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September 07, 1995 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-07

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 7, 1995

Agoommo.0 It
Ott atch tu

Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief
Edited and managed by JULIE BECKER
students at the JAMES M. NASH
University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors
Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All
other articles. letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.
New debit card an unworthy successor
he University of Michigan takes great values cannot be replaced - but potentially
prideinprovidingstudents withaworld- all of the money on the debit stripe as well.
class education, exposure to a diverse popu- While students' pictures do appear onMcards,
lation, and most important, a new way to rid a student will be hard-pressed to recall the
themselves of unwanted cash. last time a vendor checked his or her ID
Mcard, the outgrowth of the now-defunct picture before completing an Entree Plus
Entr6e Plus, offers students several services, sale.
including the new debit stripe and cash chip. Many vendors themselves have admitted
Despite the $80,000 advertising campaign that they don't know how to correctly operate
launched by First of America to promote the machines. It is easy to mistakenly deduct
Mcard, it's not as hassle-free as Theodore M. more money than intended from the debit
Cardman-the fictional studenton all sample stripe or the cash chip, just as it is easy to
Mcards - would have the student body deduct money from the wrong feature. Some
believe. students who have attempted to make smaller
Nor does it offer as many choices. While purchases with the debit stripe are told that
legions of Mcard spokespeople entice stu- they will be charged 40 cents - a surcharge
dents withpromisesofcalling-cardandwash- that was not publicized. Students may find
ing-machine functions, the card limits stu- their checking accounts overdrawn a bit too
dents' options when it comes to which bank soon, or their cash chip value slightly lower
they may use. than expected.
Via the debit stripe, students can access Entree Plus is obsolete, except for on-
their First of America checking account to campus transactions, such as residence hall
make purchases at participating stores and meals. If students want a debit card, they
restaurants. They may also use the CashChip, have no choice but to open a First of America
which holds a value of up to $50. The money checking account. Why, then, did the Uni-
for Mcard is deposited at local Mcard ATMs. versity spend over $80,000 to convince stu-
Sounds convenient-now. But what will dents that Mcard is a must-have? The bank
happen in the future, as First of America and the University have spent exorbitant
capitalizes on the monopoly the University amounts of money publicizing the Mcard;
has granted it? The University signed a three- it's too bad they didn't expend as much effort
year contract with First of America. During educating students on the less-flattering de-
that time, the bank reserves the right to add tails of Mcard.
fees orchange the card's options as it chooses, Because he Mcard summer pilot program
without the University's approval. For ex- proceeded without incident, the Mcard office
ample, there it little to prevent the bank from incorrectly assumed all of the glitches had
instituting an exorbitant minimum balance been worked out. Students will have to live
for students' checking accounts. with the Unviersity's errors in designing
Mcard proponents assert that using the Mcard for the next three years. By 1998, a
card is safer than carrying cash. What they more secure debit card must be designed.
fail to recognize is that if a student loses his For now, students should just say no to the
or her Mcard, he or she forgoes not only the Mcardandnotobeingmanipulatedbymoney-
entire value on the cash chip - lost cash chip hungry institutions.
A call from arms
Airstrikes bring new hope in Bosnia conflict

Junfr1 KAFKA
S Lf bebfore Pulp Fdion?
Sure, but irtzvasn -'tf/csame

So, fall of '95 has arrived.
Whether you spentthe last few months
sweating out a summer job delivering
pizza, barely surviving as an intern in the
With-My-Life-Afterall Corporation, or
just bumming around doing nothing pro-
ductive whatsoever, you have officially
made it through to another academic year
here in good ol A-squared.
These next eight months will most as-
suredly be filled with joys and sorrows,
surprises and the predictable, and lots and
lots of rainy days. Instead of looking for-
ward, however, I devote my first column
to a brief review of the past.
You see, my sojourn from this lovely
campus of ongoing construction did not
consist of the mere four-month summer to
which we are accustomed. No, I, like many
of my fellow classmates, spent my Junior
Year Abroad. While gone, although greatly
enriched in other ways, I was often de-
prived of much of this nation's news, and
almost all of Ann Arbor's.
Thus my return to the U of M, and the
U.S. of A., has been a return to both
overwhelming changes and bewildering
stagnation. For those who were gone as
well, and for others who may have forgot-
ten, here's a briefreview ofwhat's changed
and what's stayed the same over the past
12 months.
The week I left the States, the serious
debates featured in the newspapers con-

cerned entering Haiti, providing national
health care, and showing any sense of
decency in Bosnia (Done, not done, and
still undone).
Other headline questions dealt with
whether or not Shannon Faulkner would
be forced to shave her head "knob" style as
a cadet entering the Citadel that fall (she
wasn't - despite the local community's
"Shave the Whale" campaign; nor was she
actually permitted to enroll until late last
month, after an entire year of additional
court battles, only to find the stress and
isolation of being a sole hated female on
male terrain too much to bear. But really,
that should be another column ...), and if
Michael and Lisa Marie had, would ever,
or even could "consummate" their mar-
riage. (One year and one Diane Sawyer
special later - the question apparently
remains unanswered).
When I left, people still wondered if
O.J. did it.Nowthey just wonder ifenough
jurors will remain for the trial to finish (a
question which, rest assured, appeared in
European media as well - without court-
room TV).
One year ago, Pulp Fiction had not yet
been viewed in this country, Newt was not
a household name, and many of us actu-
ally believed Bob Packwood's career was
We had a competent and qualified,
albeit outspoken (the horror!), surgeon
general, but she got the boot, as did the

