Thursday, August 7, 2014 The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 7, 2014 The Michigan Daily - 11 MAYOR From Page 1 infrastructure, the roads and the like." In an interview last week, he said, if elected, he plans to con- tinue creating new transportation options, including encouraging ser- vices like Uber and Bike Share to spread in Ann Arbor, and to support the expansion of the AAATA public transit system. Taylor also supports calculated, balanced development, as long as it does not affect the surrounding neighborhoods, promising to alter zoning ordinances to avoid situa- tions like that at 413 E. Huron St., where residents took issue with the construction of a new high-rise complex. He also plans to make infrastructure improvements, spe- cifically addressing the commu- nity's need for better streets and more enforcement of parking laws throughout the city. In an interview Tuesday night, outgoing mayor John Hieftje, who was in attendance atcTaylor's watch party, said he was happy to pass on the position to Taylor. Hieftje has served at his current position for 14 years. "There were some good candi- dates in the race, but Chris Taylor won and I am sure the city will be in good hands with him," Hieftje said. "I have no regrets - everything I ever wanted to do is done and so I'm happy to leave it off to others to take over." Among the candidates, Taylor's voting history has been the most similar to Hieftje's. Each candi- date's voting record, especially in relation to Hieftje's policies, became a closely discussed theme throughout the campaign. In relationto the University, Tay- lor, like most city officials, is con- cerned about the potential decline of Ann Arbor's tax base following University acquisitions of city land, which takes them off the tax rolls. He has advocated for requiring the University to pay for city expenses generated by events at Michigan Stadium, which could include the costofclosingstreets and increased police security. In the past, Taylor has also advo- cated for heightened coordination with AAPD in relation to party control and vandalism, supported and made improvements to the pedestrian crosswalk ordinance and advocated for the removal of hornets nests from parks. Donations for Taylor's campaign totaled $75,698, significantly more than his fellow candidates. Among the other candidates, Petersen remains on City Council until the end of her term in Novem- ber. Because of her run for mayor, she was ineligible to run for reelec- tion. Both Kunselman and Briere have an additional year left in their City Council terms. UMEC begins to revamp constitution Engineering Council addresses pattern of election discrepency By MICHAEL SPAETH Daily StaffReporter Inthe wake of a Central Student Judiciary ruling in March that invalidated the results of the Engi- neering Council's December elec- tion, UMEC has commenced work on a new constitution and bylaws. Engineering senior Kelsey Hockstad and Engineering graduate student Kyle Lady sued UMEC in early March for improp- erly conducting its December Executive Board election and violating their rights of equal pro- tection and democratic represen- tation. Among other violations of UMEC's constitution and bylaws, the students that became presi- dent, vice president and director of administration - all positions on the Executive Board - never ran for the position they were set to serve in. Additionally, the petitioners argued that UMEC's constitution and bylaws were in violation of the Central Student Government All-Campus Constitution because UMEC claims to represent gradu- ate students even though it cannot collect dues from them. UMEC does collect dues from College of Engineering students. In their March ruling, CSJ ordered the UMEC Executive Board members to resign their positions to be replaced by inter- im board members until the next March election. CSJ also ruled that while UMEC's constitution and bylaws were not in violation of the All-Campus Constitution because graduate students are still covered by the College of Engi- neering, UMEC can limit graduate students' participation because they pay dues to Rackham rather than the College of Engineering. Engineering senior Max Olender, UMEC President, said the CSJ case brought greater attention to the problems with UMEC's constitution and bylaws and emphasized the need for fur- ther reform. "Even though CSJ ruled that neither UMEC constitution nor bylaws were in violation of the Central Student Government All- Campus Constitution, it revealed a lot of issues that had to be addressed, and it was really sort of eye-opening for those of us who at the time weren't involved in UMEC," Olender said. In April, the UMEC General Council passed a resolution cre- ating a constitutional