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October 02, 1995 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-02

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1he Bfidign &It[

(2) Nebraska 35, Washington St. 21
(3) Florida 28, Mississippi 10
(4) Colorado 38, (10) Oklahoma 17
(5) Southern Cal 31, Arizona St. 0
Wisconsin 17, (6) Penn St. 9
(7) Ohio St. 45, (15) Notre Dame 26
(11) Virginia 35, Wake Forest 17
(12) Tennessee 31, Oklahoma St. 0
(13) Auburn 42, Kentucky 21

(14) LSU 2u, Sourn arolina 20
(16) Kansas St. 44, Northern Illinois 0
Georgia Tech 31, (17) Maryland 3
(18) Washington 26, Oregon State 16
(20) Alabama 31, Georgia 0
(21) Texas 35, Southern Methodist 10
(23) Arkansas 35, Vanderbilt 7
Baylor 9, (24) Texas Tech 7



Third-quarter run
had evetyone
belving hi Miami
I, for one, thought Miami (Ohio)
would come all the way back to
win Saturday, and I probably wasn't
Never mind that in the third quarter,
Michigan suddenly had trouble fielding
punts, catching long snaps and keeping
the ball for more than three plays. If
you thought it was still a ballgame -
even after the Wolverines led 31-0 - it
was Miami that made you believe it.
After the game, Miami coach Randy
Walker said "there wasn't any doubt"
his team could come back. Sure,
Walker is biased, but anyone who saw
his players come back on Northwestern
two weeks ago would be foolish to

to be Different

count these guys
The then-25th
ranked Wildcats
led 28-7 in the
second halfin
that one before
Miami made its
charge. That tops
any Michigan
comeback ever,
including the
opener against
Virginia, when
the Wolverines

Top: Brian Griese
led Michigan to a"
38-19 victory over
Miami in his first
ever collegiate
start. Griese
passed for 192
yards on the day.
Wolverine wide
receivers Amani
Toomer and
Mercury Hayes
each had
catches Saturday.
Photos by

came back from 17 down.
The way Miami has strung together
points in the second half- 23 against
Northwestern, 19 against Michigan -
it would appear Walker finds the
opponent's Achilles' heel in the first
half and tells his team where it is at
halftime. However, Miami doesn't
credit halftime adjustments for its
improved play in the second half.
"We're one of the better conditioned
teams in the country," Miami tailback
Deland McCullough said.
Perhaps that's why Miami's offense,
which is really a one-man gang named
McCullough, became tougher for
Michigan to stop as the game wore on.
But as fine a tailback as McCullough
is, any team that counts on its running
game for most of its offense can also
count on a loss whenever it trails by a
bunch - especially when the ground
game isn't there.
Miami, however, still believed it
could run.
"That's why weren't throwing the
ball," Walker said. "You can score five
times in a half just playing your game."
So instead of abandoning their game
plan, the Miami coaches and players
simply concentrated more on it. And
Miami's newfound focus soon was
No longer was McCullough getting
hit and dropped at the line of scrim-
mage; the offensive line finally started
opening holes for him. And once he
See EVERSON, Page 6B

Miami comeback attempt fails short

By Antoine Pitts
Daily Sports Editor
Miami (Ohio) coach Randy Walker thought
he was experiencing deja vu.
Two weeks ago at Northwestern, Walker's
team erased two 21-point deficits to beat the
Wildcats 30-28.
Miami (3-2) trailed 31-0 at the half, Satur-
day, before putting together a second-half
effort to make the Wolverines more than a
little nervous. However, Michigan (5-0) even-
tually prevailed, 38-19, behind sophomore
quarterback Brian Griese, who was making
his first career start before a crowd of 104,484
at Michigan Stadium.
"I thought we were going to win it," Walker
said. "It looked a lot like Northwestern. We
stormed back."

Miami scored two touchdowns and two
field goals in the third quarter to cut the lead to
12 with still another 15 minutes to play. The
game wasn't put away until Tshimanga
Biakabutuka's 3-yard touchdown run pumped
his team's lead back up to 19 with 8:39 to go.
"I thought they did a tremendous job of
going down 31-Oat the halfand coming back,"
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said. "They played
hard and made a game of it.
"We came out in the second half and did not
put them away. We had an opportunity to put
the game away but we didn't do that."
Instead of finishing off Miami, the Wolver-
ines gave away outstanding field position three
straight times, leading to easy scores.
Tyrone Butterfield fumbled a punt return at
the Michigan 22-yard line. Jeff Cheek recov-

ered and five plays later Chad Seitz hit a 27-
yard field goal to get Miami on the board.
On the ensuing kickoff, Clarence Williams
accidentally took a knee at the 12. That was
the least of Michigan's problems on this drive,
though. The Wolverines were set to punt but
Paul Peristeris received a bad snap. He dropped
the ball, picked it back up and got off a
partially-blocked kick.
Deollo Anderson picked the ball up but
could not advance enough for the first down.
Miami took over on downs at the Michigan
Miami couldn't advance the ball, though. In
fact, it lost nine yards after Glen Steele's sack
and had to settle for a field goal. Seitz split the
See MIAMI, Page 6B

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7 The two sides of Browniee

By Danielle Rumore
Daily Sports Writer
Her 5'l1" frame supports a
captivating persona, and the two
distinct aspects of her personality.
Off the court, she is a relaxed and
caring friend, student and daughter.
On the court, she is a fierce competi-
tor, constantly striving for perfection
with every dig and kill. She stands
with her hands on her knees and a
fiery intensity in her eyes as she
floats around the court with more
grace than a ballerina. She always
comes ready to play - and to win.
She is Shannon Brownlee, the
senior co-captain of the Michigan
volleyball team. Brownlee always had
an innate drive for success and for
bettering herself and she carries this
intensity onto the court.
"Shannon is two different people
on and off the court," Michigan coach

is adiferent
person off court
enigma. She's an unusual person to
coach in that she's unbelievably
Shannon is the daughter of Barry
and Mary Brownlee, born on April
16, 1973, and raised in London,
Ontario. It was there that the two
sides of her personality developed.
She grew accustomed to a supportive
family structure at the same time that
the athletic aspect of her life devel-
oped into an intense fireball.
Brownlee has always been an avid
sports enthusiast, playing tennis,

competitively from age six through
high school. But it was volleyball that,
captivated her heart and her energy.
"My coach is always on me
because I am so hard on myself,"
Brownlee says. "I don't know why I
have always been like that. It's not
because of how I was raised. My
parents always said, 'Do the best that
you can'.
"If it's not great or perfect, it's not
good enough. I think it's good in
some ways and bad in others. It
probably made me come this far, but
at the same time it makes (my play)
go on a roller-coaster ride."
Brownlee began her volleyball
career in the seventh grade. She
played for two years before moving
on to Saunders Secondary School.
The five-year high school (all of the
high schools in Canada are five-year
schools) had one of the top volleyball

Michigan volleyball co-
captain Shannon Brownlee, a
senior, began playing
volleyball in seventh grade.
She has developed Into one
of the Wolverines' most
prominent leaders.

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