks
Indonesian island;
at least 100 dead

Steve Hering turns away from the rubble that was once his home Saturday In Navarre Beach, Fla. About 75 percent of the
town's homes were destroyed by Hurricane Opal's storm surge.

cake. There's nothing there," Peggy
Sparkman told her sister by cellular
phone as she caught her first glimpse of
her summer cottage on Pensacola Beach.
The only thing left was the new roof she
put on after Hurricane Erin two months
Elsewhere, along Florida's Pan-
handle, life was returning to a sem-
blance of normality. Power was back
for all but 150,500 of the 572,000 Flo-
ridians who lost it after the storm, but
thousands more as far north as North
Carolina were still blacked out.
In Gulf Breeze, only a mile across
Santa Rosa Sound from Pensacola
Beach, it was a normal Saturday for
most people as they washed cars, mowed
lawns, and played softball. Mail was
delivered and trash picked up. The only

"It's gone. t's flattened. t's a
pancake, There's nothing there"
- Peggy Sparkman
Florida resident, describing the remains of her beach cottage

SUNGAIPENUH, Indonesia (AP)-
A huge earthquake wrenched the island
of Sumatra before dawn Saturday, kill-
ing at least 100 people, injuring hun-
dreds of others and destroying or dam-
aging at least 10,000 homes and build-
Ten miles from the epicenter, most of
Sungaipenuh's 40,000 residents slept
in the open or huddled in front of bon-
fires as temperatures dropped to 50
degrees early yesterday.
The damage around them gave tes-
timony to the force of the magnitude-
7 quake: skeletons of brick-and-mor-
tar houses, cracked ground, downed
trees, crumpled bridges, mounds of
mud from landslides, a collapsed
"It is beyond my thoughts. Why
should it happen to us, as if like a
punishment," said Sunardi, a farmer in
a village outside Sungaipenuh whose
teen-age son was killed.
"Our community was so peaceful and
everything was perfect," he said.
The earthquake struck at 1:09 a.m.,
when most people in this remote valley
in south-central Sumatra's Jambi prov-
ince were asleep. Tremors were felt
hundreds of miles away in Singapore
and Malaysia.
"We were all in deep sleep when the
house started to shake and sway," said
Ngatimin, a municipal worker who,
like many Indonesians, uses only one
"I heard hysterical cries and screams
. The lights went off and we were
scrambling to get out in pitch darkness."
Rescuers, hampered by heavy

rains and poor communications, reo
covered 74 bodies from under the
rubble of buildings and mounds of
mud in Sungaipenuh and in nearby
Ariana Yasin, chief of the Meteoro-
logical and Geophysical Agency in
Jambi city, told The Associated Press
by phone that at least 100 people are
believed dead.
The governor's office said yesterday
that 1,990 people were injured, 673 of
them seriously. Many people suffered
broken bones and breathing difficulties.
after being crushed by wooden beams
of homes.
"We desperately need more doctors.
Otherwise, the toll could rise," said Dr.
Marman at one of Sungaipenuh's two
hospitals, which were overwhelmed by
the injured.
A battalion of 800 soldiers, two am-
bulances and army doctors and para-
medics rushed to the stricken area to
help search for bodies and survivors.
"We have to dig carefully, but we are
racing against time," said a police offi-
cial contacted by telephone in
Sungaipenuh. He spoke on condition of
The Health Ministry also sent five
ambulances, 41 doctors and paramed-
ics. In Japan, the Association of Medi-
cal Doctors for Asia said it would send
a medical team.
The soldiers and relief workers car-
ried medicine and food, including sacks
of rice and instant noodles.
At least 10,000 homes and buildings
were destroyed or damaged, the official
Antara news agency said.

signs of a storm were piles of tree limbs
and leaves in yards.
In Laguna Beach, outside Panama
City, a sign at the Carousel grocery
store beckoned passers-by: "WE ARE
"All of our advertised specials are in
effect. Everything is normal," said the
store's owner, Charlie Lahan.
Elsewhere in Panama City Beach,
brooms, rakes and shovels were in use
as residents cleaned up. Members of the
National Guard patrolled past shuttered

surf shops and damaged buildings. A
few joggers and sightseers strolled the
littered beaches.
"Our house is fine so we're just doing
some beachcombing," Bernard
Hoffberg said as he walked along
Pensacola Beach picking up shells.
Okaloosa County sheriff's. spokesman
Rick Hord said there had been four arrests
for curfew violations but no looting.
"It's a burglar's paradise, but every-
body seems to be looking out for every-
body else's property," he said.

Police arrest Tokyo cult member in mail bombing

A Leader urges followers
to give themselves up
to officials
TOKYO (AP) - Obeying his
leader's call to surrender, a cult mem-
ber suspected of sending a parcel bomb
that maimed an aide to Tokyo's gover-
nor turned himself into police yester-
Masahiro Tominaga, a former doc-
tor, said he gave himself up because he
did not want to cause any more trouble

for the cult, Kyodo News Service re-
The Aum Shinri Kyo cult is accused
of carrying out a nerve gas attack on
Tokyo's subways last March that killed
12 people and injured 5,500, and a
string of other crimes. Shoko Asahara,
the cult's jailed leader, has reportedly
urged followers who are still fugitives
to give themselves up.
Police said Tominaga was arrested
after surrendering, but they would not
The parcel bomb sent to Tokyo Gov.

Yukio Aoshima exploded May 16, hours
after Asahara was arrested. Aoshima
was not in his office, but his secretary
lost several fingers on his left hand
when he opened the package.
Authorities are currently deciding
whether to apply a controversial anti-
sedition law to the cult. The law, which
has never been applied to an organiza-
tion, would ban the group.
Fearing disbandment, cult officials
have tried to improve their image, and
some analysts think Asahara's call for
surrender is part of that effort.

Four other cult members are also
suspected of having been involved in
the bomb attack, according to news
reports. All have already been arrested
on other charges.
Police say the cult was developing
large amounts of chemical, biological
and conventional weapons to attack
urban centers and overthrow the gov-
On Friday, police arrested Fumihiro
Joyu, the acting leader of the cult since
Asahara's arrest. His arrest leaves the
group essentially leaderless.

The Michigan Daily:
Jbir student newspaper
for 105 years.

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