The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 1995 - 3
Douglas Unger to
read at Rackham
J-alamazoo pres.
plans to resign
Kalamazoo College President
Lawrence D. Bryan announced on Fri-
day that he plans to resign after the
completion of the 1995-96 academic
year. Bryan felt that the agenda he had
set forth when he assumed the presi-
dency on Sept. 1, 1990 was nearing
He has timed his last day to coincide
with the completion of the changes
planned for this academic year. The
changes include a new calendar and a
revised curriculum. Initiatives are also
underway for more fund raising, new
student recruitment and improvements
in student retention. Bryan has also
worked to make Kalamazoo College
more affordable for future students. The
increase in tuition and fees for this
academic year was the lowest at the
school in 20 years.
Kalamazoo College leads the nation
in the percentage of its students who
study abroad during their college years
and also ranks 13th nationally in the
percentage of graduates who go on to
earn doctoral degrees in all fields of
Sex terms confusing
to Ole Miss students
A survey conducted by the Student
Health Center at the University of Mis-
sissippi found that many students do
not have a clear definition of the words
abstinence and monogamy.
Six percent of the students surveyed
responded that you can have vaginal
intercourse and still be considered ab-
stinent. Ten percent of the students an-
swered that anal intercourse could be
practiced by abstinent couples.
Ninety-two percent responded that
engaging in dry kissing does not mean
that you are not abstinent and 92 per-
cent also responded that phone sex
could be practiced while being absti-
One-fourth of the students surveyed
that you were not abstinent, while 10
percent saidthathaving sexualthoughts
about another person also means that
you are not abstinent.
The survey found that students have
widedefinitionsofthe wordmonogamy.
Some thought that monogamy is hav-
ing sex with the same person for six
months, while others thought it just
meant having sex with only one person
in the same night. The World Health
Organization defines monogamy as
having sex with the same partner for 10
A recent study reported that the Uni-
versity of Mississippi has 2 1/2 times
the national average of genital warts
cases. The national average is reported
at 8 percent but the average at the uni-
versity is 20 percent.
Vanderbilt police
crack down on
reckless bikers
Police at Vanderbilt University be-
gan issuing citations to reckless bicy-
clists Monday. Bicyclists who endan-
ger pedestrians by riding too fast on
campus paths will be fined $20 for
operating bicycles in an unsafe man-
Thenew enforcement is in response
thepolice departmenthasreceived from
students claiming to have had near-
collisions with careless bikers around
All uniformed officers will be on the
lookoutforspeeding bikers,thoughthey
will not pursue the rushing student. The
officers are being advised not to place
anyone else in danger by pursuing the
cyclist. Instead they will be followed
and identified when they stop.
- Compiled by Daily Staff'
Reporter Lisa Poris
By Heather Miller
For the Daily
Acclaimed fiction writer Douglas
Unger will be reading from his latest
novel, "Voices from Silence," tomor-
row at 5 p.m. in Rackham Amphithe-
Unger's reading is part of a yearlong
series of visiting writers presented by
the department of English and Borders
Books and Music.
Unger's novel chronicles a family
dealing with government oppression
and abuse in Argentina. Unger is cur-
rently on a mini book tour and asked if
he could speak at the University.
English Prof. Nicholas Delbanco said
he is pleased Unger will be speaking.
"I've known (Unger's) work for many
years now. ... I've been impressed by
his ambition and execution," Delbanco
said. Delbanco added that Ungerhas "a
voice of consequence."
Alsopartoftheseriesis James Landis,
who is scheduled to read his fiction
Nov. 9.
Landis was originally apublisher and
editor, and behas been to the Univer-
sity before to speak on those topics.
However, Landis saidhe is now "ex-
clusively a writer."
"The times I've been (at the Univer-
sity) I've loved it," Landis said. "I was
so happy. (Delbanco) didn't have to
persuade me to come."
Landis will be reading fromhisnovel,
"Lying in Bed," which was published
in June by Algonquin Books.
Visiting authors aregenerallyselected
on rotation by instructors inthe Masters
of Fine Arts Program in an attempt to
obtain a variety of voices, said Holly
Spaulding, who works in the English
department's Hopwood Room.
