4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 (Tbr dI~uiguu &i Ig JAms M. NAsH ON THE RECORD 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI Street 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES M. NASH Editorial Page Editors The t'n.lA ofa student body president in, search ofhIi ideals Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofa majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. A done deal Code's passage signals new, baffles ahead he sun has set on Code deliberations - at least for now. The University Board of Regents voted Friday in favor of the now- infamous Code of Student Conduct. Ulti- mately, the Code was punched through the board with the ease of a brick through a glass wall, with Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- bor) making a lonely last stand against it. For better or worse, University students must now abide by the document - though they had little say in its creation. Left to ponder the events that led to the vote, students may ask two questions: how and why? Unfortunately, the answers may prove to be just as frustrating as the ultimate result of the vote. Cowardice, a mediocre level of student representation and barely veiled threats were key forces for proponents of a statement of non-academic conduct. First, the code workgroup-the individu- als either credited with or blamed for penning the document's first draft - failed to elimi- nate doubts about the Code when given the opportunity to address the regents prior to the vote. Then University President James J. Duderstadt dealt the final blow to Code op- ponents by ominously predicting the University's loss of accreditation should the Code be defeated. This statement is both false and politically motivated. The Univer- sity is currently an accredited institution and - while the lack of a code may curry disfa- vor with the accreditation committee - its status is unlikely to change. Duderstadt's use of accreditation as a bargaining chip was especially unfair in light of its convenient timing - he threw this new pro-code argu- ment into the debate just before the vote. Even if the regents were not prepared to eliminate a code altogether, they had a chance to design a safeguard mechanism. Baker pro- posed an amendment presented by Michigan Student Assembly Students' Rights Com- mission Chair Anne Marie Ellison that would have struck the Code after three years and called for re-evaluation or a complete rewrite - if nothing was designed to replace it, the default would be no code. But the "sunset" clause was defeated - denying Code oppo- nents any hope of redemption. Instead, the Code will merely be evaluated in three years, but will remain a permanent policy unless the regents ever decide otherwise. While the Code is now hopelessly perma- nent, the University can still take steps to ensure that the upcoming evaluation is as accurate as possible. Records must be open to the public so that cases may be fairly assessed. A veil of secrecy only distorts the full picture of Code operations. Students have missed out on the process thus far. The workgroup that authored the Code gauged student opinion by taking only a 500-student sample of questionable ran- domization - a minute 1.4 percent of the student body. Yet blame for the lack of student voice also falls to MSA, which should have sent a delegation to Friday's vote. In- stead, because President Flint Wainess missed the meeting due to an emergency, there was no student voice there. This was a despicable failure on what was perhaps the biggest deci- sion to affect students for years to come. Although the Code is now entrenched, student activism is essential to provide as fair an implementation of the policy as possible. A student advisory panel must evolve into a powerful voice and fight for open records, open hearings and other issues to help protect students under the Code. Student representation prior to the vote was abysmal - the results are lamentable and students are left only with questions. How the Code was passed is easy to deter- mine - the regents voted for it. Why they did is considerably more upsetting: No one per- suaded them not to. Now it is the students' job to step up where others failed and make the best of the bad policy known as the Code of Student Conduct. ity Flint Wainess. In the past month, the Michigan Student Assembly president has been slammed by MSA representatives, even members of his own party; cowed into silence by regents; vilified in the Daily and nearly stripped of his role as MSA's Code spokesperson. All this for his position -or should isay positions - on the Code of Student Con- duct. Wainess says he was just being prag- matic: opposing the concept of a non-aca- demic student behavior policy while work- ing to amend the Code the Board of Regents ended up approving Friday. Critics accuse Wainess of selling out to the University administration. Was it just coincidence, they ask, that Wainess accepted University money last summer as a partici- pant in the Leadership 2017 program? And, they ask, why has Wainess been so inconsis- tent in articulating MSA's position on the Code? No wonder Wainess feels crucified. Politics has been called the art of Qom- promise. A politician by nature must bend his ideals to fit a particular situation. Politi- cians routinely are accused of selling out. Wainess, perhaps more than any of his predecessors, has cast himself in a political mold. He has finessed the details ofa student health-care plan he helped develop with the administration. He has exercised his author- ity as chair of meetings to steer debate in a favorable direction. Wainess has cut deals with rivals over language in MSA's budget and funding to various organizations. Most fatally, Wainess essentially cut a deal with the administration over the Code: I don't like your Code and probably never will, but I'll accept it as long as the following