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September 29, 1995 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-29

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Can you hear the Chocolate Thunder?
Former NBA star Darryl Dawkins is planning a return to the league. The
38-year-old center is now in Boston and hopes to make the Celtics
squad. Dawkins, nicknamed "Chocolate Thunder" for his ferocious
dunks, played several seasons with the Philadelphia 76ers.

Page 12
September 29, 1995

'~"~ ~'M'must break innewQ
...r.a Untested Griese must face nations top-rated defense

By Ryan White
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr
did not want to be sitting at a press
conference yesterday.
But nonetheless, he was, and he was
discussing the injury to his starting quar-
terback just two days before the No. 8
Wolverines (4-0) return to the field
after having last weekend off.
Michigan faces Miami (Ohio) (3-1)
Saturday at 12:30 p.m. in Michigan
Stadium, and will be without freshman
quarterback Scott Dreisbach.
"We just came off a tough four game
schedule against some strong teams,
relatively healthy," Carr said. "And then
we get a freak injury in practice."
Dreisbach, who had won his first
four games as Michigan's quarterback,
injured ligaments in his right thumb in
practice Tuesday.
He had surgery Wednesday and will
have the thumb in a cast for up to four

The injury moves sophomore Brian
Griese into the starting quarterback role.
Gniese got his first taste of game action
Sept. 2 when he came into the game late
against Illinois.
He did, however, take the majority of
the snaps in practice the past two weeks
because ofa mild concussion Dreisbach
suffered Sept. 16 at Boston College.
Carr expects to see about the same
thing out of Griese as he did out of
Dreisbach in his first game.
"He will make some mistakes," Carr
said. "But I think he will do a very good
job leading this football team."
The Wolverines can take some so-
lace in that they're not the only team
this weekend that is minus a starting
Miami lost its No. 1 signal caller
Sept. 16 when Neil Dougherty suffered
a tear of the plantar facia muscle in his
right foot against Northwestern.
As a result of Dougherty's injury the
quarterback duties for Miami will fall on

the shoulders of sophomore Sam Ricketts.
Ricketts came in for Dougherty
against the Wildcats and completed 13
of 26 passes for 190 yards to help in
Miami's come-from-behind victory
over Northwestern.
Dougherty is nearly recovered and
could see game time. Carr said earlier
this week that the Wolverines were
preparing for both quarterbacks.
"Ricketts is a guy you really have to
change your pace for when he comes
in," Carr said ofthe more mobile backup.
"You have to know (which quarter-
back) is in the game because their game
changes when he's in."
Defensively, Michigan will alsohave
to keep an eye out for senior taitback
Deland McCullough.
McCullough has led the team in rush-
ing the past three years. This season he
has already run the ball 102 times for
484 yards, an average of 4.5 yards per
See MIAMI, Page 12


Mercury Hayes and the Wolverines have had an extra week to prepare for Miami (Ohio).

First game in 71 years will be no contest

By Scott Burton
Daily Sports Writer
There is a good reason why Miami
(Ohio) has never scheduled Michigan
since their first meeting in 1924 -
l4ike~ most well-adjusted human be-
ings, Miami doesn't like getting
And boy, did Miami ever take a
beating 71 years ago. The Wolver-
ines, behind four touchdown runs from
"Touchdown" Herb Steger, conquered
Miami, 55-0, at Ferry Field Oct. 4.
So, why then, has Miami thought it
prudent to return to Ann Arbor for a
return matchup this Saturday? Has
the balance of power actually shifted
[in Miami's favor to the point where
they may be able to justify being on
the same field?
Well ... just by a thumb - Scott
Dreisbach's right thumb to be exact.
With Dreisbach sidelined for four
weeks, Michigan's offense may piddle
around for points, much like in its 24-
7 victory over Memphis.
But, much like the Wolverines' first
four victories, they will win by de-
There doesn't seem to be much hope
for a marginally talented Miami of-

fense when Michigan has dominated
such foes as Boston College and Illi-
nois. It may not be a blowout, but it'll
be a convincing win.
Michigan rushing offense vs. Mi-
ami rushing defense:
If Michigan coach Lloyd Carr pulled
the reins on Dreisbach after his record-
breaking performance against Vir-
ginia, you can just about bet that Brian
Griese is not going to be the focal
point of the Wolverines' attack.
That, of course, means that the Wol-
verines will be pounding the ball on
the ground all day against Miami. To
that end, Michigan's depth at the po-
sitions, as well as Tshimanga
Biakabutuka's endurance, will be
That is not necessarily bad news,
however. Although fading late against
Memphis, Biakabutuka thrives with
the more carries he gets.
And his backups- Ed Davis, Chris
Howard and Clarence Williams -
are all capable of providing solid pro-
Miami has allowed two 100-yard
rushing efforts this year, including
Northwestern's Darnell Autry's 152
yards. However, Miami has allowed

