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September 15, 1995 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-15

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14- The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 15, 1995

Veteran men's golf
squad begins season

Spikers face tough
test on east coast
'M' to see UMass, Syracuse, Brown

By Alan Goldenbach
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's golf team will
get its season underway by participat-
ing in the first annual ReliaStar Colle-
giate Golf Invitational in Dellwood,
Minn., Sunday and Monday.
The Wolverines will be among sev-
eral big-name teams flocking to the
Dellwood Hills Golf Club. Among the
other participants are UCLA, Duke,
Florida State, Kansas, Louisiana State
and Vanderbilt. Big Ten foes Iowa,
Northwestern and host Minnesota will
be on hand as well.
Coach Jim Carras heads a team that
returns four starters from a squad that
advanced to the NCAA Regional last
year. However, Michigan will have to
replace its second-leading scorer from
last season in Bill Lyle.
Michigan's top scorer, Chris
Brockway, returns and will serve as
team captain. Brockway averaged un-
der 75 1/2 strokes per round last year.
Also returning is junior Kyle Dobbs
who turned in the lowest single-round
score last year at 67.
Carras doesn't want his team going
into the tournament thinking that it's
there just to play with some of the top
teams. He expects the Wolverines to
contend for the top spot.
"This is a big-time tournament with a
lot of quality teams," Carras said. "But
I think we should be there in the end
competing for the title."

our qualifying
play has been
excellent in
practice with the
average score
being around 76
112a ff -Jim Carras
Michigan golf coach
So far in preseason practice,
Michigan's showing has given Carras
no reason to think otherwise.
"Our qualifying play has been excel-
lent in practice with the average score
being around 76 1/2," Carras said.
But Carras was quick to point out that
practice is just that, and that the possi-
bility is there for things to change sig-
"You head into a season assuming
that the returning players will be as
good or better than they were a year ago
and that the newcomers will be as good
or better as they were overgthe sum-
mer," Carras said. "But we should re-
ally have a better idea about how com-
petitive this team will be after agcouple
of weeks-after the Wolverine Invita-

By Monica Polakov
Daily Sports Writer
It's going to be a tough weekend for
the Michigan volleyball team as it
travels to Amherst, Mass., forthe Mas-
sachusetts Invitational. In addition to
UMass, the Wolverines will play Syra-
cuse and Brown.
UMass, which was 27-8 last year is
presently 4-3, will be the toughest
competition of the tournament for
Michigan (3-3).
"Our goal is to go in and get three
wins," Michigan volleyball coach
Greg Giovanazzi said. "But we're not
healthy and our first match is against
the best team."
The Wolverines will play without
key players Colleen Minuik, Chereena
Tennis and Karen Chase due to inju-
ries. However, the Wolverines are not
too worried.
"We have so many great players,"
senior Shannon Brownlee said. "The
six starters that we've had this year
will all continue to play."
Giovanazzi is confident that Michi-
gan will do well against Syracuse -
the Wolverines are 3-0 against the
Orangewomen since 1992 - and
Brown, a school the Wolverines have
never competed against.
"We're looking to gain momen-
tum," Giovanazzi said. "We gained

momentum last week when we played
at a level we never played before,"
Brownlee agreed. "We are focus-
ing on playing at the level we played
at against UCLA (during last week's
Kaepa Challenge)," she said.
After the UMass Invitational,
Michigan will continue to travel until
Tuesday when it faces Eastern Michi-
gan, a team that is off to a slow start
but is preparing to play the Wolver-
ines. Both matches are important be-
cause they will decide how Michigan's
postseason will look.
The Wolverines anticipate a strong
postseason performance. They are
ranked fifth in the Big Ten and were-
predicted to finish eighth.
But they feel they can do better.
"I predict us to finish in the top five
or even top three," Brownlee said.
The favorite for the Big Ten title is
expected to be Michigan State. The
Spartans are ranked 11th in the coun-
try and are predicted to win the con-
ference. However, Michigan feels it
has a good chance at beating them.
"We've played them so many times
and we've beaten them half of those
times," Brownlee said.
The Wolverines will also have to
compete well against Ohio State and
Penn State, who are favored to finish
in the Big Ten's top three.

The Michigan volleyball team faces Brown, Syracuse and UWass this weekend.

