l - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 5, 1995 420 Maynard Street MICHAEL ROSENBERG Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed byj JULIE BECKER students at the JAMES M. NASH University of Michigan '--Editorial Page Editors Unless otlherwvise noted, wuigned editorials reflect the opinion offa majorit vofthe Dail' s editorial hoard. All other articles, letters, and Canrtoon do not necessari, rcflect /the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Openleent surgery 'U' Medical Center streamlines operations JENvTwENGcETHE ERASABLE PEN The HIV/AIDS test: A ne ofpassage for our gen eratiorn m aintaining a prestigious multifaceted MVI health-care facility amid national cuts in research grants, Medicare and Medicaid is adaunting task. As a major teaching hospital, the University of Michigan Medical Center attracts the most acute and costly clientele. As a public institution, the University health- care system receives and must care for most ,Medicare and Medicaid patients. And as a .result of the disparity between doctors' fees and capitated HMO insurance reimburse- ments the hospital has had to swallow the difference - placing the hospital, like a choking patient, in need of a financial -Heimlich maneuver. However, recent at- 'tempts to merge, coupled with expansive internal reform reflect the University of Michigan Medical Center's defensive mea- sures to avoid being suffocated. Despite the recent failed merger with the 'Mercy Hospital conglomerate, the promise of stability and a thinned administration now {fuel the wise, continued search for a partner. Merging with another hospital would effec- tively cut administrative costs, enhance pur- chasing power and expand the hospital's market base. Since Executive Director John Forsyth initiated the Cost Effectiveness Program four ,years ago, the hospital has been able to de- duct $60 million from its budget, and this year's goal is to further decrease it by $28 million. Through meticulous self-evaluation, each department is charged with the formi- dable task of re-evaluating work styles to heighten efficiency and sever costs. The nurs- ing staff, for example, is experimenting with new protocols for patient care, examining redundant processes to eliminate waste and has initiated a hiring freeze - an attempt to slice staffing costs through attrition. Looking to the future of health care, the UMMC is investing in improvements in women's health, by building the Cancer and Geriatrics Center and by increasing primary care services. Nationally, obstetric proce- dures account for the majority of inpatient medical treatment - the opening of the Mother/Baby unit will fortify the University's share of the market. The graying of America and the demand for preventative care are also booming. Capitalizing on these markets is essential if the UMMC is to survive. The UMMC is undergoing many changes to effectively insulate itself against deepen- ing cuts in reimbursement and a changing patient population. A fully integrated merger with another hospital - especially one that maintains a focus on primary care through- out the state - is needed. Merging would serve to completely defend and fulfill the interests of the UMMC. The market base must be expanded and the search fora partner must continue. F or young people in the 1950s, dating and early marriage were rites of passage. In the 1960s college students protested the Viet- nam War and reaped the benefits of the sexual revolution. Our generation has an- other rite of passage: the HIV/AIDS test. Last week was national AIDS Aware- ness Week, commemorating the thousands who have already died and educating people about how to prevent infection. Recent sta- tistics show that I of 92 young men is in- fected with the AIDS virus. Minority women have almost as high a rate of infection, and AIDS is now the No. I killer of people ages 25 to 44. "1 don't think most people really (realize)that infection isa potential forthem," said Cornelius Baker of the National Asso- ciation of People with AIDS. "Right now, if you get HIV in your 20s, you will die by around 40 years old." Literature has equated sex with death for centuries, but today the equation is real, almost palpable in the air of college towns and urban enclaves. "Some of the people I know outside of risk groups worry about getting AIDS. An itch, a bump, a boil, a stubborn cold, a sore ankle, and people worry," writes 24-year-old Katie Roiphe in The Morning After. "However tangible or diffuse, the sense of danger hovers over our experience, inevitably affecting our bed- rooms, and our politics, and our mornings after." HIV is not just a big reason to use condoms: It is in many ways the defining fear of our generation. While in the past a casual sexual encoun- ter might have been pleasurable and excit- ing, it is now likely to be accompanied by feelings ofguilt. regret and incredible worry. What if the condom breaks? What if you have oral sex and only later realize that's risky, too? What if you were too drunk to remember? Even if your risk is small, there's still a chance ofinfection - and that small chance has such serious consequences that it's im- possible to ignore them. The imagination runs wild about a positive test, no matter how you try to stop yourself. How will you tell your parents'? What would you do ifyou only had 10 more years to live? Quit school? Watch less television? Convince your part- ner to stay with you even though you can't have sex? At one time, the greatest fear of sexually active women was getting pregnant. Many other experiences may also be stressful and anxiety-arousing: