Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Michigan Daily -
Search for EVPMA considers faculty staffinput
Committee holds EVPMA. said. "I think it's very difficult tial ground in recent years, and he
The EVPMA occupies the to appreciate unless you've been wants an executive who will look
open forum todiscuss highest position at UMHS and is there." to increase rather than maintain
responsible for leading and man- A commitment to research is the benchmarks of the system
necessary qualities aging the entire health system. The one of several qualifications that already in place.
for next UMHS CEO chosen individual will be in charge the committee has laid out for "Ultimately we're here to be
of the Mdrirnl Rhnl the H ci_ nlirn Thr nln in~ la l l onr dnr cn d d hn d d~r in
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Michigan Daily -
Daily StaffReporter
University of Michigan Health
System faculty members and
administrators are searching the
country for the hospital's next
leader - and they want sugges-
Ora Pescovitz, former Execu-
tive Vice President for Medical
Affairs at UMHS, announced in
March that she. would step down
at the end of her initial five year
appointment in June. The Univer-
sity appointed a 13-person Advi-
sory Committee in May to find her
replacement, which includes six
professors, several hospital admin-
istrators, Martin Philbert, dean of
the School of Public Health, and
CynthiaWilbanks,the University's
vice president for government rela-
On Thursday, committee mem-
bers held an open forumfor UMHS
faculty and staff to hear their col-
leagues' opinions on what quali-
ties should be sought in the next
orteilccai acooi, te os -
tals and Health Centers, the School
of Nursing and the Michigan
Health Corporation. The EVPMA
is one of 13 senior officers of the
University, and he or she reports to
the University president.
Dr. Paul Lee, director of the Kel-
logg Eye Center and chair of the
Department of Ophthalmology
and Visual Science and head of the
Search Advisory Committee, led
the forum. He began by opening
the room to questions and concerns
relating to the search process.
Human Genetics Prof. Miriam
Meisler said she thought the basic
sciences have been neglected in
the University Medical School over
the past few years. To remedy this
problem, she said she hoped for an
executive with research experi-
"I think it would be very much
an asset if you could find some-
body who has actually functioned
as a (National Institutes of Health)
sponsored principle investiga-
tor, who knows research from the
inside and who understands the
challenges of the system," Meisler
applicants.i ey also inciuae lea-
ership experience, understanding
of current health policy, knowl-
edge of management techniques
and experience with philanthropy.
As well, in what may be the most
restricting criteria for the position,
the committee has required that
applicants hold either an M.D. or
equivalent degree.
Lee said this requirement was
not automatic, and the search com-
mittee discussed the topic exten-
sively before deciding that the
academic qualification was neces-
The extensive list of standards
mostly comes from the large scale,
prestigious nature the position.
UMHS has an annual operat-
ing budget of $3.4 billion, and in
2013 U.S. News and World Report
ranked UMHS as the number one
hospital in Michigan. Many spe-
cialties were also ranked high
However, despite the hospital's
achievements in past years, Inter-
nal Medicine Prof. James Shayman
told the committee he feels that
the health system has lost substan-
ieaaers ana set the stanaara in
discovery, patient care and educa-
tion," Shayman said. "We're start-
ing with the presumption that
we've reached that point, and who-
ever we find to fill the role is going
to maintain the status quo. Person-
ally, I would find that search to be
a failure."
The process the University is
utilizing to find the new EVPMA
is the same that was used to find
new University president Mark
Schlissel. Both nominations and
applications will be accepted for
the position, and from the original
applicant pool the committee will
then narrow it down to a smaller
group of contenders and eventually
choose a final candidate. The list of
candidates will not be released to
the public.
The committee plans to search
throughout the fall, with the goal
of having the new EVPMA begin
work January 1, 2015. Until the
position is filled, Michael Johns,
professor of otolaryngology and
health policy at Emory Univer-
sity, will continue to act as interim
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and the crime. But she decided is becoming more and more popu-
to participate in the semester long lar in downtown Detroit as a way
program anyways. of utilizing the city's many vacant
Even though she won't be gradu- lots.
ating for another two years, she During the winter semester
said she knew Detroit was in her that she spent in Detroit, Froning
future from her first weekend in interned for Detroit Food Acad-
the city. emy, which supports young Detroi-
"I did a complete 180," Froning ters who want to open their own
said. "I thought, 'Wow, Detroit is food business. The Academy hired
a really cool city. I have nothing to Froning for the summer after the
worry about."' program ended and she's continued
Froning is majoring in Social working there this summer.
Theory and Practice in the Resi- Froning and her boyfriend, who
dential College, with a minor works at Quicken Loans, live in an
through Program in the Envi- apartment complex on Adelaide
ronment called Sustainable Food Street in Brush Park. In her area,
Systems, and is most interested in there are newer condominiums,
urban agriculture - a practice that but also an old abandoned high
ADMISSIONS "The idea here is that Provost
From Page 1 Martha Pollack wants to better inte-
grate all of these offices, and work
together more as ateam," he said.