Delbanco selected the fiction writers
for this semester.
Occasionally,writers areselected for
the series through the suggestion of
Borders. KazuoIshiguro,authorof"Re-
Saturday, and T. Coraghessan Boyle,
author of"The Road to Wellville" who
will be speaking Oct. 26, are currently
on book tours.
Both authors were on the calendar to
read at Borders, but the book store de-
cided "to put them into campus venues
to make them available to a wider audi-
ence," said Dallas Moore, community
relations coordinator for Borders.
The English department has been pre-
senting the series for 10 years. Borders
began to co-sponsor the series five years
ago when the University was no longer
able to provide funding. "We thought it
w atnimportantseriesfortheUniversity
and the community," Moore said.
Spaulding said the series is primarily
a resource for students. "It's an oppor-
tunity (for students) to see writers who
have their writings published,"shesaid.
The readings are free and open to the
public. A complete list of the authors
scheduled to read can be obtained from
the English department's undergradu-
ate office.
Code workgroup to
present re sults today
Dy Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Armed with feedback and student
input, the workgroup making recom-
mendations on the University's code of
non-academic conduct will submit its
final ideas to the Office of Student
Affairs today.
The workgroup's recommendations
were originally due Sept. 27, but were
postponed after the University Board of
Regents decided to delay the vote on
the new policy for one month.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen A. Hartford will take the pro-
posed code to the board in November.
The workgroup wascreatedinresponse
to the University Board of Regents'
concise policy on non-academic con-
duct, using student input.
Emi Nakazato, a workgroup mem-
ber, said the extra week was used for
gathering additional feedback from pro-
fessionals nationwide.
"We were given a little bit of lee-
way because ofthe change,"Nakazato
said. "We have only gotten back one-
third of our feedback forms, so this
was just spent integrating that infor-
In the past month, the workgroup has
been holding focus groups and collect-
ing student input through feedback
boxes aroundcampus andaWorld Wide
Web page.
"Our focus groups and individual
interviews have given us much more
substantive information to work with,"
Nakazato said.
But not all the feedback has been
"Ithasbeen frustratinginsome ways.
Some of the comments we get aren't
helpful because they're antagonistic,"
Nakazato said.
Detroit Newspapers van
hits, injures two strikers
Who's that masked man?
An unidentified man roams the hallways of Angell Hall yesterday, continually speaking to himself.
Recent 'TU' gnduate enjoys
Teach for Aerica proga
By Katie Wang make an impact right out of college.
For the Daily "You are responsible for thecstudents as soon as you enter that
When Shana Lee grows up, she plans on a career in classroom," he said. "We believe all children deserve equal
journalism. Lee, a senior at an inner-city high school in access to an excellent education. We want to show them that
Baltimore, is now in pursuit of her dream with the help of they have a lot of potential, which is why we feel that it is
Shreerekha Pillai, a recent University graduate now involved important to bring in teachers from all educational andculturs
with the Teach for America program. backgrounds."
Teach for America, dubbed the "National Peace Corps of Lee said that students started coming to school more often
Education,"was founded by 1989 Princeton graduate Wendy because Pilai's class interested them.
Kopp. The program recruits recent college graduates who "Ms. Pillai covered topics that other teachers were prob-
commit to teach for at least two years in an under-resourced ably scared to talk about. She knew a lot about African
area to help offset staff shortages caused by budget cuts. American issues," Lee said.
"Teach for America is beneficial to the public school Pillai said she liked the fact that the program gave her the
system. It recruits people with lots of energy," Pillai said. freedom to teach in experimental ways to which students
It was Pillai'sjournalism class, Lee said, that inspired her were very receptive.
to become a journalist. After two years, about 60 percent of the corps members
"Ms. Pillai brought out your creative skills," she said. "I continue to pursue a career in the education field. Pillai said
haven't had a teacherlike that in my whole life-time. Shewas she plans on entering graduate school after she has fulfilled,
so open, she encourages you to go to school," her two-year commitment.
Under the supervision of Pillai, Lee and her journalism "Teaching has been a very positive experience," she said. "I
class published the first newspaper that the school has seen will be leaving (the program) with more than I ever gave, buti
in 25 years. want to go back to being a student before I become a teacher."
