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December 04, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-12-04

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Tonight: Cloudy, low
chance of rain, low 34%.
Tomorrow: Clouay, chance
of rain, high 43.

One hundredfve years of editoridlfreedom

December 4, 1995

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Dinner honors 'Messiah' performers

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff' Reporter
A festive atmosphere and Christmas
spirit filled the air last night for more
than 100 guests attending the 50th an-
nual Messiah Dinner, hosted by the
residents of the Martha Cook Building.
The theme of this year's dinner, a
"Victorian Christmas," was well-rep-
resented by the decorations that lined
the hallways of the building and the
women dressed in formal evening
"We chose the theme Victorian
Christmas' because it fits the decorum
of the building," said Sangita Baxi, co-
chairwoman of the dinner.
Several of the featured performers
from Handel's "Messiah" were present

Event marks its 50th anniversary

at the dinner, including soprano Ying
Huang, alto Laura Tucker and conduc-
tor Thomas Sheets.
The Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
and the University Musical Society
Choral Union delivered performances
of"Messiah" Saturday and yesterday at
Hill Auditorium.
The tradition of the dinner began in
1945. Leona Diekma, director of the
building at the time, invited Alva Sink,
who was then the director of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, and the solo-
ists of the Messiah to the Martha Cook
Building for dinner.
"We didn't realize it was a historical

event," said Olive Chernow, who par-
ticipated in first Messiah Dinner.
Chernow, who was a resident of Martha
Cook in 1945, has returned every year
for the dinner.
"It is important that every year is
different," she said. "Ev ery year, the
girls and the director hav e made it their
own by bringing out talents and indi-
"This is a nice celebration before
Christmas where you can meet the
prominent people at the Univ ersity,"
said LSA senior Tiffany Troxd.
Following the dinner, the Martha
Cook Chorale entertained the guests

Mayssoun Bydon, an LSA senior and Martha Cook resident, entertains University
President James J. Duderstadt and his wife Anne at the Messiah Dinner last night.

Citon O s
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. First 700 troops are
part of 'enabling force'
headed for Bosnia
The Washington Post
MADRID, Spain - President
Clinton said yesterday he has formally
authorized the deployment of the first
700 American troops to Bosnia and
called on Serbian leaders to "take the
appropriate steps" to ensure the peace
agreement reached last month is fol-
In a news conference concluding a
summit meeting between the United
Statesandthe European Union, Clinton
said the Americans, part of an advance
force to lay the military groundwork
for the arrival of the full 60,000-troop
NATO force in Bosnia, will be dis-
patched within "the next couple days."
The talks here, which concluded
Clinton's five-day trip to Europe, pro-
duced a "Trans-Atlantic Agenda," an
agreement on cooperative steps aimed
at moving the world closer to a free and
open trading system. The meeting also
focused on an international reconstruc-
tion effort in Bosnia aimed at rebuild-
ing the country's destroyed infrastruc-
ture. The Europeans and international
lending institutions are to raise the
bulk of the projected $6-billion cost,
with the United States providing about
$600 million, U.S. officials said.
Clinton used his news conference to
make the case again that U.S. leader-
ship in the post-Cold Warera is at stake
in Bosnia and to assert that despite
complaints by Bosnian Serbs about the
terms ofthe U.S.-brokered peace agree-
ment, it will not be renegotiated and
the United States expects Serbian lead-
ers to enforce it.
The Bosnian Serb military leader,
Ratko Mladic, said in Sarajevo Satur-
day that Serbs there will not submit to
control by the Muslim-led government
and that a new and "just solution" to
the civil war must be reached. The
peace accord places Sarajevo under
Bosnian government control, and

Mladic said the Serbs "cannot let our
people live under butchers' rule."
Mladic and Bosnian Serb political
leader Radovan Karadzic, who were
kept out of the peace negotiations near
Dayton, Ohio, last month, allowed
Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic
to negotiate for the Bosnian Serbs.
Clinton called on Milosevic to fulfill
his"strong commitment"toget Bosnian
Serb compliance with the peace agree-
"We fully expect that President
Milosevic will take the appropriate steps
to ensure that this treaty will be honored
as it is written," Clinton said, "and that
we will not have undue interference
with implementing it."
Clinton's authorization of the initial
troop dispatch gives the Pentagon the
go-ahead to start setting up command-
and-control, communications, transpor-
tation and other systems necessary for
the full deployment within 60 days of
the formal peace treaty signing, sched-
uled for Dec. 14 in Paris.
The 700 Americans are part of a
2,500-member "enabling force" that.
will be followed by the rest of the U.S.
contingent of 20,000, about a third of
the overall force that is supposed to
police the peace agreement over the
next year.
The President, throughout the five
days of this trip, has argued that the
United States has "a unique responsi-
bility" as the world's sole superpower
to exert leadership when democratic
values are under assault. Yesterday,
Clinton said the bloodshed in Bosnia
has been "an affront to the conscience
of human beings everywhere, right in
the heart of Europe" and prevents
progress on "all the things that we need
to do in Europe," from building strong
economic ties to confronting other se-
curity issues.
In Bosnia, he said, "we have the
chance to do good things, and because
we have the chance to do it in a way that
minimizes our risks and relies on our
strengths, that the American people and
the Congress should respond."

