Kick out the Poetry Slam Satirical poet Jeffrey McDaniel is featured at tonight's Poetry Slam at the Heidleberg. An insightful and clever performer, he and the other poets start slamming at 8 p.m. Admission is $3; call 426-3451 for details. Page w - I. , '-L-IVjTuesal December 5, 199 Sean Penn's 'Guard' finds him standing at the crossroads By Alexandra Twin Daily Arts Editor When famed and infamous '80s ac- tor Sean Penn announced one day in 7 late 1989 that he was going to give up Cacting forever to be a filmmaker, people groaned. When his debut movie, "The Indian Runner," which he both wrote and directed, arrived in the fall of 1991 to mediocre reviews and a box-office stay shorter than Danny DeVito, people snickered. However, they also realized that Penn, never one to mince words, meant exactly what he had said: He was going to. direct, and people had better deal with it. While Penn, of course, did not ac- tually give up acting, and has subse- quently lended his trademark, eye- poppingly intense presence to two films - 1993's "Carlito's Way" and the upcoming "Dead Man Walking" (created by fellow actor turned auteur - - -------. s .MiN. ~. RVIEW The Crossing Guard Written and directed by Sean Penn; with Jack Nicholson and David Morse At Briarwood and Showcase Tim Robbins)-he has also managed to firmly imbed himself within the spokes of Hollywood's ever-turning wheels. Despite the fact that "Indian Runner" was a flop and he's therefore failed to prove himself, people, par- ticularly Hollywood executives and big-league actors, seem ready and eager to give him the benefit of the doubt. With his sophomore directing ef- fort, "The Crossing Guard," a starkly impressive if frequently misguided tale of a family's desperation after the death of their daughter, Penn may not quite be moving into Tarantino-coun- try, popularity-wise, but he's bound to turn a number of his dissenters flat on their ears. Freddy (Jack Nicholson) is a down- town jeweler, divorced from Mary (Anjelica Huston) after the death of their young daughter, Emily. Shell- shocked from the unexpected death - she was hit by a drunk driver's car on the way home from school - he medicates himself with booze, women and nudie clubs, cavorting around the town with nameless whores who squealingly beg for Freddy and his boundless cash. Meanwhile, Mary has remarried, lives in their old house with their remaining two boys and is seeking to go on with her life through therapy and a strong will. Freddy, eaten away with guilt and regret, marks off the days on a calendar when John Booth (David Morse), the drunk-driver that killed Emily, will be released from prison. He calmly plans to shoot him in the head. An intriguing enough premise, and certainly well-executed. While Penn's ex (and mother of his two children) Robin Wright (Jenny from "Forrest Gump"), is criminally un- der-used as Booth's post-lock-up girlfriend, stage-actor and non- household name David Morse is sin- cere and complicated in his por- With "The Crossing Guard," Penn May not be moving into Tarantino-type popularity, but he's bound to turn dissenters flat on their ears. trayal of Booth, the drunk-driver. Nicholson and Huston's tumultu- ous past (they were once longtime lovers) lends an intangible spark to their on-screen battles, particularly a late-in-the-film scene where they reminisce about their former rela- tionship. The only weak link is musician Robbie Robertson as Mary's new husband, but he ap- pears so rarely as to render his inef- fectiveness harmless. Granted, when coming from the mouths of tried and true heavy- weights like Nicholson and Huston, there are few lines of dialogue that any writer could scribble that wouldn't seem relevant. Yet, it's the writing of the film that lacks the most coherence. Penn has clearly learned a lot from his dozen or so years as an actor; he proves himself to be an impressive and promising director who can as- semble a challenging story in an in- triguing way. Yet, as a writer, while his subject matter is certainly succu- lent, his execution of scenes and par- ticularly dialogue is patchy, stuttered, uncomfortable and frequently melo- dramatic. He's got the right impulses but not yet quite the discipline or technique to deliver. What results is a film that is painful to watch, because of its content and because of its short- comings. Yet, disturbing though it is, it's definitely worth a once-over, if only to see an artist in the making. Realistically, Penn will probably never do for directing what he did for acting, which is shake it up a little with his cryptic, impulsively arro- gant, American, male bravado. But what he may ultimately be able to do is to open the screen up a little more to the great power of the "tragedy of immobility," a blight which all of his important characters suffer from. "Hi. My