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July 24, 2014 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2014-07-24
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Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Call: #734-418-4115
Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com
positions F/PT. Call 734-834-5021.
SHOPS NOW HIRING part-time jani-
torial/maintenance employee to work
10-20 hrs per week. Mostly evening
shifts and weekend evenings. College
student ideal for this job. Responsibili
ties include cleaning of common area
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ing relationships with staffandcommu
nity. $10-$12/hr. Email preferred
karen@kerrytown; can call 734-662-
5008 for more information and apply-
SITTER WANTED 3 days/wk for ~-3
hrs, must be on campus. Contact
epienaar@umich.edu for details.

RELEASE DATE- Thursday, July 24, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS DOWN 36 Ajar, in poems 52 "Fanfare for the
1 Hit with dore 1 Trust, but verify" 38 Maximum Common Man"
4 Group onsa dais president degree composer
9 Egyptian Peace 2 Melodic 39 Military storage Copland
Nobelist 3 Giant with power facility 53 Exodus mount
14 'Take heed, - 4 Cracker topper 40 Juillet's season 56 Cookies n'
summer comes 5 "And she shall 41 Henpeck Creme cookie
": Shakespeare bring forth _": 44 Erudite person maker
1S "Just like me" Matthew 46 Scold hamshly 57 Dryer detritus
16 Last Olds model 6 Gives a thumbs- 47 Ocean-warming 58 Zooey's "New
17 Require down phenomenon Girl"role
medication 7 Official order 48 Find intolerable 59 Youngster
18 Brney Spears 8 Age of Reason 51 Agenda fodder 60 Sweet drink
"A guy like you 9 isc vacation ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
shoulwear a 10 One at a reunion S A A B A C C E S S M E G
mwing" 11 Totalitaria
19Old-fashioned an E C R U C A L L T O AIX E
20Adjustable light 12yOb Meal C H E S H I R E C A T K I N
source lHpyeo H A D A F I T V EIS T
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with Powell and 21Skeptic's B R AW L 0 E T E S T S
Loyon manyfilm comeback M O N A L I g A 5 0 N T S
posters 2Migratory rodent P 0 A CO0L A Fo R
24Rodeo wrestling 26 Expungefrom a A L F R E D E N E U M A N
match participant manuscript O L E A R K S C O B
25oedicatoryopus 27USNrank AG I N G T H E J O K E R
28 "Hold your 29 Terrdfied cry C 9 o P T o p i T 5 5 0
horses!" 30 Bridge framework CRUSPT HE P E FT
31 Pot-holder shape 32 Phenomenon
33Mediealslavery measuredbythe L A S S M I L E Y F A C E S
370Galeryoarray Fuita scale E N T E A S I E R WAR9 P
38Donald 34Forwarder'sabbr. B I O A D H E R E A W R Y
Sutherland film 35 Atl. state xwordeditor@aol.com 07/24/14
P org. 0 4 5 7 a t o10 11 12 13
researching to4 to5n
42 Solemn r17 in8to
43 Just about 20 21 22
45 Got ready, with
"up" 20 24 502607
49 Classic Pontiac
50 Misleading name 28 29 3 31 3
54 Concove34 35 3s 37
55 Carpentry 3s s4o
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61TV comic Kovacs 5 so 57 58
62 Golfer's concem
63Ce rtaincampaign so to 61 to
64Complaints s6345
65 Solution: Abbr.
66 Amtrak structure It
68 Big Bird fan By Jeffrey Wechs-er 07/2414
(0)2014Tribune Content Agency,LLC

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From Page 7
in a number of genres with a num-
ber of artists. He brought us "Black
Skinhead," "Holy Grail," "Find
Your Love" and "Run This Town."
While No I.D. and Common have
collaborated before, Nobody's Smil-
ing marks the first time they've
worked together on the Def Jam
label and it shows. The album is a
confident departure from previous
forms and techniques.
Lesson 4: Time can be used to
spite death.
k Each of the ten tracks on
- Nobody's Smiling express a state
of being. Common qualifies the
state of his own life by exploring
e time. He sees time as an invest-
- ment, and whether by means of
a money or murder, it can actually
rearrange priorities (especially in
- the light of violence) and refocus
- ambition. He raps on "No Fear",
J "If I'm in the building that mean I
- got equity/Where articles are black
- like Ebony/Since I was a shorty I
was thinking longevity/No fear, I
say that with levity." Nowhere else
on the album does Common rap
about what he dreamed of as a kid.
Instead of money, women or cars,
it's longevity. A longer life. More
time. These are the things that he
was taught to appreciate grow-
ing up. Why? Because death was
around the street corner.
Between No I.D.'s masterful
blending of hip-hop with R&B and
Common's laid-back lyrical prow-
A serious hip-
hop narrative of
ess, the two are able to reify life in
urban Chicago. Common's not tell-
ing us about its violence and crime
to win our sympathy, he's telling
us about it to win our admiration.
He made it out. He made it to L.A.,
to the studio, to the big labels,
the parties and even to the White
House. "Survivor soldier a child is
destined/A star is born in a Chi-
cago storm/The name is Common/
I'm anything but the norm" he raps
about himself on "Real," and he's
exactly right. Three years have
passed since his last release. True
to his own creed, Nobody's Smiling
makes it obvious that he let none of
that time go to waste.

