4 Monday, June 29, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com (The ichl-gan~al Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu Jot' Students can't afford more tuition hikes JAMIE BLOCK EDITOR IN CHIEF ROBERT SOAVE MANAGING EDITOR RACHEL VAN GILDER EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles andillustrations represent solely theviewsoftheir authors. Low-income letdown City shouldn't let project for affordable housing stagnate It's no secret that students pay through the nose to secure housing near campus. But permanent, low-income city residents face simi- larly inflated housing prices. Low-income housing has become less and less available for residents and students alike. A proposal to turn one of three government-owned properties downtown into cheap and conve- nient housing was supposed to offer some relief for low-income residents. But a disturbing lack of attention and support from Washtenaw County commissioners has brought this plan to a halt, possibly permanently. City and county officials need to renew their commitment to providing resi- dents with the affordable, dense housing they require. Two weeks ago, the Board of Regents upheld a yearly ritual and raised the cost of tuition. But this year's 5.6-percent hike was accompanied by a surpris- ing break with tradition - for the first time in three years, the vote wasn't unanimous. While it appears that at least some of the regents are beginning to under- stand that escalatingtuition rates are unacceptable, students will still have to contend with anoth- er significant hike. By raising tuition yet again, the University is failing to provide accessible higher education to everyone - a failure that can only be remedied by doing whatever it takes to make the cost of a college educa- tion affordable again. At their June 18 meeting, the Board of Regents voted 6-2 to approve another 5.6-percent increase inatuition for most stu- dents for the 2009-2010 academ- ic year. This means that in-state tuition for students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts is now $11,660 a year - 20 percent higher than it was three years ago. Regents Julia Dar- low (D-Ann Arbor) and Denise Ilitch (D-Bingham Farms) voted against the increase, the first such votes in three years. Darlow and Ilitch's votes rep- resent a positive change, but the voting procedures of the Board of Regents are still a problem. The serious debate over the budget occurred out of public view, as it does every year. This is a flawed way of making University deci- sions, and it casts the tuition hike in an even darker light. But it's still the hike itself that merits the most criticism. In this slumping economy, most families are experiencing increased finan- cial burdens, which means fewer dollars to put toward their kids' college education. Though the approved budget includes a com- mendable increase of 11.7 percent in financial aid funded by private donors, high tuition costs are still a problem for middle class students who don't necessarily qualify for financial aid. It's impossible not to balk at the regents' budget, especially when it includes expenditures like the continued hiring of 100 faculty members. Maintaining an excellent faculty is certainly important, but the need for such increases seems doubtful when the consequence is an unafford- able situation for students. The University administration cites dwindling-financial support from the state as a reason for the increase. It's true that the state government has a responsibility to fund its institutions of higher education, and that maintaining academic excellence is a key to remedying the state's financial plight. But the University's pro- jection of a $10.4 million funding cut is simply that - a projection. Two years ago, when the Uni- versity raised tuition on the pre- text of a projected funding loss, the projection turned out to be lower than the amount that the state eventually provided. Stu- dents were never refunded for this mistake. So while the state should make an effortto provide adequate funding for higher education, the final responsibilityultimatelyrests with the University. The University has failed this responsibility. With every increase, a college education becomes a less realistic option for countless students. While the country is in financial turmoil, affordable education is more nec- essary than ever. Six months ago, community development officials proposed the conversionofone ofthree city- or county-owned lots into 60 to 100 low-income housing units for residents displaced by the closing of a local YMCA. Approximately 80 percent of the proposed con- versions' cost could be paid for by federal tax credits, which the city is eligible for because the large number of students - many of whom are still dependent on their parents or work only part-time - inflates the area's unemployment rate. The target occupants for the housing would be those who earn about 10 to 15 percent of the area's median income. But according to a June 24 article by the Ann Arbor News titled "Plan to create low-in- come housing in downtown Ann Arbor stalled," the project's progress has stalled indefinitely. The problem seems to stem from the inability of county commis- sioners to agree on which lot to develop. Controversy over the location has allowed city and county officials to display a lack of interest, which seems to have derailed the project. And a lack of public outcry has allowed offi- cials to easily sidestep the issue. An apparent lack of communi- cation among local officials also seems to be contributing to the stagnation of the project. The offi- cials working on the project don't seem to have reached a consen- sus about the project's status. But that doesn't mean this necessary project should be abandoned, and the officials in charge need to step up to make it happen. Expensive downtown housing pushes low-income residents and students outside the city limits. Not only does this segregate resi- dents from more modest means, but it also forces them to deal with a more expensive commute. This project has the opportu- LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HERE? nity to increase the diversity of downtown Ann Arbor with stu- dents and low-income residents alike. Yet city and county offi- cials seem reluctant to make any headway toward this goal. And since University students make it easier for the city to get federal cash, it stands to reason that the students should be able to profit from that gain, too. But the local government hasn't even been able to provide housing for its permanent residents. Until it does, students will be left out in the cold. With the closing of the YMCA and rising housing rates, Ann Arborresidents arehard-pressed to find affordable housing. The city has the power and money to change this, but instead of doing so, it has dithered about location, stalling the project. It's time for the city to revive this flat-lining project and provide for its residents. JASON MAHAKIAN E-MAIL JASON AT MAHAKIAJ@UMICH.EDU K> {' - n1 $( e ti f / ,rr~ Check out more from Daily columnists and cartoonists online on Wednesday and Friday at michigandaily.com. Editorial Board Members: Raghu Kainkaryam, Erika Mayer, Asa Smith, BrittanyfSmith, Vivian Wang, Patrick Zabawa