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September 14, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-14

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onight: Chance of shower,
)w 53°.
omorrow: Partly sunny,
gh 680.

One hundred four years ofeditorialfreedom

September 14, 1995

G Ao AdmWj "i,;a ;

ocket-propeled grenade hits U.S. Embassy

MOSCOW (AP) - A masked attacker fired
i rocket-propelled grenade that pierced the
hick brick wall of the U.S. Embassy and ex-
>loded in an empty office yesterday. No one
as injured in the daring mid-afternoon attack
hat came at a time of rising anti-American
There was no claim of responsibility, and
Afficials said there was no clear link to growing
Russian criticism of NATO airstrikes on
Bosnian Serbs. Russian and U.S. spokesmen
insisted the attack was an isolated incident.
"It's the act of a lone manrtac," said a senior
Russian security official at the scene, speaking
n condition of anonymity.

The grenade was fired at 4:25 p.m. from the
opposite side of the busy Garden Ring road,
crossing 12 lanes ofrush-hour traffic. It punched
through the facade of the mustard-and-white
10-story building on the sixth floor, sending
thick smoke swirling. The blast broke two win-
dows and gouged out brick and plaster, leaving
a hole and scorching the wall.
There were no reports of arrests, but the
Interfax news agency quoted security officials
as saying they had a composite sketch of the
attacker, a tall, young man in jeans.
Embassy spokesman Richard Hoagland
called the attack "an isolated act" and said it
"will have no impact on the Russian-Ameri-

can relations."
In Washington, the State Department said
President Clinton was briefed on the attack,
which came just a day after the Kremlin accused
NATO of genocide against the Bosnian Serbs,
Russia's historic allies.
It also came on the eve ofa visit to Moscow by
Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott, charged with
trying to heal the widening rift between Wash-
ington and Moscow.
Hoagland said the grenade exploded inside a
large photocopying machine, which absorbed
most of the shock. The small room was empty at
the time, he said.
"There were no warning calls," Hoagland

said. "As of now, no one has claimed responsi-
A spent grenade launcher, a black ski mask
and a glove were found across the ring road,
Hoagland said. Police said the launcher was
lying inside an archway leading to a tree-cov-
ered courtyard that may have been the escape
route. Some Russian media reports said the
attacker escaped in a waiting car.
Glass, shrapnel and what looked like the
rocket-propelled grenade's tail littered the pave-
ment outside the embassy.
Inside: Croats, Bosnian government forces
advance on Serb-held towns. Page 9A

Embassy Attacked~
Parliament Bd./ ib{
EI'drHo eU.S. Embassy
U.S. Embassy
A ttac kers fre grenade at



position of


ow recycling center to open this weekend
iyin Bond sorts containers at the Ann Arbor Materials Recovery Facility and Transfer Station, which is scheduled to open officially Saturday. Story, Page 3A.

By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
Richard Carter, an associate dean of
students, has been assigned to serve as
a second interim ombudsman and plans
to work on changing the focus of the
Citing a need to be more in touch
with students' academic needs, Dean of
Students Royster Harper said Carter
will join current interim ombudsman
Jennifer Walters in an attempt to create
a new sense of the position.
"We want to reconceptualize the
Ombuds Office over the next year,"
Harper said. "There is a need to re-
focus the office so that it may be of
more help to the students in the long
The ombudsman's role is to assist
students with problems involving the
University, acting as a mediator be-
tween two parties
Maureen A. Hartford, vice president
for student affairs, said the change to
the office is mainly to help with student
"I am surprised that more students
don't know about the help the Ombuds
Office can offer them in all sorts of
areas reating to the University," Hart-
ford said last night. "It is a one-stop
shopping area that students can go to
for help. ... I feel that students will
notice a little more attention thrown at
the postion."
Hartford said the decision to move
Carter into the job was Harper's, but
that she supported the move.
"Rich really knows the University of
Michigan and has worked here for quite
a long time," Hartford said: "He knows
the students, the faculty and has a lot of
contacts throughout the University. He
will bring a lot to the position."
Having worked as an admissions
counselor, financial aid officer and in
the dean of students' office, Carter said
his 25 years at the University will help
him carry out his new responsibilities
and that he is "in a position to know
how to help get problems resolved."

Position change.
Richard Carter is the second interim
ombudsman, joining Jennifer
Undergraduates and changing the
position to help better assist
students with problems with the
Univeristy will be Carter's main
Included in the changes are a
program to reach disinterested
students, working toward an exit-
interview program and increasing
faculty involvement in the office.
Walters will work primarily with
graduate students.
Harper said Carter will bring a lot of
interest into the position.
"He is terrific in terms of advocacy to
and for students," she said. "As we talked
about the job, it seemed like a great ar-
rangement for him. He has shown a lot of
interest in working with this."
Walters is serving as the interim
ombudsman, filling the role vacated by
Donald Perigo, whose contract ended
Dec. 31, 1994 and was not renewed
after 13 years in the position. Walters
will continue to work as ombudsman,
but will now concentrate on graduate
students' affairs, while Carter works
with undergraduates.
Carter said the decision for him to
take over responsibility for the under-
graduate aspects of the job came from
informal discussions with Harper and
arose out of a need to "bring more
attention to the position."
"What I'm doing right now is be-
cause we recognize that students do
need assistance with problems," Carter
said. "If we look at the role of ombuds-
man, it's really a role to assist students
in problems with the University and to
work as a neutral."
And working as a neutral contact will
still be the main objective of the office,
but not the only one, Harper said.
"We are looking at creating a more
systematic and diligent approach to an
See CARTER, Page 5

