Lrelis honor
late Rabbi
Meir Kahane
Los Angeles Times
JERUSALEM - As more than
100,000 Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv to
remember slain Prime MinisterYitzhak
Rabin, about 200 right-wing Jewish
radicals gathered hereto remember slain
Rabbi Meir Kahane, whom the govern-
ient considers the spiritual guide of
those who allegedly conspired to kill
No tears were shed for Rabin during
the sunset service at Kahane's grave in
the Har Hamenuhot cemetery on the
fifth anniversary of the Brooklyn-born
rabbi's assassination in New York.
* Whether or not the religious men and
vomen who attended were happy about
.abin's assassination - and clearly
several were-they shared the view of
confessed killer Yigal Amir that Rabin
as a traitor to Jews.
) The people here today belong to the
rup that is not afraid to identify with
et truth," Kahane's son, Binyamin,
told the group.
The truth according to the followers
of Kahane is that Greater Israel, includ-
ing the occupied West Bank hills they
call Judea and Samaria, was given to
Jews by God and that Arabs should
beexpelled; Rabin had no right to nego-
Ytiate Jewish land with the Palestinians,
Amir told police after his arrest that
he was carrying out God's work when
"he-shot Rabin at point-blank range in
,Tel Aviv on Nov. 4 and was acting
according to Jewish law. He reportedly
haa religious ruling from one or more
rabbis identifying Rabin as a "rodef,"
-or-pursuer of Jews, making the prime
'minister an acceptable target for death
under Jewish law.
Yesterday, Rabbi Yoel Ben Nun, a
religious leader from the West Bank
settlement of Ofra, gave Israel's chief
rabbis a list of other rabbis who report-
edly have issued such rulings. Israeli
television named three of them as
' Nachum Rabinowich from the Maale
'Edumim settlement, Dov Lior from
Kiryat Arba and Eliahu Zini of Israel's
~top technological institute, the
'Techni on.
None of them could be reached for
comment, but Israeli radio said the three
denied they had ever sanctioned mur-
The case has brought out the deep
divisions between Israel's secular and
;religious communities and dealt a blow
to the image of Orthodox Jews, who are
struggling for influence in the increas-
'dngly secular state.
Police have said they believe Amir
and his brother, Hagai, were the ring-
leaders of a group that conspired for
'more than two years to kill Rabin. They
say Hagai Amir stalked Rabin at home
"and in public events and got close to
him at least five times before Yigal
emir pulled the trigger.
NAm' Dw/wavuLD
The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 13, 1995 - 7A
Rebel Serbs make
deal with Croatia
A young Israeli holds a candle and a sticker bearing a portrait of slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin that reads "Enough
Violence" at a peace rally held yesterday in a Tel Aviv square. The Kings of Israel Square will be renamed in Rabin's honor.
Israei secunty agency told in
advanCe of plot to murder Rabin
ERDUT, Croatia (AP)-Rebel Serbs
agreed yesterday to submit the last of
their holdings in Croatia to government
authority, resolving a dispute that threat-
ened to derail U.S.-led talks in Ohio on
peace for the Balkans.
"This is a historic signing," U.S. Am-
bassador Peter Galbraith said. "For the
first time in this conflict an issue has been
solved by a signature and not by a bullet."
The agreement, signed in this Serb-
held town in eastern Croatia and wit-
nessed by Galbraith and chief U.N.
envoy Thorvald Stoltenberg, also
averted the imminent threat of more
Croatian troops in May and August
recaptured most Serb-held territory
taken in a 1991 war, sending about
180,000 Croatian Serbs fleeing to
Bosnia and Serbia.
Croatia threatened to attack the re-
maining bit of Serb-held territory,
known as eastern Slavonia, if rebels
refused to accept the plan for its reinte-
Suchan attack on the territory, which
borders Serbia, could have drawn in the
Serb-led Yugoslav army, leading to re-
newed war and a collapse of Bosnian
peace talks at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base.
