4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 28, 1995 (TIbe hI~tan Drn tlii JUDITH KAFKA THE FINE PRNT 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES M. NASH Editorial Page Editors Cndtcs take note: Women 's A sues aren 't one-dbnmensiornal Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily 's editorial board. All oither articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Looking outward 11 U wise to broaden provost search A n ongoing search to replace retiring easy to shirk this objective through an inter- Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. has nal search, as the current dean pool - the now reached its final stages. According to a traditional breeding ground for the provost meniber ofthe Provost Search Advisory Com- - includes only four women, one of whom mittee, five finalists are being considered for is also the only minority dean. Among these, the position, which acts as a link between LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg has publicly University President James J. Duderstadt disavowed interest in the job. The University and the 18 academic deans. In a change from has done a praiseworthy job in going outside recent-practice, none of the finalists are cur- to look for minority and female candidates, rentlyaffiliated with the University. However, if it is truly committed to increas- For the past 30 years, each vacancy in the ing diversity, the University must look in- provost's office had been filled by promo- ward at its lower administrative levels. Thai tions from within, usually by the elevation of the University had to look beyond its own a dean from one ofthe University's 18 schools campus to find qualified female and minority and colleges. That all five candidates to fill candidates attests to the progress that still the office -- the second-highest administra- must be made. tive post at the University - are from out- The search committee has narrowed its side is encouraging in many respects. New list to five external candidates, at least one of faces bring too-rare new ideas to the Univer- whom is either a woman or a minority. The sity community. They also allow the Univer- appointment of a woman or minority to the sity tobenefit from individuals' experiences provost's office should not be automatic. But at other institutions. in an effort to bring greater diversity to the Diuderstadt has cited an increased num- University administration, the opportunity tc ber offemale and minority candidates as one advance to the position based on merit shoulk advantage of a national search. This is a be provided to the most diverse pool ofquali- comimendable goal, in tune with the fled applicants possible. The University has presi nt's Michigan Mandate, Agenda for attempted to do so in this instance, and shoulk Womin and the University's ongoing com- be commended. One can only hope its ac- mitinnt to diversity. It would have been tions will be repeated in future promotions. a a A high price to pay Pan would cut students off from grad school v t Y Y e I had just sat down at the computer when one of my housemates appeared at the door to my room. The housemate asked what I was doing; I responded that I was about to work on my column. "What are you going to write about?" the housemate asked. "Something to do with women?" I answered I hadn't really decided yet. "You'll write about women," the housemate insisted. "You always write about women." I considered this assertion. "You should write about something else for a change - people might get sick of it. You don't want to sound like a broken record." I thanked my housemate for the unsolic- ited advice, only because it provided me with an inspiration for my column. This was not the first time someone had suggested to me that a feminist column (read: a column written by a feminist) would have a limited appeal. In fact,just last week I received a piece of similar advice from a graduate student via e- mail. "You have some good points," I was warned, "but you should try more inclusive topics. You don't want to fall into an angry feminism type." If these comments had come from fum- ing readers who hated my column that would be one thing, and much easier to deal with. But my housemate is a loving friend, and the grad student seemed well-intentioned and genuinely concerned. These are not femi- nist-bashers; rather, they were promoting the "enough already" attitude quite preva- lent when it comes to women writing about women. I'm not going to say that in the past four weeks I haven't devoted more space to women than to men, nor will I assert that I've been completely gender neutral in focus. The fact of the matter is, women make up 50 percent of the population; I don't con- sider writing about issues that pertain to them as particularly specialized. It is telling, although not surprising, that both my housemate and my e-mail core- spondent are male. In their eyes, writing about women is valid, as long as it is done in moderation: Repeatedly writing about the same topic is overkill. What they fail to see is that "women" is not a topic. Women are diverse people with diverse interests, few of which ever make it into newspapers, television or the classroom. Women, much as our friends controlling Congress would like to disagree, are not a special interest group. They are worthy of more than brief acknowledgments when abortion laws are being debated or a famous football star's wife is gruesomely murdered. They do not all think alike, and they cannot be neatly packaged into the single slot they are allotted everywhere from politics to board rooms. There is nothing redundant in writing about women. Furthermore, issues that interest women and issues that interest men are not mutually exclusive. No one doubts the cross-gender readership of columns that do not touch upon women's issues. I grant men enough credit to believe that the same applies to those that do. I don't know what my future columns will be about; I have not made a conscious decision to only write about women. Yet if that's how it ends up, I'll have no regrets. I am confident there will be enough to write about without me sounding like a broken record. Judith Kafka can be reached over e- mail at jkujkaaumich.edu. I I MATT WIMSATT MooKu's DCIEMMA }. i s. . dif 4y~ yy- .