An old favorite in a brand now light "little Women" author Louisa May Alcott's long buried treasure, a novel entitled "A Long Fatal Love Chase' finally makes its greatly anticipated appearance. Come hear the novel's editor, Kent Bicknell, read from, talk about and sign copies of this unusual early work. He will be speaking at Borders, 612 E. Liberty at 7:30 p.m. The talk is free. Page 5 Monday, September 18, 1995 .-~a~~-------- .------,-.-------..--.-.---..,-- Smith breaks boundaries, crosses styles By Emily Lambert Daily Fine Arts Editor Geoff Smith apparently didn't know that he was being interviewed by a student. The introduction must have been lost on phone lines somewhere between Ann Arbor and the UK, which is a good thing. Had Smith known from the start that he was addressing a student publication, he might not have criticized academia so openly. Smith's frustration is born out in the description of him by Sony Clas- sical, which is touting the young com- poser as an up-and-coming classical/ pop crossover artist. "I think it's im- portant to recognize that I'm not cross- ing over on purpose," said Smith. "I think that's just naturally the sort of person I am and music I do. I've always liked good music, whatever it was called." Though the boundaries of classical and popular music expand daily, Smith's compositions, which he per- forms with his wife, Nicola, do not fit neatly into either category and Smith rejects "crossover artist" as an over- simplification. His dislike of this title may stem more from rejection he has experienced in the classical music world, especially in that of English GEOFF SMITH Where:Borders When: 2-4 p.m. Today universities, than from the term itself. Smith sought to distance himself from classical composers whenever pos- sible, and even found the term "com- poser" too pretentious to use com- fortably. "There was a review here in England the other day, that said that my music wasn't really classical music at all," he explained. "I'm not Austrian and I'm not 200 years old. To me, classical refers to a specific historical period that's over now... so I don't know how you can write classical music today and call it classical music. I don't know what that stuff is. It just seems a total anachronism." Listen to Smith's new album, "15 Wild Decembers," and you can under- stand his situation. The lyrics of the eight tracks are 19th century English poems, not exactly the makings of a faddish following. Yet the repetitive piano motives and heavy bass are too familiar sounding to fit a classical mold. Nothing could be harder to classify than the sometimes dreamy, some- times operatic vocals of Nicola Walker-Smith. That "15 Wild Decembers" is being distributed by a classical studio is a moot point. Smith's first album, "Gas, Food, Lodging," was produced by a small, independent rock label. With tra- ditional training and strong popularpull, Geoff Smith is searching for a musical home. He's not finding one in academia. "It seems that academics have this idea that classical music is a living, continuing tradition and that it's down to us to take the next step," he said, "even though that means that no audi- ence can keep up with it. But still aca- demics think we should be churning this incredibly complex avante-garde rubbish out. "So as soon as you get anything that's melodic or rhythmic, those things are considered too plebeian. Using the ver- nacular is too simplistic, according to them. No emotions. You don't write music to touch people or to move people or to excite people. You just write it to be extremely interesting." The irony that Geoff Smith is to per- form in Ann Arbor, the epitome of academia, is lessened somewhat for one important reason: this is not England. Smith sees America as a haven for new ideas, a place where abstractions flour- ish and stodginess is regarded with con- tempt. "(American composers) gave me the courage to say, look, just forget about the academic thing and just try and go with your own voice," said Smith. "Over their careers, they have developed their own languages in the way a pop band might. There isn't a school of composition, there isn't a certain style that everyone's got to use... they're all totally unique." "New Voices," a book written by Smith which features interviews with 28 American composers (including Steve Reich, John Adams, Laurie Andersen and Philip Glass), was pub- lished earlier this year. Geoff Smith isn't trying to be Philip Glass, Beethoven or Phil Collins. Geoff Smith is writing and perform- ing a style of music completely his own. He hasn't hit the big time yet and Smith's Ann Arbor debut will be held