3y Amy Klein
)aily Staff Reporter
Fourteen of the University's doctoral
Programs were ranked among the top 10
:the National Research Council's com-
rehensive survey released yesterday.
The anthropology program was
anked No. 1 nationally.
The study, "Research-Doctorate Pro-
rams in the United States: Continuity
ind Change," examined programs in 41
ields in the arts and humanities, bio-
ogical sciences, engineering, physical
ciences and mathematics, and social
ind behavioral sciences. The last
ankings were published in 1982.
The University has three other pro-
rams ranked in the top three of their
eld: psychology is second, and politi-
al science and classics are both third.
Robert Weisbuch, interim dean of
he Horace H. Rackhani School of
3raduate Studies, said that the raw
.cores, not just the rankings, should be
"We did very well in terms of faculty

"I lthink it's valuable an its
dangerous at the same time.,,If
students just read it as who's No.1,
then it's not that valuable."
- Robert Weisbuch
Interim dean, Rackham Graduate School

quality; 19 of the 24 programs went up
in terms of how many think they are
'excellent' or 'good,"' Weisbuch said.
Leigh Ann Vaugn, a doctoral student
in psychology, said that the quality of
the department's faculty contributed to
its No. 2 ranking.
"The faculty (in the psychology pro-
gram) do tend to be very strong. One of
the reasons is that their interests are not
concentrated in a single area," Vaugn
said. "Given a strong faculty, the very
large size of the department makes it
possible for us to have a lot of breadth

in terms of what we study."
Within the University, social and
behavioral sciences tended to receive
the highest ratings, capturing top 10
rankings in five fields.
"(The social and behavioral sciences)
are a traditional strength at Michigan
and those strengths have been main-
tained," Weisbuch said. "It gives those
of us in humanities and sciences some-
thing to shoot for."
John H. D'Arms, former Rackham
dean, a member of the committee that
conducted the study, said it offered a

more comprehensive alternative to the
studies published in U.S. News and
World Report.
"(U.S. News and World Report) just
talked to chairmen and deans. We sur-
vey at least 100 faculty at more than 250
universities," D'Arms said. "It's amuch
more in-depth look at the doctoral pro-
Weisbuch said the survey is more
carefully designed than simple rankings.
"I think it's valuable and it's danger-
ous at the same time. If students just
read it as who's No. 1, then it's not that
valuable," Weisbuch said.
Both D'Arms and Weisbuch saidthat
even with a comprehensive survey, it is
difficult to change a university's repu-
"These reputation ratings can't be
taken over-seriously," D'Arms said.
"One of the downsides is that the facts
of change move much more quickly
than do the reputations. So both im-
provements and decline aren't always

CoddOIe f Y blasts ;a

Senate keeps aid for kids
born to welfare moms

Cs pj~kroposbals
ly Staff Reporter
-m ,K "1ein This inj


Students railed against suggestions
or the University's new code of non-
cademic conduct last night at an open
forum designed to give the code's
workgroup more student input.
The workgroup presented its ideas
n community values, which the mem-
bers have said should be one of the new
:ode's four sections.
The group listed the essential values
as: civility, dignity, safety, freedom,
nelusivitv, eauality and diversity.

special place from
the rest of the
- Greg Parker
LSA junior
"I think a better approach is to look at
these as rights." said Greg Parker, an

warnings that a national welfare "fam-
ily cap" would drive up abortions and
punish poor families, the Senate de-
railed a conservative push yesterday to
deny additional cash payments to single
mothers who have more children.
Twenty Republicans sided with ev-
ery Democrat as the Senate approved
an amendment by
Sen. Pete Domen-
ici, 66-34, to strip a
family cap policy
from the Republi-
can blueprint to
overhaul the
nation's welfare

the tooth fairy. It just isn't going to
happen," said Domenici (R-N.M.),
while warning that the family cap could
increase abortions and add to the mis-
ery of the poor.
The family cap has divided Republi-
cans as Bob Dole, the Senate's majority
leader and a top contender for the GOP
presidential nomination, tries to win
approval for historic legislation to turn
responsibility for welfare over to the
states, cut spending by $70 billion, and
require recipients to go to work.
Dole has said he hopes to pass the
bill, the centerpiece ofthe GOP's social
agenda, by tomorrow. Several issues
remain to be settled, among them de-
mands that spending on child care be

Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford (center) answers a student
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