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December 05, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-12-05

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 5, 1995

Continued from Page 1.
of ourselves ... once our ammo gets
here," said Chipman, one of the two
Americans who flew here.
In addition to the pair who flew into
Sarajevo with NATO communications
specialists, 10 command staff repre-
sentatives from the U.S. 1st Armored
Division were en route to Tuzla, in
northern Bosnia, by armored convoy
from Zagreb, Croatia, headed by Brig.
Gen. Stanley F. Cherrie.
By moving U.S. soldiers into Bosnia in
small units or joined to NATO groups,
senior officers in Europe have sought to
reduce the American profile and mini-
mize the risk of the forces becoming
targets forattack until U.S. combat troops
pour into Bosnia in large numbers.
Such a low-key entrance contrasts with
the way U.S. forces began other recent
major military actions - for instance,
paratroopers dropping into the Saudi
desert five years ago after Iraq invaded
Kuwait, an amphibious assault force
charging ashore in Mogadishu three years

ago or light infantry troops sweeping
into Haiti in helicopters last year.
The humble beginnings of the NATO
force followed an uneasy weekend in
Sarajevo in which the Bosnian Serb mili-
tary leader, Ratko Mladic, disavowed
the peace accord and the head of the
U.N. military command here was re-
called to Paris to explain his own reser-
vations about it. French Gen. Jean-Rene
Bachelet returned to Paris yesterday to
answerquestions from the Defense Min-
istry about his criticism. Bachelet, in
remarks to the French press corps last
week, deemed the plan unworkable and
said he expects Serbs in suburban en-
claves here to rebel violently at the pros-
pect ofbeing ruled by the Muslim-domi-
nated Bosnian government.
The NATO soldiers' toughest mission
likely will be in this capital, where the
worst fighting has raged. French troops
have drawn that assignment. Sarajevo, a
city of Muslims, Croats and Serbs that
was assaulted by rebel Serbs, will be
handed over to ajoint Muslim-Croat fed-
eration as part of the agreement. It is a
bitter, and unacceptable, resolution to
thousands of Serbs living in its suburbs.

Continued from Page 1
business openly, but allows them to
keep personnel matters and pending
litigation behind closed doors.
Regent Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloornfield Hills) said the law will be
followed throughout the search.
"Whether the law is unfortunate or not,
we will proceed in accordance with it."
Many faculty members emphasized
that their perception of the University's
12th president will be colored by the
candidate's committment to education
and academic background.
Whoever is chosen must hold a dis-
tinguished record as both a faculty mem-
ber and administrator, said School of
Education Dean Cecil G. Miskel.
"There is a critical need for our next
president to communicate to our exter-
nal constituents," Miskel said.
Personal characteristics also weighed
heavily on the faculty members.
A. Oveta Fuller, an associate professor
of microbiology and immunology, said
the new president must have a humorous

touch and the ability to give credit where
it is due, yet take blame when necessary.
LSA Associate Dean John Cross said
that in order to preserve the competitive
advantage the University currently en-
joys, its resources must be managed well.
However, Philip lanlon said the
University "must not let finance con-
cerns steer the ship." Hanlon is a math-
ematics professorand member ofLSA's
executive committee.
Still others raised concerns about is-
sues of multiculturalism and mandates
that the new president will face.
Carl Cohen, a Residential College pro-
fessor and Medical School administrator,
gave an impassioned speech in which he
called programs that deliberately prefer-
ence by race and sex unjust and unwise.
"The preference which pervades our
University as we know it creates resent-
ment and hostility which bubbles in our
residence halls," Cohen said."It imposes
burdens that are often not deserved."
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit), a
co-chair of the presidential search com-
mittee, disagreed. "Just because many
minorities are recruited, the first assump-
tion should not be that we're inferior."

Caterpillr workers anxious after strike
PEORIA, ll .- Strikers who fought and lost a bitter 17-month battle against
Caterpillar Inc. waited with resignation yesterday for the company to call theni
back to jobs now being done by replacement hires and union defectors.
The company, meanwhile, sought assurances that their offer to return, despite
overwhelming votes against proposed contracts, "was made in good faith and is
truly unconditional."
"I'm ready to at least get back to work and get my life going again," said Rob
Backus, a pipe fitter with 28 years at Caterpillar.
"It's been a long, hard struggle," Backus said. "You just kind of plug along as
you go. It's about all you can do. Basically, you're stuck between a rock and a hard
Caterpillar promised all strikers will eventually be offered jobs, but has told
them to stay away until it sorts out who is needed where. The company hired i,100
new employees during the strike and used about 5,600 temporary workers.
The nation's largest maker of heavy and earth-moving equipment also indicated
the transition back to union workers from temporary employees who worked the
production line during the strike could take some time.

