2Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
Solar car team
wins nat'l title
Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cam
Despite challenges,
Quantum carries
team for second year
of success
Daily StaffReporter
The University's Solar Car Team
won its fifth consecutive national
title in the American Solar Chal-
lenge, continuing a legacy of first
place victories in the competition.
The eight-day, 1,700-mile race
began July 21 in Austin, Texas. The
23 teams of college students raced
across seven states before cross-
ing the finish line in Minneapolis,
Minn. on July 28. The race is held
every other year.
This year, the University's team
entered a three-wheeled car called
Quantum, which led the team to a
first-place finish in the 2012 Amer-
ican Solar Challenge and a third
place finish in the 2011 World Solar
Challenge in Australia.
However, the team had to over-
come several setbacks to win the
American Solar Challenge this
During a practice run just days
before the race began, the car ran
over a pothole, causing a suspen-
sion component to break off of
the chassis. The team considered
whether they would have to use
an older car in the race, but engi-
neers at Roush, one of the team's
sponsors, helped the team quickly
repair the damage.
Engineering junior Pavan Naik,
project manager for the team, said
even though the break was a big
setback, it helped bring the team
closer together.
"In the end, through all these
failures, we were able to bond
together as a team and work
together to potentially win the
American Solar Challenge," Naik
The team encountered another
challenge at the beginning of the
competition when the motor did
not function properly, causing the
team to drop from first place to
sixth place in the first few minutes
See SOLAR, Page 3
From Page 1
mated to campus, a problem she
added wasn't unique to the Uni-
"I think every college campus
is trying to find the sweet spot,"
she said. "What is the time nec-
essary for people to come in and
sort of get settled, and not have
so much time that that anxiety
of 'who should I talk to, 'where
should I go', doesn't sort of fes-
When it comes to on-campus
safety, Desprez said while new
students at the University arrive
with many different relation-
ships to alcohol - some never
plan to drink, some already do
drink, and others have already
experienced damaging effects
from consumption - that anxi-
ety and vulnerability can lead to
heightened drinking incidents.
"One of the things that can
happen is if they're not careful,
they can believe the hype," she
said. " Beer commercials sort of
make it sound like beer is sort of
like lighter fluid, if you just add it
to it everything's hotter, better,
faster, quicker. And if you're not
careful, and you have increased
anxiety, you can believe that."
The University will monitor
several metrics, including the
number of people transported to
the hospital in emergency vehi-
cles, to determine the success of
the program.
"Do I think that condensing
move-in is going to solve all our
problems?" Desprez said. "No
way. Because the problems are
so different along the continu-
um. But could it help us reduce a
vulnerability spot for those early
few weeks? I sure hope so."
University Housing spokes-
man Peter Logan said the
endeavor was an important one
for the University and Housing
was pleased to be able to support
"Housing did not have any
particular motivations beyond
the larger University desire to
try a schedule that that would
promote, perhaps, safer behav-
ior and still provide a nice, open
welcome week for the incoming
students," he said.
In terms of logistics, Amir
Baghdadchi, University Hous-
ing's assistant communications
director, said for the first time
this year, Housing is offering
students time slots to sign up
for when they'll move in, in an
attempt to reduce potential con-
"What this allows us to do is it
allows us to limit the number of
people who are coming, trying to
get in at the same time," he said.
"So we can ensure that Thursday,
at 9 a.m. at Markley, we know
that there are this many cars
coming so we'll have help there,
and spots for the cars to stop and
The University has implement-
ed several other programs over
the past few years to address the
issue of alcohol consumption on
campus with incoming students,
most notably an education pro-
gram freshmen take before they
arrive on campus, titled Alco-
holEdu, which was implemented
in 2010. University-sponsored
events such as a late-night trip
to Meijers with raffles and other
events, resident adviser-planned
activities and programs like
Artscapades also take place dur-
ing the break between move-in
and classes as sober alternatives.
Desprez said this year's
change in move-in was spurred
mostly by a new focus on four
areas of collective impact for
the University, including health
and wellness, championed by the
office of student life and E. Roys-
ter Harper, vice president for
student life.
