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October 03, 1995 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-03

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 1995 - 3

Fraternities stress academics, professional careers

Piano destroyed in
Hill Auditorium -
DPS reports indicate the malicious
destruction Friday of a piano in Hill
"Soda pop damaged/warped inside
of piano and ivory keys," police said.
The Steinway grand piano was val-
ued at $35,000. The piano was last seen
in working condition last school year.
The piano was stored in a dressing
room, which usually remains locked
unless there is a show.
Shoplifter caught at
Yost Ice Arena
Whilemanypeople spendtimeplaying
hockey at Yost Ice Arena, a shoplifter
attempted to steal merchandise there.
DPS was contacted Friday afternoon
about a shoplifter stealing an item val-
ued at about $55.
"The staff has hands on a shoplifter,
they are secure and don't feel he will
attempt to leave," reports said.
DPS officials arrived and trans-
ported the alleged shoplifter to DPS.
Aggravated assault
in Mary Markley
DPS reports indicate a caller reported
two white males causing damage to a
hallway and door ofMary Markley resi-
dence hall.
DPS was contacted at 1:43 a.m. Sat-
urday morning.
In the Fisher section of the residence
hall, one suspect had a knife, but did not
threaten anybody.
DPS officials met with suspects in the
front lobby and took one into custody.
Housing officials said there was no
permanent damage, only many of pa-
pers and other items taken off the walls
and doors.
Child abuse cited at
campus parking lot
DPS reports show a caller informed
police late Friday that a baby was being
abused in campus parking lot NW-51
on Stone Street.
At about 11:30 p.m., the caller heard
ababy crying in the lot, and saw a "male
putting baby in recycling bin, taking it
out, then putting it in bin again 'as
Officers arrived on the scene and
contacted the Department of Social
Services about the child abuse.
Woman injured at
Mich. League buffet
A patron at the Michigan League
buffet sufferred an injury on the way to
getting her food.
DPS reports indicate the woman was
inflicted with a large laceration on her
arm Friday.
The woman was "taken to St Joes via
family member."
The woman tripped while entering
the buffet area and struck her arm on a
piece of wood trim.
Patient leaves
emergency room
Emergency room staff reported a pa-
tient walked away from the "back hall"
at about 2:30 Saturday afternoon.
Her parents were on the way to the
hospital when she left.
DPS officials then broadcasted for
units to be-on the lookout for a woman

with the following description: 23 years
. old, brown shoulder-length hair pulled
back, black, long sleeve knit skirt, blue
jeans and a black belt.
Reports said the subject was 5'4"
and 108 lbs.
DPS units and the Ann Arbor Police
Department then searched forthe woman.
The subject later called her home
from a pay phone in Ann Arbor. She
said she was trying to get a ride home.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jodi Cohen

By Laura Nelson
For the Daily
Any Greek society can offer its members wild
parties and friendships that last a lifetime.
But, pre-professional fraternities give students
this and something more - a head start on their
academic and professional careers.
Pre-professional fraternities differ from Greek
fraternities in that they are co-ed and their members
share common educational and career goals. Most
pre-professional fraternities also do not own houses.
But they offer members a social life similar to
traditional fraternities.
"We are not this elite group of academics," said
Shawn Cabot, president of the University's chap-
ter of the international pre-law fraternity Phi Al-
pha Delta. There are no academic requirements, he
said; the fraternity is "open to all with an interest
in law."

Phi Alpha Delta stages social events, parties,
and formals just like other fraternities, he said,
and there is a strong fraternal bond between
Alpha Kappa Psi is a pre-business fraternity that
incorporates social and professional goals.
"Our motto is, 'We mix business with plea-
sure,"' said member John Li. The group empha-
sizes "teamwork and brotherhood" like a Greek
organization, he added.
Alpha Rho Chi, the fraternity for architecture
and the allied arts, also throws parties, but unlike
traditional fraternities, they only publicize in the
architecture school, said president Alexander
Members of the pre-law fraternity profit from the
"elite" status of Phi Alpha Delta alumni, Cabot said.
One in six attorneys are alumni of the fraternity,
including Bill and Hillary Clinton, he said.

