2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 18, 1995
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St Thomas confronts hurricane's damage
gin Islands (AP) - The yachts that
used to be in the marina are on the
highway. The red roofs of houses are
strewn on the ground. The duty-free
shops where tourists used to look for
bargains are filled with looters.
Hurricane Marilyn has moved on
from St. Thomas, but the Caribbean
island that it left behind was a changed
place yesterday.
Electricity, water and phones were
out. Air traffic controllers, the win-
dows of their tower blown out by 100-
mph winds, used binoculars and radios
to guide in reliefflights. Halfthe houses
on the island were destroyed, and nearly
all the others damaged.
In Charlotte Amalie, capital of the
U.S. Virgin Islands, hundreds of
people looted stores at a waterfront
shopping center. No police officers
were in sight.
"These are all odd shoes, man," said
a young man at a Foot Locker store. "I
can't find something that fits."
The hurricane, the fourth to hit the
Caribbean in as many weeks, tore
through the Virgin Islands and east-
ern Puerto Rico on Saturday, blowing
apart homes, tossing parked airplanes
into the air and killing at least nine
Six of the dead were in St. Thomas,
whose population is about 51,000, and
two people were killed in St. Croix, the
most populous of the Virgin Islands
with 55,000 people. One person was
killed in Puerto Rico.
President Clinton declared the U.S.
Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico disaster
areas, making them eligible for federal
emergency aid.
In St. Thomas, many buildings lost
their facades, gaping open like dolls'
Marilyn blew out the windows of St.
Thomas' hospital and flooded it, mak-
ing it virtually unusable. Doctors were
trying to care for 49 patients, including
nine critically injured in the storm and
four on life-support units with erratic
electricity powered by a generator, said
Dr. Manuel Guzman.
Eight patients were evacuated yes-
terday, all by helicopter because debris
blocked the road to the airport. Sheets
from tin roofs, uprooted trees and util-
ity poles lined the highway.
Panetta vows to fight welfare bill changes
WASH INGTON - President Clinton, a recent convert to the Senate welfare
reform bill, will fight House Republican attempts to fashion a compromise more
to their liking, the White House said yesterday.
Threatening a veto, White House chief of staff Leon Panetta said, "If this bill
moves in any way toward the original House version, that's trouble for this
The remarks, made in an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation," came a day
after Clinton voiced support for Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole's welfare plan.
If the measure is approved as expected, House and Senate leaders will meet to
work out differences tomorrow.
Dole's bill sends federal welfare, job training and child care programs to the
states in block grants, curbs spending by $70 billion, and ends Aid to Families with
Dependent Children and the federal guarantee of cash assistance.
Making it more palatable to the administration were votes in the Senate to set
aside $8 billion for child care for single mothers on welfare who would be required
to work and to establish a $1 billion emergency grant fund for states.
The House-passed version would put a family cap on benefits, ban them entirely
for mothers younger than 18 with children born out of wedlock and cut spending
by $122 billion.
Yachts rest on a highway in St. Thomas yesterday In damage caused by Hurricane Marilyn, which killed six on the island.
One stretch along the waterfront was
blocked by two 30- to 40-foot yachts
blown onto the road from the bay. The
82-foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter Point
Ledge teetered on the edge of the pier,
30 feet from the roadway. Another two
dozen yachts were beached on the far
side of the bay.
The six people killed on St. Tho-
mas included three reportedly aboard
boats battered by 12-foot-high waves
and at least one man apparently
crushed by debris, said David Sachs
of the Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency.
Police in Puerto Rico yesterday found
the body of Jack Strickland, a diving
instructor from New York City, in a
sunken sailboat. Two more people were
killed by the storm in St. Croix, hospital
officials said without elaborating.
At least 50 more people were in-
jured or missing in St. Thomas, al-
though FEMA said an earlier report of
up to 50 people trapped in a collapsed
apartment complex in Charlotte Amalie
was incorrect. Although the five-story
buildings were in rubble, they appeared
to have been under construction, and
FEMA officials in Washington said
yesterday that nobody had been
Communications to St. Thomas were
out, and FEMA set up two satellite
telephones yesterday. AT&T was send-
ing a team to replace a microwave dish
that Marilyn toppled from a building in
Charlotte Amalie, knocking out long-
distance phone service.
Virgin Islands Gov. Roy L. Schneider
declared a 3 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew.
"Friends, I'm asking you to be calm
and continue to be in your homes,"
Schneider said in a statement, which
was broadcast by a Puerto Rican radio
station because all of the Virgin Is-
lands' stations were knocked out.
"I want all the young people that
have been running around to go home
and remain at home."
FEMA said FBI agents would ac-
company a shipment of satellite equip-
ment yesterday from a military base in
Martinsburg, W.Va., to St. Croix. The
agents presumably would be there to
prevent looting.
When Hurricane Hugo hit in 1989,
officials in St. Croix didn't ask for
military help for days, and most busi-
nesses had been looted by the time
troops arrived.
