f.. ' Weather Tonight: Clear and cold, low around 15% Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 35'. t- 'trailoqq *rnt One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom Thursday December 7, 1995 I v 4!/ Qi . r X ,g,, 6y t Y*,aa, 3.yR GiG.}b'I tZ," '14 TW. I ccreditor: Lack of code wasn't critical 'U' officials stand behind Duderstadt's remarks to regents By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter While University President James J. Duderstadt asserted that an accredita- tion team criticized the University in a 1990 exit interview for not having a student conduct code, the chair of the team that visited the University said yesterday that was highly unlikely. During discussion on the new Code of Student Conduct at the November Board of Regents meeting, Duderstadt referred to an accreditation report from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, saying the University had been "derelict in our responsibility" because of the lack of a student code. Then, in a Dec. 1 e-mail message to faculty Civil Liberties Board Chair Martin Gold, Duderstadt wrote that his comments were taken from "a discus- sion at the exit interview" with the accreditation agency. Written records of the exit interviewst are not kept. But E. David Cronon, a history pro- fessor at the University of Wisconsin who chaired the accreditation team in February 1990, said a typical exit inter- view is used merely to summarize the findings of the report. "it's not typical for stronger remarks to be said in an exit interview," Cronon said. "We normally wouldn't say any- thing in an exit interview that isn't said in the report, certainly not if it's some- thing that is important." The accreditation report refers to a We normally wouldn't say anything in an exit interview that isn't said in the report" - E. David Cronon Chair of the 1990 accreditation team code only under the "Advice for Insti- tutional Improvement" heading - a "purely advisory" section of the re- port. Cronon said any of the accredi- tation team's strong recommendations would be listed in the "Concerns" section. In a letter sent to The Michigan Daily yesterday, Associate Vice President for University Relations Lisa Baker and Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford stated again that many of Duderstadt's remarks were based on the interview. "Although not cited in the report, during meetings with administrators the team expressed surprise at the absence of a code of conduct, suggesting that the University was legally at risk for lack of one. They also felt that Michi- gan was abdicating an important moral responsibility to its students and the entire community. "Accreditation teams often cite con- cerns in their oral, exit interviews which may not appear in their report," the letter stated. Following the board's approval of the Code of Student Conduct in No- vember, Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann Arbor) said she thought Duderstadt's mention of the accreditation report may have swayed some regents to support the Code. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said Tuesday that Duderstadt's remarks suggested that the University would risk its accreditation if it continued with- out a code. "The inference was definitely there." Baker said."I don't know why he raised it, but he obviously intended to influ- ence a vote." etting Accredited The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools is the largest accreditation agency in the country. Universities, colleges and schools that belong to the agency must be accredited once every 10 years. The accreditation visit lasts for three days. During the accreditation process a team of academics evaluate the structure and problems of the institution, discussing campus initiatives.: Most institutions will not accept academic credits from a non- accredited university, and the federal government often gives grants based on an accreditation. Russia urges Serbs to accept peace plan Los Angeles Times BRUSSELS, Belgium - U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Russian Foreign Minister Andrei V. Kozyrev sought yesterday to soothe the fury of Bosnian Serbs over the Dayton, Ohio, peace settlement, suggesting that the pact can be carried out in a way that takes account of their grievances. Appearing alongside one another, the two men emphasized that the long and complex agreement reached last month in Ohio can- not be renegotiated. But both suggested that the agreement can be enforced in a way that may accommodate the Bosnian Serbs. Christopher said the accord needs to be carried out "with sensitivity to the con- cerns of the (Bosnian) parties." Until he had rebuffed questions about Bosnian Serb opposition by saying that Serbian Presi- dent Slobodan Milosevic, who signed the agreement, had represented the Bosnian Serbs' interests in the Dayton negotia- tions. Kozyrev, whose government has his- toric and cultural ties to the Serbs, sup- ported the Dayton agreement but then quickly added: "No design can answer all questions.... If questions of a human na- ture arise, we will have wisdom to properly address them." Over the past two weeks, the Bosnian Serbs have complained repeatedly that the Dayton agreement requires them to turn over land in the area of Sarajevo to the*Bosnian government, which is in the hands of the Muslims. The Bosnian Serb grievances were indi- rectly supported by the French military com- mander in Sarajevo, Brig. Gen. Jean Rene Bachelet. Last week, he was quoted by a French newspaper as saying the peace plan for the Bosnian capital is unworkable and that Serbs in Sarajevo would leave their homes rather than live under the authority of the central government. French troops will have responsibility for keeping the peace in Sarajevo under the Dayton agreement. Bacheletwas recalled to Paris forcriticizing the accord, but yesterday's remarks by the American and Russian offi- cials underscore how seriously the two gov- ernments are worried about Bosnian Serb opposition. "We do want to be sensitive to the Bosnian Serbs," State Department spokesman Nicho- las Burns told reporters here. "Not to (Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan) Karadzic and (Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko) Mladic but to the civilians.... "We would rather see them stay (in Sarajevo) than leave. If they left, they would just become refugees." Ethnic Groups Under the U.S.