Equal and opposite
C alling the camp clinic the want to have an equal reaction. You
"clinic" doesn't do it justice. wantan equal and opposite reaction.
For nearly 900 people at a Many times, after 15 minutes or
time, we are the so, the camper is completely fine. The
primary care, -- "emergency" wasn't an emergency. At
urgent care, ER worst, maybe he or she is a little sore
and support for a few days. And in the cases he
system. Working ? or she isn't completely fine, you can
here has taught have peace of mind knowing you did
me invaluable the right thing and get him or her the
information about proper treatment.
the "real world." So the real question is why should
Specifically, in DEREK you care? Since you're reading this,
how we handle and WOLFE you're clearly not a camper - I
respondto injuries. hope, anyways, because cell phones
Quite frankly, we aren't allowed. After all, there's a big
don't always know what to do when difference between camp and the
bad things happen to us. It's time for rest of reality. At camp, medical care
some education. is often immediate for even the most
I'll speak from current experience. minor injuries. Campers don't even
Campers and staff get hurt and have to think twice about getting
sick. But not all "emergencies" are taken care of. Clearly, this isn't the
emergencies. Keep this in mind. case at home. You don't have a doctor
Bumps. Bruises. Fevers. Scrapes. or nurse arriving to your doorstep
Strep Throat. If you can name it, it within minutes of a minor injury.
probably happens. Unfortunately, In the "real world," we have to do
screams, cries and calls for help our own decision making in regards
usually accompany these injuries too. to our health. Reducing time of care
But, pardon me for a second as my is extremely important for both the
inner science nerd is about to reveal medical personnel and patient. How
itself. I'm not sorry about it. do we know if we're supposed to go
"For every action, there is an equal to the ER, urgent care or make an
and opposite reaction." appointment with our doctor?
You have to love Newton's Third In 1996, there were 67 million
Law. And though this law helped me emergency room visits. In 2008, 119
a great deal in getting through my million. Disturbing if I say so myself.
Physicsclasses,itactuallycarriesmore I've written in the past on why I
weight in my job at the camp clinic. believe a universal health care system
What we often see is that the camper's is needed inthe United States. But with
reaction to what just happened to the system as it stands, knowing what
them magnifiesthe actual condition of to do and where to go when we're hurt
the injury - the definition of making would be the simplest way to improve
mountains out of molehills - which the efficiency of our system. That's
makes assessing the severity of the it! Millions of those trips could have
situation a bit more difficult. been movedto urgentcares, which are
Here's an example: A camper is equipped for handling smaller injuries
playing a friendlygame of soccer with and sicknesses.
his friends. When he was about to Unfortunately, that education isn't
score a goal, he trips over his friend's really happening in the United States.
leg, falls on his wrist and proceeds to The largest advocacy attempt is a
scream in agony. campaign called "Choose Better." But,
"It feels like death," he claims. that campaign is based in England.
That's the action. The reaction - by Sure, there are smaller initiatives, but
counselors and clinic staff - is even nothing on a large scale.
more important. There are effectively In my hometown, I've driven past
two options: 1. Freak out and treat plenty of urgent cares and wondered,
the situation as life threatening or 2. "Who would ever go to one of these?"
Take an objective, yet compassionate Well at camp, we often use urgent
approach giving the initial shock cares for issues we can't take of on
of the incident to wear off before site. They're great, most definitely
determining significant action, faster than the ER and have a more
As someone who has been comfortable feel to them. It's just that
accompanying the first responder to most people don't know they can and
these kinds of situations, abiding by should be usingthem.
option two is essential for the sake So maybe, a little education and
of the injured camper and for the advocacy would be the appropriate
medical personnel. You don't want to reaction. Thanks, Newton.
make emotional decisions and send a
camper for an X-ray he doesn't need. - Derek Wolfe can be reached
In reference to Newton, you don't at dewolfe@umich.edu.