In the coming year, she said
overall University's efforts
around alcohol consumption will
also undergo a change, shifting
more towards a message of holis-
tic wellness, as well as-an empha-
sis on collaboration between
groups like Greek Life, the Sexu-
al Assault Prevention and Aware-
ness Center, Wolverine Wellness
and Rec Sports on campus wide
issues surrounding alcohol use.
"A lot of times we talk to stu-
dents about what not to do, or
don't do this or it could hurt
you, and all that kind of stuff,"
Desprez said. "The other thing
that you'll hear coming out this
year is really sort of a wellness
frame. Not not what to do, don't
do, but these are all the ways that
you can achieve your full poten-
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Stephanie Shenouda
Media Day Notes: Hoke
deflects talk of hot seat
Managing Editor
Optimism aplenty
as M' opens camp
H, O,
ShohamGeva ManagingNewsEditor
SNONESEIO:Aniana Akhtar
Aarica Marsh Editorial Page Editor
lake tourim ManagingSportsEditor
Daniel Feldman
Giancarlo Buonomo, Managing Arts Editor
Adam Theisen
Allison Farrand
and Ruby Wallau Managing Photo Editor
Eilyachunerd Managing DesignEditor
MeaghanThompson ManagingCopyEditor
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is
published every Thursday during the
sprint and summer terms hy students
at the University at Michigan. One copy
is available free of charge to all readers.
Additional copies maybe picked up at the
Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall
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are $tt0. Winter term(Janruary thraugh
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On-campus suhscriptions tarnall term
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The
Assaciated Press and The Associated
Collegiate Press.
Managing Sports Editor
CHICAGO - After consecu-
tive letdown seasons, Brady
Hoke may be sitting squarely on
the hot seat entering his fourth
season in Ann Arbor.
But at Big Ten Media Days on
Monday, the Michigan football
coach deflected questions about
the pressure he will face this fall,
instead discussing the Wolver-
ines' off-the-field accolades.
"The only pressure is every
day preparing those guys for life
after football," he said. "Com-
petition, hard work and all that,
that's part of it. But socially and
academically, that's a big part of
it. So when you talk about that,
that's the only pressure as a
coach that I've ever felt - mak-
ing sure we're doing it for the
Hoke added that all 69 of the
seniors he has coached at Michi-
gan graduated.
After winning the Sugar Bowl
and finishing with 11 wins in
Hoke's first year at Michigan, the
Wolverines went 8-5 in 2012 and
7-6 last season - including losses
to Michigan State and Ohio State.
This fall, the Wolverines
will play in what, on paper, is
a more difficult Big Ten East
division. The conference sched-
ule includes games on the road
against the Spartans and Buck-
Because of the offseason Big
Ten realignment and the con-
ference's addition of Rutgers
and Maryland, Michigan will
visit Michigan State for a second
straight year.
"So what? Who cares?" Hoke
said. "You're going to play 12
football games. ... Embrace it. If
not, you're going to make excus-
es. And we rightly don't believe
in excuses."
Hoke on Peppers: 'Let's anoint
him when he does something'
Jabrill Peppers may be one
of Michigan's highest-rated
recruits in recent program his-
tory, but Hoke is doing his best to
temper expectations.
"He is anunbelievablyground-
ed young man," Hoke said of the
defensive back. "Are we excited
and glad that he's a Michigan
Wolverine? No doubt about it.
Are we excited about what we'll
be able to see in the next couple
of weeks? No doubt about it.
"Am I going to be up front
with him and shield him from
the pressure that he could put on
himself? No question."
The plan remains to play Pep-
pers at nickel, Hoke said. The
freshman is talented enough
to play a number of different
positions, including on offense,
and the coach said he'll enter-
tain anything that will help
the Wolverines win. But in the
meantime, Hoke will try to keep
Peppers level-headed by making
him focus on one position and
withholding the freshman from
the media when possible.
"Let's anoint him when he
does something, right?" Hoke
said. "I mean, let's see what he
can do."
Hoke not speculating on Ty
Isaac ruling
There is no timetable for the
NCAA's ruling on running back
Ty Isaac, Hoke said Monday.
Isaac, a former five-star
recruit, transferred to Michigan
in the offseason after his fresh-
man year at USC. The Wolver-
ines hope the NCAA will grant a
hardship waiver request, which
would allow the running back to
play immediately instead of sit-
ting out a year.
Isaac will report to and partic-
ipate in fall camp, which begins
Aug. 3.
