2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 21, 1995
Federalt park official
wo stayed onjoYi
DETROIT (AP) - A federal park
superintendent who defied his superi-
ors and stayed on the job during the
government's partial shutdown
doesn't expect to find out if or how
he'll be punished until next week or
And his boss said yesterday that there
might be no disciplinary action against
Bill Fink, superintendent of the
Keweenaw National 1listorical Park in
Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
"I haven't reached a conclusion that
I'm going to punish him yet," said Wil-
liam Schenk, Midwest field director in
the Omaha, Neb., office of the National
Park Service.
Fink became a minor celebrity last
week when he urged other federal em-
ployees to follow his lead and keep
working during a partial government
shutdown caused by a battle over fed-
eral debt and spending legislation.
The shutdown, which idled "nones-
sential" government workers, ended
yesterday. Fink was still on the job in
Calumet, working on development plans
for the fledgling park that will com-
memorate the area's copper mining
"Initially my boss was saying that he
might well have to remove me from this
job as superintendent, either tempo-
rarily or permanently," Fink said. But
the last time he talked to Schenk, "the
nature of the conversations had im-
proved significantly."
Schenk would not discuss Fink's situ-
ation in specifics. But he said any case
of alleged improper action by a Park
Service employee would prompt a re-
view. "If there are actions dictated by
our findings, we would go forward with
them," he said.
Fink said his work-in was a personal
gesture to "regain honor for federal
"My whole purpose has been trying
to do something in a public way to
reinforce the trust of the American
people in federal employees," he said.
"I wanted to stand up and say 'Please
care about us, please understand that
we want to serve you."'
As news of his action spread, he
heard from a number of"nonessential"
Sen. Kassebaum retring after three terms
WASHINGTON - Republican Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, a University alum, is
going home to Kansas next year after three terms in which she won respect as an
independent and thoughtful legislator.
Kassebaum, one of a shrinking number of GOP moderates
in Congress, will depart at the height of her career as chair of
the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, with
jurisdiction over job training, health, the arts and other issues.
She is the only woman who chairs a Senate committee.
"My reason for this decision is very simple and purely
personal," Kassebaum said yesterday, announcing her deci-
sion in Topeka, Kan. "I believe the time has come for me to
leave the Senate and pursue other challenges, including the
challenge of being a grandmother."
Kassebaum, 63, has five grandchildren. She and Colorado
Sen. Hank Brown are the only Republican senators who have Kassebaum
announced plans to retire in 1996.
Her decision will set off a scramble for a successor on both the Republican and
Democratic sides.
A U.S. Park
Service employee
cleans up
Lafayette Park
across from the
White House
in the 13 states he supervises. Schenk
continued to work during the shutdown.
He said he was considered an essential
government employee in his role "or-
chestratingthe shutdown" ofnonessen-
tial facilities.
colleagues who stayed on the job but
weren't so public about it.
"I've had very satisfying notes and
letters," Fink said.
Schenk, meanwhile, said things were
returning to normal for the Park Service
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Continued from Page I1
expressed concerns that the President
was trying to back out of his agreement
to balance the budget in seven years
before it was even 24-hours-old.
Republicans seized on comments
from White House Chief of Staff Leon
Panetta yesterday morning that the ad-
ministration agreed to balance the bud-
get "in seven years or eight years" ifthe
agreement protects the president's pri-
orities as an indication that Clinton was
backing away from the deal.
"This is not a goal, this is not an
objective," said Rep..David M. McIn-
tosh (R-Ind.). "This is a solid contract
between the House, the Senate and the
president.... It's a sacred agreement."
By signing the interim spending bill,
Clinton "will have morally bound him-
self to a written contract with the Ameri-
can people," Gingrich told the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce.
On Sunday, Clinton and House GOP
leaders agreed that by Jan. 3 they would
enact legislation to balance the budget
by 2002, using the nonpartisan Con-
gressional Budget Office's economic
assumptions. The agreement, part of
the short-term spending bill, also says
the balanced-budget plan would "pro-
vide adequate funding for" such Clinton
priorities as Medicaid, education and
the environment.
GOP freshmen claimed credit for
forcing Clinton's agreement to their
time frame. "We finally made the presi-
dent understand he had to balance the
budget in seven year ... by sticking to
our position," said Rep. Sonny Bono
(R-Calif.). Democrats emphasized the
provisions that stressed the president's
priorities. "My Republican friends have
finally acknowledged that Medicare,
Medicaid, education and the environ-
ment are important," said Rep. Kenneth
E. Bentsen (D-Texas).
The agreement was greeted with cheers
by GOP governors meeting in Nashua,
N.H. - and a few words of caution.
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Woman's desire for
baby led to
gruesome murders
ADDISON, Ill. - Jacqueline Will-
iams told friends she was going to
have a baby -even though she wasn't
It was that desire for a baby, police
say, that led Williams, her boyfriend
and another man to murder a pregnant
woman, slice open her belly with scis-
sors and pluck out a healthy boy who
was due to be born yesterday.
Two of the woman's three children
also were killed. Hours later, Williams'
boyfriend told a relative that she had
given birth to a son.
"This is unimaginable," said Joe
Birkett, chief of criminal prosecution
for the DuPage County state's attorney.
