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November 14, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-14

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tonight: Snow showers, low
omorrow: Snow likely,
igh around 350



One hundredflve years ofeditorialfreedom

November 14, 1995

m r a R 5 n

Admin. salary increases outpace faculty again


By Joeh Whit.
Daily Staff Reporter
Executive officers at the University
enjoyed higher pay increases than fac-
ulty and staff members again this year,
according to the annual Faculty and
Staff Salary Record released yesterday.
While the 5.8-percent increase for
executive officers was down from last
year's 6.3-percent raise, the average
faculty and staff increase fell from 4.7
to 4 percent, widening the gap between
the two groups.
"The overall faculty increase is dis-
appointing in that it was a good eco-
nomic year for Michigan," said George
Brewer, chairman of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University Affairs.
"The difference between faculty and
administration continues a trend that is
adverse to the welfare of the Univer-
sity. It is a trend that is going in the
wrong direction."
Brewer, who received a 3-percent
raise and earns $126,473, said faculty

Top 10 University Salaries
James J. Duderstadt, president
Mark B. Ord'nger, head of thoracic surgery,
John D. Forsyth, Uiversity hospitals executive director
Julian T. Hoff, head of neurosurgery
Lazar Greenfield, surgery chair
Tadataka Yamada, internal medicine chair
Timothy R.B. Johnson, ob/gyn chair
J. Bernard Machen, provost
Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr., business administration prof.
Farris W. Womack, chief financial officer


Machen said resources were low this
year, which in turn caused the smaller
increase in salaries across the board.
"The resources available at the school
and college level were restricted this
year because the central administration
allocation from the General Fund was
only 2 percent," Machen said. "The rest
of the raises for staff and faculty had to
come from reallocation within the
schools and colleges themselves."
Machen said the allocation was down
from last year's 2.2 percent because the
state appropriation to the University
was smaller than in past years. The state
appropriation went up 3 percent from
last year, just barely meeting the rate of
inflation, which Machen said is close to
3 percent.
"I am personally disappointed that
we can barely exceed the rate of infla-
tion in our raises to the faculty," said
Machen, who earns $210,718, the sec-
ond-highest administrative salary. "If
See SALARIES, Page 2

Salary Increases
This year's average salary increases for faculty and
executive officers are smaller than last year. Here is a
breakdown of the average raises at different levels of
Univesity employment and the increase in the General
Fund allocation to each school unit.
Duderstadt's salaries include a 5-percent merit increase
and one-time equity adjustments of more than $16,000
each year.

salaries are not what they should be in ence between administrative and fac-

relation to administrators.
"The value of the faculty is probably
the most important value at the Univer-
sity," said Brewer, a human genetics
professor. "Rewarding the faculty
should be the highest priority. These
things, in my mind, are totally out of
line. This is something that should be
Vice President for University Rela-
tions Walter Harrison said the differ-

ulty salaries is misleading.
"The distinction here is that a mass of
people are making up the faculty's av-
erage, while the administrative salaries
are from a small group of people," said
Harrison, who is earning $154,350 this
year. "When you have a large range of
salaries for the faculty, of course the
average is going to seem much lower."
Provost and Executive Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs J. Bernard

2.3% 2%
General Fund



Executive Officers






Carr's interim title
one; contract to
By Ryan White
Daily Sports Editor
In a building named after one of the school's greatest
coaches, the Lloyd Carr era of Michigan football officially
began yesterday.
Surrounded by media, friends and fellow coaches at
Schembechler Hall, Carr had the interim removed from his
title by Michigan Athletic Director Joe Roberson.
For Roberson, the decision came down to more than wins
and losses.
"Winning and losing is important. Tthat's why we play the
games - to see who wins and loses," Roberson said, and

Antoine Pltts approves of
Roberson's decision.
Players applaud permanent
hiring of popular coach.
- Page 12
A Lloyd Carr's bio
Born: July 30, 1945
Eight seasons as defensive
Five seasons as assistant head
Coached at John Glenn H.S.
(1973-75) earning Regional
class A coach of the Year
Coached collegiately at Eastern
Michigan 1976-77 and at Illinois
Joined Bo Schembechler's staff in
March of 1980
Three-sport athlete at Riverview
H.S. including an all-state
performer in football
Played three years at Missouri and
was backup quarterback on
Tigers' 1966 Sugar Bowl-winning
Married: wife Laurie; children:
Melissa, Jason, Emily, Brett,
Ryan, Jarrett

Clinton, GOP
fail at last-ditch
budget deal
WASHINGTON (AP)-The government skiddedtoward
a shutdown that would send 800,000 federal workers home
after President Clinton and Republican leaders failed to
reach a budget deal in discussions held late last night.
White House press secretary Mike McCurry said it was
virtually certain the government would begin closing this
morning. As much as 40 percent of the federal workforce
could be idled in the first government shutdown in five years.
"There's no continuing resolution and no funding author-
ity to keep the United States government operating," he said.
He dismissed any suggestion that Republicans could rush a
bill through early in the day to avert a shutdown. "There's no
basis to believe that's going to happen."
In the effort to avoid a shutdown, Clinton met with law-
makers for an hour and 40 minutes last night in the Cabinet
Room at the request of GOP leaders. Senate Majority Leader
Bob Dole said they "went around and around but we don't