"I'm not going to speculate on
it, because I have no clue," Hoke
said of the NCAA's ruling.
Isaac is from Shorewood,
Illinois, which is farther than
the 100-mile radius the NCAA
generally considers to grant a
hardship waiver when a player
The running back rushed for
236 yards with two touchdowns
in 2013 and played in all 14 games
with the Trojans.
Funchess named to Players to
Watch list
As a freshman and sophomore,
wide receiver Devin Funchess
received acclaim for his 6-foot-
5 frame and soft hands, making
him an appealing target for his
Monday, that promise earned
him a spot on the Big Ten's
10-man Players to Watch list. He
is the only Wolverine to receive
the recognition this year.
Funchess, who was listed as a
tight end through last year, set a
Wolverines single-season record
at the position with 748 receiving
yards in 2013, though he lined
up out wide for the majority of
He was named the 2013 Big
Ten Kwalick-Clark Tight End
of the Year and was one of eight
finalists for the John Mackey
Award, given to the nation's most
outstanding tight end.
this off-season. want to do.
Illinois coach "I want to be
Tim Beck- CCT 1 in Pasadena in
man's second- I 'Want to take the West Coast,
ary sounds like u t 1a see the moun-
it's the second US LO a plaCe tains and the
coming of a Nick wherew sunset, that's
Saban defense. we what I want to
And Michi- haven't been." see."
gan coach Brady Clark's dream
Hoke was no of driving off
exception. into the Pasade-
Questions of na sunset fits the
Big Ten championships and trips Media Day optimism that moved
to Pasadena aren't dismissed. from goals of Rose Bowl victories
Fifth-year senior linebacker Jake to all of the players being asked
Ryan was asked about holding a about Michigan State's success
rose in his mouth three times over versus Michigan's struggles. And
the course of the afternoon. all three players - Clark, Ryan
"I'd love to do that, of course," and fifth-year senior Devin Gard-
he said. "How could you not?" ner - managed to sidestep them.
Immersed in optimism, it's "We're both great programs,
easy to forget Michigan's lacklus- both great coaches," Ryan said.
ter 7-6 record, but as Hoke said on "It's just where we are on the map,
numerous occasions throughout it's not who's better and who's
the day, it's a new season. not."
Hoke pointed to depth at every It's easy to say that on Media
position and the vast leadership Day, when no one wants to ruin
that has emerged out of last year's the mood until there's a reason to.
disaster. He spoke of this season's But interestingly, the one
revamped offensive line as strong area where Hoke was cautiously
despite the struggling unit losing optimistic was on the topic of
its two stars to the NFL. He even freshman defensive back Jabrill
managed to put a positive spin on Peppers, the highest-profile
questions of him being in the "hot freshman the team has had in the
seat." Hoke era.
"The only pressure is every day "Let's anoint him when he does
preparing those guys for life after something, right?" Hoke said. "I
football," Hoke said. "Competi- mean, let's see what he can do."
tion, hard work and all that, that's But Peppers aside, the opti-
part of it. But socially and aca- mism was abundant because, hey,
demically, that's a big part of it. So it's July, and everyone can hold a
when you talk about that, that's rose in their mouth.
Hoke, players
maintain hope,
relish clean slate to
come in fall
Daily Sports Writer
CHICAGO - Everyone is opti-
mistic at Media Day.
Listening to Purdue coach Dar-
rell Hazell, one would think the
Boilermakers were ready to make
a run for the Rose Bowl. North-
western's Pat Fitzgerald tried
convincing the room that the
Union controversy didn't cause
even a blink in his locker room
Frank Clark has big dreams for Michigan this season, including the Rose Bowl.
the only pressure as a coach that
I've ever felt - making sure we're
doing it for the student-athletes."
And while questions of Hoke's
hot seat turned into big picture
goals that only intensified the
optimism in the room, the players
responded with similar enthusi-
"I want to take us to a place
where we haven't been, and that's
to Pasadena,"said senior defensive
end Frank Clark. "You know, all I
think about is seeing the sunset
(and) having a rose in my mouth
at the end of the day. I watch vid-
eos all the time of Charles Wood-
son ... I watch Charles Woodson
holding a rose in his mouth with
his hands in the air. That's what I