Michigan harriers look to coast through Boston College Invitational

By Dorothy Chambers
Daily Sports Writer
There will be more than one Michi-
gan team doing battle in Boston this
While the Wolverines fightthe Eagles
on the gridiron, the Michigan men's
cross country team will be taking part in
the Boston College Invitational Satur-
day morning. The nine teams that will
be running with the Wolverines around
Franklin Park include Brown, Iona,
Maine, New Hampshire, Northeastern,
Massachusetts, and host Boston Col-
None of the participating schools
should give No. 8 Michigan much
"I know they're not as strong as we
are," Wolverines coach Ron Warhurst
said. "It's just a matter of controlled
damage for those people once we get
Warhurst expects junior Kevin
Sullivan to be the first to complete the

8,000-meter run Saturday.
"Kevin is going to be up front and
he'll get away from everybody with
about a mile and a half or a mile to go,"
Warhurst said. "He's not in a different
class than anyone else, but it doesn't
take long to take roll."
Sullivan, who took a breather last
week by not running in the Michigan
Open, will be running in his first meet
for Michigan this year. The Wolver-
ines' top runner needed surprisingly
little time off after a whirlwind summer
in which he finished fifth in the 1,500-
meter World Championships in
Guttenburg, Germany, and then ran a
3:52 mile in a meet in Zurich, Switzer-
"He ran in Zurich on a Wednesday,"
Warhurst said. "And on Thursday (he)
flew home to Toronto and came back
here to go to school and get his classes
ready and go to cross country camp.
And he's ready. He's an amazing young

The freshman tandem of John
Mortimer and Todd Snyder should be
among the first five Wolverines to reach
the finish line, along with junior Dave
Barnett and sophomore Don
Mortimer, who finished first in last
week's open meet in Ann Arbor, has
been impressive early this season.
"I knew he was going to be good, and
I don't think people realized how good
he was going to be," Warhurst said.
With Sullivan leading the pack,
Warhurst hopes to see the rest of the
team stay together by running in pairs
or groups of three. He added that three
Michigan runners in the top 10 and
another five in the top 20 should spell
out an easy victory for the Wolverines.
Although Michigan doesn't know
what to expect from the Franklin Park
course, Warhurst thinks that the Wol-
verines should be ready for anything
after their training runs from the Arbo-
retum to Hill Street.

Despite being at an away meet, Michi-
gan should get a great deal of vocal
support this weekend. Fans will range
from Mortimer's parents, who live about
40 minutes away in New Hampshire, to
the family of Greg Meyer, a former
Wolverine runner and Warhurst's first
"There's going to be about 50 or 60
people that I know that are associated
with the University of Michigan that
will be there yelling 'Go Blue!' So it's
going to be a lot of fun," Warhurst said.
M women to race
Eagles in dual meet
The Women's Cross Country team
also heads to Boston this weekend. The
Wolverines face the Eagles in a dual
meet beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday at
Franklin Park.
In their opening meet, the Wolver-
ines finished second at the Miami Invi-
tational in Oxford, Ohio.
The individual champion ofthe meet
was Michigan redshirt sophomore,
Michelle Slater.
The Wolverines' top two runners,
Courtney Babcock and Puline Arnill,
were given a rest last week and did not
travel to Oxford.
- From staff reports

Kevin Sullivan and the rest of the Michigan cross country team will compete In
the Boston College Invitational this weekend.

l U__


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The University of Michigan
School of Music
Monday, September 18
Marimba Masterclass with Keiko Abe
8 p.m., McIntosh Theatre, School of Music, free
Sunday, September 24
Faculty Recital
Andrew Jennings, violin
Anton Net, piano
The Complete Beethoven Sonata Cycle, Program 1
4 p.m., Recital Hall, School of Music, free
Sunday, October 29
University Symphony Orchestra
Halloween Concerts
5:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium
Tickets: $7.00 (main floor and 1st balcony)

like a star
for Giants
The Washington Post
bold, talkative and, like so many ath-
letes and entertainers who see them-
selvesas stars, Tyrone Wheatley some-
times refers to himself in the third
person.Wheatley, though only 23,
knows how to act like abig-time player.
Sunday against the Packers he will
get his first chance to show if he is.
Tyrone Wheatley is sure New York
Giants fans are going to like Tyrone
"I'm not arrogant or cocky or any-
thing, but I don't have any doubts in nly
mind about my ability in anything,".the
rookie running back said. "I'm going to
go full steam ahead. That's the best
Tyrone Wheatley can give and if you
don't like it.... 'I'm not where I want to
be right now. That will take a couple of
games, a couple plays, maybe a quarter.
Who knows?"'
A quarter might be nice, as the Gi-
ants' offense hasn't been much to'speak




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