10 - The lvi ichigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 1995 Activists decry the decline in sex ed. WASHINGTON (AP) - Under pressure from Christian conservatives, fewer schools are giving students infor- mation about contraception, pregnancy or AIDS, abortion-rights supporters said yesterday. ~ . Abstinence-only lessons are not ...*......<. '~j ~ ~ ..~ ~ ~ enough to prevent teen-age pregnan- S~ cies or sexually transmitted diseases, ~ ,.~ ~ ....q' - the National Abortion and Reproduc- tive Rights Action League and several educators said. "The reality is a lot of kids aren't .....v.~....~ going to choose that," said Jerald ...~ Newbeny. director of sex education programs for Fairfax Cot.wty, Va., 45. schools. "So, do we abandon them to ~.. .~.".~. ignorance?" Conservative groups immediately ~..~ ~ ~ :... criticized the organization's survey, ar- .5 ,~.-,, guingthat abstinence programs like Sex ~ ,,',. Respect, used in 1,600 school districts, ~..5.....5... work. "Kids want to learn about how, and why, to say no to sex," said Caia Mockaitis, spokeswoman for Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. Cob. "So why don't we implement public policy that reflects that?" Communities from California to ...... . .. Louisiana to New York have fought in recent years over condom distribution, AIDS education and teaching absti- nence. 4.~ '~ Since 1994, five states - Missis- sippiNorth Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas - have passed laws ~S2~ ~ 44,.O'~ ~ prohibiting, restricting or discouraging comprehensive sexual education, the ~ $~ ~ ~ 4 ....... ~ ~ survey found. Such laws were proposed in a total of 27 states. North Carolina's law says abstinence C.0 0 until marriage must be the focus of any \~ \~ sex education course. It requires schools ~0'~ ~ ~ to show parents any materials before ~ .~ ~ they are used. Laws in Oklahoma, Mis- ~ -~ sissippi and Texas are similar. South Dakota repealed a mandate requiring sebbols to teach about AIDS. f-'' Twenty-two states require schools to ./ 'i>' teach some sex education, said NARAL ~ president Kate Michelman. Nineteen states prevent schools from handing out ~...... condoms. But Mockaitis said schools shouldn't ~2 ~' take the lead in sex education. ,~" S"Schools should reinforce the values .. - and messages that parents are trying to teach their children," she said. "Instead, they reinforce the messages the culture bombards our children with." S~ Rii.ssiaiuis k to pullout ... I ofniilitary ~S5N ~* "c........5,"(. -"~ , , N'5 N. N \~5 .'....' - ~4N :.~: ~ - - , 5' - ~ '~ \S~ '.. 5" - . , ~ N''~ ~~5' ~> :;.:Z .::: ~ WASHINGTON S*... 5~y.\ .~ ;.,. .., '~'-'. ~ (AP)-Moscow s ..........................S.5.... expansionplanandits U.S.-led bomb- , ,, ~ ~ .'~ ~ - ~ fight with NATO over the alliance's ,,',N' N, ~. .....~.... ing of the Bosnian Serbs is threaten- .............................. .55~......~ ~ ~ ing to wreck a U.S.-Russian peace- ..5~,. ~. N ~ ~55.'..xN..>.. .....,<~ ,'. . . __ keeping exercise lauded by the Penta- ..,~ .~45~'~.55N ..~ ~5. ~..s. ..<..N,.5'..5..5....5 . ... 55 - .55...~s ~ . .~4~~%sxs. ~ss\ ~N. gon as a landmark in military coop- 55~ ~ '..5" w., eration. officials S555~'55. 5. ~N55\ ~ ~ . . 5. .. . . .. . . Pentagon speaking ~m- N'- 5. ~ N' vately yesterday said it appeared doubt- ~ '. \.'y55~5 .55.,5v~ ~ s 5.,,,NN N ~ ~ , .~ N' 5.5,' S ful the Russian government would go - ~\55 ~.. ,, -' . .... - ~ ~ ~. ahead with the exercise, called "Peace- ~ ~ ~"' keeper '95." It is still officially sched- - S" ~55-ss~ ~4.5V.>s?~, ~ ~5N~ - \5 5.. NN~.5~ - ~55' ~5.555~.5\ "5.55. ..N~ 5N~. NN~ ~-.- ~ .2. - - uled to open at Fort Riley, Kan., on '55' N N 55,, ~ - "'~i'K7-~2-,.5 -...............................................Peacekeeper '95 would be the first N " - \'.~ N N5S~S..5 555~55"'5'~'N ~4~\N ~ ,.'NN.55'5., '' , - , Oct. 17. s~. ~ ~, ~ 55~ 55. ~ ~.' 5'~5. ..N55N. .55.S.55.55.555..55S5.:5..555..S..S. ~~~555 5 ~ .5.5.4.. 5 ,N N 'yaN, N55 5~ .55.555.5555NN ..55555~5%?' N N55N.... N........\. N 'S. ~. ~s~.55 time Russian combat troops trained in Vs5...... N N '.'s.5. N ~.~. SN .5'.N. 5.5.~5. N"555. 5.55..N N... ..N.5,5 N a' N........s..S5..5N.........-x . the continental United States. More im- 5555 ~ ..N. N.N N5'555~S.5.~N.s5......'5..'N."5. ~.55 ~' N.\55 N.N ~Z, 5.x.5.~ 5'~5'.~..........' .55.5..55.~.....- - .5' ,. 5.555.555 55..55~ "~ N. 'N\ NNk5555.5sS5.S. portantly, the Clinton administ '55 ,....N55.N.4. ~5' N5. - s..~. ~ ...ss. .N5.\..5...5s. N....... . N. ., NNN..N'.......S~ ~555 5.55.5..~. ,.\ had been counting on the Fort Riley , .5..~.N SN S'~...........,.. .5~'N" 55............................, event as an expression of Moscow's SN. NN.N~ .55. 55. .5..>.~. 5',,~..t . *\55ss*N5\ .~-55 S SN\. SN' ,'.,N...... ..5. 5,. .5.5555.~55.**5.5555*55......~ N' - ,. commitment to a new, closer form o N..555...... N.5.5.55555. 555S 5555 ~55~.55~555 55 - - 55.. 55.5.5 5'.- ,.,.... ~.5NN 111111111 military cooperation in the post-Cold SN5'.S K" 5.NNN5.N~ 'N' .~ .'55.-5"..-. .w ELY A~1 U N'.''.N.XN,..,.'~N...4. ~..,N~ .5 .~ 4,.......................................................................................War era. 55. - 5.~5 ~5.5~.5.~'55.55~.5.555 ,~, 5 In Moscow a Defense Ministry offi- . N N.. N. 5.5. ,,N,*SN55S~N.N N5555...N5 - .55,.SN 'N . .N...5..N..... *S5N55N.55.' ......................................................555,.. .55*N55N>5555N5555 .5.5...........I .>S,\5S5.N.ANS0 ____________________________________________________________________________ ,..%~s.*... 5\N"NN..'. -........~ cial, speaking on condition of anonym- ..................................................\55.5.N .4 5'N. *~S NN....,SS.N..'...N.,. .s~ 5555. NN.5N... NN.N* -. ...- s.s555.:...................................................................ity, said yesterday the government al- ................................................................~.N55.N.5.55.555... 55555555555,5' N555 .5 -~ A - ~ .N\..........5~.'5.55.55' "N.' NN N~N'5'55. 5~5.54'~54 .5..5:5.S5..55555.N..555'.'55.5.;. .5 N.'......................................................ready had decided to withdraw from the .......................................................*s-:- ~ "5..,,7~ Ben Santos said officials there had no