BY BONNIE DATT . sssss 5, 5 55555~ Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. "This should be an interesting Christmas release - red blood and green blood." -Greg Nicotero, From Dusk Till Dawn Special-effects artist. Jack Frost nipping at your nose. "There's no angst. There's just a bunch of rat-bat f-kin' monsters." - Quentin Tatantino bTI ranting 105 1Kober Ro0driflo1c c cleasc -aersir hristiais scant' Stc Nnovwi'to ii.< iooci, ltt -.violets vc imar . l'eseriloir iob. ant. Dts 'xecotivs' produces; tt airs : crip : as t: aics IC rxV w a:; shelved, Do:- tes i0 g~) oc runm ots: o -terking ire. ,video' stote inc inmo writing scripts char_ woulti wir at s'\cade- ?nv skwatma Toden looe,. anne.'P'saime a"nto national aor nrernationam acclaim. lRodrigue-kno5wn. for his bloody, ultrioenots'et lfunnyEl Marusehs and Despesrado- directs, edos, executivc prosduces, shoots.. Fleck, he piobably hrings the coffee andt dooughnots.I list's after he skeclhes the vampites for the spc- stas -effcts people to cre atec Aod throwvs together some,"fake" trailers Ticy'rc too gseryt get past the rae- negshboard, he says' But thcs kcep thec'rewis'excited.").And 'xpcesi wets swithi sound effects sitshis compuster is home. hink Rohcrt wss shototin" Mov c it hnis lat litimc say: etiii soiduc=5 sirecitis ci se.'hee: e 'sits' sitting neon',t.'OKSits'' re'a'-'gingis "5 's'c 'his%' Youss se,*h c teasits it( :eos" cost reslttsh'r ae ' ('ata'nowss' tsr sbssit to 's' 'ccs'it:is'u sit sitters Oese, set'e scd ters' nisit he lightins' Ce si thaits' 'inure, !don', its ,tiso s'isssansi t Asheu s to ashes lib -m .cdsts.sat suitsw t)sac i''raninoisssndiiRssdrsgoc : ;aiisd or terfect iminag, Xtliirs Benaderswhosalsoprsidusce(' ?log.insd Pslp. Quentin said, 'Wcllt Ill doitr sf Rohert wants to ires it.'And that was swhat smade his wose thing expiode.' 'Ansoexplode it does, in greets nonster goo. But not right off the )a iso pun 'ntended). Come on. -',- alksssg Iarantino. 5 straight-on suspense, sansgrec p iowa" saind of film -' .intil _t urns this corner,"'rTarantino 'as. *nd 'torei'sturns that corner. -o 'sein a completely other movie. Quent"in Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez deliver a gory holiday gift Whets seopie irst sadtes cript thsea hart isisideas swhat sitssasand thess all ssf a sudden. wsess shes' go' ts pags 70 (soundsteffsct its surnins page)n - What she sell: Tser wsere likesqusessssonssnsthesr "ow's saisr" I s thi s ar' sginst o'it [It becomsni m eas1-h isin" norsorefhlm fotsrthe nisrror-ilmsas.s i rassinisiisiRIodrisgue'-'attit' avte' i si e 1 r s'pp'' 'f the'''., ss' )x-leass rhese norsor rans.' 'sin, smaksng astill-onttirrossisa lmtsatottan crowd, and eeryosse eissis invitesi alt right?" 5 tranin sttssas's.I "h lois ex-pectf5Pu lp'enosmensos' "Wsgot tiks I 12 millitoss ds- tars, which is, uh, they don'teser shost scomsedies tor that these dass Rodriguez says. We though: would he a gosod svac to keep cre- 'tive freedom --he ahle to do what- ever we want hecause we serers': spending a tot, yet make it look real- sy big and expensive so that we could do crazy things and gee away with it. If you make a higger movie for a reg- ular studio, i ithas to be a middle-of- the-road kind of horror film. it is 'o appeal to more people hecausc: they spend more money and have te make hack more money. "All we have to do is go after sut horror fans- people who just like horror mie s ifInohodyic wants isa see its all right Sesats II'l still sake Sack nought axose,.. 'u ristsd ands5ethe Ds, ' rssn't sncessarilysothatsdifferents"the,, could he hangine ot othte it's tart si thiS iapas-thesame or aer sit the prisons sard. Also hanginsg sat ini that y ardl ast Iuliette Leswissand lHarsvey Kssresisa strangers to ITsrantinotscsripta; shech M"carinsandasa'Ists ['atek; nit strang~ers tis Rodriguez ilms; 'Tins Satins..nsitiranger tsitsreta hlms;isidtGeoarge s Isisnes uns, Clooneytesidistbight on5 5 1'!P sussess, niade a good muse in doing a losv-hudgst horror flick, Rodriguez says. "Istsead of doing some middle- of-the-road, hip-budget, Americass cnmedyswhere hie",- just he part of the desoraion, he gets ts come ini here and take overit a lows-hudget situation, where, worse ts worst, he can alwasjusehlants me," Cloones and ITarantisso play the pangp.e Gecko hrothers, whts go oii bloody crinesspree culminating isa she kidsnapping os' the Fuller faimily (Keiel plays the sainister father; essis, ihedauhters. It the Fuller RV, thes all trail foe thsehorder, whrecthekGeckoss pronasse toilci the Fullers gsa But itthile horder ts the sitsyITwister has, which just sap- pens to he operated ba vampires. Anti these aresa syouravesraps "aumi'pres.Cometn, tsrre tailkinig Rosdriguez. "Thee're stihl't'hse ghosulish msosnsters anrs eesything,"ITaranti- nays "sButsi'3 gseatsts hiss this mintdlof Me~xicsla n t The moissi neveactualls'stop:iso do d its'sbur "itu lee 't it the architecture. You see it isa the Titty Tsvister, which used to he this temple for hundreds of years. 'They just huili this tiiiy har around to disguise it. "The productioss designer acsi- ally dresw this swhole suhiext - nor the easierns Europeanasampire myth, hut th' Mayast/Mexican/Aztec - withosit chaisging anything" Water, not stakes and garlic, i1 the weaposs of choice against these mnssters --lausnchesd siths guns, halloonis, condoms. C ondosa Well.sve are talkisig 'Taranisas ans' Roidriguez. But still, vanmpire minse at C hristnmas "Usuiall'; don' gpsisee ass'. movisesisteChrsisnmas," Rodrigues sayss You get uhers, everyonie'sI smsiling aisdl 'appr alt the time, ssanti to see s "eat sniense movie." 'ltd sBossssse Iiti sbost'I'he Bosnnie In From Dusk Till Dawn, Robert Rodriguez directs bats out of hell. Quentin Tarantino gives George Ciooney a hand. 16 U. via-a-ziaie December 1995