Danny Morris, Teach for America's Eastern regional di- RecruitersfromTeach forAmericawillbevisitingtheUniversity'
rector, said the program offers graduates the opportunity to on Oct.30 and 31.
Does waiting in line bug you? -
We have all the services
to get you in and out FAST!
" Automated machines that
collate and staple
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Ship UPS with us.
my I Fil
DETROIT (AP) -Detroit Newspa-
pers defended its driver yesterday after
police reported two picketswere struck
and injured by a company delivery van
outside a newspaper distribution cen-
Picket James Mikonczyk of Detroit
was in fair condition at Henry Ford
Hospital, where he was being treated
for a broken leg and broken arm, hospi-
tal spokeswoman Kelly Brady said.
His injuries were among the most
serious reported so far in the 12-week
strike against The Detroit News, De-
troit Free Press and their joint business,
production and distribution arm, De-
troit Newspapers.
The other picket, John Evans of De-
troit, was treated at Detroit Receiving
Hospital for neck pain and released,
hospital spokeswoman Sharon Jordan
said. Police said he was charged with
felony assault, as were three otherpick-
ets, all accused of throwing rocks at
security guards.
The delivery van driver, whose name
was withheld, returned to the center 15
to20 minutes after themen were struck.
He was arrested and charged with felo-
nious assault with a motor vehicle, po-
lice spokesman John Leavens said.
Detroit Newspapers suggested in a
for being in the way.
"We have said over and over again
since the strike started that the practices
illegal and likely to have disastrous
results. This injury is truly unfortu-
nate," the company said.
A union spokesman said the newspa-
pers' strike strategy was what was to
blame for the injuries.
"It is sad that the attempts to deliver
the newspaper at nearly all costs have
reached this state of affairs, where an
employee is injured andhospitalized as
a result of an allegedly felonious as-
sault," said Joe Swickard of The News-
paper Guild of Detroit Local 22.
O Haiti Solidarity Group, 971-8582,
First United Methodist Church,
120 S. State, Pine Room, 7:30
0 HinduStudentsCouncil,weekly dis-
cussion, 764-2671, Michigan
Union, Pond Rooms A-C, 8 p.m.
U La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D,
7 p.m.
U Lutheran Campus Ministry, 668-
7622, Lord of Light Lutheran
Church, 801 South Forest Ave.,
Taize Evening Prayer7 p.m., Choir
7:30 p.m.
O Ninjutsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, Intramural Sports
Building, Room G-21, 7:30-9 p.m.
0 Shorn-RyuKarate-DoClub,men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.
0 Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome,
747-6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-
8:30 p.m.
O "Careers in Dentistry," sponsored
by CareerPlanningandPlacement,
3200 Student Activities Building,
5:10-6 p.m.
0 "The Metaphysical vs. The Man-
Made,"sponsored by UM Students
of Objectivism, Michigan League,
Conference Room 4, 7 p.m.
U "Russians Rediscovered: New
Work on East European Emi-
gratIon to Czechoslovakia Be-
tween the Wars," Jindrich
Toman, brown bag lecture se-
ries, sponsored by Center For
Russian and East European
Studies, Lane Hall Commons
Room, 12 noon
0 "Wednesdays in Leonardo's: Jake
Reichbart," sponsored by North
CampusCommons, Leonardo's,8-
10 p.m.
Q Campus Information Center, Michi
gan Union and North CampusCom-
mons, 763-INFO,,
UMeEvents on GOpherBLUE, and on
the World Wide Web
0 North Campus Information Cen-
ter, North Campus Commons,
Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8-
1:30 p.m.
0 Psychology Peer Academic Ad-
vising, 747-3711, East Engi-
neering, Room 1346, 11 a.m.-4
0 Safewalk, 936-1000, Shapiro Li-
brary, 8-2:30 p.m.
Q WOLV Channel 70 Programming:
Wolverine Feud, 8 and 8:30 p.m.;
Dating Game, 9 and 9:30 p.m.
CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
University community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
charge admission or that fail to mention the event, place, time or date will not be run.
Otherwise, all items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before the event. We
can not accept requests over the telephone. Although we try to accommodate all requests, we cannot guarantee that an
announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.