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December 01, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-12-01

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onight: Partly cloudy, low
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Oneh undredfve years of editorial freedom

December 1, 1995

U.8. plais
ore fluid,
oops for
ecretary William Perry raised the price
g yesterday for the Bosnia deploy-
ent to $2 billion and said the mission
°ill require 32,000 American troops in
nd around the former Yugoslavia.
ongress peppered Perry and other top
fficials with questions about dangers
s well as the cost.
Rep. Floyd Spence, chairman of the
House National Security Committee,
pened a hearing on the plan by saying,
"The proverbial train has left the station
nd our troops are already on board."
Spence (R-S.C.) said that "we will all
ventually regret allowing American
restige and the cohesion of the NATO
Iliance to be put at risk for a Bosnian
eacekeeping mission."
"The mission will be tough and there's
o doubt about it, and we have to be
repared for casualties," Gen. John
halikashvili, the nation's top military
fficer, told the House International
Relations Committee at a morning he'ar-
Appearing together before the two
ommittees, Perry, Shalikashvili and
ecretary of State WarrenChristopher
ade these points:
The peace agreement worked out
t Dayton, Ohio, among the Bosnian
Muslims, Serbs and Croats will be
signed in Paris on Dec. 14, and within
six weeks the NATO peacekeeping
force, including 20,000 Americans, will
be deployed in Bosnia.
The U.S. troops will travel by rail
to a staging area in Hungary and then by
road to Tuzla in northern Bosnia. Perry
said the units will travel "fully armed,
ready for any contingencies as they go
No Americans will be involved in
the arming and training of Bosnian
Muslim forces, an activity that would
put them in the position of helping one
side in the 43-month ethnic war.
Shalikashvili said the nation's military
chief recommended "in very strong
terms"against U.S. involvementin such
All foreign troops not part of the
peacekeeping force, including some Ira-
nians who have fought with the Bosnian
army, must leave within 30 days of the
signing of the agreement.
NATO should complete its mis-
sion in about six months and then take
another six months to complete with-
The administration witnesses used
elaborate charts and maps to support
their case that all care has been taken to
minimize the risks to U.S. forces.
"We do not live in a world in which
there are no risks," said Perry, adding
that "we can avert our gaze and not
watch the killing and atrocities but we
cannot avoid the consequences if this
war spreads south and north. It inextri-
cably involves us, it involves us in a
much worse, bigger war and a much
more dangerous situation."
Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) re-
sponded by recalling the death of
Marines in Lebanon. "What are you
going to do if a truckload of dynamite
rolls through a barricade and kills 235

Americans over there? How are you
going to explain that to the American
people?" he said.
In discussing the operation, the admin-
istration has talked in terms of$1.2 bill ion
as the cost for the troop deployment.

Defense Bi
The defense bill President
Clinton signed yesterday calls for:
$493 million to expand of the
nation's fleet of B-2 bombers beyond
the 20 already in service or on order.
A 2.4-percent military pay raise.
$2.4 billion for eight C-17 cargo
* $700 million for a Seawolf
$2.2 billion for continued
development of F-22 fighter plane.
Funding for three DDG-51
$647 million for unbudgeted costs
of U.S. monitoring operations in Iraq.
$3.4 billion for missile defenses.

Clinton signs defense spending bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Clinton decided yesterday to sign a
defense spending bill that he has said is
too costly because it will provide the
money to send troops and other support
to Bosnia.
"This legislation is vital to fund our
national defense so that the United States
remains the strongest force for peace in
the world," Clinton said in a statement
last night.
"I made this decision because my
administration has reached agreement
with congressional leaders to provide
funding, out of the funds contained in

Compromise to fund Bosnian mission

this bill, for the troop deployment and
other efforts to secure peace in Bosnia."
Clinton repeated his strong reserva-
tions about the bill, which he said con-
tains "excessive spending for projects
that are not currently needed for de-
"1 will forward to Congress rescis-
sion legislation that would eliminate
funding for those projects, and I urge
Congress to act on it," he said.
Clinton's announcement came hours

after budget talks on Capitol Hill broke
down, with Republicans saying they
would not give the President what he
wanted in return for his signature,
namely, billions of dollars extra for
domestic programs.
"The decision I am making tonight is
consistent with our understanding that
these discussions will continue with the
goal of reaching a satisfactory conclu-
sion as rapidly as possible," Clinton

One administration official. speak-
ing on condition of anonymity, said
talks with congressional Republicans
might continue today on the remaining
domestic spending bills.
Instead of giving Clinton the money
he wants for domestic programs. GOP
leaders said they would consider easing
planned cuts in education, job training
and other administration domestic ini-
tiatix es only after the two sides strike a
budget-balancing deal.
"You can't divorce the two," said
H-louse Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.l.
"It's all the budget."

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are now


of 'Ufaculty
Profs. skeptical Minority Faculty
More than 15 percent of the
*s* s University s instructors are a
about statlitcs member ofamnority group

Museum seeks
funding to add
2 new buildings
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
With the addition of two new build-
ings, the Ann Arbor Hands-On Mu-
seum will soon be ready for more in-
quiring young minds. The museum is
well into the expansion project and a
$4-million fund-raising campaign.
Several years ago, the museum's
board of trustees decided to undertake
the expansion project based on a rec-
ommendation by an outside consultant.
The museum lets children learn by
touching, feeling and moving the ex-
hibits, demonstrating scientific prin-
ciples from electricity to the color spec-
"He said we needed to expand be-
cause we were just doing too well -we
didn't have enough space," said Cynthia
Yao, museum director.
The expansion, which utilizes the
former Chamber of Commerce build-
ing, will allow the museum to add labs,
classrooms, galleries designed for pre-
schoolers, "How things work" galleries
and space for traveling exhibits, Yao
said. More than 250 exhibits are cur-
rently on display.
"Kids would be able to get a more in-
depth lesson on one lesson - like liq-
uid nitrogen," Yao said.