changes are made. Wainess, who fought valiantly and successfully to empanel a stu- dent representative to the Board of Regents, saw that role reduced to almost nothing as he silently stood by while the Code was adopted. When a regent asked Wainess to publicly address the board about the Code, the MSA president fumbled for answers, saying he had not prepared a statement on the draft the regents were about to vote on. Earlier, Wainess wrote the regents a memo in which he called the Code "80 percent successful." That, Wainess insists, does not contra- dict his fundamental belief that no conduct code has a place on campus. I should hope not. While he was an editorial page editor of this newspaper, Wainess spoke and wrote eloquently against the code many times. He ran for MSA president on a strongly anti- code platform similar to that of any credible student political party. Such rhetoric melted in recent weeks as Wainess cooperated with a student workgroup on revising the Code. Once the final draft was approved by the regents. Wainess was left to tell, the Detroit Free Press: "l was hoping there would be more opportunity to review the details." That isnt exactly a ringing proclamation for student rights, but then again, Wainess hasn't been making that sort of proclamation lately. H- narrowly escaped MSA censure just over two weeks ago when some members, upset over his waffling on the Code, backed- a motion to appoint a new spokesperson on the issue. That motion died, not necessarily out of support for Wainess, but because many members wanted to present a united front to the regents. Still, MSA Student Rights Commission Chair Anne Marie Ellison pointedly hailed a faculty leader for speaking in favor of student rights "and our leader didn't." Did Wainess have a political epiphany sometime between his editorship and the last regents meeting? No, he maintains, just a realization that politics is quite different from splashing your ideals across a sheet of newsprint. Wainess, who has closely fol- lowed the tribulations of President Clinton,. should have come to terms with that differ- ence long before he ran for MSA. Clinton has been criticized by observers, Wainess included, for backing down from his ideals in the face of political pressure. The bitter irony is that Wainess has done the same thing. -James M. Nash can be reached over e-mail atjnash@umich.edu. - 11 i I JI LASSER SHARP AS TOAST CALVIN, WHAT S TH IS? (1 1 - -. o a 1 . .i ,' ^ , " i h r \ 1 r ,, , / --- ,, ,. f m _ STVFFEI' TICiER . AM I rr r. 4/m '4, 677777771 LETTERS Hung out to dry MSA President Wainess fails as student voice A s the first non-voting student represen- tative to the University Board of Re- gents, Michigan Student Assembly President Flint Wainess was called to the table last week to speak about the new Code of Student Conduct. Students were counting on Wainess to represent their unheard voices to the board before the rewrite of the statement of non- academic behavior went up for a vote. Instead of voicing constituents' concerns, however, Wainess had not prepared a formal commen- tary. Speaking off the top of his head, he did not present a strong opposition to the Code, saying it was better than previous drafts. Granted, it is unlikely that opposition from Wainess would have persuaded the regents to abandon their quest for a student conduct cede. Regents overwhelmingly supported the Code despite objections from the American Civil Liberties Union and various campus leaders. But by giving the board no substan- tial input while acting as the elected president ofMSA and-more important -the official student voice, Wainess misrepresented the student body as apathetic and unaware of the Code's civil rights violations. In reality, students have rarely agreed on anything as much as their opposition to con- duct codes at the University. Last spring, student groups united and organized a rally to oppose the earlier code - the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. While the new Code is a slight improvement, it still has not resolved some of the shortcomings that so incensed students. Students needed a strong leader at the regents' meeting to press for further revi- sions to the Code. Wainess acknowledged this position last week: "The regents have said there will be a code, so trying to fight having a code is futile. I have been working to improve the Code so that maybe it will protect a few more students." Why, then, did Wainess falter? The ques- tion is especially relevant since Wainess fought both for the installation of a student regent and for the MSA president to fill that post. Earlier this month, some MSA mem- bers proposed sending someone else to rep- resent students. Wainess prevailed - to the detriment of student interests on the Code. Wainess claims that compromise with the administration was necessary to craft the least harmful code. True - but his actions were less compromise than complicity. Wainess' folly in such a crucial time calls into question his function as student repre- sentative. His negligence may have cost stu- dents a viable opportunity to have the Code amended. Moreover, Wainess set a prece- dent of waffling and indifference for future student representatives and thus jeopardized what could be -ifused properly -the most powerful student voice on campus. Feds chipping away at free expression To the Daily: Well, here we are again. It's almost a year later, and the feds are once again thinking of knock- ing on Jake Baker's door. His case is especially important right now, since another threat to American freedom of expression has happened at Cal Tech, where a student was recently expelled from school for harassment of an ex-girlfriend over e-mail. I guess if our email is going to be monitored, everything else must be too, to be fair. So, wel- come to the age of Big Brother. Wire taps on phones must be com- monplace, so that we can