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September 14, 1995 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-14

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 14, 1995 -
Season approaching ford'the varsitsport of the mind'


'U' Intramural College Bowl preliminaries scheduled for Sept. 23-26

For more information
To sign up for the IM tournament, students
must register at the UAC office by 5 p.m.
Sept. 20.

By Jennifer Fried
Daily Staff Reporter
Known as "the varsity sport of the mind,"
Intramural College Bowl is a contest requiring
quick thinking and teamwork.
Two teams of four players face off, answering
trivia questions in areas such as current events,
fine arts, sports, popular culture, science and
geography. Some questions can be answered by
only one playeron a team, while others allow the
entire team to confer.
"There's such a wide variety of questions that
everyone's interests are represented," said Maya

Kobersy, who will participate in College Bowl
for the second time this year.
David Frazee, manager of Michigan Aca-
demic Competitions, says team cooperation and
good chemistry between members are essential
components for success. "There's a real chal-
lenge of really making that synergy work" he
Frazee said one of his favorite parts of Col-
lege Bowl is the preparation. "What it forces
you to do is actually to engage and pay attention
to your world."
The College Bowl Co. and the Association of

College Unions-International encourage any
interested student to participate. The University
typically draws the largest tournament in the
country, with more than 60 teams.
Most teams are "groups of friends who come
together to have fun while testing themselves
against the brightest and quickest at the Univer-
sity," said a representative from the University
Activities Center.
Participants can also register alone and be
assigned to a team. When UAC co-chair Anne
Mitchell first signed up for the IM games as an
individual, she met many people with similar

interests. "The friendships I've made have been
by far the best part," she said.
This year a Greek division for fraternity and
sorority members will be added as well as a
championship division for those who wish to
subsequently compete at the intercollegiate
The IM preliminaries will be held from Sept.
23-26. Each team is guaranteed to play in at
least five matches, while the best-performing
teams will advance to the quarter-finals, semi-
finals and then finals. Prizes will be awarded
for finalists, and also for teams with the most

creative names.
For those who wish to continue academic
contests after the IM tournament, open practices
will be held to select a College Bowl varsity
team to compete on an intercollegiate level.
UAC also will send interested students to vari-
ous intercollegiate academic contests at schools
such as the University of Pennsylvania and
Vanderbilt University.

clinical research center. Exp. pref. Typing 75
words/min. Manuscripts, correspondents. No
microsoft word necessary. Must have good
phone skills. Loc. @ UM hospital. Call Edie
PART-TIME gymnastics instructors. Pre-
school girls & boys classes. Must be
enthusiastic, reliable, have experience &
tansportation. Gym America 971-1667.
PART-TIME teaching asst. & care-givers
needed for our licensed preschool/child care
center. High energy, fun envir. & very rewar-
ding work place. $6/hr. Call Noreen or Judy
L @ 971-0990.
PART-TIME HELP needed afternoons &
wknds. Perfect for students. 761-3768. Cam-
pus Auto Rental.
POSTAL & GOVERNMENT jobs $21/hr.
+ benefits. No experience. Will train. Call 1-
PRESCHOOL HELP. Love children,
cleaning, pets & yard work. P.M., eves. &
some Saturdays $6-8/hr. 769-2795.
RECEPTIONIST: Experienced individual
needed as office admin. - Computer skills a
must - Send resume to Q. Technology at
42030 Koppemick #320, Canton 48187 or
fax 313-459-3417.

WAITSTAFF & box office staff needed! MATURE NON-SMKR. Babysitting & light
Part-time, eves./wknds. Apply @ Mainstreet housekeeping in my Saline home. 40-45 hrs./
Comedy Showcase, week full or part-time. Exc. wages. Call after
314 E. Liberty, Wed.-Sat. after noon or call 5 p.m. 429-8175.
741-0022. MOTHER'S HELPER needed Mon.-Fri.
aftemoons 3-7. Car nec. 973-7221 eves.