Photos by
Katie Bachelder
wraps herself in a
bubble yesterday
while exploring an
exhibit at the Ann
Arbor Hands-On
Museum. The
museum, soon to
expand by two
buildings, is
located on the
corner of Fifth
Avenue and
Division Street.

By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Rcporter
Despite a University report that the
number of minority faculty keeps in-
creasing, many faculty members say
discrimination and retention are still
crucial issues.
Minorities now make up 15.1 percent
of the University's instructional faculty
- a I . I-percent increase from last year.
The figures, which the University
released yesterday. show a 42.2-per-
cent increase in the number oflminority
faculty members overthe past five years.
Although the numbers are up, Vice
Provost for Academic and Multicultural
Affairs Lester P. Monts said the Uni-
versity must continue to strive for in-
creased minority representation among
the faculty.
"Any increase is good, but we have a
long way to go before we can say we
have equity across the board," Monts
said. "These increases are incremental.
That's a drop in the bucket. We have to
move from drops in the bucket to rain-
The University reports that of the
3,923 faculty members, 7.9 percent are
Asian American, 4.7 percent are Afri-
can American,2.3 percent are Hispanic,
and less than I percent are Native Amen-
"I think you can look at the numbers
as a positive step in the right direction,"
Monts said. "But they still need im-
provement, especially in regards to
Latino and Native American faculty."
George Brewer, chair of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, warned that the University's
figures can be misconstrued.
"The only problem I've ever had with
the discussion of minorities is includ-
ing Asians," Brewer said. "It gives a
distorted view of the progress made
with other minorities like African
Prof. Thomas Landefeld, a member
of the SACUA committee for a
multicultural University, said he also
was skeptical of the statistics.
"Numbers are numbers, and num-
bers are all well and good, but we have
to look at the definitions behind the

American: 0.3%
Q Hispanic: 2.3%
American: 4.7%
American: 7.9%
The percentage of minority faculty
has risen each year from 11.2
15 percent in 1990.
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
numbers, like how they define tenure-
track," he said.
SACUA member and Art Prof.
Alfredo Montalvo said that while he is
thankful for an increase in the numbers,
minority faculty members still experi-
ence various forms of discrimination.
"My sense in my 23 years at Michi-
gan is that minority faculty do not seem
to travel through the ranks as well, as
fast, as equally as other non-minority
faculty members," Montalvo said. "I
have not faced any discrimination, but
I have had members of the faculty tell
me they have had certain experiences."
Monts said progress from University
programs like the Michigan Mandate,
which aims to increase diversity, is re-
flected in the new numbers.
"This came right out of the efforts of
(University President James J.
Duderstadt)," Monts said. "I am not
going to be too celebratory about these
numbers, but we did put forth a con-
certed effort."
In a statement announcing the in-
crease, Duderstadt attributed the num-
bers to "the hard work and sustained
commitment of many people."
"Our challenge in the years to come
will be to fulfill the twin goals of at-
tracting outstanding faculty of color
and creating a climate where faculty are
confident they can succeed," lie said.
See FACULTY, Page 2

After "quietly" raising almost half of
its goal through grants and donations
from the museum "family" - past and
present trustees, staff and volunteers, it
is now launching a public campaign,
Yao said. The first events of the cam-
paign, family and gala auctions on Oct.
13 and 14, raised $80,000.
"The next step is going out to the
community - asking the community to
support the museum," said Theresa
Maddix, museum volunteer coordinator.
Loans, donations and volunteers have
helped the museum to begin construc-
tion and remodeling in various areas of
its new wings. Plans are to build on
some preliminary exhibits in the new

space, such as the multicultural music
room, birthday party room, telecom-
munications gallery and pre-schoolers
"When we do renovate we want a
huge pre-school area because there
seems to be a demand for that," Maddix
Working with the University and a
NASA grant, the museum's addition of
a telecommunications gallery will give
visitors access to the Internet, computer
networking applications and the
museum's own World Wide Web page.
It also will provide guests with a his-
torical perspective on technology and


40 years after boycot
struggle continues
Alabama ceremony to honor Rosa Parks
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-The Today, a marker stands on the
slim woman in slacks and a wind- where she was arrested, in front of
breaker riding bus No. 7607 smiled as Empire Theater on Montgomery St
she recalled the days when she and On the anniversary of her act ofdefia
other blacks stood instead of sat on Parks is to return to the site for a
segregated buses. emony. Coretta Scott King, Mrs. R
As the orange and silver bus lurched Abernathy and Mrs. E.D. Nixon ar
along Dexter Avenue, heading toward join the boycott's heroine, who mov

'; .

Students to join in World
AIDS Day vigil tonight

f the
re to
ed to

By Kate Glickman
Daily Staff Reporter
Citizens in 190 countries around the
world will stand in reflective silence,
burning candles tonight to remember
loved ones lost to the AIDS virus.
Members of the Ann Arbor commu-
nity will bundle up tonight and march
through the streets for the World AIDS
Day vigil.
"There is a certain amount of HIV
burn-out," said Lawrence La Ferte, ad-
ministrator forthe Hi V/A IDS Resource

Hynrich speaking about spiritual issues
of AIDS and a vocal performance by
the Inner Choir of the Church of the
"For the last three years the number
of people marching has been steadily
increasing. Last year about 100
(marched) and this year we expect 100-
200," La Ferte said.
The center has had no budget for
publicity, but community restaurants
and other businesses have been gener-
ous with their help and money,h e said.

- ----.

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