^-. 3 il r NOTABLE QUOTABLE' 'It makes stu- dents losers and parents losers and taxpayers losers.' - Jon Obeg, Department ofEducatio~n legislative speczairt, on the student aid prop osal passed :in Senate Committee this week ,s the congressional GOP leadership rives for its dual goal of a balanced budgM and an enormous tax cut, fiscal ma- neuves may force graduate and professional studets to bear a heavy burden. If Congress follo5s through on the cuts outlined in this sunir's budget resolution, graduate stu- denteyill lose the in-school interest subsidy on 4beir student loans. This would be an enormous blunder as America prepares for the :eponomy of the 21st century. Uilder current law, graduate students are exe nted from the interest on their student loanm hat accrues while they are in school. Cofion sense dictates that this is fair - studrts cannot earn enough money while in scho: to cover heavy debtloads. Under the planftudents would not need pay higher costs whili in school. How- S ever, once they have gradsted and begun to repa their loans, the in- terestfrom their years in school would be added to their bill. Cgisidering that many graduates already hav aggering financial difficulties, this couldbe a nightmare for young profession- als; Eiminating the exemption would raise the: pst of graduate school by up to 50 perceht for some students. A student with the maximum student loan allowed ($65,500) coQl1 end up paying a total of $45,000 in intert. Students with smaller loans would be hWith enormous new costs as well. TIbe congressional proposal would make gra1dtQ school not feasible for many stu- dentlIndividuals ofaverage economic back- gro ds would lose almost any chance of ente.ig a number ofprofessions. Many fields that equire advanced degrees do not carry witlthem the earning power that would be needed to pay off the enormous debt bur- TO CONTACT THEM To voice your concerns ab 1-800-5 For more information n a. il c4..m rcn _i dens. Teaching, social work, nursing and theology - to name a few - would be out of the question for most middle-class students. This plan comes at a time when graduate school is becoming increasingly necessary. A liberal arts degree is not the ticket to employment it once was. Without graduate school, many college-educated people are relegated to the lower echelons of the profes- sional world. With this plan, government, instead of serving as an engine of opportu- nity, would serve as a roadblock. In addition, the economy is changing in such a way that America requires a highly educated workforce. The educational levels employers demand will often only be attain- able by graduate and pro- fessional studies. By cut- ting off the opportunity for Americans to seek * *d higher levels of educa- tion, the government would be severely crip- pling America's ability to perform in the world economy. There are reasons for optimism that this proposal will fail. When the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee passed its package of cuts this week, it preserved the in- school interest exemption. President Clinton has also pressed hard to maintain the interest exemption in his budget negotiations with Congress. Even some Republican House members have called for the exemption to be preserved. As Washington delves into the budget battle, this issue is certain to be a key point of contention. The effects of the debate will reverberate for decades in the American economy - and hundreds of thousands of individual students will be enormously af- fected as well. As Congress strives to balance the budget, it must not undermine America's professional future. LETTERS The Citadel is no place for physically unfit cadets To the Daly: In response to "Even after Shannon Faulkner, a 'treehouse mentality' thrives" by Jean Twenge (9112/95). As a female Army officer, I myself have been referred to as a trailblazer. I'm Michigan's first female commissioned (2LT) he- licopter pilot. Many times I have been the lone female in courses of my training and I've also done more than my fair share of push- ups in 100-degree heat. In OCS (Officer Candidate School) I was one out of the two females in the course. I graduated fourth in the class; the other female graduated last. Whatever preconceptions my male peers and instructors had didn't matter in the end. They saw me hold my own in garrison, out in the field, mentally and physically. They realized "1 could hang," even when of lot of the males couldn't. Shannon Faulkner knew for 2 1 /2 years she wanted to' attend The Citadel and be a cadet. Dur- ing that time she should have been preparing herself physically. I know she claims she did. She didn't. She was one of six out of 600 who fell to