rel like I
have the
best job in
- Lloyd Carr
football coach

noted how close the 8-2 Wolver-
ines were to being 10-0. "But
more important than that to me is
that the characteristics I think a
new coach ought to have will
lead to winning.
"Lloyd has those, and there is
little question in my mind that
the traditionof Michigan win-
ning will continue."
Carr was named the Wolver-
ines' interim coach May 4, the
same day Roberson announced
the resignation of former Michi-
gan coach Gary Moeller.
Yesterday's announcement
ended months of speculation as

have an agreement."
Dole said the talks would{
White House Chiefof Staff
Leon Panetta meeting with
House Budget Committee
Chairman John Kasich and
his Senate counterpart, Pete
Democratic leaders
emerging from the White
House meeting were pessi-
mistic that a short-term ex-
tension of spending and
borrowing authority could
be worked out in less than
24 hours. "There was no
progress at all," said Sen-
ate Democratic Leader
Tom Daschle.
Even so, Dole said, "The
fact we're going to meet

continue this morning, with
What Will CIose
National museums
National monuments
National park services
(though not parks
IRS hotlines
Social Security hotlines
WIat Won't
Air traffic controllers
Prison guards
Postal Service
Military personnel
Meat inspectors

Lloyd Carr speaks
at a press
yesterday after
being named
football coach.

to when a permanent head coach would be named, and
whether or not it would be Carr.
"When Bo hired me in 1980 1 felt that it was one of the
greatest days of my life. Certainly it was the greatest day of
my career," Carr said. "For the next seven years I felt that I
had the best assistant coaching job in the country.
"When I became the defensive coordinator I felt like I had
the greatest coordinator's job in the country.
"Today, I feel like I have the best job in sport."
Now that Roberson and Carr have ended the speculation,
they can work on a contract.
Roberson plans to work out the details when this season ends.
"We've had a four- or five-month, at least, relationship
of trust, and I think we both are comfortable with that,"
Roberson said. "Neither of us are worried about whether or
not we are going to come up with a deal at the end of the
Carrwas not the only candidate for the job.
Roberson had a list of between 40 and 45 candidates that
had either applied or been recommended for the position. Out
of that group he looked at three or four seriously, and felt
could have done the job if it hadn't gone to Carr.
Roberson said he was looking for three qualities in the next
Michigan coach: someone who could communicate with
both the media and alumni, a motivator and someone who
cared about the players.
Roberson said he found all of those qualities in Carr, but
it wasn't a hasty decision.
See CARR, Page 12

tomorrow is progress." House Speaker Newt Gingrich said,
"We laid out in a pretty candid way where we feel different
in terms of principle."
The White House meeting came after Clinton vetoed twin
spending and borrowing bills, insisting that Republicans drop
provisions that would raise Medicare premiums and cut educa-
tion and environmental spending. Republicans urgently re-
quested to see Clinton, and went to the White House at 10 p.m.
"I think we've got some tough problems to solve," House
Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt said after the White
House meeting.
"This could last for awhile," Gephardt said, adding that
Republicans had rejected the idea of extending for 48 hours
the spending authority that expired at midnight.
"A lot of innocent people will be hurt," he added. "We
should not be facing this kind of blackmail."
The key stumbling remained GOP insistence on Medicare
premium increase. "This cannot be resolved as long as
Medicare is on the table," Gephardt said.
Clinton argued that Medicare increases were not neces-
sary to meet Republican demands for a balanced budget.
"If America must close down access to quality education,
a clean environment and affordable health care for our
seniors in order to keep the government open, then that price
is too high," he said in vetoing a temporary spending bill.

Defensive lineman William Carr talks to reporters after yesterday's press

MSA ballot is crucial to SLS's future

By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
Three ballot questions about the fu-
ture of Student Legal Services may be
lost in the shuffle of politics and flood
of individual campaigns in this'week's
Michigan Student Assembly elections.
Nonetheless, students' votes on three
Senrtn u tn iI tar - -: -n.: in: :r pfar

are worth."
"SLS has gone several years without
an increase, and the simple fact is their
lawyers are underpaid," said Louis
Stefanic, an LSA senior and a member

of this vote will favor SLS.
Goodstein takes amore cautious view.
"I think the campaign to get it passed is
better organized," he said. "I'm not
sure that I am entirely optimistic, but I
think (the passage) has a good chance."
Stefanic said a "no" vote on the third
question is most crucial to the future of
,Z1 i 'arme, it mwold alnim MSA and

The Ballot Questions
Question One: A "Yes" vote would
approve a $.23-per-student
increase in Student Legal
Services' funding.
Question Two: A "Yes" vote would
approve an additional $1.84-per-
student increase in Student
Legal Services funding, allowing
the nrsanisa+inn tno nninue its

5 Americans injured in
Saudi Arabia car bombing

of SLS's student
oversight board.
"They don't have
h..--nn., t .nn. -


The Washington Post
CAIRO, Egypt - A powerful car
bomb ripped into a building occupied
by American military trainers yester-
day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; killing
five American and wunding 30 oth-

and technical support from U.S. military
personnel and private contractors.
Devastating by any standard, the blast
seemed especially shocking in Saudi
Arabia, which traditionally has avoided
the kind of extremist violence that has



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