Volunteers aged 12 years
and up, who have athlete's
foot, are needed for a
research study at the
University of Michigan
Department of Dermatol-
Eligible participants will
be compensated for their
time and effort.
For more information
please call (313) 9364070
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
ILI University of Michigan
Medical Center

certified aerobics instructors. Good pay.
Please contact Leslie at One On One Athletic
Club, Ann Arbor 313-761-4440.
WANTED FUN outgoing individuals who
arc interested in photographing social events
on campus. Photography experience a plus
but not mandatory. We provide training &
equipment. Pay up to 9/hr. Please call
Jeremy at 677-3400.
WANTED: YOUTH Counselors for after
school program at Pinelake Co-Opportunity
Center. Mon.-Fri., 3-8 p.m. Hours Flexible.
Starting at $7-9/hr. Contact Lee Copeland at
WORK FOR The Michigan Daily! Credit
staffer needed approximately 10 hours/week.
Can work around class schedule. If
interested, please contact Kerm Rickert at
763-3246 for an interview.
WORK STUD)Y funded students needed for
lab & office jobs. Pay rate of $6/hr. Call Kate
at 763-0651.
Clinical Research Center to run errands, use
copy machine, answer phones
&miscellaneous office work. Mac computer
skills desired. Location University Hospital.
Call Eric or Jeanne at 936-8080.
lab, varied tasks office/lab $7.50/hr. 936-
Y & S YOGURT and sandwich is
expanding. New location, all shifts. 5 a.m.-l1
p.m. Full & part-time. Mgmt., bakers, counter
help, delivery drivers, prep. 313/662-7701.
YARD II ELP WANTED. Flexible hours.
S7/br. Own transportation nec. 662-1122.
earned $1500 in business for myself. I'm
looking for 3-5 students who want to work
hard and eam the same. Jake 995-6806.

NANNY NEEDED: 4 children (6, 4, 2, & 4
mo.) Thurs., Fri., occas. Tues. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
$9/hr. Cathy 663-7256 NE A2.
NEEDED: STUDENTS who really like
kids! Care for 2 girls ages 8 & 13, 2:30-6
p.m., Tues. & Thur. Car req. some cooking.
Exc. refs. a must. Call Jane 764-1376 days,
761-2051 eves. $7.50/hr.
SITTER WANTED for Wed. after 3 & some
wknds. Start now. 2 fun kids. Car & refs. Call
Ramona 572-9506.
WARM, RELIABLE babysitter for bright
third-grade girl. Tuesdays, 5:15-8:15 p.m.
Need own car. 665-4719.
WORK FOR ACADEMIC credit, volunteer
or participate with a work study grant at U of
M's Pound House Children's Center during
Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Join hundreds
of past students in a quality experience in
working with young children. Located at Bill
and East University. Please call 764-2547 for
more info. or to arrange a visit.
ticets& travel
2 BOSTON COLLEGE-UM tix. for 9/16 @
Boston. Good seats, best offer. Tony 930-
75/night. Inc. outdoor hot tub, boats, canoes,
more. Traverse City. 616/276-9502.
ing groups now. Call Dan, Regency Travel
665-6122, 209 S. State.
SunSplash Tours. Highest commissions paid,
lowest prices. Campus Reps wanted! Sell
Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, Padre.
Rates & Info call 1-800/426-7710.
Continental $159 or S239. Bring your Con-
tinental voucher & AMEX card. Arlene at
Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122.
WANT TO BUY 1 student season football
ticket. Call 517/694-5612 evenings.
for 1995 Football season. Will pay
reasonable price. 810/642-8700.

Lunar landing?
The frame of a new atrium for the Student Activities Building blocks Maynard Street yesterday during construction.
Detroit man goes on trialfor
puadriplegbic boy two othear
Prosecutors allege b oy's father hired man to murder son

