Thursday, August 7, 2014 Thursday, August 7, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 7, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Wards 1,2 and 3 actively 6th Circuit Court 3 SOCCER From Page 1 ' ~ lifelong sports fun, Bermun knows he wants to work in sports and fig- ured a summer stint with Relevent would be a great opportunity to break into the industry. What sur- prised him, though, was that nearly one quarter of his summer would be spent traveling the country with Real Madrid, stopping in Los Ange- les, Dallas and Berkeley, California, and culminating Saturday with his first-ever trip to Michigan. "This is something I probably wouldn't have imagined would have been available as a summer internship," Berman said. "It's been an extremely pleasant surprise." Managing the press circus on the field, in the tunnel and on any excursions, Berman has gotten to keep close quarterswith the Cham- pions League winners, but he has also had to adopt a security-guard mentality. But he has also gotten to learn more aboutethegame alongthe way, watching stars like Ronaldo and Gareth Bale at practice every day, and has gained some new favorite players as well. "Once I got to know some of them closely, definitely I'll be root- ing for these guys as they progress through their leagues and tourna- ments they have," Berman said. "It definitely puts a soft spot in your heart." Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal stressed in his post-game press conference how nice it has been to meet the team's American fans. But that's only frac- tionally as powerful as it has been for those same fans to see his team take the field. JAME Manchester United and Real Madrid fans came from all over the world to enjoy a historic soccer match at Michiga The global nature of Manchester United and Real Madrid's fan bases M drew fans from all over to the game £, in Ann Arbor. Real Madrid drew a couple fans originally from India who had taken a rooting interest in Madrid while living in India. Ajit Ren- jit, a doctoral student in electri- cal engineering at Ohio State, and Siddharth Soundararajan, who earned his Master's at Rutgers, made the trek from Columbus and New Brunswick, New Jersey, respectively, to see their favorite team. Renjit saw Madrid live for the first time, an experience he could only dream about before the Inter- national Champions Cup. S COLLER/Daily "I still can't explain it because n Stadium. I'm watching a legend, which I have never dreamt of in my life," Renjit said Friday at the teams' open train- ibition or a ing session. "It's really exciting. I Ford said. can feel my heart pumping." tournament Soundararajan, who said he has on, I never followed Real Madrid for 10-12 ly be some- years, has seen them two or three ." times before, but none was like this one. * * * "Each time is pretty special in its own way, because I saw Real is was a Madrid play live for the first time a different couple of years back and then again of football the next summer," Soundararajan day, but the said. "But this is the biggest game sphere dur- - Manchester United against Real he morning Madrid, both my favorite teams - it seem like so this is the biggest day." The match Saturday may have just been a tournament friendly between two shorthanded teams, one of which could not advance to the final and one of which almost certainly would. But to four red-clad fans out- side Michigan Stadium, it was the chance of a lifetime. Nick Deziel, Terry Wong and brothers Chris and Darryl Ford, four Manchester United fans from Windsor, Ontario, stood around a grill in the parking lot before the match. They had waited as long as two decades for the chance to see the Reds in person, always want- ing to go to Manchester to see them live but never finding the time or being willing to spend the money. Then the International Champi- ons Cup arrived in Ann Arbor, and the four friends had their chance. "This is it, man," Darryl Ford said. "Real Madrid and Manches- ter United, that's the two biggest teams in the world. Everyl talk Barcelona and all (tho teams, but it's Mancheste and Real Madrid. It's the b The four agree that foi weather country where is king and the national team hasn't made the World Cup since 1986, soccer is surprisingly le popular. hav Deziel, Wong and the Fords 0 don't pretend that soccer comes before hockey - it is Canada, afte soccer is right there for all so when the opportunity t Manchester United play it came, it was a no-brain drove down Saturday for the 4 p.m. game - an ible experience they never body can se) other r United iggest." r a cold- hockey m wa would happen. "Maybe for an exhi friendly match," Chris "But this internationalt that they've got going thought it could actual thing contested in city primary Three new Dem. Kailasapathy, who has been on well as our basic services because City Council for two years now, it's what is going to keep people candidates, two won with 56.76 percent of the vote. here and draw people here." She was unavailable for comment Controversy surrounded the incumbents to run Tuesday night. Ward 3 race after a June ballot Nancy Kaplan, member of the misprint issue, in which Bob uncontested in Nov. Ann Arbor District Library Board, Dascola's name was mistakenly also campaigned for the Ward left off of nearly 400 absentee By EMMA KERR 2 seat against Westphal. City ballots. Following a motion filed DailyNewsEditor Councilmember Sally Petersen by Dascola in federal court, (D-Ward 2), the incumbent, was misprinted ballots were not With all precincts fully not eligible to run for the position counted Tuesday night. reporting in Tuesday's primary because of her run for mayor. As of Tuesday morning, City elections, City Councilmember "I am so humbled and proud Clerk Jacqueline Beaudry said Sumi Kailasapathy (D-Ward of all of the support that I have there remained three individuals 1) has won the Democratic gotten over the past years. It has who had sent in misprinted nomination as an incumbent made me feel really loved and ballots without also returning a for her ward, Kirk Westphal, supported," Westphal said in a