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October 03, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-03

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onight: Mostly cloudy, low
omorrow: Partly sunny,
igh around 65-70.

One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom


October 3, 1995

leads no
ontest to
D charge
p Antoine Pitts
nd Zachary M. Raiml
ly Staff Reporters
While Michigan starting quarterback
'cott Dreisbach recovers from a
prained thumb, he has something else
o worry about.
Dreisbach, a redshirt freshman, pleaded
o contest Sept. 13 for attempting to
urchase alcohol with a fraudulent ID -
criminal misdemeanor - Washtenaw
ounty prosecutors said yesterday.
He is scheduled to be sentenced Oct.
o at 10 a.m. in 15th District Court by
udge Elizabeth Hines.
According to police reports,
reisbach, 19, was ticketed May 25 of
his year "at or near" 701 Packard St.,
where the Blue
Past Front party store is
located. The ticket
Drinkers was issued by the
Some other Washtenaw County
incidents Sheriff's office,
involving cited him forviolat-
alcohol and the ing City Ordinance
University's 436.33B(3).
athletic An arraignment
programs: was held in August.
January 1994: When reached by
Ray Jackson phone last night,
and Jimmy Dreisbach would
King, starters not comment.
on the men's "I don't want to
basketball take any questions,"
team, are he said.
involved in a W a s h t e n a w
shopiitating County's Chief As-
incident at the sistant Prosecutor
DairyMart on Joe Burke, who is
SrRuth" handling the case,
March 14: said that the origi-
Hockey coach nal charge "was
Red Berenso fraudulent use of
is arrested identification to
after being purchase alcohol
seen urinating and we amended it
in public near a toanattempt forthat
local bar. offense."
April 1995: "We didn't think
Football coach we could prove that
Gary Moeller is he actually used the
arrested ID to make the pur-
outside a chase," Burke said.
suburban Bruce Madej, as-
Detroit sistant athletic di-
restaurant. He rector for public re-
was later fired. lations, said the in-
cident was nothing
o be concerned about. "It's been
andled as a team matter," Madej said.
'It's an internal matter."
Madej would not elaborate.
Attempts to reach coach Lloyd Carr
ast night were unsuccessful.
Burke said he did not know how
Dreisbach was caught or if there were
ther University students with
reisbach at the time of the incident.
e police officers on the scene could
ot be reached for comment.
The prosecutor's office decided to
harge Dreisbach for attempted use of a
udulent ID instead of a minor in
ossession because the attempt charge
arries a stricter penalty.
Unlike a minor in possession, the at-
mpt charge is a misdemeanor and the
cused can be sentenced up to 45 days
'n prison, $50 and possibly community

service. Generally, judges have wide
latitude when assessing the penalties.
Dreisbach's attorney, Nicholas
Roumel of the University's Student Le-
gal Services, did not return phone calls
last night.
Chris Geesman, Dreisbach's high


Decision comes after 4
hours, to be read today

Simpson's jurors stunn
and the nation yester
verdicts in the sensatii
murder trial in less tha
decision was kept sec
Simpson, apparentl
anyone by the swift1
biting his lip as the 10
men of the jury filed i
p.m. He stared at them
his way and througho
session they kept theirE
The decision was an
Americans were just'
bate how many
weeks the jurors
might be out. Supe-.
rior Court Judge
Lance Ito said the
verdicts would be
read today at 10 a.m.
PDT, allowing time
for all attorneys and
families to be there.
ing from the court-
room yesterday were
Marcia Clark and chief
Johnnie Cochran Jr. an
In announcing the s
said his court clerk t
panel had made its de
"Is that correct?" h
"Yes," said the jur
There were gasps in
Lawyers on both
most dazed.
"Surprise doesn't 1
my feelings. I a- stun
defense attorney Carl
Prosecutor Chris
asked if he could beli
to deliberations, said,
believe it. It's hapl
shocks me anymore.'
Defense attorney F
went to visit Simpson
day afternoon, said h
by the timing.
"Nojury hasever cor
man this quickly," he s
Cochran, interview