RECEPTIONIST 15-20 hrs./wk. Good pay,
benefits for fun, energetic service-oriented
people. Call 761-4440 - Mark or stop in and
apply, 2875 Boardwalk Dr.
RESORT JOBS Students Needed! Earn up
to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, hotels, Spas,
+more. Destinations include Florida, lawaii,
Colorado, & So. California. Call Resort
Employment Services 206/632-0150 ext.
SALAD DAYS: looking for energetic
hardworking help. Full-time, part-time
delivery. Apply: comer of State & William.
SCHOOL AGE CHILD care. Part-time
position in local school. 2-6 p.m. Call Diane
at 665-2055.
taking applications for cooks, floormen, &
waitstaff. Apply at 310 Maynard. 995-0581.
SCOTTISH HIGHLAND dancing teacher-
is being sought for lessons. 764-1644.
SECURITY GUARDS-8-40 hrs./week avail.
Good driving recotd is a plus. Ilex. work
schedule, advancement opportunities, on -the-
Job paid training. Apply 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.-
Fri. 525 Church St. 668-0444. EOE.
For this blood type, $120 is paid per accep-
table donation. Wite APRL, P.O. B ox 2674,
Ann Arbor, NI 48106.
tablished infertility clinic. Male students or
graduates 20-40 yrs. old are sought. Donors
are paid $60 per acceptable donation. Write,
APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI
Friday evenings. Call 769-0500.
STREET SMART. Iave you always been
street smart instead of book smart? Our com-
pany seeks your talent. Call Debbie for info
at 973-6066.
STUDENT NEEDED to do odd jobs at an
Ann Arbor home. Call Liz! 996-9621.
SUBJECTS NEEDED for cognitive
psychology, reaction time experiment, right-
handed, native English speaker, normal
vision and hearing. Pay $5.50/hr. or by
experiment. Call 936-2056.
SUBJECTS NEEDED for experiment in
perception of shape. Eye sight correctable to
20-20. Takes 50 min., pays $15. Call Ila at
childhood exp. are welcome to apply for pre-
school & kindergarten teaching positions at
The Discovery Center, WVest A2. Call 663-

\ 1

B AND-Modem/Altemative/In-
Rock/Blues-own music-needs 2
bass player-Mara 665-5395.

2 GIRLS 3 & 1/2 & 7 mo. T, Th. afts. - early
eves. &/or Mon., Wed. afts. $7-$7.50/hr Car, DO YOU WANT to be reunited or confront
Refs., exp. 994-0949. a one night stand? You could be on a national
AFTER SCHOOL CARE for 1 child close talk show! Call Stacy collect right away! 212/
-' CH CA f. - child close 246-6813 or 212/582-1722 ext. 23.

to central campus. Non-smkr. Ref. req. Tues.
p.m. off. $6/hr. neg. 995-1447.
AFTER SCHOOL child care needed for 10
& 13 yr. old 5 days per week, 1-3 hrs./day.
Must be good driver. Call 998-0643 after 7
BABYSI'TTER NEEDED for boy (5) & girl
(8). N-smkr., own car, at least 3 days/week
after school. Female pref., $6/hr. neg. Call
994-6047 evenings.
Wed. 3-4. Own car, salary neg. Call Elayne at
747-7333 anytime.
CHILD CARE NEEDED in my Westside
home. 8-13 hrs./wk. or more. Need hours
Mon. & Thurs.-flex. & all day Fri. for 1 1/2
yr. old & sometimes 5 yr. old. $7/hr. Exp.
pref. Ref. req. 663-6935.
CHILD CARE l & 3 yr. old. Thur. 11-6,
Fri. 10-4:30. $5-7/hr. (1-2 children). N.
Campus,'own trans. Sept. 21, exp. w/ ref.
CHILD CARE- Active, experienced
provider needed for our 2 children in Ann
Arbor. M-F 2:30-6:30. Exc. pay. Start
immed. Child care ref. req. 712-8062.
CHILD CARE WANTED 3-7 p.m. for 8
and 11 year old. Must have own trans., be a
non-smoker & like pets. Students in educa-
tion pref. Please call 996-0593.
CHILD CARE & light housekeeping needed
in our home. 7-10 hrs./wk. Reliable car. 662-
CHILD CARE WANTED for 11 and 6yr.
old girls. After school pick-up, 2:45-4. Eve-
ning and weekend hrs. if interested. Own
transportation needed. $7/hr. 995-2814.

FREE FINANCIAL AllD! Over $6 Billion
in private sector grants & scholarships is now
available. All students are eligible regardless
of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us
help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-
263-6495 ext. F55981.
I NEED A PARKING space on campus!
Price neg. Call Amanda 810/437-0199.
PARKING SPACE needed on Central Cam-
pus immediately. Call 434-1644.