w\ith Christmas carols.
"I'm all ready for Christmas now."
said LSA junior Dana Baisley.
A number of University officials and
deans were present at last night's din-
ner, including President James .1.
Duderstadt and Vice Provost for Aca-
demic and Multicultural Affairs Lester
"The Messiah Dinner is deeply em-
bedded in University of Michigan tra-
dition and it is these deep traditions
that make the University such a won-
derful place to live and work," Monts
Duderstadt echoed Monts' sentiments
by saying the Messiah Dinner is "one of
the most important traditions at the
TLI. AVIV ,Israel (AP) -- Yitzhak
Rabin's confessed assassin suggested
yesterday that one of the prime
minister's bodyguards helped him, say-
ing that the truth aboutithe slaying would
"turn the country upside down."
Yigal Amir fed rumors of a wider
conspiracy in the assassination when he
said authorities killed a Rabin body-
guard who helped him by creating con-
fusion during the Nov. 4 shooting at a
Tel Axviv peace rally.
"Why don't you publicize that they
killed one of Rabin's bodyguards? The
one who shouted 'The bullets are dum-
mies,"' Amir veled to reporters as he
was brought into a Tel Aviv courtroom
to have his detention extended.
Amir has in the past insisted that he
acted alone, and previous reports indi-
cated Amir was the one who shouted
the bullets were fake. No evidence has
surfaced so far to support his claim that
one of Rabin's bodyguards was killed.
"I can say something that will de-
stroy everything ..
Everything until
now was a mask,"
said Air, wearing
a white T-shirt with
a gray sweater
draped over his
shoulders as he en-
tered the court.
"I did not think
they would start kill-
ing people," he mut- Amir
"You are killing people," retorted
Judge Dan Arbel.
"If I tell the truth, it would turn the
country upside down," Amir said, wav-
ing his hand dismissively and sitting down.
A government spokesman called
Amir's comments "nonsense."
Police investigator Arieh Silverman
submitted to the court a document he
said contained new material "that could
change the nature of the charges" and
requested Amir's detention be extended
eight days beyond the maximum 30
days without charge. The contents of
the document were not revealed.
The judge agreed to extend Amir's
detention by four days. Amir is accused
of murder, attempted murder, illegal
weapons manufacture and possession,
sabotaging the investigation, and con-

spiracy. He has said he shot Rabin to
stop the Israel-PLO peace process.
Amir has not yet been charged. Nor has
his brotherItlagai. who was ordered de-
tamned for four more days. fie is accused
ofsupplying the bullets that killed Rabin.
Suspicions against Hagai Amir deep-
ened yesterday when police Sgt. Ronen
Saar testified before a government-ap-
pointed commission investigating the as-
sassination that he saw the Amir brothers
talking just before Yigal shot Rabin.

President Clinton reaches out to shake
hands with soldiers of the Task Force
Eagle, the Bosnia-bound 1st Armored
Division, 2nd Brigade at the Smith
Barracks in Baumholder, Germany. on
Saturday. Clinton addressed 8,000
soldiers and their families during his
half-day visit to the U.S. Army training

Chief Warrant Officer Timothy W.C
Harper of Laramie, Wyo., inspects a
Hellfire missile on an Apache attack ,.'
helicopter at Hiegerhosrst Caserne in
Hanau, Germany on Friday. His Apache
helicopter unit will be deploying to '"w
Bosnia as part of the NATO
peacekeeping force.
Soldiers face peril of landmlnes

'he Baltimore Sun
WASHINGTON - It is the hidden horror awaiting U.S.
troops in Bosnia - the land mine. Millions are scattered
around the countryside, ready to explode.
The best guess of the United Nations is that there are 3
million of them. The U.S. Army estimates up to 6 million.
As weapons they are hardly a new development; the Union
army used mines during the Civil War.
In the Vietnam War, 7,430 U.S. ground troops were killed
by enemy mines or grenades, according to the U.S. Army

Center of Military History.
In the Persian Gulf War, 15 of the 96 U.S. deaths from
hostile actions were traced to mines.
The mines of Bosnia are as effective as they are basic,
designed by Yugoslav technicians before the collapse of
communism and the onset of ethnic violence.
While other industries suffered during the civil war, mine
production has continued. Bosnia has joined the list of the
world's most heavily mined countries, compiled by the
See MINES, Page 7A

Study: More grads will get jobs
Hiring to increase 4.7 percent; salaries change little

LANSING (AP) - New college
graduates will find it slightly easier to
turn their degrees into paychecks next
spring, especially if they have an in-
ternship on their resume, a hiring sur-
vey released today shows.
The survey by Michigan State Uni-
versity projects a 4.7-percent increase
in the number of new college graduates
who can expect to get jobs, the third
straight annual improvement.
"lt remains a very competitive job
market out there so the graduates by no

Good News
A Michigan State University survey
predicts a 4.7-percent increase in
the number of jobs for college
graduates this year.
U The increase is the third straight
annual improvement.
Highest projected starting pay:
chemical engineers - $41,183.
Lowest projected starting pay:
journalists - $20,154.

the corner of their eye at the economy."
Scheetz said.
The survey of 527 businesses, indus-
tries and governmental agencies showed
that chances of landing a job improved
if the candidate had career-related ex-
perience, such as an internship.
Those surveyed said 48 percent of last
spring's new hires had such experience.
Besides that, Scheetz said, businesses
are looking for applicants with drive,
enthusiasm and initiative, who are quick
learners, independent thinkers and open-

Toda 's forums seek
student input for next
!University president
The first two of nine
nuhlic forums to gain

r..i " w.



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