ie Libitgan ailg MICHAEL ROSENBERG Roses Are Read The Lloyd Carr Experiment at Michi- gan is 4-0 right now, so talk of hiring former Colorado football coach Bill McCartney to lead the Wolverines has died down for the moment. That is a relief, because hiring McCartney might bethe worst move the University's Ath- letic Department could ever make. Like it or not, the head football coach is the most visible University employee to the rest of the country. When the coach is of highly questionable charac- ter- as McCartney has proven to be - people question the character of the University itself. the hiring of McCartney would be a sell-out, not only of the values the Ath- letic Department claims to hold but of the very ideals the University of Michi- gan itself purports to represent. The reasons some want McCartney are clear: Michigan's performance slipped the past twoyears; there is no permanent head coach; McCartney turned a losing Colorado program into A national champion; McCartney is a former Michigan assistant; McCartney is currently without a job, having re- signed his position with the Buffaloes after last season. But what else is Bill McCartney? ie is a man whose team saw 24 players arrested from 1986 to 1989, a trend which basically continued until he resigned. Considering the alarming number of Wolverines who have had troubles with the law in the past three years, hiring a coach with such a spotty history would be perplexing at best. Michigan has long yearned to be home of ideal stu- dent-athletes, players who have extroardinary success on the field and are model citizens off it. Hiring McCartney would, in effect, be giving up on that philosophy. McCartney is a founding member of Promise Keepers, a national organiza- tion made up ofpeople of the Christian faith. In that capacity, McCartney has traveled around the country spreading religion, which is fine, but also spread- ing homophobia, which is not. McCartney has made it clear that he has no tolerance for homosexuality. He has called gays "stark raving mad" and "an abomination against almighty God," and worse, he has made those types of com- nents wearing Colorado team clothing at football press conferences. Such reprehensible behavior is not only unacceptable for someone who serves as a leader of men and an ambas- sador for the University; it is against University bylaw 14.06, which forbids discrimination against homosexuals by any of the school's employees. McCartney also has a habit of hold- ing team prayers after practice. The prayers are not mandatory, but still, they are not appropriate at a public university. Would it be OK to hold voluntary prayers at the end of every Economics lecture? A number of McCartney's players have complained that those who share the coach's reli- gious beliefs are more likely to see significant playing time in games. McCartney has denied the charge. While the coach is busy preaching to the world about how everyone should live life his way, he apparently never gave the speech in his own lockerroom. Some fans want to hire McCartney for the simple fact that he wins football games. Those fans have forgotten what collegiate athletics are all about, what Michigan says it is all about. The Wolverines have not been up to Michigan standards on the field the past two years. Bill McCartney is as likely as anyone to bring them back to glory. But at what price? Lloyd Carr is 4-0 as Michigan's in- terim football coach. If the Wolverines are successful for the rest of the season - i.e., if they go to the Rose Bowl - Carr will inevitably have the "interim" wiped off his title. If thev are not so successful - and All mellows with Age' .J. O'Rourke could be a college professor, if he weren't already otherwise employed. Not only does he constantly churn out well-thought-out and elo- quently argued books and have his work published in highly- respected periodicals, but he also has a knack for explaining the issues of our day in a language we all understand. Take economics, for instance: "Supply versus demand equals your Mastercard bill." Or various Congressional foibles: "I don't understand the balanced budget amendment. Isn't it like trying to stop smoking by hiding cigarettes from yourself? I don't understand term limits. Do we want a dog who knows where all the bones are buried, or do we want a dog who will dig up the whole yard?" And hell, the man's been here enough not only to mention Ann Arbor a whole bunch of times in his latest book, but to call The author In 1970. P 3 SO'Rourke By WillMcCahiI it "one of America's most serious and orderly towns." So what the heck, let's give the man tenure, just so we can keep him an eye on him. After all, those who enjoy his writing would agree just so they could get some first-hand P.J. So would the rest of the world, as the writer would be prevented from going to their neck of the woods and wreaking literary havoc. As he is prone to doing. Rolling Stone's Foreign Affairs Desk Chief brings his act to Border's tonight in support of his latest wise-cracking, hard- drinking, liberal-bashing and above all page-turning-opus, "Age and Guile, Beat Youth, Innocence and a Bad Haircut: 25 Years of P.J. O'Rourke." "Too much college, not enough town," he says of the latest stop on his two-month book tour. And he's been here often enough in the past, given that both Car and Driver and Automo- bile magazines are headquartered here. Book tours, he tells me, are just horrible. Not any one part of them is bad, "but it's just tha constant accumulation of it, and all the travel that comes with it, is just completely exhausting. "On the other hand, I think it's important to do - you have to sell what you make. You have to back up your product." In his latest effort, our author presents more than just the usual biting political satire, spicing the mix with personal anecdotes and clippings from his first 25 years of writing. Biting memoir, if you will. Why the variation this time around? "Part of it is crass commercial motive: I had stuff left over and it was time to put it into a book," he admitted. "But the occasion was 25 years of doing this for a living, so I wanted to span the whole quarter-century there." He characterizes that part of the book as "a memoir concrete, as it were, without getting too much into the autobiography garbage." The occasional college lecture is about as close as O'Rourke wants to get to academia these days (aside from reading in college towns). "I didn't like school that much," he confides. "I don't think I'd like teaching it, either." But if he were to teach Intro to Ascerbic Political Commen- tary in the winter, would he make us students buy his books for the class? "Oh sure, man," he laughs. "I mean, it's not like the pay is great - how else are you going to make a buck?" Good thing he's in a business that pays. Which is not to say that he thinks himself particularly famous or anything like that. "Writers are not famous because not enough people read," he says, but continues, "I'm fairly well known for a writer, I suppose, becasue I've got one of those names that are easy to remember." "A writer's level of fame is not something that intrudes upon your life. I mean, you'd have to spend all your time hanging out in strictly literary circles to think that you were famous as a writer." More visible forms of fame, as far as he can tell, "tend to get pesky after a while." "It kind of depends on how fragile and pathetic the ego is," O'Rourke tells his enthralled audience of one. "Some people just thrive on it, if you need constant reassurance." See O'ROURKE, page 4 O'Rourke today. Author canies torch of cynicism for generation By Matthew Bhnz Daily Arts Writer There is a description of a little known man in the pages preceding P.J. O'Rourke's most recent collec- tion of stories ("A Forgotten Hero ofthe TrojanWar"named Thersites) to whom, it seems, Mr. O'Rourke would like to consider himself simi- lar: "Awed by no shame, by no respect controll'd,In scandal busy, in reproaches bold;/With witty mal- ice studious to defame;/Scorn all his joy, and laughter all his aim." Thersites is perhaps the first ever recorded cynic and bearer of acer- bic wit on to the social and political scene: "... chief he gloried with licentious style/ To lash the great and monarchs to revile." BOOK REVIEW Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut By P.J. O'Rourke The Atlantic Monthly Press, hard cover 1995 sludge, one would find O'Rourke'sbundle floating on the top. He has a way of somehow cutting through hackneyed rhetoric by offering up more of the same. He would seem to despise the title of Washington insider. Rather, the forceful- ness of his writing comes from his ability to appear as though he's writing from the I