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November 29, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-29

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r~oflt: Mostly cloudy, low
n the lower 20s.
omorrow: Mostly cloudy,
igh in the mid 30s.

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One hundred five years of editorialfreedom

November 29, 1995

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Ticket s(
y Jodi Cohen
aily Staff Reporter
There was more than one upset Sat-
rday when the Wolverines crushed the
At least 40 fans from Ohio were dis-
ppointed twice during their stay in
nn Arbor. Not only did Ohio State
ose the possibility of traveling to Pasa-
ena when it lost 31-23, but these fans
ere not able to watch the game.,
The fans had purchased counterfeit
ickets, but did not realize they had
een duped until arriving at the sta-

am leaves Buckeye fans without seats

" E

"There were at least 40," said DPS
spokeswoman Elizabeth Hall. "But 40
is a conservative number."
'About an hour before the noon kick-
off, a group of fans approached their
seats, preparing to watch one of the
most crucial games of the season.
But, as they got closer, they found
that other fans held tickets with the
same seat number. And only two people
can occupy Section 36, Row 69, Seats
I1 and 12 - especially if the seats are
not in the student section.
As the crowd in the section grew,
police were notified of the problem and

the disappointed fans were asked to
leave the stadium.
"When you've got several people try-
ing to sit in the same seat, it becomes
apparent that some of the tickets are
counterfeit," Hall said.
The seemingly flawless tickets even
passed by the hands of ticket-takers.
Police said the counterfeit tickets'
border and lettering were grayish-
black, the same color as the authentic
"They were good quality tickets,"
Hall said. "It appears they were done on
a laser printer." She also said all the

confiscated counterfeit tickets were rep-
licas of the two seats.
"The lesson here is 'buyer beware,"'"
said Associate Vice President for Uni-
versity Relations Lisa Baker. "If you
want to be absolutely certain you're
buying official University of Michigan
tickets, you should buy them from the
University of Michigan."
Hall said there have been minorticket
problems in the past, but nothing of this
magnitude in recent history.
The incident is still under investiga-
tion, and there are no suspects.
The ticket scam was not the only

unusual incident at Saturday's victory
game. During halftime, Matthew
Swank, a former Eastern Michigan
University student and football
player.streaked from one end zoneA
to the other. cou
> were

least 40
nterfeit tickets
sold for the

He ran across the field, his body
painted in maize and blue, as
part of a dare from his friends.
Indecent exposure and be- -
ing on the field without per-
mission are both misde-
meanors punishable by up
to 90 days in jail and a
$100 fine.

Michigan-Ohio State
game Saturday. All the
tickets had one of two
seat numbers -
Section 36, Row 69,
Seat 11 or 12. The
disappointed fans had to
leave the stadium.

Denis Lee, director
of the University's
medical and
program, is
working to
duplicate a
-skull, the oldest
ever found in North
America. After
reproduction, the
skull Is to be
returned to Its
original burial site.
y Laura Nelson
aily Staff Reporter
University Prof. Denis Lee is trying to put a
10,000-year-old puzzle back together, recast-
ing the remains of the oldest human skull ever
found in North America.
To the scientific community, the recent un-
arthing is an important discovery, bot many
Native Americans feel that the dig constituted
grave robbery, and the skull should be reburied.
Lee, director ofthe University's medical and
biological illustration program, is working with
the Dow Corning Corp. to resolve the conflict
by making reproductions of the skull and re-
turning the original to its burial site.
Native Americans "want the remains put
back in the earth," Lee said. "The government
. has to do it."
By making replicas of the bones, he said,
"the Indians get all their remains back, but they
can :.. be studied and appreciated."
The 10,000-year-old Paleo-Indian skull was
exhumed near Austin, Texas, by archeologists
from Texas A&M University. Anticipating that
Native American groups might demand that
the find be reburied, Dow Corning commis-
sioned Lee to make eight replicas of the skull
using a new, soft silicon rubber mold.


Clinton works on
deal to gain funds
for Bosnia action

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Clinton offered yesterday
to sign a bill he thinks spends $7 billion too much on defense
if Congress agrees to later allocate some of the money for
domestic programs and some to pay for sending U.S.
peacekeeping troops to Bosnia, administration officials
Republican leaders had no immediate public response
last night to Clinton's proposed bargain, which had been
hinted at earlier by administration officials. But the offer
itself was one of numerous signs that Clinton and some
congressional leaders were working to avoid a political and
constitutional showdown over Balkans policy.
One day after Clinton appealed to the nation for support in
a televised Oval Office address, even some senators, opposed
to committing about 20,000 troops to Bosnia to enforce a peace
agreement, were predicting he would succeed in the Senate in
passing a resolution authorizing the mission.
In the House, opposition remained much stronger. Yet
even many House members eager to halt the Bosnia mission
acknowledged sullenly that, as commander in chief, Clinton
has the upper hand. They believe Clinton
will send in troops regardless of what
they say - leaving them the choice of
voting their conscience or appearing
not to support troops on the ground.
"When our troops are put on the ground
over there, I'm going to support them 100
percent because they're young Ameri
cans who are fighting for what the Presi-
dent thinks should be done," said Rep.
Dan Burton (R-Ind.), chairman of the
House International Relations subcom- Clinton
mittee on the western hemisphere. "I think they shouldn't have
been sent there in the first place, but he's hellbent to do it, so
we're going to have to support him."
It's been apparent for days that for Clinton the question
on Bosnia is not whether to send the troops but how, and in
particular how to pay. In meetings yesterday with Republi-
cans, he and Chief of Staff Leon Panetta outlined a plan to
tie funding to passage of the $243-billion defense appro-
priations bill now awaiting presidential action. The offer
was on the table in negotiations that also involved a number
of domestic spending bills.
Enactment of the defense bill, deeply coveted by Repub-
licans and many Democrats, once looked unlikely, since
Clinton has said it spends $7 billion more than is needed.
But with Clinton trying to line up support for Bosnia,
vetoing the measure became more problematic, both for
political and practical reasons.
Once defense appropriations become law, Clinton has
wide latitude to juggle funds in a way that would allow him
to pay for the Bosnia mission. But in the absence of a signed
appropriations measure, he loses that latitude.
On the other hand, the administration was counting
heavily on savings from military procurement programs it
says are unneeded to pay for education and other domestic
initiatives Clinton favors.
Clinton proposed this way out of the fix: He would sign
the appropriations bill, with an understanding from Con-
gress that both sides would later negotiate cuts to pay for
Bosnia and for some $2 billion or so in domestic programs
he wants. In return, Republicans would get some of the
increased spending they want.