"You could not give a horror writer a
better script. This puts 'Natural Born
Killers' to shame in terms of violence."
A judge yesterday ordered the three
held without bond on charges of murder
and aggravated kidnapping. They could
face the death penalty if convicted.
"I'd just like to know why I'm being
Guerilas wound
Moscow official, 5
others in Chechnya
MOSCOW - In a pointed reminder
of Russia's unfinished war, guerrillas in
Chechnya wounded the latest Kremlin-
installed chief of their unruly republic
yesterday by bombing his motorcade.
Doku Zavgayev, Moscow's top
Chechen appointee in Chechnya since
Nov. 1, escaped with minor facial cuts,
but five ofhis bodyguards suffered more
serious injuries from the remote-con-
trolled blast in Grozny, capital of the
southern republic.
It was the third attempt to kill a Rus-
sian leader or surrogate in Chechnya
since separatist rebels signed a partial
peace accord with President Boris
Yeltsin's government July 30. Talks on
a full settlement that would define
Chechnya's political status, and lead to
an election of new leaders, have col-
lapsed and fighting has intensified.
The bombing appeared to be aimed at
stopping elections of a Chechen presi-
dent and Parliament that the Russian
side has scheduled unilaterally for Dec.
17. A spokesman for separatist leader
Dzhokhar M. Dudayev vowed last week.
.a.. .. . . . .. . . .
charged," a disheveled Williams 28,
said as she appeared in court. Hpr boy-
friend, Fedell Caffey, 22, and Levern
Ward, 24, of Wheaton, also were held
in the DuPage County Jail.
They are accused of fatally stabbing
Deborah Evans, 28, andkilling herdaugh-
ter, Samantha, 10, and son Joshua, 8.
FDA reforms may
boost biotech profits
Biotechnology executives around the
nation are breathing a lot easier these
days about big up-front investments
now that the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration has revamped a host of regula-
tions governing the industry.
The FDA reforms, which many iii the
industry consider the most significant
and sweeping in 50 years, were man-
nounced earlier this month. ,.
Company executives and industry ex-
perts say the reforms taking effect over
the next few months should cut down
dramatically on the time and cost ofget-
tingnew biotechnology-derivedrugsinto
clinical trials and eventually to market.
Currently the average cost of taking a
drug from lab to market is $150 million.
that no voting will take place "until the
last Russian invader has left."
Zavgayev told reporters after the blast
that the vote will go ahead as planned,
along with Russia-wide election of a
national Parliament.
Di says she wanted
marriage to work
LONDON - Princess Diana desper-
ately wanted her marriage with Prince
Charles to succeed, in part because of the
painful separation ofher own parents, she
said in an interview broadcast yesterday.
"I desperately wanted it to work. I
desperately loved my husband and I
wanted to share everything with him,
and I thought we were a very good
team," she told the BBC in her first
public comments about her private life.
Diana said she had been bulimic, and
that she had "escaped" from her marriage
into a cycle of binge eating and vomiting.
"It was a symptom ofwhat wasgoing on
in my marriage. I was crying for help, but
I was giving the wrong signals," she said.
Prince Charles, who formally sepa-
rated from Diana in December 1992
after 11 years of marriage, was reported
to be at his home in Gloucestershire..
- From Daily wire services
Continued from Page 1.
500 companies, each of which may make
a different item and many of those busi-
nesses are relatively small.
Nike and other large shoe and ap-
parel makers, such as Reebok, have
the national orientation, advertising
budgets and marketing savvy to help
colleges sell more goods in more
places. Nike posted sales of about $5.2
billion during the 12 months ending
Sept. 30, and $50 million of that came
from its two-year effort to sell authen-
tic college team apparel - the items
worn by players and coaches during
games that have become increasingly
popular with fans.
LSA Classical Studies Prof. David
Ross said he opposes the Nike contract
and the commercializing of collegiate
athletics in general. "I think it stinks. I
think it's crass commercialism. It's ab-
solutely crass.
"Why does a university want to get
involved in this kind on money? Al-
ready the football programs are much,
much, much too big. The entire athletic
department is far too big.... It's all about
money and commercialism," Ross said.
"To pretend we're not commercial is
absolutely silly," Roberson said. We
charge 100,000 people roughly 25 bucks
a head to get into the stadium and we
sell them everything we can possibly
sell them, and then we try to pretend
we're not commercial."
School officials say these arrange-
ments are matters ofnecessity. In a time
of increasing costs, they are attempting
- or, in some cases, being forced by
Title IX, the law that prohibits sex dis-
crimination in athletic programs at fed-
erally funded schools - to add pro-
grams for women without cutting pro-
grams for men.
Seven of the 10 schools that have
all-sports pacts with Nike or Reebok
are ranked among the top 25 in this
week's Associated Press football poll;
two others are ranked among the top
20 in this week's AP men's basketball
NCAA rules allow a manufacturer's
logo to be used on uniforms as long as
it fits in an area no larger than 2 square
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PHOTO :Jonathan Lurie, Editor
STAFF: Tonya Broad. B. Damian Cap, Nopporn Kichanantha. Stephanie Grace Lim. Elizabeth Lippman, Judith Perkins, Kristen
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