only 2.2 yards per carry on the season
and has a number of legitimate impact
players on its line.
However, Miami hasn't seen the
talent or depth of running backs like
Michigan's. That could mean things
could get ugly late for Miami - a la
Advantage: Michigan
Michigan passing offense vs. Mi-
ami passing defense: The bad news
for Michigan here is that it doesn't
know what to expect from Griese, as
he has had only limited game experi-
The good news for the Wolverines
is that Miami knows even less - it
had oodles and oodles of film from
which to study Dreisbach, but with
the late timing of his injury, they've
had no time to prepare for Griese.
Not that anyone should expect
Griese to come out and execute com-
plex play patterns. He'll more likely
be counted upon to complete high-
percentage plays, spelling the Wol-
verines running attack.
Given those considerations, Miami
will have to concentrate more on con-
taining the Wolverine receivers so
that five- and 10-yard gains don't
become 20, 30 and 40 yard touch-
down trots.
And Miami certainly has seem ca-
pable of containing the passing game
this year - it has yet to allow a 200-
yard passing game.

Advantage: none
Miami rushing offense vs. Michi-
gan rushing defense:
Deland McCullough doesn't rank
among the most familiar names in the
college football ranks, and there is a
good reason for it. Sure, the senior
has led Miami in rushing the last three
years, and with three 100-yard rush-
ing games this season, he's en route
for a fourth rushing title.
But Northwestern proved that
McCullough is not a undeniable threat,
holding him to 45 yards on 17 carries.
And if the Wildcats can contain him,
surely so will the Wolverines.
Michigan appears to have one of
the best rushing defenses in the na-
tion, holding its opponents to an un-
earthly 2.0 yards per carry. However,
to be fair, the Wolverines have yet to
see a top-flight feature back on the
level of Alex Smith or Chris Darkins.
Advantage: Michigan
Miami passing offense vs. Michi-
gan passing defense:
Miami, like Michigan, will not start
its projected preseason starter Satur-
day. Four-year starter Neil Dougherty
suffered a tear of the plantar facia
muscle against Northwestern and has
been replaced by sophomore Sam
For any quarterback to be success-
ful against Michigan, they have to
See MATCHUPS, Page 12


Michigan running back Tshlmanga Blakabutuka will run up against a Miami (Ohio)
defense that has allowed opponents 2.2 yards per carry.
Roadtrp cnnesfo
Miciga field hockey

By Jed Rosenthal
Daily Sports Writer

team should just forget about playing
i ion its new astroturf Ocker Field ever

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School of Music

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You know, the one that hasn't been
dedicated yet. The one which has re-
ceived great praise from students and
players alike. The one which never
seems to be used for games, only prac-
tice. The one which the team has rarely
played on.
The Wolverines have only reached
the midpoint of what feels like a never-
ending seven-game road trip and should
not even bother returning to Ann Arbor.
Wherever Michigan travels, it seems to
pulotvictory. However, this week-

end, the Wolverines may wish for no
place like home.
Today, Michigan (1-0 Big Ten, 7-2
overall) travels to Iowa. City to tackle
the No. 7 Hawkeyes. The Wolverine~
may find their five-game winning strea~
in jeopardy-lIowa has defeated Michi2
gan in every meeting between the two
a string of 27 contests.
The Hawkeyes are led by Ann Pare
who has 10 goals and four assists for
total of 24 points. Diane DeMiro fol
lows Pare with 21 points.
Comparitively, senior Sherene Smit
is the only Wolverine in double digit
with 12 points from six goals.
After Iowa, the Wolverines travel t

Monday, October 2
Composers Forum
8 p.m., Recital Hall, School of Music
Tuesday, October 3
Paul Hindemith Centennial Concert
Faculty/Guest Recital
"Sonata for violin and piano in E-flat, Sonata for viola
and piano in F, Sonata for violoncello and piano, and
Sonata for doublebass and piano
8 p.m., Recital Hall, School of Music
Friday, October 6
Symphony Band and Concert Band
H. Robert Reynolds, Dennis Glocke, conductors
8 p.m., Hill Auditorium
Saturday, October 7
Faculty Recital by Anton Nel
" Mozart: Sonata in C, K. 330
" Schonberg: Six Little Pieces, op. 19
" Debussy: Danse, La plus que lente, L'Isle joyeuse
" Schumann: Carnaval, op.9
8 p.m., Recital Hall, School of Music
Dance Guest Artist Series
Neta Pulvermacher & Dancers
Tickets: $8 and $5 (763-5460)



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