name's Jack. This is what I looked like in the ill-fated 'Man Trouble."' Penn's no angel, but he Is a promising director. as "Crossing Guard" shows. Detroit Symphony Orchestra promotes new composers By Craig Stuntz Daily Arts Writer "Diversity" was far more than just a politically correct euphemism at this past weekend's Detroit Symphony Or- chestraperformance. The wildly varied program included a virtuoso violin con- certo, a pops piece and works by two contemporary composers, one estab- lished and one still in school. During the 1995-96 season, the DSO is hosting two resident composers, as part of the Unisys African American Composers Residency & National Sym- posium. Flint native Jonathan Holland, a 21-year-old Composition student at the Curtis Institute of Music in Phila- delphia, has already had compositions performed by the Atlanta, Baltimore and Cleveland symphony orchestras. Anthony Davis, a New York resident, is best known for his Grammy-nominated opera "X: the Life and Times of Malcolm X." Neeme Jirvi and the DSO are to be congratulated not only for performing the work of contemporary composers, butforputtingtheirmusicon abill with two other pieces which are sure to draw a sell-out crowd, thus ensuring that as many people as possible will hear the work of these two talented new voices. Once again, their time-tested commit- ment to finding new or less-played works paid off for the audience with an exciting, two-and-a-halfhour long pro- gram which left few musical stones unturned. The evening began with the world . Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra Orchestra Hall Saturday December 2, 1995 premiere of Jonathan Holland's "Fan- fares and Flourishes on an Ostinato," commissioned by the DSO. Introduced by the composer as "a little less conven- tional approach to writing music," the piece takes a simple, two-note theme, introduced at the start by the clarinets, and develops into two different figures. The "flourishes," played by the strings and winds, are a swirling, occasionally dissonant, foundation for the piece, while the "fanfares," playedby the brass and percussion, are a series of sharp musical punctuation. The short but dra- matic piece slides smoothly but quickly through a series of orchestral textures and feelings. "Notes from the Underground," as the title implies, is based on literature, although it is dedicated to, and written around the works of, Ralph Ellison, not Dostoyevsky. The work is divided into two movements, "Shadow" and "Act." Anthony Davis, the composer, intro- duced the piece, noting that "Act," the second movement, was actually written first, and that "Shadow" was a series of reflections on it. The technique works quite well, as themes and ideas which are hinted at and toyed with in the first movement suddenly spring to full real- ization in the second. The texture of the piece is a series of slow brass and wind atmospheres with a staccato, somewhat creepy melody on pizzicato strings and xylophone, propelled along by a run- ning jazz percussion beat. The music has the feel of a soundtrack to an Alfred Hitchcock film. Dmitri Shostakovich's Violin Con- certo No. 1 in A minor, Op. 99, was written during a turbulent time in So- viet musical politics. The Central Committee's 1948 'historic' decree (against formalism in music), which resulted in Shostakovich's music be- ing more or less completely banned from public performance, was pub- lished during the middle of its com- position. Although Mikhail Meyerovich, another Soviet com- poser, recalled asking Shostakovich exactly where he was in the composi- tion when the decree was published, and noted that there was no change in the music, the work was held back by the great violinist David Oistrakh, for whom the piece was composed, and not performed publicly until 1955, the year after Stalin died. 20-year-old violin prodigy Maxim Vengerov, who performed the solo, is unquestionably a remarkable player. Although he is technically superb, his real achievement lies in his complete emotional involvement with the mu- sic. He plays with his ear pressed against his violin, swaying freely with the music. "It's the brain that's the main instrument you work with," he explains; "everything comes from that." Vengerov's also very famous, which is not always the same thing as talent, although the two often coin- cide - as in Vengerov's case. Part of Vengerov's fame stems from an incident at one of his European performances, after which two women were observed on the stage fighting over horsehair which had fallen from Vengerov's bow. Knowing of this in- cident, I felt slightly sickened when he, after a magnificent performance of the violin concerto, with its spec- tacular - and spectacularly difficult - solo cadenza, returned to the stage for his second encore bow carrying his