"Tolead ateam ofnational leaders Pollack recommended Ishop for
in their respective fields of enroll- the position.
ment management at one of the Ishop also brings experience
premier institutions in the country working within the framework of
is a tremendous opportunity," she anti-affirmative action measures,
wrote. "The enrollment units at the particularly relevant to the Uni-
University of Michigan are already versity because Michigan's ban on
among the best and to have an affirmative action was upheld by the
opportunity to extend the ideals of Supreme Court in April.
a data driven, campus wide, collab- The use of race as a factor in
orative approach to student success college admissions in Texas was
with an emphasis on excellence in banned between 1996 and 2003 as
all of its diversity is consistent with a consequence of Hopwood v. Texas-
my personal and career ambitions." before the ruling was overturned by
University spokesman Rick the Supreme Court in 2003. A sec-
Fitzgerald said the University was ond court case filed in 2012, Fisher v.
excited to welcome Ishop, and had University of Texas, which directly
no new information to add on the challenged the UT-Austin system's
situation in Texas. own race-consciousadmissions poli-
As the first to hold the position of cies, is currently in the Pifth Circuit
associate vice president for enroll- Court for a second time after a 2013
ment management, Ishop will be Supreme Court decision found that
responsible for facilitating coor- the court had not properly applied
dination between four different precedent in its first decision and
units- the Office of Undergraduate sent it back.
Admissions, the Office of Financial Ishop wrote that that challeng-
Aid, the Registrar, and the office es and opportunities concerning
of New Student Programs - to minority enrollment between the
increase internal connections and University and UT-Austin are more
strengthen support for students similarthan different, with the issue
after theyare admitted and deciding having high importance for both.
where to enroll. "There are reasons why institu-
Fitzgerald, said as the number of tions like Michigan and Texas are
applicants to the University contin- the defendants in major litigation
uestogrow--newrecordshavebeen and part of the national discourse
set each year for the past eight - the on issues of access and equity," she
value of a cohesive process post- wrote. "Be they federal mandates,
admittance for students in areas like state propositions, or state legisla-
securing financial aid and feeling tion the pursuit of access and inclu-
comfortable academically and on sivity remains paramount for our
campus has become more and more greatest public institutions."
important. Fitzgerald said her experience
He said while these four offices with bans on affirmative action is
have in the past and do currently certainly an advantage, though he
work together, the level of strategic added that her focus will be on the
leadership Ishop is expected to pro- entire field of applicants to the Uni-
vide hasn'tpreviously been in place. versity.
school and a skate park.
"I live in a really old apartment
building that is mostly inhabited
by its initial residents," she said.
"There's so much history, and it's
such a community that there is no
way I could feel unsafe."
Like Naoum, Froning said she
feels that her community in Detroit
is entirely different than what she
was familiar with in Ann Arbor.
"Living in my apartment build-
ing with all these old people is
so much more welcoming and so
much better of an experience for
me than, say, living in a U of M
dorm," she said. "It's ridiculous."
For the rest of the story, visit
From Page 6
CSG's response to the student
football ticket policy, on the other
hand, was a win for Proppe and
Dishell. Executives worked closely
with the athletic department and
were able to revise the student
ticket policy from last year, which
worked on a first-come-first serve
basis that many upperclassmen felt
was unfair, since they had expected
to get priority seating for senior
year upon entering the school.
Dishell said he hasn't heard much
feedback since aboutthe new policy
but understands that some students
are disappointed with the schedule
of games, a decision made solely by
the athletic department typically
University alum Mary Naoum sits in front ofther home in the Hubbard Farms
neighborhood of Detroit.
years in advance.
Other important points carry-
ing over from last year are relations
between the CSG and University
administration, as well as the Uni-
versity's efforts to improve sexual
assault prevention.
The CSG task force investigation
of the University's sexual assault
services and the Office of Student
Conflict Resolution was another
accomplishment for CSG last year.
In the wake of the news that foot-
ball team kicker Brendan Gibbons
had been permanently separated
from the University for sexual
assault, the-task force found that
the University has been under-
staffed and ill-equipped to handle
the high volume of reported cases.
Their findings were submitted as a
contribution to a federal investiga-
tion of the school by the Depart-
ment of Education, the results of
which should be made public soon,
Dishell said.
Dishell has also met with new
UniversityPresident Mark Schlissel
and he said he feels there is an open
line of communication between the
two. Administration worked heav-
ily with student groups this past
year, most notably in response to
the Black Student Union's demands
for improved racial climate on cam-
pus and in facilitating discussions
during the SAFE sit-in.
Dishell said the University's
choice to exclude students from
the presidential search committee
was a setback for CSG's relation-
ship with administrators, but that
it has since created an avenue for
improved contact.
S 55 ** University to take on
enrollment mgmt. effort
New associate VP
position to provide
more cohension in
admissions process
ManagingNews Editor
Tuesday,KedraIshop, alongtime
admissions official at the Univer-
sity of Texas-Austin, stepped down
from her position as the school's
admissions director to join the Uni-
versity of Michigan in a new effort
to increase cohesion and supportfor
students in the admissions process.
Ishop was approved by the Uni-
versity's Board of Regents for the
newly created position of associ-
ate vice president of enrollment
management during their monthly
meeting on June 19. Her appoint-
ment begins on September 1.
The timing of her resignation
from UT-Austin has attracted some
scrutiny, as the school undergoes an
external admissions audit currently
underway at the school, announced
by the UT system June 20, four days
after she notified school officials
of the planned move. The audit is
in response to a series of allega-
tions that certain individuals, such
as state legislators' children and
friends, received unfair advantages
during the admissions process at
In an e-mail interview last
Wednesday, Ishop wrote that she
chose to make the move primarily
because of the University's reputa-
tion and the nature of the position.
She and UT-Austin officials have
previously stated that plans for the
move began well before the audit
was announced.
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