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November 13, 1995 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-13

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laT.... Elttk t .d---A sirI

Happiness from the Clouds
"Amphitryon - Happiness from the Clouds" is a film version of Plautus'
classical play of the same name. This 1935 movie is part of the
University's Goethe fest. "Amphitryon - Happiness from the Clouds" is
playing tonight at 7 p.m. at the Michigan Theater; call 668-8397 for
more information.

Page 5A
November 13, 1995

Dumb fun: When Ace Ventura calls, run N :7:. A
New, amusing sequel is dumb and dumber than the originl

0y Jennifer Petiinski
Daily Arts Writer
It's time again for another movie based
on absolutely nothing except asses, arm-
pits, goobers, spitballs, gravity-defying
hairdos and people calling each other
"poopy pants."
That's right - Ace Ventura is back!
Warning: Ifyourimmaturefriends plan
on dragging you to this movie a hundred
times; ifthey've made you watch the first
one a hundred times; if you live in a
neighborhood full of 10-year-old kids; or
if, when you go home for Thanksgiving,
the first sound you hear is your little
brotherplaying an Alanis Morrisette song

Ace Ventura:
When Nature Calls
Directed by Steve
Oedekerk, with Jim
At Briarwood and Showcase
on his armpit - this movie could be bad
But then again, we can't forget about
the diverse audience of sixth graders,
kooky college students and adults with
either mental imbalances or too much
time on their hands. These are the people
who have waited a long time to see yet
another two hours of penis jokes, talking
asses, stringy boogers and smelly farts.
Well, alrighty then!
New director Steve Oedekerk has
given his target audience exactly what
it deserves. His sequel, "Ace Ventura:
When Nature Calls," generates no sur-
pri sing reaction. Those who were meant
to laugh, laugh; those who were meant
to roll their eyeballs, roll their eyeballs;
and those who will walk around imitat-
ing Jim Carrey - well, we'll just stay
away from them.
After his failure to save the life of a
raccoon, Ace Ventura retreats to an
ashram in Tibet, where he has gone to
seek spiritual guidance. Soon, however,
he leaves at the request of Vincent Cadby

(Simon Callow), the English Consul
General of the Bonai Province in Africa
and his emissary, Fulton Greenwall (Ian
McNeice) to solve the most challeng-
ing case of his career. Everyone thinks
that the man who "bends over and speaks
from his rear" is the only one for the job.
His assignment: Ace, accompanied
by his monkey, Spike, must travel
through African jungles to find out who
stole Shikaka, the sacred bat of the
Watchuti tribe, before the marriage of
the chief's daughter (Sophie Okonedo)
to the first son of the Wachootoo tribe.
A tribal war will result, if Ace does not
act quickly.
Just as in "Pet Detective," "Dumb
and Dumber" and "Batman Forever,"
Jim Carrey is a toothy, tactless ball of
energy. From the second he steps into
the Watchuti village, we know that Ace
has grown no older and no wiser. Our
thoughts are confirmed when his first
words to a tribesman fly out of his
mouth: "Excuse me, but your balls are
Director Steve Oedekerk has suc-
ceeded in making the sequel more fast-
paced and stupidly hysterical than the
first. And although most scenes through-
out the movie cater to an elementary
school sense of humor, they still have
an appeal to those of us who are just a
little older than 12 and possibly in need
of some stress relief.
In some of the movie's finer mo-
ments, we see Ace fall out of a


Guess which one of the above actors is the professional.

rhinoceros's ass; we hear him answer
"Spank you" to just about every other
character in the movie; we witness his
rendition of animal mating calls.
After some time, we wonder how he
got his hair to stay, and how long he can
go without making a reference to his
genitalia (not long).
Surely enough, it doesn't take long
for the humor to take a twisted turn. Of
course, the sixth graders don't notice;
college students who hang out with
sixth graders don't notice; but, those of
us with at least some intellectual capac-
ity might begin to feel guilty for actu-

ally paying the money to be there. Sorry,
but most of us don't need to see Ace
feed a bird with his own barf.
There is aline. And this movie crosses
As for the plot ...
Wait a second - you mean, there is
a plot?
Well alrighty then. Missed that one.
Needless to say, the plot is somewhat
challenging to follow (relatively speak-
ing). Jim Carrey monopolizes the
screen; no one else can keep up with
him. When another character says some-
thing important, the audience will al-

most surely miss it -thanks to Carrey,
who is spitting up peanuts on someone's
arm or playing with himself. We, how-
ever, don't care. After all, it's not like
we came to see the plot anyway.
So once again, we've experienced
another one man show starring Jim
Carrey. We've again (those of us who
are older than 12) had to rationalize
exactly why we laughed and why we
paid to see it.
Just hope there isn't a third. The.
we'll have to do this all over again.
Spanks. Uh ... that would be