convention to write a new constitution and bylaws. In early May, Olender began reaching out to engineering departments and student organi- zations to recruit delegates. By the end of June, convention leader- ship positions had been finalized and informal online discussions about the content of the new con- stitution and bylaws began in early July. The group is set to begin forming an outline and rough draft over the next few weeks. While the delegates are still in the brainstorming stage of the process and have not met in per- son as a full group yet, there are several issues that are already being discussed. One of the most important issues is student representation. Many of the General Council rep- resentatives are members of engi- neering student organizations. At least one member of each of these organizations must attend Gener- al Council meetings if the organi- zation wants to receive funds from UMEC. Engineering senior David Her- shey, chair of the constitutional convention, said this has led to general disinterest among General Council representatives and has made it difficult to get people to care about UMEC's work. "We're looking at things like moving to a Senate model or an elected model so that the people that sign up to be on a legislative body are people that want to be in student government and care and are passionate about it and can make a difference," Hershey said. Additionally, convention lead- ers believe that the current 10-per- son Executive Board is too large and should be reduced in size. (h~e Mid~igan Oailg 420 Haynard St. AnnsArhor,HI 48109-1327 IAN DILLINGHAM SIMONNE KAPADIA 34-i ti4c5i,"f5 t 734-,1e",,t.241 ifdil@michignndaiycom simkapa mihigndaiycom CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom su ichor 734-.73-245opt.3 NewsTips Leter tthe Editor tohdaiyciganda iycom or visit michigandaiycom/etters Photo Department Arts Section toialPage opiio,@micigandaiycom SportsStioln sports@.'khie',dailyom, Magazine Advertising Phone:734-418-4115 Department .s Michigan Stadium broke the record for attendance at a U.S. soccer game with Saturday's International Champions Cup matchup between Real Madrid and Manchester United. EDITORIAL STAFF SteanieShenouda sshenoud@michigan~dailyco ManagingEditor --.50 Shoham Geva Managing News Editor SNON EEDTR: Allana Akhtar Aarica Marsh EditorialPageEditor *pin"o"edtors@michigandail-com SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR: Michael Schramm Jake Lourim ManagingSportsEditor sportseditors@m SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR: Daniel Feldman GiancarloBuonomo ManagingArtsEditor gbuonomo@michigandailycom SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Adam Theise"n Allison Farrand and Ruby Wallau Managing PhotoEditor Emiy chumer ManagingDesign Editor MeaghanThompso n ManagingCopy Editor 'opydesk@michigana"l" o The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published every Thursday during the syring and summer termshy students at the Unioersity of Michigan. One coy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Dailys otfce ton $2. Suhscriptions tor all term, starting in Seytemher, oia U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is $115, yearlong (September through April)is $195. University affiliates are sohject to a reduced sohscriytion rate. On-campus suhscsitions br fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate yress. 'The other football' thrives in Ann Arbor, brings hype to M' soccer By JAKE LOURIM ManagingSportsEditor At exactly 3 p.m. - an hour before kickoff of the most-attend- ed U.S. soccer game in history at Michigan Stadium - men's soccer coach Chaka Daley starts walking. He's at a tailgate with his family and friends in the parking lot out- side Crisler Center, on the biggest soccer day in the history of this campus. This is the kind of day soccer loyalists love: more than 100,000 fans packed inside the Big House to watch a sport that is often over- looked in favor of football or bas- ketball, especially on this campus. "This is exciting, certainly for soccer in this country and 'the other football,' as they say," Daley said. "We're really excited about what this can do for not only the state of Michigan but certainly the University." Daley leaves his tailgate to head inside the stadium, and not 30 sec- onds pass before he's stopped by a friend, a soccer coach at St. John's. He shakes his hand, says a few words and casually tells the coach he should come to Ann Arbor some time. For Michigan soccer, this is a day worth showing off, and Daley and his team are happy to participate. In planning the International Champions Cup, the first deci- sions were the dates and venues and clubs. Then the clubs had to be matched to the venues, and for Michigan