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July 31, 2014 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2014-07-31
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Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com

As University of Michigan Aumni, we've been
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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 3Onemay be 30 Code carrier 48 WhataQBtries
1 Stephen King title habitual 31 Its perpendicular to avoid
city 4 Miami Sound In a threshold 51 Mutipart story
6 USS Enterprise Machine singer 36 Lifted 52 Auditioner's goal
android 5 Carefully 37 A, in Germany 53 Gossip columnist
10 Drinks slowly considered 38 Sounded right Bareny
14 Beethoven 6 It'll bum you out 41 Figure with 10 54 "Copacetic, man"
honoree 7 Henri's lady sides 55 Dark time in ads
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16 Start of a column rule theater
solution 9 Director's "Done 46 Court cover-up 58 Amount past
17 Steercatcher with this 47 Pageant symbols due?
18 Haboob, tor one segment!"
20 Really opens up 10 Putin place ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
22 Circuit protector 11 False-M.A.SH A DDS R .EA
23 Nashville awards 12 AACT
ap. 13 Yosemite_ I D E A M E E T O C C U R
24Warrants another 19 "Brave New R I C H U N C L E B O M B E
mention World"drug O N T A R I O T E A L E A F
31 Astrologer Dixon 21 WW11 intelligence A OPYPAL E 8 R IB
32 MDfor women orn. A P P L C 5 L C I A J 0 5
33Falco of"Nurse 24 Three-time A.L. B O L O O L D E N O U G H
34 River ends? 25 Lightens
35Idealist 26"Zounds!" S A Y N O M O R E N E E R
39Darktimein 27'"Quartetin H R S R O S E A L K A N E
pnetry Autumn" English A 0 0 S AG A
40"Whatkind ofta novelistBarbar L E A D I N S BA Z O O K A
name is'Wilbur' 28 Clarifier usually E U L E R W H I T E F L A G
for a man?" abbreviated F R I L L A I D E F I R E
speaker 28 Bohr ofthe
42 Donation, say Manhaan T O TES BEES S O L D
43 Seating option Project xwordeditor@aol.com 07/31/14
45 Greed and 1 2 3 4 8 e a 9 10 11 12 13
ealousy are
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49 Trig. ratio
50 "Bus Stop" " 1 19
51 Threat 01 power 20 --AInk;+ +., 0

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From Page 7
incomprehensibly abstruse, as on
"#CAKE." His similes on "Solemn
Swears" are largely nonsensical,
and his vocals throughout the
album are often accompanied by
so much echo and reverb that they
become unintelligible.
But this isn't an album to be
torn apart track by track; more
than any other LP I've heard this
year, Lese Majesty is a cohesive
sonic unit that needs to be con-
sidered in its entirety to be fully
Each of the album's seven suites
features repeated elements -
like the airy, bittersweet chords
on 'Touch & Agree' or the water
droplets sprinkled throughout
'Murkings on the Oxblood Stair-
way' - that give each section
its own unique character while
flowing logically and organically
into the next. A sense of brood-
ing, throbbing darkness builds
across the whole album as Butler
combines hazy Old Testament
imagery with futuristic axioms,
making the whole project seem
like the soundtrack to a space-age
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Perhaps the most innovative
aspect of Lese Majesty, however,
is its systematic subversion of the
egocentrism of modern Hip Hop.
In a recent interview with NPR,
Butler described the album as a
"sonic attack on the 'me-mania'
that's sweeping over our culture
of late," and in that vein he con-
sistently avoids references to
himself. The only time he says
"Ishmael" is in a literary allusion
to "Moby Dick," and, like that
enigmatic narrator, Butler occa-
sionally fades from the picture
entirely. He deliberately makes
his lyrics unintelligible by use of
heavy reverb and delay while let-
ting the occasional phrase slip
through for the listener to inter-
pret for him or herself.
Like Melville's white whale,
then, Lese Majesty is an open text
that reflects the mania of its read-
er. It's an opportunity to ponder
the infinite, to look into the abyss
and see what's staring back. And,
like Melville's novel, Lese Maj-
esty is a masterpiece ahead of its
time. Just as he did as a member
of Digable Planets, Butler and his
collaborators have boldly entered
uncharted waters in Hip Hop,
both on a sonic and philosophical
level, and there's no one I'd rather
have at the helm.

