Monday, May 18, 2009 The Michigan Daily - 5 JASON MAHAKIAN E-MAIL JASON AT MAHAKIAJ@UMICH.EDU Drunken policy MAGIC filue f,1.1E.5 'ICes 5I5IEN 'SAY MAtc ri "roN 15"TH.Y P's AylNiA~N~C3'iAI tn t ' yF05 Ffopit } A'17 ? g.ueleaig CSCSarY o15aecos cccoc ,B yneu TotAl l> OT- l2ol'A1 z 7 Government blackmail During last year's presi- dential election, I wasn't really interested in who wouldwin. Both of the major candidates K simply didn't j offer me many> opinions that I agreed with. But despite my apathy, I have to PATRICK admit that I felt ZABAWA a little secure when Barack Obama won the election. Sure I disagreed with him on almost everything, but he at least seemed to be an honest candidate concerned for the aver- age American's plight. Though I went into it hoping for the best, Obama's presidency thus far has made me trust government evenless --andmy trustwasn'tvery high to begin with. What killed the small amount of trust I had was something his administration did within the first couple months of his presidency. It supposedly used blackmail to ensure its success in negotiations with Chrysler's lend- ers, reminding me that government is something to fear, not to trust. It has been alleged that the Obama administration used threats to protect the interests of the automaker Chrysler LLC, which - along with General Motors - is now government-sup- ported. With the horrible state of their finances, the Obama admin- istration made it clear that many of those associated with the com- panies - stockholders, employees, lenders, etc. - would have to make sacrifices. But when the outcome of negotiations between Chrysler and its lenders wasn't looking good for Chrysler, the administration supposedly blackmailed a lender, Perella Weinberg Partners, to give in to Chysler's offer. According to Perella Weinberg's lawyer Tom Lauria, who spoke on the Frank Beckmann Radio Show, the White House told Perella Weinberg to agree to the offer or "the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation." The different parties suppos- edly involved in this blackmail all refute Lauria's claim. The Obama administration denies it outright. Strangely enough, Perella Wein- berg Partners also denies the claim. But Lauria hasn't backed down from his statement despite all the claims to the contrary. If the Obama administration is indeed the guilty party, it has threatened a private firm in a very scary man- ner. But it also wouldn't have been the first administration to do so. In fact, the Bush administration used blackmail and admitted to it. In December, Bank of America's chief financial officer told chief executive officer Kenneth Lewis that Merrill Lynch, the firm the bank was going to purchase on Jan. 1, had suffered severe and not-yet-disclosed losses. Lewis became wary of the purchase, but Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was so concerned that canceling the purchase would further escalate the financial cri- sis that he blackmailed Lewis into completing it. Should Bank of America have backed out of the purchase, Paulson told Lewis, his job and those of his company's board would have been at risk. At the same time, he told Lewis not to tell stockholders of the loss, an order that went against federal law. Both Lewis and Paulson cor- roborated this story to New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who urged federal authorities to investigate the pressure Paulson put on Lewis and his board to com- mit this possibly-illegal action. Authorities have not yet acted on Cuomo's recommendation. Paulson was, of course, inter- ested in protecting the financial markets by blackmailing Lewis and Bank of America's board. But what's scary to me is that this blackmail encouraged Lewis to break federal laws that the gov- ernment is responsible for enforc- ing. The Obama administration's blackmail of Perella Weinberg, if it happened, is the same situ- ation - an administration ceas- ing to defend a business contract between Chrylser and Perella Weinberg that it has the responsi- bility to protect. The government should protect, not oppress. What the government is doing in these situations is acting like a private company - albeit one that doesn't even have to follow its own regulations. Itis actinginthe inter- est of the corporations it supports (Bank of America and Chrysler) and threatening those who get in the way of their expansion. Usu- ally those who have business con- tracts with corporations, such as their lenders and stockholders, have governmental agencies that protect them from any breach of contract the corporation may attempt. But when the governmen- tal agencies assigned to protect these stockholders and lenders have instead turned against them, as in these two cases, government becomes worse than any malicious corporation - it becomes an unpo- liced oppressor free to bring about whatever havoc it wants. If the government ceases to enforce its own laws and becomes the source of the harm itself, what is the pur- pose of government? - Patrick Zabawa can be reached at Having grown up in East Lansing, I am relatively familiar with the infa- mous "MIP." But it wasn't until I came to the University that I actually saw it in action. That's not to say that every time - I go out at night, MATTHEW I see cops writ-GREEN ing tickets to hapless under- graduates. The vast majority ofUniversitystudents who choose to drink manage to do so without legal repercussions. But there is a palpable presence of students at the University unlucky enough to have been charged with the unlawful possession of alcohol. When I googled "minor in pos- session," a link to the University Housing website was the fourth result on the list. Of all the col- leges and universities that must deal with similar alcohol-related issues, it's curious that our uni- versity apparently has the most to say on the matter. That may sim- ply be a condition of its location in Michigan, though. On just the first page of returns for the same search, three links pertain to the MIP policies in Michigan alone. In addition, "Minor in Possession Michigan" is one of the related searches suggested at the bottom of the page, while there is no such suggestion for any other state. At first, I thought that these must only be the returns for people physically in Michigan, and that Google, in all its omniscience, must have been tuning the search more finely to my needs. So I called a friend in New York to run the same search. Our results were identical. Why all this interest in the way our lowly state punishes minors who drink? It turns out that Michigan is known for having the strictest minor in possession laws in the nation. Since 2004, blood alcohol content has been used in Michigan in defining "posses- sion," in addition to physically holding or storing alcohol. More- over, the law enables the court to issue jail time to a minor caught twice in possession of alcohol. All that seems a pretty excessive punishment for actions that aren't inherently amoral. Most Ameri- cans are in favor of the current drinking age, according to a recent survey by the Gallup Organization. But only a select few would argue that there's anything truly uncon- scionable about having a drink. It's strange that the punishment for drinking is so harsh. A better alternative would be something similar to Missouri's policies. Missouri law allows par- ents to distribute alcohol to their children within reason. More importantly, Missouri is one of 20 states that restrict only the sale of alcohol to minors, not the con- sumption. And while the MIP mis- demeanor can be expunged after a few years in Michigan, Missouri law allows the charge to be entirely erased if individuals have no other charges against them. The possibility ofexpungingthe MIP charge at allshows that Mich- igan is at least somewhat pragmat- ic about this issue. The practice of giving first offenders somewhat of a break is reasonable. But the cur- rent system in Michigan is flawed. If a freshman gets carried away Michigan's strict MIP laws are flawed. during Welcome Week and winds up with alcohol poisoning, his friends are faced with a disincen- tive to take him to the hospital. If they were to dial 911, it would mean getting their friend (and pos- sibly themselves) into trouble. In the unfortunate but quite possible instance that such an individual were not to have good - or even decent - friends, the MIP law would actually hurt the minor. In fact, there was a recent initiative in Michigan to protect minors in this position, but the state legislature failed to understand its importance and did notpass it. Whether or not drinking laws are sensible or if it's ethical to let an 18-year-old die in Afghanistan without the right even to drink a beer is an issue for another col- umn. The fact is there is currently a law prohibiting those younger than 21 years of age from con- suming alcohol and as such there must be some sort of punishment for violating that law. Otherwise, the law may as well not exist. This may be true, but the current poli- cies take it too far, and in doing so, they hurt the very people they are trying to protect. -Matthew Green can be reached at Editorial Board Members: Emad Ansari, Ben Caleca, Erika Mayer, Asa Smith, Patrick Zabawa