Stadium - a host that could easily break the U.S. atten- dance record of 101,799 - the two biggest clubs in the world were a top choice. "I think it's an absolute home run," Daley said. "To have this cal- iber of a game in Ann Arbor right after the World Cup, there's not a much more high-profile match than maybe the two most storied clubs ever to play here at the Big House." A man driving by in a golf cart asks him if he wants a ride. Daley tells him he's goingto the west side of the stadium, up to the regents' suite to meet some of the people who helped make the event hap- pen. He gets in the golf cart, but before long, the cart is stopped by hoards of fans entering the stadi- um. The driver tells him he might just be better off getting out and walking. So Daley gets out and walks again, past fans who want to see the sport he came to Michigan to develop. A soccer game in the U.S. between the two top clubs in the world helps put Ann Arbor on the map. "I thought with two big teams, it could be this massive event," Daley said. "It's lived up to all its billing." Daley hands a ticket to the scan- ner at the gate and enters the big- gest college-owned stadium in America. "Welcome to Michigan Stadium," the event-staff employ- ees say. Daley will watch part of the game from an upper-level box before heading down to his seats to enjoy the action with his fam- ily and some friends from the East coast. Meanwhile, with his team in town for the match, some players grilled in and enjoyed the atmo- sphere of a campus that has never looked quite like this. They went to the game, and some took in the open workout Friday. "This game raises awareness for soccer, and hopefully that trickles down to us," said fifth-year senior midfielder Tyler Arnone. "If peo- ple enjoy themselves at this game, maybe they look for, 'Hey, where can I watch another soccer game? I really enjoyed it."' Beside the popularity, the game will bring in some revenue for the Michigan soccer programs. As part of the facilities plan, the pro- grams will be given office build- ings by their stadium. U-M Soccer Stadium will also feature a brand-new field this fall, the indication of a program on the rise. As Daley enters the Ross Tower to head upstairs and meet with people, he talks about his desire to follow the facilities upgrade with the program's suc- cess. He walks up the stairs and finally reaches the top of the stadi- um, not minding at all the chaos on campus. This was a spectacle, but Daley's sport - "the other foot- ball," as they call it - was right in the middle of it. Real Madrid-Man U clash sets U.S. record with 109,318 at the Big House ByALEJANDRO ZUNIGA ManagingSportsEditor Now it's official. Michigan Stadium has claimed another attendance mark, setting a United States record with an announced crowd of 109,318 watching Manchester United beat Real Madrid, 3-1, in the International Champions Cup on Saturday. The figure toppled the number set "W et by the 1984 W Olympics final, do our when 101,799 saw France 'gie o face Brazil at the Rose Bowl p in Pasadena, Calif. The Big House also holds records for attendance at an NCAA foot- ball game (115,109 last fall for Michigan vs. Notre Dame) and at a hockey game (104,173 in the 2010 Big Chill between the Wol- verines and Michigan State). Adding to Saturday's specta- cle, reigning Ballon d'Or winner Cristiano Ronaldo - who was initially ruled out with a leg inju- ry - played for the last 16 min- utes, making his first appearance since starring for Portugal in the World Cup. In the end, Manchester Unit- ed won to advance to the tourna- ment final, but make no mistake: The tournament's crown jewel was played Saturday at Michigan Stadium. "It was a fantastic atmo- sphere," said Real Madrid man- ager Carlo Ancelotti, "because (we're) not used to playing in front of a lot of people like today. ... We tried to do our best to give joy to the people. The game, in general, was a good game." Though the United States will host the 2016 Copa America and could be in line for an upcoming World Cup, the new attendance mark will stand for the foresee- able future unless more matches are played at the Big House. riedl to No other stadi- um in America best to lists a capacity over 100,000. Y to the Midway through open- pie." ing half Satur- day, the crowd participated in a rendition of the wave, roaring and rising in unison in a sea of red. And when Ronaldo unexpectedly stepped off the bench to warm up early in the second half, jogging and sprinting back and forth on the narrow sideline, they chanted his name in adoration. But soon, the event staff employees scurried with trash bags through the bleachers, the on-field billboards were taken down, and Michigan Stadium began its transformation back to football.