competent and qualified, albeit abortion-
practicing (the horror!), candidate named
to replace her.
Did I mention the elections?
On a calmer note, on to the changes here
on our freshly brick-enhanced campus. The
key elements of my first two years of col-
lege - MTS, CRISP, and Entree Plus -
are all being phased out, rendering me
grandmother-like in my repeated "I just
don't understand all this modern technol.
ogy" quips.
The Ugli isn't ugly anymore, and shock-
ingly, students actually refer to it as
Two regents out, replaced by two new
ones to the "right." (Speaking of regents on
the outs, I recall that last year Deane Baker
commented on the attractiveness of our
new student president, who was at the time
-wouldn't you know -a woman. Did he
equally compliment current Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly President and acknowledged
studmuffin Flint Wainess, I wonder, or is
the white male still overly oppressed here
in a land racked with double standards?)
New football coach, new soccer field,
new IDs, but same long lines to buy books
- whose prices, incidentally, are even
Same move-in traffic, bigger welcome
week, and a new bagel place off the Diag.
So there you have it, a year-in-review.
Welcome back, welcome here, and Go


MooiE's D1U1MvIA

J )

'it is a violation of
human rights
when babies are
denied food, or
drowned, or suffo-
cated, or their
spines broken,
simply because
they are born
girls, when women
and girls are sold
into slavery or
prostitution for
human greed.'
-- Hillary Rodham
Clinton in China

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After a summer full of hollow threats to
Bosnian Serbs, a new round of NATO
airstrikes provided an encouraging sign of
the Western powers' resolve. Long-awaited
Western response to the war in Bosnia could
not come at a better time. Last month's
Croatian offensive in Krajina helped turn
back the seemingly unstoppable Bosnian
Serbs - a turn that might make Bosnian
Serb leader Radovan Karadzic more open to
negotiations than ever before. This two-
pronged show of force is bringing concilia-
tory gestures from Serbian leaders - and
renewed hopes for a comprehensive settle-
Over the past four years the response of
the international community to the atrocities
in the former Yugoslavia has been practi-
cally nonexistent. Although President Clinton
campaigned in 1992 for strong U.S.-led in-
ternational involvement in Bosnia, his posi-
tion has changed many times since. Both the
Vietnam syndrome -fear of long involve-
ment in a war with no exit - and poor
coordination with NATO allies have cowed
the Clinton administration into inaction and
The international community as a whole
-represented by the United Nations - and
the United States, as the world's sole super-
power, have failed miserably in formulating
a coherent policy for Bosnia. This failure has
manifested itself most recently in the contin-
ued problems protecting safe areas desig-
Vice President for Student

nated by the United Nations during the past
year. Srebrenica, Bihac, Gorazde, Zepa, and
Tuzla were designated safe enclaves for in-
nocent citizens caught in the middle of a
bloody civil war. Yet this summer, in the face
of U.N. inaction, the Bosnian Serbs overran
both Srebrenica and Zepa. Having failed to
protect these areas, the Western powers must
stand firm in preserving Bihac, Gorazde and
Sarejevo as safe havens.
This coming Friday the Bosnian Serbs,
Croats and Muslims will convene in Geneva
as the United States attempts to orchestrate a
peace plan. While all of the many previous
peace plans have ultimately collapsed, the
Bosnian Serbs enter these negotiations bat-
tered by Croatian advances and newfound
Western resolve. These factors should help
set the stage for this renewed diplomatic
effort, which would retain a sovereign yet
partitioned Bosnia. The United States is push-
ing a plan that would give 51 percent of
Bosnia to the Croats and Muslims while
giving the remaining 49 percent to the Bosnian
Serbs. While many condemn this plan as
rewarding Serb warlords for their aggres-
sion, it would give the Bosnian Serbs much
less than the 70 percent of Bosnia that they
now possess.
The latest military moves, coupled with a
reinvigorated diplomatic effort, should force
the Serbs to bargain reasonably. With a peace
plan that should satisfy all parties, an end to
the violence may finally be in sight.

Former employees, manager of Espresso Royale coffeehouse
disagree over dress code, non-discrimination policy

... We left due
to the intent
and sentiment
behind a dress
code, and not
due to the spe-
- Former Espresso
Royale employees

In response to
the allegation
that Espresso
on any basis;
this is untrue.'
- Marcus Goller,
Espresso Royale

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- -

By former Espresso Royale employees
We, the former employees of State Street Espresso Royale would
like to apologize to our customers for any inconvenience they have
encountered due to our actions. We are aware of the rumors and
accusations that we have overreacted to a corporate dress code. The
former employees would like to make it clear that we left due to the
intent and sentiment behind a dress code, and not due to the specifics.
The original dress code was intended to select an elite clientele and
eliminate specific types of employees, as well as customers, from the
Espresso Royale envoronment. Althoough the corporate office claims
that the dress code was in a process of revision and that the exclusion
of sexual orientation from the equal rights clause was a mistake, we
feel that this mistake is irresponsible and unforgivable. Even though
they have agreed to make amemdments to the policy, it is obvious that
the heliefc of the comnoration willremain. It is for this reason that we

By Marcus Goller
A new dress code was given to the staff at the State Street
Espresso Royale which was written in a harsh way. I am very sorry
for this and take responsibility for it. It is being rewritten.
In response to the allegation that Espresso Royale discriminates
on any basis; this is untrue.
On the contrary, we stand for the highest levels of conduct. To
the right is a copy of our statement concerning discrimination from
the crew handbook in use since 1993.
Included in the dress code was a statement of non-discrimina-
tion. My mistake was using the federal EOE copy as opposed to
our company's thorough statement. Ideally we wouldn't need a list
at all. We don't discriminate! No one should.

Affairs Maureen A. Hartford

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