It l l "IIi Weather rght: Mostly cloudy, uigh 53% omorrow: Mostly cloudy, igh around 60-. One hundred four years of editoralfreedom Thursday September 28, 1995 .. : ', 'U, cuts grduate journalism Certificate may replace degree By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter After dropping all undergraduate journalism classes in January, the University's interim provost yesterday accepted a task force proposal to elimi- nate the master's degree program in journalism. J. Bernard Machen said he has en- dorsed the recommendations from the Journalism Task Force to end the pro- gram and to place a moratorium on admissions for fall term 1996. The action may eliminate all courses in journalism at the University. Vice President for University Rela- tions Walter Harrison cited the program's poor national record as rea- son for its termination. "No university, no matter how broad, can do everything. We're currently not doing journalism master's level work as a national leader," Harrison said. Jonathan Friendly, who has directed the program since 1988, said that 200 student letters requesting information this semester would remain unanswered and else would be admitted to the program. "It's a dead loss to this University to withdraw itsel ffrom the complete study ofinformation," Friendly said. "It shows how far apart academics are from the reality of professional life." The 14 students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to com- plete their degrees. "There's an enormous emotional impact on them, but I don't think it will hurt them professionally," Friendly said. "They were very sensitive and sensible about the implications for themselves." In place of a graduate program, the University is considering a Certificate in Journalism, which would comple- Trouble Communicating The history of the Communication Department is full of moves and changes: 1979: Merger of speech, communication and theatre, and journalism. March 1993: The University asks an auditor tocheck two endowments. Jan. 1994: LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg announces the dean of the department, Neal Malamuth, is resigning. She appoints a committee to suggest plans for the future of the department. June 1994: The department vows to repay funds misspent out of the endowments, which were intended for scholarships. July 1994: The department adopted a first draft of guidelines for the funds. Jan. 1995: The committee suggests eliminating undergraduate courses in journalism and finding another place for the graduate program. ment a Ph.D. or master's degree in another field. The certificate program, modeled after the Women's Studies Program, Sexually explicit artork sbielded y Laurie Mayk nd Josh White aily Staff Reporters Art senior Stephanie Sailor set up her ew exhibit at the Street Gallery on orth Campus Monday night. The next morning she found a wooden lockage surrounding her work. Sailor says her exhibit has been cen- ored by the Art School and in particu- ar by Art School Dean Allen Samuels. "You could still see the frames, but hey were blocked by these panels," ailor said. Her work, titled "MILK - What a urprise!" includes four framed pieces, ach of which has three images: on the left, a current milk industry advertise- ent taken from magazines; on the right, differing pictures showing the mistreatment of cows at a dairy farm; nd in the center, various magazine cut- -" 11ht Sailor describes as "porno- graphic images showing women with cum on their faces." Samuels said he did not put the barn- rs up with any intention of censoring Sailor's work. "Let me make it clear: we do not ensor in the Art School," Samuels said esterday. "I want to say it again - we o not censor. This exhibit is not in a allery, it is in a main corridor that is a public way to get to the main gallery. "We have small children literally walking hand-in-hand past here every- day, and I think that it would be inap- ropriate to subject them to something that they probably shouldn't see." But Samuels said he thought the ex- hibit had important messages and should be "available" for public consumption. "We put up screens 4 to 5 feet away from the pictures to allow people to would require a small number of formal courses and the completion of an in- ternship as a supplement to other gradu4 See JOURNALISM, Page 2A Senate approves spending bill,55-45 WASHINGTON (AP) - Over Democratic objections, the Senate passed a $62 billion spending bill yes- terday that would slash money for envi- ronmental protection, housing programs and veterans' benefits. Democrats, who said in advance that they lacked the votes to make substan- tial changes in the bill, urged President Clinton to veto it. The House previ- ously approved equal or deeper spend- ing cuts, so those differences must still be resolved. The Senate approved the legislation 55-45 after Republicans rebuffed Demo- cratic attempts to. restore funds for en- vironmental cleanup of toxic dumps, help for the homeless, health programs for veterans and a cherished Clinton national service program. The legislation is the first of three broad domestic spending bills being considered by the Senate this week. Senate Minoiity Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) called the bills "ex- tremism on parade" and said the only recourse was to urge a presidential veto. "There's no point in trying to fine- tune this mess," Daschle declared. The Senate bill would cut the Envi- ronmental Protection Agency's budget by one-fourth to $5.6 billion, including a $430 million slash in its Superfund program for toxic waste cleanup. Clinton had sought an increase to $7.3 billion. It also would cut housing programs by $5 billion, one-fifth ofcurrent spend- ing, eliminate Clinton's Americorps national service initiative and reduce veterans' programs by $395 million. Sen. Bob Kerrey ofNebraska