in Borders, not Hill Auditorium. ("I'm sorry, I don't know much about Geoff Smith's concert," said one Bor- ders employee. "It's probably more a publicity event for the store, really.") Maybe Smith's next appearance here will be more celebrated. The composer is optimistic but not anx- ious. "I'd like to just keep living and developing through writing, and hope people will follow," he said. As for goals, "I suppose one was just ful- filled, and that's being able to live by writing music I want to write... one can live doing what they want to do." 1. The mighty Gen X warriors of 'Hackers' do their best New Kids on the Block impersonation. RCKerS C0SheS Whno-save By Dean Bakopoulos Daily Arts Writer There might be some hope for"Hack- ers." People could confuse it with the new Martin Scorsese-Spike Lee film "Clock- ers" and buy the wrong ticket. Or the growing number of cybergeeks may ac- tually leave the safety of the Internet and venture into amultiplex cinema. Or, most likely, it could hit the cheap theaters on a very uneventful weekend. But even with these slim hopes, the outlook seems rather dismal for director lain Softley's ("Backbeat")new film. "Hackers" centers around 18-year-old Dade Murphy (Jonny Lee Miller), a com- puter genius whose hacking ways have landed him in trouble with the law in the past. Now he's teamed up with a veritable dream team of computer nerds, and they've gotten themselves in a little jam. It seems they have gotten mixed up with The Plague, a horribly cliched and annoy- ing computer villain played by Fisher Stevens ("Short Circuit"), who gives one of the more nauseating performances in recent memory. The struggle of Dade and his well- meaning cohorts against The Plague shows occasional potential for being somewhat interesting, but quickly dwindles into the equivalent of a cyber- western flick. The good cowboys, with the law against them, have to try and prove their evil and powerful nemesis is the true criminal. At times the plot twists f .. ."' t+:: t '- R r -.,' .tY 'C _ l T ' q _ C ryy e-! ~ . yQ h e( Hackers Dzrected by Iain Softley; with Angeline Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller At Briarwood and Showcase tensely enough to get exciting, but it quickly fades back to mediocrity with thinly-drawn characters and predictabil- ity. There is no comic relief from "Hack- ers" either; when snippets of humor are thrown into the film, they often conjure up memories of some old "Saved by the Bell" punch lines. Still, there are a few bright spots in the movie, mainly Angeline Jolie, the daughter of 1970s superstar Oscar-win- ner Jon Voight. Jolie plays Dade's even- tual love interest, Kate Libby, asaucy and hardened computer hacker. Jolie is able to make Libby into the most believable character of the bunch. Other characters seemed randomly se- lected from the High School Movie Pool ofStereotypical Characters, amotley crew including an eccentric headbanger, aflam- boyant streetwise hacker and an inno- cently naive techno-amateur. Jolie's abil- ity to work well with a vastly substandard script like "Hackers" indicates that she may be able to do much better work in something more substantial. Director Softley also manages to cre- ate a very interesting look at the growing computer counterculture. The high school hackers inthisfilm are dominated by their "technolust." Their social activities in- clude virtual reality night clubs and hang- ing out, smoking cigarettes and hacking away on laptops. "Hackers" reveals a bizarre world in which computer hacking isan obsession. Probably unsuspectingly, Sofiley manages to make a striking com- mentary regarding the exploding domi- nance of computers. But Softley's use of mixed media and computer graphics is less successful and it comes off as less interesting. This is a prime example of cinematic over-zeal- ousness. True, "Hackers" is fast-paced enough to keep you awake, but not clever enough to keep you interested (unless you are a Net-surfing techno-geek yourself). Maybe most refreshing about the film was its leadingactor. Not only does Miller turn in a rather decent performance (at least it's nothing worse than Hollywood's latest hotboy Chris O'Donnell), but he has a goofy crewcut that gives bad 'do sufferers everywhere some hope. Bad buzz cut and all, Dade (a.k.a. Crash Over- ride) actually ends up getting the exoti- cally beautiful Kate (a.k.a. Acid Burn). And what ensues is a deliciously trite dose of cybersap that almost makes one want to become computer literate. Geoff and Nicola Smith transcend classical music at Liberty BARGAIN MATINEES LVe! 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