Phi Alpha Delta also provides programs that
help students apply to law school and focus their
career goals, he added.
The business fraternity offers resume work-
shops and interview experience that "will prepare
you better for the real world," Li said.
For members of the architectural fraternity, the
professional advantages are particularly impor-
tant because architecture is such a competitive
field, Briseno said. "Ninety percent of our mem-
bers get their first job working for one of our
The fraternity "serves as a good link to the
architecture community," said Christy Bragunier,
a new member of Alpha Rho Chi.
Pledging the pre-professional fraternity is much
like pledging any other Greek organization.
Pledges to Phi Alpha Delta must interview
every member of the fraternity, learn its history,

attend weekly meetings and participate in fund-
raisers and service projects, Cabot said.
Like Greek fraternities, Phi Alpha Delta ini-
tiates its members with'a secret ceremony, Cabot
Cabot said hazing - which he defines as "any-
thing that goes against one's moral standards"-
does not occur in Phi Alpha Delta. Pledges are
asked to evaluate the pledgingprocess mid-season
to make sure no part of the process has made them
feel uncomfortable, he said.
Some pre-professional fraternities place more
emphasis on academic achievement and career
preparation than socializing. The accounting fra-
ternity, Beta Alpha Psi, is one of these.
The group's purpose is to "distinguish account-
ing majors," said President Kristen Stieber. The
fraternity is the "main way for accounting firms to
get to know people," she added.

art project
By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
After what she called an act of"cen-
sorship" by the Art School, Art senior
Stephanie Sailor dismantled her
project, saying it had been altered by
the presence of barriers in front of her
Sailor's exhibit, which included
"pornographic images showing
women with cum on their faces," was
hanging in the Street Gallery in the
Art School on North Campus last
week, partially blocked by barriers
put there by Art School Dean Allen
Samuels said the barriers offered a
choice to the public should they not
want to see the sexually explicit art in a
public place.
"I took it down because from an
artistic point of view my work had
been altered by the barriers," Sailor
said. "The barriers caused too much
attention to be focused on one aspect
of the work - the sexually explicit
images. The important issues, that of
sexual exploitation and the abuse of
animals, were being overlooked and
the exhibit was being treated as a peep
Sailor still claims that she was cen-
sored by the Art School, while Samuels
vehemently denied any sort of censor-
ship in the issue.
"Let me make it clear: we do not
censor in the Art School," Samuels said
last week. "I want to say it again - we
do not censor."
Sailor said she still feels emotional
about the whole event.
"I feel anger and sadness, but I cer-
tainly learned a lot from it," Sailor said.
"I have learned how sex imagery is
inevitably controversial."


LSA Junior Allen Ludwig (left) teaches his friend Spencer Fein, an LSA sophomore, to play guitar on their front lawn yesterday.
City Council to keep~r dept heads

By Maureen Sirhal
Daily Staff Reporter
Dispelling concern about one coun-
cil member's inquiry to remove city
department heads, the Ann Arbor City
Council approved a measure last night
to reaffirm confidence in them.
The resolution passed with a vote of
10-1, and was written in response to the
recent string of public inquires
Councilmember Stephen Hartwell (D-
4th Ward) made in an effort to correct a
mistake he says Councilmember Peter
Nicolas (I-4th Ward) committed while
interviewing candidates for city admin-
"It is correct that I misspoke during
the interviews," Nicolas said. "If I
misspoke, I apologize ... But that
memo elicited concern among staff
Hartwell, who stated publicly that he
would not support the measure Nicolas