(AP) - O. J. as he returned from an out-of-town trip,
ted the courtroom seemed less upbeat, saying he was "cau-
day by reaching tiously optimistic."
onal eight-month The announcement came after jurors
n four hours. The asked for and heard a repetition of tes-
ret until today. timony from a limousine driver that
y as surprised as concerned the time when Simpson was
resolution, stood picked up for a ride to the airport on the
) women and two night of two murders.
into court at 2:55 Ito, who had sentjurors from the court-
, but none looked room after the reading, seemed startled
ut the brief court when three loud buzzes sounded in the
eyes on thejudge. courtroom, signaling jurors had reached
nounced as many verdicts. He was entertaining a group of
beginning to de- visitors in the courtroom when the word
came but quickly
summoned lawyers
Surprise and convened court
with only a few re-
b Ia i porters present.
The jury fore-
Swoman also ap-
" nyidc i peared a bit rattled.
Asked for the ver-
- Carl Douglas dict forms, she said
Defense attorney she had signed
them, placed them
lead prosecutor in an envelope, sealed it and left them in
defense attorneys the deliberation room.
d Robert Shapiro. Ito sent her to fetch the envelope,
tartling news, Ito which was then placed in the hands of a
old him that the court bailiff and stored for safekeeping.
cision. Ito said he was delaying reading the
e asked. verdicts to give all parties time to return
y forewoman. to court forthe climactic moment. Jurors
the hushed court- nodded and smiled understandingly.
As they filed out, Simpson rose again
sides seemed al- and watched grim-faced as thejurors left.
When it was time for him to return to
begin to describe jail, he dropped his pen on the defense
ned at the speed," table and Ik ft the room with a somber
Dougll43aid. expression.
topher Darden, In all, jurors had spent less than four
eve the rapid end hours in reaching their verdict - two
"I think I have to hours and 20 minutes in morning delib-
pening. Nothing erations, and an additional hour and 10
minutes rehearing testimony from lim-
Lee Bailey, who ousine driver Allan Park. They cut the
in jail late yester- rereading short, asked for verdict forms
e was "delighted" and signaled their decision.
No members of Simpson's family or
nvictedan innocent the families of victims Nicole Brown
aid confidently. Simpson and Ronald Goldman were in
ved at the airport court.

Following 368
days of
testimony, the
jury in the O.J.
trial reached a
verdict after
only four hours
of deliberation.
Judge Lance
Ito is
scheduled to
read the
verdict today
at 1 p.m, Ann
Arbor time.

Music School sophomore Rosanna Tavarez practices her modern dance technique yesterday.
ABC's mnig Co-host
blasts journ alismpro gram

By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Charles Gibson, co-host of ABC's "Good Morn-
ing, America," discouraged students and faculty
from putting much faith into graduate journalism
programs in a speech at the Rackham Amphitheatre
yesterday afternoon.
Gibson's words echoed the University's deci-
sion last week to discontinue the graduate journal-
ism degree. When told of the occurrence, he re-
sponded, "Really? Good for you!"
"Communications graduate students," he as-
serted, "are trained in a way that is not applicable
to their profession."
As part of a series of speak-
ers from outside the Univer-
sity community, Gibson re-
lated his first-hand experience,
in the media to the changing are trains
role of the University..
Gibson prefaced his tha ISno
speech by thinking out loud,
wondering why he had been to their
brought to speak, since he
claimed not to have much to
say about the media's view Co-host, "Goodf
of large universities.
"The media tends to ignore large universities,"
Gibson said. "I'm not really sure you want us to
(pay attention). They would not stand up well."
If universities were incorporated into his broad-
casts, Gibson said he would want to focus on the
pertinence ofgraduate-level programs and research.
"I'm more inclined to recommend a student
who graduates from a four-year liberal arts school
than one who graduated from a communications
graduate program. (The program) is irrelevant."
In an open forum after the speech, University