waiting to findout agrade, finding out if you got in to graduate or professional school, finding out your boy- friend or girlfriend is going to break up with you. These are real, even paralyzing, fea's, and the waiting is agonizing. Yet they do not compare in the least to the harrowing expe- rience of waiting for the results of an -IIV test. Unlike the other situations, an Hl V test's results will determine not what your future is going to be like, but whether or not you will have a future at all. It goes on: Not only can you die of H]IV, A IDS yourself. but you can give it to a person you love. Cheating on your lover, bad enough as it is, takes on a whole new dimension in the age of A IDS. When you think about it, that's probably the worst thing you could ever do to a loved one. Walking out, being grumpy in the morning. getting someone pregnant -- all of them pale in comparison to the possibility ofgiv- ing your lover a fatal disease. That's what this disease can give us: not only death, but also a heavy dose of guilt. The latency period is the other inherently evil characteristic of this virus. There is no morning-after pill for IHV. Not only that. but the recommended waiting time before an antibody test is at least three months - many people don't show antibodies before then. So let's say you have unprotected sex, and realize how stupid you were the next morning. You must then wait three months for the antibody test and then two weeks for the results (and don't forget you can infect other people during this time). The anxiety is incredible, no matter how emotionally stable you are, because if you're not worried about this, what else is there to worry about'? For most young people, nothing else even compares. In the controversial movie "Kids," a 16- year-old named Jenny unexpectedly tests positive for Hl V at a health center. When she takes a cab several hours later, the driver asks her why she looks so sad. He names off all of the reasons he can think of - boy troubles, fights with parents and so on - and reassures her that whatever it is, it will go away and she'll be fine. Jenny sits in the back of the cab, caught in a web of depres- sion and silence, unable to tell him that he's wrong - her problem is not going to go away. On a recent trip to Health Services, I stopped by the AIDS awareness table. I thought about my own H IV test nine months ago: although the risk was very small, the fear and anxiety still lurk in a dark corner of my mind. I left with a red ribbon pinned to my coat, a silent reminderofthis evil disease and the harrowing rite of passage it requires. -Iean Twenge can he reached over e- mail at jeani(umich.edu. 1 I MATT WIMSATT MOOKIE'S DILEMMAl 'Motor voter' run over Engler attempts to onflicts between states and the federal ' government are inherent in a federalist system. Unfortunately, Gov. John Engler is using the cry of "states' rights" inappropri- ately in his attempt to override federal laws. ,The law in question is a voter registration effort that requires social-service agencies to 'register welfare recipients to vote. In a move similar to efforts to discredit the "motor voter" law - decried as an "unfunded man- date" by some conservative governors - Engler is exploiting the emotional crusade for states' rights to suit his personal agenda. By trying to block the law from being imple- -mented, Engler is refusing to extend voting rights to the disenfranchised. Engler's challenge to the law is irrespon- sible. Ifthe governor truly opposed it on legal grounds, he should have done something before it took effect in January. Although he claims that the law creates financial burdens, Engler is defying voting rights. Each of the five states that has challenged the law has lost. California, led by Gov. Pete Wilson, is appealing its case to the Supreme Court. Without legal precedent. then, Engler's ban on the voting sign-up law is a shallow attempt at withholding the opportunity to Vote for a populace historically underrepre- sented at the voting booth. Having the right to vote on paper is not enough. Even though civil rights laws in the 1960s eliminated the last legal obstacles to the voting booth, practical obstacles remain. With voter turnouts continuing to decline at both the local and national level, efforts to make it easier to vote should be encouraged. Although welfare recipients have the legal right to vote, if they lack the means to get to strangle a good law a Department of Motor Vehicles office to register or do not have a permanent address, they are left out of the process. Rather than follow the law, Engler has chosen to fight the bill on the basis that it violates states' rights, although he is short on details on how voting-rights laws compro- mise states' autonomy. The reasoning be- hind disobeying the law does not add up. Supporters of the ban claim that the "motor voter" laws remedy the situation by allowing registration with drivers licenses. Unfortu- nately, this ignores the reality that many beneficiaries of voter signup law are without drivers licenses. Furthermore, the notion that the state cannot afford to register voters is false: Hunting down welfare recipients via the mail by sending out registration materials in envelopes is not a great money saver. Engler's selective enforcement of federal law is a reprehensible abuse of power. The reasons behind the ban are clear: Engler is trying to shaft voters who are not likely to be voting in his favor anyway - low-income voters historically have voted Democratic. Engler is thus using the right to vote to solidify his base of support. The courts must reject Michigan's ban