the heat that first day. Thousands of soldiers gradu- ate from Army basic training ev- ery year after being exercised extensively in the heat, i.e. Ft. Jackson, S.C., Ft. Benning, Ga. A good percentage of those soldiers are female. I myself graduated from Army basic training from Ft. Jackson. Even after having been raised in Michigan it didn't take very long to get acclimated. Shannon Faulkner was a poor representation for women. Al- though The Citadel is not the ... - . ,--- pation experience you're seek- ing. Shannon Faulkner doesn't want to experience life as a Cita- del cadet. She wants the change The Citadel to accommodate women like herself. There are many military-style schools she could attend not includingi the service academies. Considering the number of women seeking enrollment at The Citadel, am I to assume there will be just as many seeking enrollment at VMI (Vir- ginia Military Institute)? Their antics are even more "primitive male" than The Citadel's. I am all for the advancement of women but let's not jump on the feminist bandwagon and praise Shannon Faulkner for her hypocrisy. If she truly wanted to be a cadet she would have arrived at The Citadel head-shaven, physically fit, and she would have left her inhibitions at the gate when she stepped through. Christina Doster Engineering junior Church-State separation is not absolute To the Daily: I must confess, I normally don't read the Daily. However, I happened upon the 9/25/95 edi- tion, and read youreditorial about why Spring Arbor college is not qualified to teach classes at the state prison ("In prison, with reli- gion"). I noted your comment about the "American principle of separation of church and state" as applied to civil rights laws. It made me wonder if the editors ever read Jefferson's original let- ter, or his resulting comments on that letter. In that letter, Jefferson was arguing against the existence of a state-sponsored religion. He never argued for the exclusion of all religious thinking or all reli- gious institutions from public af- r..,~Ft- ^+ tic, but I see nothing wrong with a state prison located in Jackson turning to a Jackson-area institu- tion of higher learning to provide college-level instruction. In light of that, why not give Spring Ar- bor the contract and let the "cap- tive audience" decide whether those instructors are qualified for the job? Why set up a kangaroo court and judge Spring Arbor's instructors for teaching programs with "religious overtones" before the fact? I anxiously await the day when merit rather than creed, skin color, etc. becomes the bottom line in American society in determining whether one is fit for a job. I hope that Daily editors use their edito- rial freedom to speed rather than impede the arrival of that day. Reuben A. Rubio Rackham student Daily unfairly criticizes McCartney To the Daily: Michael Rosenberg claims that hiring Bill McCartney to coach Michigan football would be the "worst move the University's Athletic Department could ever make," presumably because of his "highly question- able character" ("The wrong an- swer" 9/21/95). On what does Rosenberg base this degradation of McCartney's character? First are the numerous arrests that occurred during McCartney's tenure at Colorado. A coach is rightfully held accountable for the image his program presents to the public. However, many esteemed coaches have been tarnished in this manner, including Tom Osborne, Lou Holtz and Steve Fisher (with our beloved Fab Five). Thus, if the police record of his players is in correlation with the character of the coach, Uv ~rnac;: i ar -. 4 iz- Finally Rosenberg takes of- fense with McCartney sharing his faith with his players. McCartney is not the only one to do so. In a recent article on Tom Osborne in New Man magazine, it was pointed out that the Nebraska leg- end takes care to profess his faith openly to his players and hold optional Bible studies for his staff. By inviting his players to pray with him, McCartney is simply showing that he cares for them as more than just players, and that he desires to share with them what he considers the most important part of his life. Moreover, it is ridiculous to insinuate that McCartney ties playing opportu- nities to religious persuasion. Did Rashaan Salaam, last year's Heisman winner, suffer from lack of playing time because his faith differed from McCartney's? How could a coach be as successful as McCartney was, while basing his personnel decisions on anything other than performance? Character is a synonym of in- tegrity, which is defined a "ad- : herence to moral and ethical prin- ciples." Rare is the man with the character ofMcCartney. In a very moving speech at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, he explained why he left a top position in a profes- sion that he adored. Football was interfering with his ability to be a husband and a father. He gave up a situation of which most men dream for the sake of his wife, his children, and the calling of his God. Now that is adherence to his moral and ethical principles! McCartney is not unem- ployed, as Rosenberg suggests. Afterrefusing apaid position with the Promise Keepers organiza- tion, he took ajob with a waterbed manufacturer. I agree with Rosenberg that McCartney would have the ability to bring Michi- gan football back to glory, and I would wager that he would not have any drunken outbursts in the process. However, stating that out student aid to Congress 574-4AID on saving student aid lannhamn il ho a