88 - The Michigan Daily - Wede.t.44e, - Thursday, November 30, 1995
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Magazine is a sell-out, but'Might'makes right
By Greg Parker her on every single page. Each article has is so loaded with sexual innuendo and pseudo-tabloid size of "Might" provides
Daily Arts Writer a sponsor, and interestingly enough, one mockery that it's very unlikely Brittany great flexibility as far as dynamic layout
"Might makes right," as the old proverb feature is "Doin it for the cash," an and Cynthia Daniel will be speaking to goes.
goes. In this instance, this proves to be true. abridged history of selling out. (High- "Might" anytime soon. Another story Overall, "Might" is enjoyable to look
"Might" is a magazine by, for and about lights ofthis timeline include Don King's focuses on "Baywatch"/"Knight Rider" at and read. In fact, it's a regular hoot. I
Gen X twenty-somethings. It's cliche, ste- 1932birthandAnnaNicoleSmith's 1994 sensation David Hasselhoff and his re- found myself laughing aloud, nodding
reotypical -but that's cool, because it's marriage to that billionaire guy. Note: cent promotional tour through several my head in agreement, and constantly
supposedtobe.Itaims most events oc- American malls - enough said. And citing articles to my friends, who seemed
its cutting satire at cur in the 20th while many society magazines feature to like what they heard. The writers are
everything. No issue The Magazine Column century.) celebrity party photos, "Might" features witty, sarcastic, and sharp (I wouldn't
issafe,beitsex,peace, The people at photographs from the same parties, but recommend being on the receiving end of
intheMiddleEastor , "Might" don't morealongthelinesofnormalpeopleand a"Might"satireorcriticism).Theypoked
"selling out." take themselves has-beens and never-will-bes. fun at things just begging to be ridiculed,
Speaking of sell- so seriously that Regular featuresof"Might"include an though. David Hasselhoff, "clubbing,"
ing out,theOctober/ they can't poke advice column titled "Ask the (Recently) opinion polls, record publicists and both
Novemberissuejust fun at selling out. Socialist Guy," where a socialist-turned- left and right politics just scratch the
happens to be the However, what capitalist tries to answer political and surface of "Might" ridicule. The articles
firstissueof"Might"withadvertisements. first appears to be in jest becomes a poi- philosophical questions fromreaders. This are consistently well written, interesting
But instead of subtly introducing the ads gnant critique of corporatism and capital- seemed to be one of the only regular and informative, and I personally recom-
here and there throughout the magazine, ism. At the bottom ofthe staffpage, more features of the magazine, as articles ap- mend"Quit your job. Work is a sham,"as
the main theme of the issue is that of the obvious, lies sarcasm: "Printed in the pear to vary from issue to issue, from a must-read for anyone ready to enter the
advertisements. In other words; they sold U.S. of A. Capitalism is A-OK." The theme to theme. real world. It might make you think twice.
out.Asifthecover weren'tenough- it's articlesechothesesentiments:"Quit your In typical Gen X fashion, the layout of There are more and more magazines
a full page ad for Goldschlager, which is job. Work is a sham." The entire music the magazine is slick and pre-packaged claiming to speak to or represent our
a satire of the frothy-lipped milk cam- review section rates albums according to - sort of a magazine-meets-TV-dinner culture. Mainstays like "Rolling Stone,"
paign - each page of "Might" contains howmany freebiesthemagazinereceived. thing. But "Might" is put together well, "Details" and others try to look altema-
at least one referenceto asponsor."Miller Many of the pieces within "Might" and many other publications could learn tive while embracing the mainstream,the
Lite Ice welcomes you to page 52 of the focus on pop culture, or more appropri- from its inspiring use of black and white, corporate. To be cliche, people generally
Oct/Nov Might" or "Sony is glad you're ately, parody pop culture. "Double bi-color layout, which makes up the ma- consider these established magazines to
onpage26ofthe Oct/Nov Might"are two Trouble!"is a feature/interview about the jority ofthe magazine. Plenty ofgraphics, be just that - the establishment. New-
phrases appearing in place ofapage num- "Sweet Valley High"twins, andthe prose lines and fonts keep readers busy, and the comers like "Might" fight the power,
fight the man, and pave their own road.
Based on my experience, "Might" is the
best manifestation of our generation and
twenty-something culture that periodicals
have to offer. Witty,sharp-penned criticism
ofpopculturecoupled withawe-don't-tke-
ourselves-too-seriouslyself-parody attitude
is the formula for success in this aren, and
it is the formula for success in represcnting
the Gen X culture.
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