In a show of force, the Croatian army
had moved crack troops and heavy ar-
tillery toward the front line over the
past few days. Witnesses also reported
seeing a large column ofYugoslav army
troops and guns headed toward the
Croatian border late Saturday night.
"The agreement provides forapeace-
ful solution," Stoltenberg said. "I gen-
erally hope that this will have a conta-
gious effect for the whole area."
The two negotiators later took the
agreement to Zagreb, the Croatian capi-
tal, where the government's lead nego-
tiator signed for Croatia.
The Croatian government and rebel
Serb leaders had agreed Oct. 3 on basic
principles for the return of the territory,
but remained at odds over how that
would be done.
Serbs wanted a three-year transition
period and U.N. monitoring. Croatia in-
sisted on no more than one year and
U.S. troops
face rough
Balkan tour
Los Angeles Times
As Sgt. 1st Class John M. Baggett
practices harsh tank combat tactics
at the U.S. Army training base, he
mustkeep the immediacyofthetrain-
ing in mind.
Ifnegotiations among the three war-
ring Balkan factions produce a peace
accord, Baggett and some 23,000 U.S.
soldiers like him will be deployed deep
into Bosnia-Herzegovina to serve as
part of an international peacekeeping
The operation would be enormous.
The U.S. contingent would join a
NATO-led ground force of more than
60,000 troops --- including troops
from Western Europe, Russia, the
old Warsaw Pact countries and a
handful of Third World contingents.
The first wave would hit the ground
just four days after a peace accord is
signed and the rest would arrive within a
couple of weeks. Accompanying them
wouldbeaNATOairarnadaeven larger
than the one that carried out bombing
raids against the Bosnian Serbs lIst sum-
The risks would be formidable as
troops may face snipers, and the tierce
cold may bring difficulty in moving
vehicles and equipment and locating
the over 6 million active land mines
left by the warring factions.
wanted a NATO presence, similar to that
which would enforce peace in Bosnia.
The agreement calls for a one-year
transitional period that can be extended
to two if requested by either side. It asks
the U.N. Security Council to create an
interim administration for the area and
deploy troops to maintain peace, but
does not specify the composition of
those forces.
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - In the
latest evidence of a stunning intelli-
gence failure, the Shin Bet security
agency acknowledged yesterday that
it had advance information about the
assassin of Prime Minister Yitzhak
In a court appearance, the confessed
assassin's brother said he received
weapons from a sergeant in an elite
army unit, who is the seventh detained
suspect. The assassin's brother was or-
dered held for 12 more days.
As the official mourning period
ended, more than 200,000 Israelis
streamed into newly named Yitzhak
Rabin Square in a defiant replay of
the peace rally where a Jewish ex-
tremist shot down the prime minister
eight days before. It was believed to
be the biggest gathering ever in Is-
Even as the square was filled with
flags, candles, cardboard doves and
signs reading "Enough Death," Israeli
troops began pulling out of the West
Bank town of Jenin, as provided by the
autonomy agreement signed by Rabin
and PLO chief Yasser Arafat in Sep-
tember. The pullout is to be done by
In a highly unusual move, the secre-
tive Shin Bet sent a fax to Israel's Army
radio saying that authorities were told
of an assassination plot in June by a
friend ofYigal Amir, who confessed to
gunning down Rabin after the Nov. 4
peace rally. The Associated Press ob-
tained a copy of the fax.
The agency acknowledged that a
friend of Amir's, Shlomo Halevy, pro-
vided authorities with an accurate de-
scription of the assassin after being told
of plans to kill Rabin by a mutual friend.
Halevy told his army commander of
the plot but did not reveal Amir's name
or say that he knew him, pretending
instead that he had overheard two men
discussing the plot in a bus station bath-
room, the Shin Bet said.
Halevy said one of the plotters was
25, short, black-haired, amember ofthe
militant Jewish group Eyal and a stu-
dent at Bar Ilan University. Amir fits
that description.