bow by a couple of loose hairs, then very conspicuously tore them from the bow and threw them down on the stage. Thankfully, the Detroit audience was somewhat more re- strained than the Europeans. The program concluded with musi- cal selections from Edvard Grieg's almost sinfully delightful "Peer Gynt." For this final work, the or- chestra was joined by the Wayne State University Concert Chorale and so- prano Jayne West. The orchestra, which, despite the length of the pro- gram, remained in superior from the entire evening, outshined the vocal performers, but I was happy to see a college chorale have the chance to participate in the performance. Jirvi led them in an a capella rendition of the Whitsun Hymn as an encore. Does this justify the uncondi- tional faith of would-be followers in his alleged "great potential?" Maybe, maybe not. But at the very least you've got to admire the guts of someone who's sitting at least somewhere near the top of his Kevin Canty A Stranger in This World Vintage Contemporaries In the music world there are con- cept albums; Kevin Canty's "A Stranger in This World" (Vintage, $10) might be called a concept short- story collection. Each of the 10 sto- ries focuses on characters on the point of a decision, at a place where they could take two extremely different paths. The stories present a variety of situations, but certain patterns repeat throughout. Each has a protagonist who is somehow isolated from his environment. One of the better sto- ries, "Blue Boy," describes a teenage lifeguard at a country club he couldn't afford to join: "These girls were Kenny's age but that was as far as it went. They saw right through him when they bothered to look at all. Lack of money made him invisible." Once the main character is es- tablished, an unexpected situation arises. This can be as simple as another dog being brought to the animal shelter ("Dogs") or as com- plicated as an ex-wife returning to town ("Junk"). Then the real action of the story begins, as Canty sets up intriguing dilemmas for his characters, giv- ing them a choice between what they should do and what they want to do. Each story contains - as the title story says - "a moment when the whole thing hung in the bal- ance." This theme is probably best ex- pressed in one standout story, "Dogs." An unnamed animal-shel- ter employee considers his options: "You have the keys to every lock, the means to open the cages, open the doors and send them racing. You'll be a hero, king of the dogs. Strangers will know your name in the world of dogs. But in the world of men, the dogs will continue to be killed. You can be replaced, easily. You can be replaced." profession and is willing to almos chuck it all in the hopes of findinl even more. Like his films so far, th choice is ambitious and cocky a: hell, but also terribly daring am impressive. Kudos for effort, now if only he could deliver. After reading several stories, th theme becomes apparent, and read ers are able to predict the setup o the next. However, the situations an characters present an entire spec trum of possibilities, and the stone don't become repetitious. Each look at the dilemma in a new way: Som stories end with a decision, and oth ers explore its aftermath. This variety is a definite strength o the book, and so is Canty's prose styl The stories are all told from one poin of view, and Canty realistically de scribes his characters' states of min For example, in the title story, a woma named Candy meets her boyfriend' brother, who resembles her dead hus band: "She went to the window an looked out to where the brothers wer still draped around the picnic tabl Then stopped herself, closed the cir tains, went back to her lonely bed an her mystery. This is not appropriat she thought. This is not wholesom But the words on the page all turned t bugs and refused to be read. There wa this thing called love and it would nc leave her alone." In addition, these short stories ar excellent examples of the genre. The are written concisely, and their plot are highly original and well-structure Each event leads to another, in, a inevitable series ofconsequences: Pe haps the most striking fact is, th Canty's theme can be expressed in short story format: He succeeds in se ting up two completely opposit courses of action, in a limited amour of space. It's almost nerve-racking to rea with the way the characters in"' Stranger in This World" make the decisions. Each one is a close ca that could have so easily gone on way or the other, leading to actu relief or regret as good or bad cons quences result. Nonetheless, th book's memorable variations on theme make highly worthwhile rea ing. - Elizabeth Luc See BOOKS. Page 0 1 B I I.~ .&.7 ELM (' T-SHIRT GALLERY Christmas Ornaments GRADUATION Also Ill Ih IN !ill1 Iih Iui | Hop On the Band Wagon! i