',.. FOSThe Michigan Daly- Friday, September 22 Technology is changing methods in education, safety , 1995 -3 Interactive TV links students, professors across video screen By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter ith soap operas, sitcoms and the "big game," the World Almanac estimates 18- to 24- year-olds watched approximately six hours of television per day last year. Now the University offers an alterna- tive to reruns: UM-TV. Using new technology, the Univer- sity has 20 different cable channels to showcase information and to post bul- letin, boards. In addition, the stations are used in classrooms for interactive teaching. Lynn Conway, director of the UM-TV Demon- ItS just a J ugey stration Project, gpa nsaid the new cam- eras set up in valableclassrooms bring external activities 8to fgs~def fif to students. "The TV moni- James J. Duderstadt tors, telephones University president and computers are ..all hooked up," Con-way said. "In Engineering, a TA in a lab can run a demonstration and we can watch it in the classroom." Conway said he initiated the project at the beginning of 1995, with only six stations. Now, more than six different schools at the University access the community bulletin boards, which scroll through different lists of University in- formation. "It goes against the grain of the high- tech, virtual reality world of ITD. It was launched outside the established bu- reaucracy," Conway said. President James J. Duderstadt said the technology now available at the Univer- sity is only a preview of future projects. "The power ofthis stuffisjust scratch- ing the surface. We're the only univer- sity in the country with the capability to make extensive use of video," Duderstadt said in an interview last week with The Michigan Daily. "It's just a huge, gigantic playpen totally available to students." The School of Nursing, in addition to using a bulletin board to showcase up- coming events and information, is also using classroom televisions to interact with University Hospitals. Adem Arslanovski, a Nursing stu- dent who setup the channel and bulletin board, said that next week the school would pilot cameras that are controlled from remote locations. "Lots of times there's only one per- son in an operating room and we won't get a full explanation of what's going on," he said. "This way we can watch what we want to watch by controlling the camera." The cameras and stations are also now being used to broadcast Chemistry 130 'office hours to students in resi- dence halls. Joined by two TAs, Prof. Henry Grif- fin airs questions on a speakerphone, using a screen to work through the problems on television. "This is an oral format and we talk through the problems," Griffin said. "It helps to have the students pose the problem in an informal setting." Chemistry Prof. Paul Rasmusean, who hosted the first call-in office hours last fall, said the program is still in the experimental stage. "If students are going to have TVs in their dorm rooms, there should be some- thing on it that's academically relevant," Rasmusean said. Because Chem 130 professors often hold nighttime office hours, the tele- vised call-in format was developed pri- marily for North Campus students and safety reasons. Lynda Milne, director of the Science Learning Center, said that despite initial glitches, the sessions have run smoothly. "The phones are tricky, and one night we had unwelcome calls from kids hav- ing fun. Now we screen the calls be- forehand and ask students for their name and ID number," Milne said. Griffin said he thinks the call-in for- mat is a more effective teaching method than lectures. "When are most students ready to think about chemistry? A lot of think- ing goes on at night," Griffin said. "We're hanging onto lectures probably longer than we should. I think lectures in this subject are not that useful." Chemistry Prof. Henry Griffin is one of those working with new TV technology to broadcast office hours into the University's residence halls. DAMIAN CAP/Daily Systemoluld be used for srveillane aeypto echnoogy at other schools takes many forms By Lisa Poris Daily Staff Reporter One of the first things new University students do at the beginning of the year is set up their e-mail accounts to write their friends at schools on opposite sides of the nation. However, e-mail has gone from social network to educa- tional necessity at many colleges and universities. At Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., students attend classes, receive assignments and do research all via their Internet accounts. Similar to a correspondence Students end up with the same degree they would have received had they taken classes on campus. "Where students used to come to us, we can come to them," Votruba said. Through the use of satellites, two-way interactive televi- sion, e-mail and faxes, the students take the courses essential for the 16 degree programs offered. As of now, students cannot participate in these programs from their own homes, but rather, must travel to one of the more than 25 locations in the state that have all the necessary course, students enroll at NSU in masters and doctorate de- grees. Graduating with an ac- credited degree, students only walk on the actual campus a few times. "If you have a personal ac- count and the means," says Jonathan Peeler, program con- sultant at NSU, "you can com- municate with other students and faculty members. You can go all over the world to do your research at other on-line libraries." Students attend "electronic classrooms." The professor nrearranizes ai time for the class "What we /re doing is making many of our graduate degree programs available to students around Michigan. Where students used to come to us, we can come to them." technology. Plans are under- way to make home access a reality. At the University of Minne- sota, professors wanted to try to bring digital and analog mul- timedia into the classroom, said Rick Peifer, assistant to the director of the general biology program. The answer was to develop their own multimedia software. Professors now use sophisti- cated computer generated im- ages in order to enhance their lectures, Peifer said. Students use interactive computer simulations in small By Josh White Daily Staff Reporter President James J. Duderstadt said he was excited about the "wonders of technology" that exist at the University as he turned on a video camera in his Fleming Building office last week. Within seconds, Duderstadt was send- ing the action in his office out over the University's closed-circuit cable sys- tem, called UM-TV. "It really is amazing," Duderstadt said. "Right now, in all of the dorms, they can hear what we are saying and see what we are doing. This is the future of technology." With this advance in technology, Duderstadt said, the sky is the limit. He mentioned the possibility of meshing the Internet with the University's cable system. He also talked of video phone calls, and he said it was all right around the corner - and this is one of the only places where most of it could happen. "There are capabilities here that would allow people to make movies and send them out over the Internet," Duderstadt said. "And as.far as I know, this is the only place in the world that is fooling with it at such a large scale at this point." The cameras that monitor those sites are positioned around campus and have been in use for months. Duderstadt said it would "be hard to spy on someone" with one of the cam- eras, but said that ifthe University were to position more cameras on campus, it could monitor whatever is going on. Ann Arbor Police Chief Carl Ent said he is not aware of any University plan to monitor campus, but that the Depart- ment of Public Safety could probably use a video surveillance system to in- crease safety. "Private industry has used that kind of technology for a long time," Ent said yesterday. "In- stead of having four or five se- curity guards to monitor an area, you could have one guard watch- ing a set ofmoni- tors." Ent said that watching dark areas on campus, parking lots and known trouble spots would be assets of having Instead of having four or five security gu~ards to monitor an area, you could have one guard watching a set of -Jonathan Peeler Program consultant at I I