Security sources said on condition of
anonymity that Halevy's information
was turned over to the Shin Bet, but
after a superficial check, the agency
decided to ignore it.
Theories that Rabin was the victim of
a wider conspiracy were also bolstered
yesterday when police told a
magistrate's court in Tel Aviv they had
evidence linking a sergeant in an elite
army unit to the assassination.
The detained soldier, an observant
Jew, is the seventh suspect in custody.
Hagai Amir, Yigal Amir's 27-year-old
brother, told the court he received weap-
ons from the soldier, Eric Schwartz, but
returned them.
Police said they have arrested
Schwartz, but he did not appear in court
yesterday. Police would not say if he
would appear today.
Hagai, wearing jeans and a black
skullcap, told the court he did not be-
lieve his brother really planned to kill
Rabin. He said a cache of weapons
found at the Amir house was intended
for possible use against Arabs.
Jude Dan Arbel, in agreeing to a
police request for extending Hagai
Amir's detention for 12 more days, said
he believed "there was a conspiracy
and an organization" to kill Rabin.
"This was not done by one man,"
Arbel said.
The sobering revelations were likely
to further shake Israel's security ser-
vices, already widely blamed for fail-
ing to protect Rabin.
Four senior Shin Bet officials have
lost their jobs. Its director, identified
only as C, has offered to resign but was
asked by acting Prime Minister Shimon
Peres to stay on until a government
probe is completed.
Five other people were arrested near
Tel Aviv yesterday when they tele-
phoned police and threatened to kill
Earlier, generals, Cabinet members
and relatives filed past the flower-strewn
grave of "Lieutenant General Yitzhak
Rabin" at Jerusalem's Mount Herzl
cemetery to mark the end of the official
seven days of mourning.
ContInued from Page 1A
provides temporary funding at only 60
percent of last year's levels - but that
-if Republicans were willing to delete
-the Medicare provision, it would give
'thetwo sides "a basis to talk."
Gingrich aides said the President cut
the call short after about eight minutes to
leave to speak at a Veterans Day event.
- Gingrich said the call was "appar-
tly designed to set up his press secre-
,ary promptly rushing in" to the White
1fouse press room to announce Clinton's
' version."
'"He in effect said on the telephone,
you know, 'Get lost,"' Dole said.
"That's sort of the tone of it. ... I know
when somebody's pulling my leg on the
telephone. I wasn't born yesterday. I
think it was all a set-up."
'The phone call was the first direct
budget conversation Clinton and the
two leaders had since one at the White
House two weeks ago when the Presi-
dent laid out his insistence that the
broader battles over the direction of
federal spending be carried out in the
full budget negotiations, not in the cri-
sis atmosphere of a possible govern-
ment shutdown and a potential default
on its outstanding debts, if the
government's authority to continue to
borrow runs out.
By midweek, the Treasury is likely to
bump up against its $4.9 trillion debt
limit, although a default is unlikely
because the Treasury secretary can dip
into several trust funds for cash needed
to make interest payments on govern-
ment borrowings.
The House and Senate have passed a
temporary debt ceiling increase, but the
president has said he will veto it because
it puts too many restrictions on the Trea-
sury secretary's ability to cope with a debt
crisis and also contains too many unre-
lated provisions, such as limits on appeals
by death row inmates and restrictions on
new government regulations.
House leadership aides said the debt
ceiling legislation could go to the presi-
dent yesterday. They did not send it to
the White House earlier to keep Clinton
from using it as a prop during his weekly
radio address, when he had planned to
announce a veto of the bill.
In his address, he called "blackmail"
the GOP's use of the debt limit and
short-term spending bill to force him to
come to terms with them on the GOP
goal of balancing the budget by 2002.
Clinton insisted he will not change his
demand that Congress send short-term
funding and debt-ceiling legislation
unadorned with extraneous policy mat-
ters. Republicans say they will not move
off their position.
* * S 3 SPo 0 s
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