was the lone Democrat to join the Republicans See SPENDING, Page 2A ALIZABETH LIPPMAN/Dly Art senior Stephanie Sailor's exhibit in the Art and Architecture Building is surrounded by barriers. The exhibit, "MILK -- What a surprise!" has sexually explicit photos. decide if they want to see them," he said. "If you walk past, you can clearly see a man's penis in a woman's face. If someone wants to see more, they can walk in and see it. "I would encourage her to display this art as it deals with important issues. I want the issues to be confronted. "I am on her side," Samuels said. Art junior Ariana Poniatowski said she respects an artist's right to display such work, but that the exhibit is not something that she would want to look at. "I think the walls are a good idea," Poniatowski said. "There would be way too much controversy around here if they didn't put (the exhibit up at all)." Sailor said her emotions about the whole event have changed over the course of the week. "Initially I was very angry, but it has really made me sad to think about what happened," Sailor said. "It is 1995 and it is the School of Art. To have someone throw barricades in front of my art makes me sad." Photography Prof. Joanne Leonard said allowing students to use the hall- way space for personal exhibits opened up the chance for such work to go on display. "I think it should have been antici- pated that students would use the space to be outrageous," Leonard said. "It is hard to look at, but I am actually glad to have some provocative work of a stu- dent." Sailor started the project last winter as part ofan individual study in photog- raphy and finished it recently. Samuels said he has gotten negative reaction to the exhibit and that he re- ceived several e-mail messages asking him to remove it. "People have asked me how I could, as dean of the school, allow this to stay up," Samuels said. "But I will not and we will not censor students' work. It is still on display, there is just a choice involved." Other members of the University community felt the Art School unneccesarily blocked off Sailor's work. Between 6 and 7 p.m. last night, an anonymous vandal spray-painted"Cen- sored by UM School of Art" across the barriers, Sailor said, adding she didn't know who did it, but that she was not involved. Simpsc LOS ANGELES (AP) - summations yesterday, a p played O.J. Simpson's reco and the haunting pleas of hi and Simpson's lawyer recall tight evidence gloves, insist doesn't fit, you must acquit. Johnnie Cochran Jr., disp flair for courtroom theatrics, a put on a dark knitted ski cap prosecution suggestion that wore a similar one as a dis night of the murders. "If I put this knit cap on, w Cochran asked jurors. "I't Cochran with a knit cap on. blocks away, O.J. Simpso Simpson." Known for his rapid-fir Cochran began slowly and q minding jurors of their duty in's defense Students form group to push composting at 'U' sumimation In dueling Prosecutor's Points rosecutor rded rage Key arguments by the prosecution: s ex-wife, Simpson didn't act like a killer after ed the too- the slayings because few killers ing: "If it do. Simpson's demeanor did change i.n small, significant ways: laying his He left his socks on the bedroom tonepoint floor, lied to the limo driver about to rebuff a oversleeping and couldn't sleep on Simpson the plane ride to Chicago, sguise the if the police crime lab really suffered from contamination, the blood ho am I?" samples shouldn't all have n Johnnie incriminated Simpson. The From two samples would have suffered nt is O.J. various kinds of contamination. The racial epithet-spouting Detective e oratory, Mark Fuhrman couldn't have ouietly, re- planted a bloody glove at under the Simpson's house, because he under the didn't know if Simpson had an AP PHOTO Double-murder defendant O.J. Simpson takes notes during the prosecution's closing arguments. Defense lawyer Peter Neufeld is seated with Simpson. By Michele Moss For the Daily In the battle against food waste, SOR- ROW - Students Organized to Reuse and Recycle Organic Waste - is ask- ing students to give their vegetable rinds back to the earth instead of grinding them down the disposal. The group would like to see all Uni- versity residence halls require the sepa- ration of food waste into designated containers - similar to the system now used for paper, plastic and bottles - when students clean off cafeteria trays, said Jason Blazar, SORROW's founder. Blazar, a senior in the School ofNatu- ral Resources and Environment, and David Newman, who graduated from LSA in May, approached the idea of vegetative food waste for an environ- mental action project in a biology course last year. The course, "People, Plants and the Frirnment " mwastiaht b ylr Peter The group conducted the pilot study in Mary Markley residence hall this summer. The cafeteria staff contributed by separating out vegetative waste in the food preparation areas into containers provided by SORROW members. The waste was collected three times a week and transported to North Cam- pus, where the group mixed layers of food waste with wood chips and worms, The 3-foot pile was located on a path between the Naval Architecture Build- ing and a parking lot. "You could actually get right up next to the pile and it offered no offensive odors," Blazar said. The wood chips helped aerate the pile and layers ofmulch and soil kept down the odors, he added. Erica Spiegel, the recycling coordi- nator of the University's Grounds and Waste Management Department, said she could foresee cafeteria composting in about five to 10 years. She said no one has vet found a fool- looked for anyone else," he said. He citedthe "defining moment in the trial" as the day prosecutor Christopher Darden asked Simpson to try on the hlnnrmiv Pvidnone and the defen- "f it doesn't fit, you moust acquit. " __.Irhnnig r'' r'hran Ir I