Russia to join
in Bosnia
The Washington Post
BRUSSELS - Russia backed
away from its demand for substan-
tial control of a Bosnian peace
force and agreed yesterday to a
compromise arrangement that re-
moves the last obstacle to a joint
deployment of NATO and Rus-
sian combat troops.
The deal, clinched in talks be-
tween Defense Secretary William
Perry and Russian Defense Minis-
ter Pavel Grachev, establishes a
"consultative committee" of the
16 NATO members plus Russia,
through which Moscow can air its
views on the Bosnian operation.
But control of the deployment
will remain exclusively in the
hands of the North Atlantic Coun-
cil, NATO's top policy-making
Perry proclaimed this a "truly
historic day for NATO," in part
because "we came to a new under-
standing on a NATO-Russian re-
lationship." Grachev agreed it was
"a successful day" and declared
that "we have laid the groundwork
for this new system of European
The agreement adds to the mo-
mentum behind the imminent de-
ployment of some 60,000 troops
to separate the warring parties in
Bosnia and enforce a peace treaty
initialed last week in Ohio. A
senior NATO general, talking to
reporters on condition of ano-
nymity, said a staff of logisti-
cians and communications spe-
cialists likely will begin filtering
into Bosnia and Croatia next
week although deployment of
"the bulk of the force" will take
60 to 90 days.
Moscow and Washington two
weeks ago announced a compro-
mise agreement that would per-
mit Russian combat troops to par-
ticipate in a Bosnian peace force
while claiming to be indepen-
dent of direct NATO command,
a touchy political issue in Rus-

plicate 10,000-year-old skull

"My specialty is
molding, casting,
prosthetics ..and
- Denis Lee
University professor

This material is stronger and more flexible
than previous mold materials, vastly improv-
ing the quality of reproductions without dam-
aging the fragile specimens, Lee said. It is
important for Native Americans "to know noth-
ing has been destroyed making the reproduc-
tions," he added.
The process will continue to be important in
the years to come, as Native Americans de-
mand that more of the remains currently resid-
ing in museums be reburied.
"Sooner or later," Lee said, "(Native Ameri-
cans) will insist that the bones be put back,"
increasing the demand for accurate replicas of
the remains.

In addition to the eight replicas ofthe crushed
skull, Lee also made a plaster reproduction,
from which he will rebuild the skull's original
shape. Using tissue depth analysis, the face will
be reconstructed, providing "a pretty good idea
what the person looked like."
Scientists already know that the skull be-
longed to a 22-year-old Mongoloid female, but
they do not know whether it was crushed before
or after burial.
Dow Corning chose the University as the
first place to use this new material because of
Lee's experience. "My specialty is molding,
casting, prosthetics ... and forensic reconstruc-
tion," he said.
The School of Art and Architecture will keep
reconstructed model and one of the skull repli-
cas. Of the seven other skull replicas, the An-
thropology Museum will receive one, Texas
A&M will have three and Dow Corning will
keep three.
Dow Corning will be creating a video of Lee
working with the skull to teach others how to
use this new silicon rubber to replicate delicate
Lee said that they want to "ensure through
education" that the process is done correctly so
"things won't be destroyed."


B o
By Amy Kh
Daily Staff R
crack atpin
ties and gc
series ofni
to gather c

ard to be

gin forums

Finding the Next President
The following is a schedule of forum times and locations. Call 936-2255 for
more information and to sign up for forums. Speakers are asked to limit their
remarks to three minutes and written comments are encouraged..

Clinton signs bil to
end federal speed limit

presidential search
ein before final exams and after winter break
eporter to accommodate student schedules,
and students will get first Machen said. Vice President for Stu-
npointing the necessary quali- dent Affairs Maureen A. Hartford and
oals for the next University Michigan Student Assembly President
On Monday, the first of a Flint Wainess will co-moderate the stu-
ne public forums will be held dent forums.
ommunity input on the up- George Brewer, chair of the Senate

Mon., Dec. 4
Thur., Dec. 14
Wed., Jan. 10,
Wed., Jan. 17
Thur., Jan. 18

2:30-4:30 p.m.
6-8 p.m.
10 a. m.-noon
2-4,pp m.
5-7 p.m.
5-7 p.m.
10 a.m - noon

Rackham Amphitheatre
Michigan Union
Alumni Center
Michigan League
TBA- Grand Rapids or
Western Michigan
TBA- Metro Detroit
U-M Flint


WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Clinton signed a $6-billion road bill
yesterday that ends the federal 55 mph
speed limit that has been in place since
1974 and gives states the power to set
their own, starting in 10 days.
But Clinton made clear that he had
serious misgivings about the measure,

double our efforts to protect those who
travel on the nation's highways." He
instructed the Transportation Depart-
ment to develop'an action plan to pro-
mote highway safety.
Overall, Clinton signed the measure
because he believes it will strengthen
the nation's transportation system, pro-



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