n the center of the
classroom, aboy sat with his
legs splayed over the couch,
a deck of
cards. As he
slapped a _
card down on
the table, his
eyes flickered
toward the CARLINA
front of the DUAN
room, where I
stood. Stacks
of paper
thundered across my desk. The
card-players cackled.
Two hours later, I watched my
middle school students hunker
over poems. Pink eraser grits
fluttered, brows crinkled, pencils
tripped across white paper.
Somebody burped. Another
scuffed his shoe against linoleum.
"I can't do this," one student said,
pushing back his chair.
"Yeah," I said, tapping my
hand to his page. "You can."
This week, I'm teaching
writing workshops centered on
Asian Pacific Islander American
identities to young Chinese-
American campers in Michigan.
When I was introduced as
"The Writing Teacher" to my
students, a collective groan
swam through the air. One boy
put his head down on the desk.
"Writing!" he sighed in dismay.
"I hate writing." During my first
workshop, my students counted
down the minutes until I left.
"See you tomorrow," I said, as I
packed up my bag. "Tomorrow!?"
they wailed. "We have to write
tomorrow, too?"
When I say I'm here to teach
writing workshops, I often get
similarreactions frommystudents,
regardless of age: disappointment,
dismay, resentment.
Writing is hard. It's hard to
teach, but it's even harder when
students don't clearly understand
what the point of writing
anything is. While the value of
writing is lauded repeatedly in
schools and in the workforce,
literary education is oftentimes
formulaic, rather than hands-
on and experimental. We tend
to ingest writing as a blurry,

Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
Writing as fuel

unquantifiable task, rather than a
form of play and relevance.
My students like stories.
They like hearing about slabs of
pineapple pizza, thunderstorms,
monkey kings. Today, I had my
students create myths or legends
that spoke to their Chinese-
American experiences. They wrote
about moon cakes that induced
laser vision. They wrote about
Chinese fan dance. They wrote
about superhero dumplings,
kitchen sink monsters and peach
trees. When my students toss
their hands up, I tell them they
do, in fact, know how to write. So
much of writing is just a process
of swimming through the brain's
jungles and wires. Oftentimes,
writing is just the end product of a
long process of thinking. Writing
untangles our grits of thought and
makes them tangible. What makes
it all so difficult is that in order to
write, one must trust the brain to
do its own funky, imperfect dance.
When I teach writing
workshops, the constant
challenge is in re-discovering
why reading and writing matter
in their ability to reshape ground
and pummel through doors. I
remind my students that poetry,
prose and all forms of writing
can forge visual and verbal
connections. Writing acts as both
a translation and a re-vision for
our worlds. And above all, the
process of writing gives us access
to play.
People don't understand why
I spend so many of my waking
hours living with poetry and
prose. "Where's the value in
that?" they ask. Others seem to
place poetry on the side: "That's
a great hobby, but... you should
really find a steadier source of
income." I shrug my shoulders.
My LinkedIn profile features
a hilarious assortment of past
jobs, most of which relate to
storytelling. I'm proud. I
celebrate. I ask questions, record
shit, swing, chase, write.
Recently, Filipino-American
poet Patrick Rosal published a
piece in the New York Times
explaining why we should pay
attention to poetry as necessity.
"Part of the problem is our

assessment of poetry is about
awards, publications and
appointments. Not enough is
about how everyday people are
moved by poems," Rosal wrote.
"Truth is, they are hungry for
it - especially when it's written,
read, performed and listened to
with the whole body."
Poetry, as Rosal described it,
becomes a bodily experience,
and one that we ache for.
Perhaps this "hunger" is what
we need young people to learn
in schools. Writing poetry, prose
or essays isn't dull. Writing isn't
unconquerable. Being a writer
offers you the opportunity to also
be a firefighter, a lawyer, a doctor,
a gardener, a juggler. Writers
are never only writers. They are
collage-makers, pulling from a
mash-up of fields and experiences,
weaving together, playing with
language to construct.
"I write poems," I told my
eye doctor last week, when he
asked what I aimed to do post-
graduation. "Wow," he said,
jamming an eye drop into my eye,
"That's certainly ... mysterious."
I blinked, and contact solution
dripped menacingly down my face.
The more we intake the
writing process as mystery,
the less likely we are to access
it. Perhaps it's naive, but I'm
convinced that writing offers a
type of fuel for efficient problem-
solving. Writing can move us
through the wcrld with vigor
and curiosity. I tell my students
not to think of themselves as
"good" or "bad" writers. They all
have stories. They all have wrists
and throats and mouths. They
are joyful, and small. Some wear
oversized soccer jerseys to class
and others eat green peppers
at lunch, while still others
marvel over silver paperclips.
My students are learning how
to seize joy through learning
how to experiment with
language. Through writing,
they're learning how to ask
questions. They're learning how
to hatch rage. It's important,
complicated, messy work. It's
work that counts.
- Carlina Duan can be reached
at linaduan@umich.edu.

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