"I am a serious thespian."
The original young aboriginal MC KRS-
ONE continues to drop knowledge on the
hip-hop nation with the release of his latest
elf-titledalbum.Thisalbum is onpoint, and
doesn't stray far from the KRS-ONE style
that has gained much respect, and been
sampled many times over.
His songs are filled with messages and
truths. "R.E.A.L.I.T.Y." is about the in-
justices of our society and how hip-hop
breaks down some of the psychological
barriersthat have been suppressing youth.
"Free Mumia" is about dispelling the
myth that hip-hop causes violence, that
those who do not acknowledge the soci-
etal benefits of hip-hop as a crucial from
of expression are merely "blinded by
cultural ignorance and steady judging."
He advises them to stop fighting hip-hop
and go free Mumia, as in Mumia Abu-
KRS-ONE isn't the only one spilling

knowledge on this album. It's packed
with guest MCs, ranging from the diggitty
Das EFX to the sandpaper voice of Mad
Lion, as well as Channel Live, Busta
Rhymes and Fat Joe.
The album is complete with 14 quality
songs, all of which are at least four min-
utes long. The beats are original and defy
conformity, as to be expected from KRS-
ONE. LikeKRSsays in"BuildYaSkillz"
"a lot ofalbums are wack this year." Well,
KRS did us all a favor and put out an
album that assures you'll get your $14
worth, and then some.
- Kimberly Howitt
Alice In Chains
Alice In Chains
With each oftheir LPs, Alice InChains'
music gets darkerand more smack-infested.
Each album they try to trick you into
thinking that they're really OK. After the
grunge-era prototype "Facelift," they re-
leased the acoustic "Sap" that made their

fans and critics say, "Oh, maybe they're not
really all that messed up." Afterthe dark and
dirty "Dirt," the band's rep as smack-shoot-
ing addicts was cleaned up a bit with the
nicer, and again mostly acoustic "Jar of
Flies." But with the band's recent self-titled
release, it becomes evident that vocalist
Layne Staley, guitarist Jerry Cantrell, drum-
mer Sean Kinney and bassist Mike Inez are
a bunch of strung-out junkies who are bor-
dering on insanity.
Alice In Chains (the band and the al-
bum) is so much further down the dark
path explored on "Dirt," that it seems this
time they've gone too far. Only four
tracks out of the 12 on the album have any
type of harmony or melody in them, and
the rest are defunct of much enjoyment,
making the album feel like an hour-long
migraine headache.
The first single, "Grind," sounds like
its name, with grating guitar, pounding
drums and Staley whining through some
type of voice box. The brief upbeat cho-
rus gives the listener a bit of hope for the
track, but the song quickly falls back to

continue its dull drone.
"In the darkest hole/You'd be well
advised/Not to plan my funeral before the
body dies," Staley moans as he opens the
album on "Grind." The rest of the record
is pretty much the same, with songs about
depression, death and god.
Some of the tracks are a bit interesting.
"Shame In You" and"Heaven Beside You"
are both a bit softer than the usual drone and
pounding rhythms of the majority of the
disc, but flat outfall short ofAlice In Chains'
previous material. Instead ofcreating a dark
yet somewhat enjoyable niche like the band
did for "Dirt," Alice In Chains has dug itself
into a pit that it isn't able to fill, yet not able
to climb out of either.
- Brian A. Gnatt
See RECORDS, page 8A

We're Alice in Chains and we're free, dammit, FREEIII!I

'95 UM-OSU Blood Battle You carried 1, 8 pounds ks
Save a life! Beat OSU
used 844 No. 2 pencil 'leads,,and
Give Blood Today!
Michigan Union 1-7




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A talk by Dr. Alon Tai, Chair
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TODAY: Monday, November 13,1995,4:00-6:00 p.m.
East Conference Room, 4th floor of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Refreshments will be provided
Sponsored by: Urban and Regional Planning Program, Project for
the Integrated Study of Global Change, Jean and Samuel Frankel
Center for Judaic Studies, international Institute, Center for
Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies
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NOV. 15
Doors: 9:30 P.M.
Doors: 9:30 P.M.



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