on the sign-up bill. If the ban is upheld in any form, Engler will be validated in singlehandedly violating the rights of the estimated 150,000 to 250,000 citizens esti- mated to have been helped under the law. The state of Michigan, which has been a leader in voter-registration efforts in the past, should not slide back into an elitist mentality that actually makes it more difficult for the poor to vote. It is the state's duty to provide its citizens with the opportunity to vote. f~tv / - r+ 1 t/ lo/ l 1 t' I NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'The company's in complete control. We have to accept defeat.' -- Caterpillar striker Jin Schmidt, fallowing the UA W's decision to end its strike against the manufacturer I PRESS CLIPPINGS College athletes deserve compensation By Boyce Watkins (U-WIRE) In 1994, CBS wanted the eight-year rights to the NCAA Tournament. They wanted them bad. How bad'? Bad enough to pay $1.725,000,000. Dividing the money between the 64 programs that compete in the tournament, that's about $224,609.38 per player, per year. A player who competes in the NCAA Tournament for four years has earned nearly I million CBS dollars for the NCAA. And that doesn't even include the regular season! What's really pathetic is that our minds are so warped that we believe it is immoral to pay the players for their work! I say it's immoral not to pay them! There's something sickening about 18-to-23-year-olds diving for loose balls, taking steroids and risking debilitating injuries, BoYce Watkins is a mathematics graduate student.at the University of Kentucky. This article originallv appeared in The Kentuck' Kernel on Dec. 4. all to fill the coffers of a bunch of 50-year-old men. What's more insulting to our intelligence is that some like to argue that players receive an edu- cation in return for their services. Understand that a college educa- tion in exchange for millions of' dollars in revenue is not a 'air trade. Ifthe trade is fair, then why not give the players their money and let them pay their own tu- iti on'? Let's get this straight. Col- lege athletics, particularly rev- enue-generating sports, are ev- erything but amateur. The use of slave labor is the only thing that makes this situation unique. While athletes toil their way through four years of abuse, the children of athletic directors at- tend top universities, keep full pockets and drive nice automo- biles, every bitofthis financed by the sweat and blood of poverty- ridden athletes. In addition, college sports are nottreatedasextracurricular. The only thing extracurricular is aca- demies. The 20-hour rule has more holes than a fishnet stocking, so most athletes end up spending 30-60 hours per week in sports- related activities. Ask any brave basketball playerwhat would hap- pen if he told Coach Rick Pitino hecan'tmakethe"optional"prac- tice sessions because he wants to secure his 3.8 grade-point aver- age. In spite of exceptionally high graduation rates, University of Kentucky football coach Bill Curry is the target of heavy criti- cism, and he fears for his job. At the same time, many coaches around the nation are allowed to push aside high graduation rates in exchange for high winning percentages. Let's not forget that coaches do throw in little perks to keep the athletes pacified. Like jockeys, coaches are obligated to give their horses the finest hay. It's after the lights go out and eligibility is over that Little Johnny Halfback findsout he still can't read. I wonder when the day will come when athletes remind their slave-masters that hay is for horses. and hard-working em- ployees deserve money. Organization is the key to fun- damental change. Through coor- dinated, selfless behavior, ath- letes might be surprised at what they can do. I wonder what would happen if no one showed up to play in the Final Four this year? Since athletes don't receive any of the money, that must mean that the games can be played without them. How about a trust fund for athletes who aren't able to play professional sports ? Many graduate students re- ceixe stipends exceeding $12,000 each year. As a graduate student, I must confess that I'm not worth nearly as much money as Moe Williams. If it's good enough for me, then wvhy not for him'? As a first step toward their own salvation, athletes should at least ensure that universities aren't allowed to welch on their end of the lopsided deal that is already in place. Why not slap heavy penalties on programs with low graduation rates? Iffootballcoachescan force more than 80 men to get up at 6 a.m., they can force them to get their college degrees. A very rude wake-up call might be in order before slave- masters realize who the vital com- ponent in this revenue-generat- ing process really is. I'll give you a hint. When the players don't show up. CBS takes back its 2 billion, and people turn their televisions off. Everything else is irrelevant. HOW TO CONTACT THEM State Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Washtenaw County) 410 Farnum Building Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2406 LETTER Basketball seating dims spirit State Rep. Liz Brater (D-53rd district, Central Campus) 412 Roosevelt Building State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-52nd district, North Campus) 99 Olds Plaza Building LEA A 1 A nnn To the Daily: I am writing to express my disgust with the new University basketball ticket policy. Since the and graduate students, not-tradi- tionally known for their enthusi- asm. Younger students who com- monly exhibit more spirit and vi gor thani older fa~ns arenow ban- WIINIFDI Columnists for the