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Center gets grant,
despite misgivings
WASHINGTON -Clinton admin-
istration officials have admitted cre-
ating "a perception of wrongdoing"
by yielding to political pressure to
give $555,000 to the Martin Luther
King Center in Atlanta to fund a ques-
tionable voter educationfproject in
South Africa.
The King Center received the grant
from the U.S. Agency for Interna-
tional Development in January 1994,
even though many agency employees
judged the proposed project for non-
violent voter training to be unneces-
sary and poorly drafted. AID went
ahead with the grant after being pres-
sured by blacks in Congress, sources
said. In a confidential memo written
last week and obtained by the Los
Angeles Times, AID's Africa Bureau
acknowledged that an internal inves-
tigation had found fault with the King
Center grant. At the same time, AID
Assistant Administrator John F.
Hicks, author of the memo, defended
the decision to fund the project.
"Although we do not believe that
regulations were violated," Hicks wrote

on Nov. 30, "the ... bureau's enthusi-
asm may have created a perception of
wrongdoing. But it is important to re-
member the reason for that enthusiasm:
the desire to bring the center's nonvio-
lence principles to pre-election South
Africa." King Center officials declined
to comment on the allegations.
Scientists pose for
'Studmuffin' calendar
"Studmuffins of Science" experiment
is under way for 1996.
The calendar shows scientists skiing,
swimming, lifting weights and- inthe
case of Brown University research sci-
entist Robert Valentini - sitting or a
bench in a tank top and shorts.
Valentini, 33, who studies techniques
for healing damaged tissue, is "Dr. Sep-
tember." Other studmuffins-of-the
month hail from Stanford, Columbia,
Cornell, the University of Minnesota
and Colorado State University.
New York-based journalist Karen
Hopkin, who produces National Public
Radio's "Science Friday," recruited the
men. She says she was motivated by

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Car blast in Grozy
leaves at least 11
dead, 60 injured
MOSCOW - In the deadliest re-
minder to date that conflict still con-
vulses rebel Chechnya, a car-bomb ex-
plosion yesterday killed at least I11people
at a busy outdoor bazaar on the doorstep
of the Moscow-installed government.
The noon blast in the center of
Grozny, Chechnya's shattered capital,
blew out windows for several blocks,
hurled one car 30feet and singed trees
in the square where the detonation left
a six-foot-wide crater.
Russia's Independent Television net-
work said as many as 18 may have been
killed and more than 60 injured but that
confusion clouded the death toll because
Muslim relatives of some victims hur-
riedly evacuated the corpses for burial by
sunset, according to religious custom.
Television footage from the scene
showed charred devastation. Twisted
hulks of cars smoldered among the
rubble ofdamaged buildings. Dirtyblan-
kets covered the prone bodies of street
traders and shoppers felled in the
crowded square outside the republic's

administration building.
Yesterday's attack was the latest dern-
onstration by Chechen rebels that they
can wreak havoc throughout Russia,
even if they have all but lost the war that
started last Dec. 11.
Former Mexican
pres. talks from exile
MEXICO CITY - Mexico's en-
battled former president, Carlos Sali-
nas de Gortari, emerged from eight
months in seclusion yesterday to deny
persistent allegations that he was linked
to a major assassination and to distance
himself from crimes allegedly commit-
ted by his jailed brother.
Describing himself as Mexico's "fa-
vorite villain" in ahtandwritten letterpub-
lished by Mexican newspapers, Salinas
charged that drug traffickers, opposition
politicians and former President Luis
Echeverria are behind public attacks-that
have transformed his image from-na-
tional hero to international fugitive.
The statement marked Salinas' first
point-by-point rebuttal of various
charges leveled against him since he
fled the country last March.
- From Daily wire services

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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
I EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lsa Oines, Andrew Taylor, Scot h~~r
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E EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James M. Nash, Editors
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PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Editor
STAFF: Tonya Broad. B. Daman Cap. Nopporn Kichanantha, Stephanie Grace Li. Ezabeth Lippman. Judith Perkins, Kristen
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