ASKED 675 students at U 27 schools t what they want this holi- day season. The results, in order of preference: 3. Camcorder 4. TV video game system 5. Video games ENTERTAINMENT ACCESSORIES 1. CDs. 2. Videos F T 3. Concert tickets 4. Movie tickets ~ r 5. Books TECH TOOLS 1. Computer 2. CD-ROM drive 3. Printer 4. Software 5. Modem, PHOTO EQUIPMENT Y A 1. Camera 2. Film 3. Camera lens 4. Instant camera 5. Stogle-use camera COMMUNICATIONS 1. Cordless phone TRANSPORTATION 2. Cellular phone - 4-WHEELERS 3. Fax machine 1. Car 4. Online account 2. Sport utility vehicle 5. Pager/Beeper 3. Truck 4. Van TRANSPORTATION - 2-WHEELERS - 1. Mountain bike 2. Motorcycle 3. Scooter/moped 4. Touring bike AUDIO EQUIPMENT VEHICLE ITEMS 1. CD player 1. Car stereo 2. Speakers 2. Car phone 3. Mini CD player 3. Car alarm 4. Headphones 4. Tires 5. AM/FM Receiver 5. Tune-up TV/VIDEO SPORTS/ EQUIPMENT FITNESS GEAR E T IM1. Athletic shoes 2. VCR 2. Hiking boots . . 3. Skis/Skiing equipment 4. Camping gear 5. In-line skates CHARITIES/ IF YOU HAD ONLY CHURCHES/ ONE HOLIDAY CAUSES WISH: 1. Children - Enough money to travel the 2. Homeless world on my brand new 3. AIDS-related Harley low-rider 4. Cancer-related " To get inside O.J.'s 5. Religious mind and find out what really happened IN YOUR DREAMS - To spend Christmas '96 as a 1. A real job newlywed 2. A car that never breaks down * A paid trip for spring break 3. Rich uncle pays off your " Enough sleep during the student loans next semester 4. Tickets to the 1996 Olympics " See the Eagles before I die 5. A lifetime supply of beer (or they do) 6. Free/ample parking on campus " Nonstop sex 7. A diamond ring - Peace, love and understanding... and UNM wins a NCAA basketball game - A beefy falafel - A great weekend in the Bahamas with Don Juan DeMarco " Not to ever fill out any more STUPID surveys - Joey from Friends wrapped in a big red bow -For the Cubs to win the World Series -To win the Nobel Prize in my field 8 Pamela Anderson dipped in chocolate 9. Xray vision 10. tonio Banderas dipped in chocolate 11. Free trip to Calif. to hang with U. editors / - December 1995 - U. Magazine 23