prevent anything that someone might deem offensive from being trans- mitted over state lines via phone line. That would be a federal of- fense, now wouldn't it'? I have a feeling that many in Congress who create and pass shortsighted laws such as the ones that caused Jake Bakerto be met at class by cops would feel uneasy if their late night900-number phone calls were monitored. Aren't there phone lines that feature baby- voiced women? Isn't that a form of child porn? Why aren't those forms of"expression" being simi- larly monitored? We'll have to burn books too, and have each new work of litera- ture go through arigorous screen- ing process with an ethics com- mittee. Aren't books often trans- mitted over state lines? That would mean that creating any- thingdthat was offensive to any- one a federal crime. So, I guess great author Phillip Roth would go to jail. His new book "Sabbath's Theater" has a scene where a professor has phone sex with a student. Who else of the reasoning in the Jake Baker case: The feds think "OK, this guy's probably a little unbal- anced, so let's harass him, make a big media circus out of the whole thing, get him kicked out of school, send him to prison, then send him back to rural Ohio where can really go nuts! !!" Oh boy. Gotta watch what I say. l'm sending this letter over e-mail. Joy A. Burnett LSA senior affirmative action critic draws wrong analogies To the Dally: I'm writing in response to Avi Ebenstein's article titled "Affir- mative action: Death of meritocracy" (11/16/95). Al- though Mr. Ebenstein' s argument seems initially plausible, there are fatal flaws in his reasoning con- cerning "merit." Ebenstein argues that race or gender should not beta factor in anything: sports, death row, em- ployment and education. He states that there are disproportionate numbers of men and women on death row, and disproportionate numbers of blacks and Cauca- sians in the NBA. He assumes there must be a reason why, per- haps inherent differences. He assumes that affirmative action programs will force more women to be on death row, and force NBA teams to incorporate more white players. In this, he implies the existence of immu- table differences between races and genders. He attempts to analo- gize these two situations with employment and schooling. He ultimately concludes that affir- mative action is erroneous and Caucasian. 2) Although it's possible That there are inherent differences be- tween races, emotional, physical or intellectual, the environment masks any differences and is far more powerful in determiningthe characters of individuals. Socio- psychological arguments aside, men being on death row is the reflection of menu being externalizers, and women being internalizers. When dien have problems they get ahgry and aggress, when women have prob- lems, they retreat and get de- pressed. Perhaps the preponder- anice of blacks in the NBA is a reflection ofa racist society which socializes blacks to think the only way to success is throug' athlet- ics. Perhaps, the young black chil- dren who see more blacks in the NBA see that as a possible av- enue for exploration more often than say, ice hockey orsome other field with a dearth of blacks, e~g. white-collar workplace. Perhaps, blacks have more inherent physi- cal prowess, or men are naturally have penchants for murder. Nev- ertheless, you have to taikb many factors into consideration, but one cannotjust assume races and gen- ders are immutably different, as Ebenstein does. In short, Ebenstein's analogy between NBA/death row and edu- cation/jobs, fails. He also fails to understand the scope of affirma- tive action. Mr. Ebenstein, please sharpen your understanding ofthe affirmative action issue. NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'I would appoint Ross Perot U.S ambassador to the U.N., because they deserve each other.' - Radio commentat' Rush Limbaugh, on what he would do if elected president 4 . the tragedy was a Jewish tragedy The assassination of Prime Min- ister Rabin, of blessed memory, is not a Jewish tragedy any more than the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was a tragedy fr the African American commu- nity alone. Every peace lover throughout the world mourns the deaths of both of these men. I must also take issue with Mr. Friedman's belittlement of the vigil held on the Diag on Mon- day, Nov. 6, in Mr. Rabin's honor. In his words the Diag memorial service attracted "only a few hun- dred mourners." Five hundred is not the whole University, but it is a lot of people. I was at the Mon- dayeveningmemorial serviceand was touched to see so many people come together for the sake of re- membering one man. Mr. Friedman, in the few words he composed to accompany his pho- tographs, went on to follow the above statement that such a small proportion of the local Jewish community turning out "may fore- shadow a division among Jews throughout the world." The fact that Mr. Friedman emphasized the number of Jewish mourners present on the Diag compared to the total number in Ann Arbor only serves to make those same. divisions he fears more prom i-, nent. By emphasizing the disen- sion and disagreements that exist in the Jewish community, as thy exist in all communities, and 2ot Rabin's lifelong struggle ft-a peaceful Israel, Mr. Friedman concedes victory to Yigal Aiir's bullets. If we forget that the late Prime Minister Rabin dedicated his life to fighting for the security and peace of Israel, we forget the guiding spirit that led Israel to the brink of peace that she standson today. To forget Yitzhak Rabih's legacy of peace is to forget the man. In trying to honor Yitzhak Rabin, Mr. Friedman only dican injustice to the late Mr. Rabin, to Zeno Lee LSA senior 1 P hotostory belittles Rabin legacy To the Daily: I am writing in response to How TO CONTACT THEM Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford rNC Z: A --s .i--+-+;- Ditr i;riin-