Learning to say 'bye'

y standard answer for
telling people how
this summer went
has become,
"It's just as
important to
learn what
you don't like
as learning
what you do
like." Don't
get me wrong,
I've certainly HARLEEN
had positive KAUR
in D.C. My
internship on the Hill has given
me more insights into federal work
than I could have imagined. I met
new and wonderful people, and I
learned how to brave the 80 to 90
percent humidity and 90 degree
weather while walking 40 minutes
to work in business professional
attire. All incredibly important in
my opinion.
However, it still left something
to be desired. Last summer, I had
an internship and living experience
that would be my dream to recreate
as my post-graduation plans. I
loved every second of it and was
incredibly disappointed when the
last day finally came, sending me
away from New York and back
to Ann Arbor. This year, with a
countdown going since the day I
got here, I worry that I may have
blocked my own ability to have a
good time with my excitement for
senior year and things to come.
But as I prepare to leave D.C. and
return to Ann Arbor for the fourth,
and final, time, I do know that this
summer has been an important one.
Leaving junior year, I felt burnt
out, overwhelmed and uncertain.
I knew that I had bitten off way
more thanI could chew. So much so
that my boss told me that if I didn't
return in the fall with a significant
decrease in my level of involvement
in extracurricular activities, we
would have to have a more serious
conversation about it. I spent this
summer reflecting, making lists,
choosing and unchoosing. How
does one decide which love is
greater than another? With one or
two exceptions, I have never quit
something before out of choice.
Even in high school, I only really
"quit" because I graduated. In
college, it had happened because of
inevitable conflicts or things out of
my control. But to willingly leave
an extra-curricular? I was baffled.
I've never really liked to say that
I'm "moving on to bigger and better
things." In the back of my mind, it

always felt like I was saying that
the things I was leaving were just
stepping stones, nothing more. For
me, all my involvements are more
like a journey than a staircase.
I may come back to something,
I may realize how much I enjoy
an activity and find another way
to pursue it or I could learn that
I don't like something at all.
However, regardless of which
result it is, each is just as valuable
of a learning experience. No matter
what it may be, each job, internship,
extracurricular or class that I have
pursued has made me who I am and
has shaped my aspirations in life.
Some have made things more clear
while others have confused me
more than I was before I started.
And yet, each is valuable. Each is
However, it's still important to
know when to let go. Just because
something is good for you, doesn't
mean that it always will be, or that
it will be the best possible option
at that time. In part, that's why
I've decided that this will be my
last article for The Daily. Though
I've loved the conversations I've
been able to have and the people
I've been able to meet because
of my time as a columnist, I also
recognize that my intentions I had
when I joined have been fulfilled.
Though journalistic writing may
certainly be something I return
to later in life, I have realized my
need to spend more time on other
ventures and pursue those avenues,
as well, to see how fruitful they
may be.
As senior year approaches
(quicker than I'd like), I'm hoping
that most of my goodbyes will
actually be see-you-soons, and
though it will be hard to not live
down the hall from my closest
friends or be able to see familiar
faces in the dining hall, in lecture,
or on the Diag, I know that the
friends I made here will be some for
the ages. My four years at Michigan
will always be some of my greatest,
but I know that they will also lead
me to new and great adventures for
the restofmylife. Sayinggoodbye is
hard, but saying hello to something
else can make it alittle easier.In the
end, I know I'm not replacing my
experiences and relationships that
I made in Ann Arbor, but actually
adding to them.
And so, for today goodbye, for
tomorrow good luck and forever go
- Harleen Kaur can be reached
at harleen@umich.edu.