second, corrected ballot, meaning member of both the Planning and speech to supporters Tuesday their votes wouldn't be counted. Environmental Commissions, has night. "I look forward to working Beaudry said she expected one won the Democratic nomination with all of you and hearing from out of those three to turn in a for Ward 2, and UM-Dearborn you over my term." corrected ballot later in the day. lecturer Julie Grand has won the Along with Grand, two When reached Tuesday night, Democratic nomination in Ward 3. other candidates - barber Bob Dascola declined to comment on The Ward 4 race was Dascola and LSA sophomore any potential further legal actions uncontested, with the nomination Sam McMullen - competed for in response to the election results. going to Graydon Kraphol, and did the Democratic nomination for Countywide, 22nd Circuit not appear on the primary ballot. the Ward 3 seat, left open by City Court candidates Pat Conlin and In Ward 5, though two names Councilmember Christopher Veronique Liem, with 45 and 41 appeared on the Democratic Taylor's (D-Ward 3) run for mayor. percent of the vote respectively in primary ballot, Leon Bryson Grant won with 51.13 percent. Tuesday's primary, garnered the withdrew from the race in late In an interview Tuesday night, primary nominations to continue June, leaving incumbent Chuck Grand said she was looking on to the general election in Warpehoski to run de facto forward to one-on-one constituent November. uncontested. work, as well as addressing In the non-partisan court No Republicans ran in the affordable housing issues in the primary, the top two candidates primaries for any of the seats on ward. go on to the general election for Council. "I'm thinking about how we can the 22nd circuit court bench seat. Contesting Kailasapathy in make our basic services better, Michael Woodyard, the third the Ward 1 race was Don Adams, how we can continue to attract and candidate, received 12.97 percent member of the Board of Directors retain residents," she said. "We of the vote and will not advance to for the Eisenhower Center. need to focus on quality of life as the general election. tching a opens trial on state gay marriage ban .Tb gend, which I very e never dreamt kind Satur f in my life," atmo ing t made Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio cases also currently underway By SHOHAM GEVA ManagingNews Editor Wednesday, the 6th Circuit Court heard oral arguments in six pending cases from four different states concerning the legality of gay marriage, including one case from Michigan. DeBoer v. Snyder, filed in 2012, which began as a case against Michigan's ban on adoption by same-sex couples and evolved into a challenge to the state's over- all ban on gay marriage, is one of two cases out of the six to directly address legalization of marriage. The other four address general recognition of same-sex marriag- es performed outside of the state and recognition for the purposes of issuing death and birth certifi- cates. Jay Kaplan, ACLU Michigan's LGBT Legal Project staff attorney, said when it comes to the circuit court trial, Michigan's situation among the four other states is dis- tinctive for several reasons. "What's unique about Michi- gan's decision is that unlike most of the state federal court chal- lenges, Michigan had a full fledged trial with witnesses, expert wit- nesses, and testimony, so the judge made some findings of fact, and I think it makes it a stronger deci- sion," Kaplan said. "An appellate court, they can reverse based on findings of law, but not findings of fact." In opening arguments on the DeBoer case, attorneys for the defense, in favor of the ban, char- acterized the case as a question of voter's rights. Michigan's gay mar- riage ban was instituted in 2004 as a statewide ballot proposal. "It is a fundamental premise of our democratic system that the people can be trusted to decide even divisive issues, on rational grounds, and that's what this case is about," Michigan's Solicitor General Aaron Lindstrom told the court. Attorneys for the defense, in contrast, described the case as remedying an unconstitutionally exclusionary policy. "We are not asking to redefine the marital relationship," Carole Stanyer, attorney for the plaintiffs, told the court. "We are only ask- ing for an end to the exclusion of same-sex couples from the right to marry." It is common for courts to stay decision at this level when an appeal to the Supreme Court is expected. However, similar to the outcome of the original decision on the case in favor of DeBoer, which launched an almost day-long peri- od during which multiple county clerks across the state, including in Ann Arbor, married about 300 same-sex couples before late in the evening of the same day Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette's (R) request for an emergency stay on the decision was granted, some marriages could occur as a result. Sandi Smith, president of the Jim Toy Community Center, a Washtenaw County organization which is a self-described local resource for LGBTQ individu- als and their allies, said locally the district court's decision saw a huge reaction, especially in terms of couples waiting'to get married. Because the 6th Circuit's deci- sion is expected to be stayed, she said the impact she expects from the 6th Circuit's eventual decision is similar to the outcome of the March case at the district level. "We have an opportunity for perhaps a window where marriag- es again can resume, and be recog- nized and be legal in the state of Michigan," she said. The 300 marriages performed after the district court decision are currently in a legal limbo fol- lowing the emergency stay. The American Civil Liberties Union's Michigan branch has sued on behalf of the couples married in the interim between the decision and the emergency stay, and asked that the state recognize the mar- riages. r all. B of the to wat n pers. er. Th morni incre thoug Buy 1 Sandwich, Get 1 FREE! Limit One offer per customer with coupon. m Cannot be combined with any other offer Valid at Barry Bagels Ann Arbor location ONLY BAGE LS suers