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP)-A Michi-
gan man charged in the 1993 slaying of
three people, including an 8-year-old
quadriplegic boy, tried to make it look
like a robbery had taken place in the
Maryland home where the bodies where
found, prosecutors said yesterday.
James Perry, a self-described "spiri-
tual adviser," is charged with conspiracy
and three counts of first-degree murder
in the deaths of Mildred Horn, her quad-
riplegic son, Trevor, andthe boy's nurse
Janice Saunders.
Perry, who went on trial yesterday in
Montgomery County Circuit Court,
could be sentenced to death if con-
Prosecutors ran videotapes taken both
inside and outside the Silver Spring,
Md., home of Mildred Horn on the
morning of March 3, 1993, showing
articles of clothing and furniture strewn
throughout the first floor, and a base-
ment window which was pried open.
The alarm from Trevor Horn's oxygen
machine could be heard ringing in the
Prosecutors alleged Perry, of Detroit,
was hired by Mildred Horn's ex-hus-
band, Lawrence, to commit the mur-
ders so he could collect nearly $2 mil-.
lion awarded to his son.
The boy was involved in an 1985
accident at Children's Hospital in Wash-
ington that left him bedridden, legally
Court: Overage
students should
have been barred
from athletics
CINCINNATI (AP) - A federal
appeals court on Tuesday threw out a
ruling that would have blocked the
Michigan High School Athletic As-
sociation frompenalizing schools that
allowed overage students to partici-
pate in sports.
The case before the 6th U.S. Circuit
Court ofAppeals involved students who
suedthe Rochester Community Schools
and the Grosse Pointe Public Schools.
The athletic sanctioning organi-
zation prohibits participation in high
school sports by students who turn 19
before Sept. 1. But the students sued,
saving thev had fallen behind thetv"i-

James Perry, a
"spiritual adviser,"
is charged with
conspiracy and
three counts of
blind and unable to breathe on his own.
In her opening statement to the jury,
Montgomery County Assistant State's
Attorney Teresa Whalen called the
murders "brutal and methodical," and
accused Perry and Lawrence Horn of
"doing what nature would not do," in
killing the boy.
Whalen, however, acknowledged
there was no direct physical evi-
dence linking either man to the
crime scene. But she promised to
introduce "hundreds of documents
and wiretaps" of telephone calls
between the two men.
Defense attorney Roger Galvin ac-
cused the prosecutor of "attempting to

use inference after inference after infer-
ence," to prove her case.
James Tamez, a night clerk at the
Days Inn hotel in Gaithersburg, Md.,
testified that Lawrence Horn, who lives
in Los Angeles, stayed at the hotel three
different times between April and Au-
gust of 1992, while Perry registered
there twice - on May 22, 1992, and
again for just six hours on the night of
the murders.
Two of Mildred Horn's neighbors,
Steven Hofman and Debra Falls, told
jurors they noticed the Horn's garage
door was open and the specially-outfit,-
ted van used to transport Trevor was
Falls testified her family called po-
lice when Mildred Horn's sister, Vivian
Rice, knocked on their door after notic-
ing the open garage door.
Both Mildred Horn and Saunders
died from multiple gunshot wounds
to the face and head; Trevor Horn was
found suffocated in his crib, the tube
leading to his tracheotomy deliber-
ately blocked and his oxygen appara-
tus disconnected.
The trial is expected to last at least
eight weeks.
Lawrence Horn, a former techni-
cian with Motown Records in Detroit
and Los Angeles, is scheduled to go
on trial on murder charges early next

room & bath in a 6-bcdrm. house on E.
Madison-a few min. from C. Campus. Free
dry., all modernsconveniences.S$283!
mo.+util. Lease runs Sep.96-Sept.96. 998-
LOVELY PRIVATE locking bdrm. Share
luxury living rm., state-of-the-art kitchen w/
1 other student. Exc. loc., $495 incl. heat &
water. Prkg avail. Campus Rentals 665-8825.
ROOMMATE WANTED for double on
Greenwood St. Close to campus. $300/mo. +
util. Call Mike for info @ 994-5868.
bdrms. high grade unit. Edge of campus.
Good credit only. 665-8825.

CHILD CARE after school. 2 boys, ages 7

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