In Puerto Rico, Hurricane Marilyn
destroyed 50 homes and damaged
another 200 on Culebra Island, said
Gov. Pedro Rossello. The storm
swept away hillsides and the wooden
homes that dotted them on the island
of 3,000 people, 20 miles from the
eastern coast of the main Puerto Rican
Marilyn swept a light airplane onto
the Happy Landings restaurant at the
end of the Culebra airport runway. An-
other plane rested upside down on a
chain link fence behind it.
At St. Thomas airport, a jumble of
about 10 mangled aircraft was moved
to one side of the runway to make room
for the military airlift ferrying supplies
from the United States, Panama and
Puerto Rico.
Marilyn, meanwhile, pursued a harm-
less route through the open Atlantic.
Meteorologist Mike Hopkins at the
National Hurricane Center in Miami
said Marilyn was expected to pass east
of the U.S. mainland.
GOP rivals echo
Buchanan campaign
WASHINGTON - Pat Buchanan
thought he heard an echo when GOP
presidential rival Bob Dole endorsed
English as the nation's official language
and attacked proposed standards for
teaching history.
"Right out of our speeches," said
It was deja vu when Dole criticized
"liberal academic elites" for taking
umbrage at President Truman's use of
the atom bomb.
Likewise, when California Gov. Pete
Wilson came down on affirmative ac-
tion and immigration, and when Sen.
Richard Lugar of Indiana promoted a
national sales tax.
"Been there, done that" could be
Buchanan's campaign theme. While the
conservative commentator is consid-
ered a long shot to capture the Republi-
can presidential nomination, ideas he
has long espoused are making their way
into the campaign speeches of his GOP
"In one sense, you're a little exasper-
ated because it's copyright violation,"
Buchanan said in an interview. "But it
is heartening because what it means is
we're winning the battle for the heart
and soul of the Republican Party."
New Miss America
wins on birthday
things you should know about Miss
America Shawntel Smith: Her real
first name is LaCricia, it took her four
tries to get to the pageant and she's
the first redhead to wear the crown in
51 years.
One more thing: She won the title
Saturday on her 24th birthday. Between
now and her next one, she will earn
about $250,000 in appearance fees and
receive a $40,000 scholarship to go
with $12,000 she already won compet-
ing in Miss Oklahoma.
No wonder she woke up yesterday
wondering if it was just another dream
like the one she had last week in which
she was crowned Miss America 1996.
"I had to go over and look at my
crown to make sure," said Smith, whose
middle name is Shawntel.
..,. .
Tyhoon Oscar gives (the nation
" rheavily,"saii
Japan a lancing tral Meteoro
b. .the highest
low, 4g2Miyakejima
TOKYO - One of the most power-
ful typhoons to hit Japan since World Hong I
War II dealt the east coast a glancing
blow yesterday before veering back out last ele
to sea. Two people were killed and British
three were missing.
Weather forecasters said Japan HONG K(
"might have suffered heavily" if Ty- flictingvisio
phoon Oscar had struck directly and on voted yester
a working day. The storm's center never der British ru
came closer than 60 miles from Tokyo. favor pro-d
Oscar's winds reached 108 mph, vow defiance
making it comparable to typhoons that showed.
killed 1,269 people in 1958 and 5,098 Shortly aft
in 1959 in the Tokyo area. renewed itst]
One man was killed yesterday in a results when
landslide in Shizuoka, 95 miles west of Anexitpo
Tokyo. And in Chiba, just east of To- TVB televis
kyo, a man died after strong winds 16 or 17 of t1
apparently knocked him into an irriga- the 60-seat le
tion reservoir. democracyt
Two people were washed away by were not exp
high waves from a beach at Oiso, south the 20 seats c
of Tokyo, and a fisherman was missing one-third ofI
after falling into a river in Gifu, 170 Governm
miles west of Tokyo, police reported. tioning thatt
National policesaidat least 13 people poll was onl
were injured and 46 houses were de- said itsugge
stroyed or damaged. They said land- slide. It said
slides were reported at 29 places and colony's lea
high rains flooded 80 homes. tured 12 sea
"If the typhoon had landed in Japan,
) might have suffered
d Shingo Osano ofthe Cen-
logical Agency. He said
winds were recorded at
Island, 95 miles south of.
Kong holds
Ction under
ONG -Tornbetween con-
ns ofits future, Hong Kong
day in its final election un-
cle and appeared to heavily
emocracy candidates who
e toward China, an exit poll
erthepolls opened, Beijing
hreatto annul the election's
it takes over in July 1997.
II broadcast on the ATV and
ion stations suggested that
he 20 geographical seats in
egislature would go to pro-
candidates. Actual results
ected for several hours, and
covered by the poll are only
the legislature.
ent-owned radio, while cau-
the Hong Kong University
y an indication of the vote,
sted a pro-democracy land-
the Democratic Party, the
ding critic of China, cap-
- From Daily wire services
more ~hooIs
thanr You Were
f 9mi2 P
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