-brokered peace agreement that was agreed upon in Dayton, Ohio, Bosnia-Herzegovina will be split into two parts, with 49 percent going to the Serbs and 51 percent to a Croat-Muslim federation. The Muslims belong to the Islam religion. They speak Serbo-Croatian and some have Turkish or Arabic ancestry. Muslims made up 44 percent of Bosnia's pre-war population. The Croats are Roman Catholic. Their ancestors came from the Austro- Hungarian Empire. Croats comprised 17 percent of the country's population before the war. The Serbs are Orthodox Christian, with ancestry traced to the Ottoman Turkish empire. American officials were not specific about what could be done to assuageithe "sensit ivi- ties' of the Bosnian Serbs- but they said many of these measures could be worked out in talks this weekend in London about the civilian aspects of the Bosnian peace settle- ment. Those talks will cover such issues as refu- gees, economic reconstruction for Bosnia and how Bosnian police forces will be trained and rin. Christopher pointed out that the U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UN H CR), is opening an office in Serb-controlled terri- tory at liza in western Sarajevo. One of its missions will apparently be to prevent Serbs from fleeing areas that will come under the control of the Bosnian government. NATO officials said the first combat-ready troops will start arriving in Bosnia between 24 and 36 hours after the Dec. 14 signing in Paris of the peace accord. The signing is also a trigger for troops from the operation's 14 non-NATO coun- tries to begin deploying. They will go to one of the three areas of Bosnia being set up by the advance units under French, British and American commands. "Within four days, we hope to have enough forces on the ground to transfer authority from UNPROFOR (the U.N. Protection Force) to NATO," one official said. For this transfer to take place, the Sarajevo headquarters for NATO's land forces must be up and running, and there must be enough troops in each of the three sectors to be able to exercise authority. President vetoes GOP budget planJ. Clinton prepares to unveil his own budget proposal today Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON - President Clinton, vetoing the omni- bus Republican budget bill for its "wrongheaded cuts and misplaced priorities," yesterday set out to line up support for his new substitute spending plan despite many Democrats' reservations about its tax cut provisions. One day before the new plan's expected unveiling. White House officials visited Capitol Hill to find moderate and conservative Democrats arguing that the tax cuts would set back the deficit reduction goal, and their liberal brethren worried that the tax cuts would drain funds for , needed domestic spending. Clinton's plan "There is widespread sentiment among congres- Clinton will fallow sional Democrats that you yesterday'she don't start balancing o bud- ve withfthe get with a tax cut," said own budget bill Rep. Martin Olav Sabo (D- today. Minn.). Other Democrats arguedthatthenew Clinton The bill aims to balance the plan, which aims to bal- budget in seven years, ance the budget in seven while cutting less from years, should pare less than Medicare than the the planned $124 billion Republicans' vetoed bill. from the Medicare pro- gram, because the health The plan includes a tax cut of - plan for the aged is the $98 billion, compared to party's strongest issue. the Republicans' demand 'The new administration for a $245 tax cut. spending blueprint will keep Medicare and Med- icaid spending at the levels earlier proposed by Clinton, but would cut an additional $64 billion from non-defense discretionary spending. It will preserve Clinton's top priority programs for education and environmental pro- tection. The plan assumes that optimistic re-assessments of eco- nomic conditions will make it easier to reach a balanced budget in seven years. The White House's appeal for support came as Clinton carried through with a flourish on his long-standing pledge to veto the Republicans' omnibus budget bill. Surrounded in the Oval Office by a group of elderly Americans, minorities and women - reflecting the tradi- tional Democratic coalition - Clinton declared again the Republican.bill would dismantle hard-won social protec- tions for the sick and elderly, as well as education and the environment. "With this veto the extreme Republican effort to balance the budget through wrong-headed cuts and misplaced priori- ties is over," he said. Members of the 54th Quartermaster Company practice on a firing range In Ft. Lee, Va., Tuesday. These and other troops have been alerted for deployment to Bosnia. NATO troops begin to enter Bosnia; first movements slow The Washington Post HEIDELBERG, Germany - Four days after President Clinton ordered U.S. troops to start moving into Bosnia, the flow has remained little more than a trickle as military commanders edge into what they regard as an unsettled and risky environment. Out of the more than 700 military person- nel the United States is contributing to NATO's vanguard in Bosnia, only 41 had entered the country as of yesterday evening, according to the U.S. European Command. Military officials in Europe said the snail's pace is deliberate and not an indication the operation is floundering. They cited security concerns, uncertainty about conditions in the northern city ofTuzla, where U.S. forces will be headquartered, and the sheer bureaucratic complexity of such a multinational under- taking. They also noted the political sensitivity of introducing U.S. troops before the Bosnia peace accord has been signed - that is scheduled for Dec. 14 - and before author- ity has transferred formally from U.N. peace- keepers to NATO authorities. "It's been a little different for us," said Col. Gene Renuart, deputy director of opera- tions for the U.S. Air Force in Europe. He expressed a certain awkwardness at having to deploy in halting, piecemeal fashion after training for rapid. massive movements of troops. "In the military, we expect to get up and go," he remarked. The first U.S. Air Force plane to land in Tuzla since the operation began dropped 12 Army and four Air Force members there yesterday and left with eight Army soldiers, including Brig. Gen. Stanley F. Cherrie, who had arrived by armored vehicle earlier this week. The C-130 cargo plane from Ramstein Air Base in Germany was also the first fixed-wing See TROOPS, Page 8A NEA chair accepts $50K donation from Borderso i EMU police reports dispute student claims By Jeff Eldridge Daily Staff Reporter The chair of the National Endow- ment of the Arts came to Ann Arbor last nightto accept an unconditional $50,000 donation from the company that owns Borders bookstores - the first such donation the fund has received in its 35- "It was a culmination of a lot of people looking at an effective way to be part of the community," Flanagan said. Many other companies have given donations to specific cultural projects, but Borders' donation is the first case of a corporation giving a broad-based do- nation to the NEA. By Josh White Daily Staff Reporter YPSILANTI - Eastern Michigan University police reports released yes- terday directly contradict students' claims that campus police brutalized EMU junior Aaron Johnson in breaking to pull him down, when he turned and slugged officer in right side lower cheek." Hardesty said in the report that his mouth filled with blood and he was hav- inga hard time breathing. He "then maced subject as (Johnson) was still fighting." Johnson then allegedly got up and '~ I