had proposed, came out in favor of a
similar resolution that was substituted
by another council member, Jean
Carlberg (D-3rd Ward).
Carlberg's added a portion mention-
ing that council was not currently tak-
ing any public or private action to re-
move department heads.
Hartwell said he hoped this issue
would be a lesson to the minority mem-
bers of council "not to jump to conclu-
sions" about the inquires of other coun-
cil members.
The only opposition to the resolution
came from Councilmember Elisabeth
Daley (D-5thWard).
"I have some concerns with depart-
ment heads," she said.
The memo Hartwell distributed was
among other items discussed at the
weekly departmental meetings in city
Hartwell released a letter to interim

city administrators Winifred
Northeross and Ronald Olsen asking
them to explain the motives behind
the inquires.
"I am not taking any action, either
public or private, to remove council
heads," he said.
Hartwell expressed hope at last
night's meeting that some of the frayed
working relationships on coumAo
could patched through better commu-
Nicolas and other council members
wanted to begin to restore the council's
reputation, which he said took a bruis-
ing over the process that eliminated city
administrator candidate Roger Crum
from the running.
"One of the things that bothered me
was the feedback we received that some
of the administrator stuff made it onto
the AP wire," Nicolas said.

"...Anti-war activists in Ann
Arbor have finalized plans for the
demonstration after today's foot-
ball game. !ponsored by the De-
troit Coalition to End the War,
and the Ann Arbor Peace Action
Coalition (PAC), the plans call
for a march from Michigan Sta-
dium to the Diag where the rally
will be held."

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Speaker warns students of ha
By Courtney Stamm of what hazing is and what the rules
For the Daily regarding hazing are."

As a means of alerting students to
the dangers of hazing, the Panhellenic
Association and the Interfraternity
Council co-sponsored a presentation
by Maureen Syring last night at the
Power Center.
Syring, director of the Delta Gamma
Foundation, has spoken at more than
250 campuses, conferences and con-
ventions over the past several years.
Justin Wyatt, IFC vice president
for programming, said, "I hope this
program gives students a better sense

Wyatt also stressed that IFC is op-
posed to hazing in all forms and will
act immediately upon any reports of
inappropriate activities.
Dani Lederman, president of Sigma
Delta Tau sorority, said, "Hazing is
prevalent on campus, but is kept
mostly underground. Last year's Sig
Eps incident (now closed following
hazing allegations) exposed some of
the hazing problems we have here at
the U-M."
During her presentation, Syring em-

zing dangers
phasized that hazing is anything that
does not fit into the founding philoso-
phies of the fraternities and sorori-
Syring cited her own experience as
a pledge as the most embarrassing,
degrading time in her life, one that
she wishes could have been avoided.
She named peer pressure as the key
factor in members not coming for-
ward to expose hazing.
Although members may be given
the option of saying no, being sur-
rounded by one's fraternity or soror-
ity makes that an unlikely occurrence,
she said.
Syring reassured fraternity and so-
rority members that they would be
supported by both Panhel and IFC if
they revealed instances of hazing.
Marianne Anderson, a pledge of
Alpha DeltaPi, said that on bid day-
last Friday - all pledges of her so-
rority were asked to sign an agree-
ment that banned hazing. She said
she'd heard stories of hazing and had
been concerned.
"I was very reassured by my
president's policies against hazing,"

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U ALIANZA - Latino Orga
weekly meeting, 764-28
ter House, 1443 Washten
7 p.m.
U Amnesty International, me
presentation, Michigan
Pond Room, 7 p.m.
ri [m~isle ftnob P.h i Anr


C iZPL)1{

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Placement, Michigan Union, Wol- G39
nization, verine Rooms A-C, 6:30-8 p.m. "Yom
37, Trot- Q "China After Deng," Kenneth spOn
awAve., Lieberthal, brown bagh series, acce
sponsored by Center for Chi- Servi
etingand nese Studies, Lane Hall Com-
I Union, mons Room, 12 roon
U "Federal Government Job Search," STUDEJ

great scores...
Law School Business School
Dental mSchoom

0, 7:30 p.m.
Kippur Mazon Donations,"
nsored by Hillel, donations
epeted at entrance to Kol Nidre
vices, Power Center


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