President James J. Duderstai' said he saw a large
perception cap between med nd colleges.
The speaker agreed, adding that "universities
are getting more focused to such a narrow extent
that they're out of touch.",
Gibson noted the difference between practical
and theoretical experience in one's field, stressing
that graduate classes are important, but they are
refreshers for job skills only after having real time
in the workplace.
Communication Prof. Jonathan Friendly, direc-
tor of the Master's Program in Journalism, said
that getting a graduate degree is not the only way
to get intojournalism, but
is a way to do it better.
"His remark that foun-
dations (such as Ford) are
doing the exciting (work)
in journalism is an in-
dictment of the research
university," he added.
Vice President of Uni-
ofe;io f versity Relations Walter
Harrison noted Gibson's
- Charles Gibson idea that universities
lorning, America" should ask press people
and businesses for more
input in fashioning research programs.
"It is never done. Maybe it should be done, with
the new (journalism) certificate program," he added.
Despite Gibson's statements that he is unfamil-
iar with university relations, he is far from un-
learned in collegiate ways. Gibson is a 1975 gradu-
ate of the University's Journalist Fellows program
and a member of the program's board of directors.
His family also has close ties to university life;
his wife is a school headmistress and their two
children are enrolled in universities.

Youth attacked with cue stick
after Union pool hal dispute

By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
Following a disagreement in the Michigan Union
Billiards Room last night, witnesses say four youths
engaged in a fight that left one young white male
with a six-inch gash to the head.
The victim was taken to University Hospitals,
where he was listed in good condition last night.
Neither the victim nor the suspects are believed to
be University students. Witnesses describe them
as local high school students.
Joe Stashko, a Michigan Union building man-
ager, said the 8 p.m. fight resulted from an argu-
ment over who was to sit in a certain chair.
"Apparently one young man thought that it was
his turn to sit in a chair next to the pool table and
another disagreed," Stashko said. "The second
young man, who was Asian American, wanted to
take the fight outside and they walked out the
Sara Schoenbaechler, another Union employee,
said she witnessed what happened next.

"A white male walked out of the door and was
tackled by an Asian American male,"
Schoenbaechler said. "Then another Asian Ameri-
can male came out of the door and hit the white guy
over the head. It all happened so fast, I didn't
really know what was going on. Ijust got out ofthe
way when it started."
Stashko said the second Asian American male
who attacked the victim hit the victim over the
head with an expensive pool cue. Schoenbaechler
said the attacker "was no more than 13 or 14 years
Schoenbaechler also said a third attacker, an
Asian American girl, began to beat the victim after
he had been hit with the pool cue.
The victim's two friends and Union employee
Rich Ohngren broke up the fight.
"It only lasted about 30 seconds, about the time
it took me to get upstairs after being called,"Stashko
said. "The victim was in the bathroom holding his
See FIGHT, Page 2


Voting Rig
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court, opening its new term yesterday,
quickly picked up just where it left off
in late June by again cutting back on the
reach of the Voting Rights Act.
In a brief ruling, the court said states
with a Irge nonnlation of blacks and

Dourt curtails reach of
Ihts Act in8-1ruling

Law Libray coses
its doors 2 hours
earlie r this year
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
With limited funding and safety concerns rising, the
University's Law Library is closing its doors two hours
earlier this year.
Library faculty decided that money allocated for nighttime

place. He announced that Rehnquist,
71, expects to return shortly and that he
will vote in the cases heard this week
after listening to the taped arguments.
The court's refusal to hear an appeal in
the voting-rights case set a legal prece-
dent because the iustices issued an order

ation of new minority districts from
Florida to California and led to a dou-
bling of the number of black members
of Congress.
But in the past two years, the conser-
vative majority of the high court has
unraveled that view.

~U ' a

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