The fall
ormally Ifeel compelled I no doubt brought on myself,
to write, often jumbling having spent three years putting
my prose as I decide off my language requirement
how to - a requirement for graduation
focus my that I have concluded to be an
arguments unjust, personal attack crafted
regarding a by the administration solely to
topic I find make my life harder. Outside of
complex and class, the majority of my time
interesting, has been spent writing a pair of
The problem longform essays, watching every
I normally JAMES episode of "Louie" on Netflix
find myself BRENNAN and reading news. I've had the
having is too occasional night out drinking or
much to say cup of coffee with friends, but
or too many topics I feel driven the overwhelming majority of
to comment on. This week, I'm my time has been spent either in
at a loss. a classroom or alone. While class
I'vegoneovermynoteslabeled time is required, the loneliness
"Potential Column Ideas", has been a deliberate choice
scoured my favorite newspapers caused by apathy and anxiety.
and magazines in search of A few weeks ago, it seemed
ideas, and listened to a half like the entire world began to
dozen TED talks. I can't come implode. Destruction continued
up with any ideas that I consider its horrific march of death
legitimately creative and dismiss through Iraq while Detroit
commenting on current events ordered water shutoffs to
for lack of passion. neighborhoods. Gaza exploded
The last three years have been into war, with an equally bitter
leading to this. battle being fought in the opinion
While I've felt the rest of my sections of every major news
life coming apart - my mood, my organization. New York Police
motivation, my school work - Department officers were caught
I've still been able to write. But on video killing Eric Garner and
now, it's all come to a head.Ihave another lethal injection was
been so emotionally drained and botched. In my solitary existence,
numbed that I can't even do one mygaze was glued to the outpour
of the few things that give my of horrendous terror refreshing
life purpose and enjoyment. itself on my Twitter feed. If I
In my search for a topic, I wasn't reading about the world's
began reading through The great tragedies, I was usually
National Society of Newspaper alone thinkingof them anyway.
Columnists's15 greatest columns I've always prided myself
of all time. These were all crafted on the fact that I care more
by outstanding writers, no deeply about "meaningful stuff"
doubt, but the core of greatness (politics, helping poor people,
that each of these pieces holds important books, etc.) than
comes from experience. It comes frivolous "meaningless stuff"
from life; most often, life that the (sports, partying, girls, etc.). It
writer has actually lived rather gives me satisfaction that I'm
than read about. The last four so deeply invested in issues to
months - especially the last two spend hours stressing over and
- I have lived very little life. contemplating current events as
I attribute most of this loss if they were personal problems.
in my humanity to the intensive However, this obsession with
language classes I've been the "meaningful" has led me to
enrolledin,spending8to10hours abandon everything that makes
a day, four days a week, learning me human.
and studying a language I have It has been well over a year
no interest in. This is a scenario since my last semi-meaningful

romantic relationship, one that
ended too quickly, with too
little explanation and too much
scathing pain. The year prior,
I had experienced crushing
heartbreak from girl I loved and
considered my best friend. Two
years earlier, I began the worst
grief of my life when my father
died - grief that is still largely
As I've spent my college
years pushing these emotional
burdens aside, trying to use
them to fuel my work ethic and
commitment to "meaningful"
endeavors, I've isolated myself
from one of the only ways to cure
my pain: other people.
While I've made friends over
the past year and seen girls here
and there, I've closed myself off
almost completely at any signs
of love - romantic or platonic. I
fear getting hurt again so much
that I refuse to ever create a
situation where hurt is even
possible for me. I've abandoned
pursuing potential relationships
and alienated friends, generating
excuses to avoid the dangers of
It all backfired.
Instead of a dignified
and solitary commitment to
"meaningful" things, I've
become completely empty,
numbing myself with politics
and anger. I'm constantly sad,
troubled to remember the last
day where I felt truly happy.
As I've thrown myself into
my classes this summer, I've
watched the last slivers of my
humanity start to disappear,
becoming increasingly isolated,
unhappy and, now, barely able to
As Joan Didion once said, "The
element of discovery takes place,
in nonfiction, not during the
writing but duringthe research."
The only research, and hence the
only discovery, I have done as of
late is in loneliness.
By my first column in the fall,
I hope for that to change.
- James Brennan can be
reached at jmbthree@umich.edu.

and a hint to the
starts of120-.24-
and 45-Across
57 Autograph
signing locale
58 Call, is a way
60 Shiphatsailed
to Colchis
61 Humerus
62 Drawtogether
63 Withdraw by
64 Ingredients in
some stews
65 Egyptian
pyramid's eight
1 Balkan native
2 Latin "others"


24 25 02 27 2 8 29i
31 32 _

34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43
45 46 47 4
49 50
51 52 53 54 55 5B
57 58 59
60 61 62
63 64 65
By Steve Buis 07/31/14
(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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Love watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart? Check out
their feature on the Michigan Daily originally aired Wednesday,
July 30 on Comedy Central to witness awesomness at work.

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