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Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


Regents fund two new degree programs

Students and faculty
pushed for offerings
in robotics and
Daily News Editor
Starting next school year, stu-
dents will have the opportunity
to pursue degrees in two nontra-
ditional disciplines at the Uni-
versity - entrepreneurship and
At the Board of Regents meet-
ing June 19, the Regents and
administration included funding
for an undergraduate entrepre-
neurship minor and a robotics
masters and doctorate degree in
the fiscal year 2015 budget.
Though the approval of fund-
ing is a recent development,
students and faculty have been
pushing for these new degrees
for a while.
The new entrepreneurship
minor began with a partner-
ship between Central Student
Government and Thomas Zur-
buchen, professor of space sci-
ence and aerospace engineering

in 2013. Zurbuchen and student
leaders gathered input from all
different backgrounds, majors
and student organizations to
understand what students would
like to see from an entrepreneur-
ial degree.
Zurbuchen then brought
together campus administrators
from different schools and pro-
grams to push for the degree.
His goal was to give students of
all different disciplinary back-
grounds the tools they needed to
not only form startups, but also
begin to grow ideas and turn
them into entrepreneurial iden-
"I think that an entrepre-
neurial minor like this basically
equips the student with the tool-
set for taking an idea and doing
it, but also enables a stage on
which you actually do it," Zurbu-
chen said. "In other words, not
just about the tools but to actual-
ly going forward and grow these
ideas and learn how it feels to
actually make an idea happen."
The entrepreneurial minor
will be located in LSA and is
expected to open in January
2015. The program will have two
core classes, which have already
been opened for the fall semes-

The first is called Entrepre-
neurial Creativity and is run out
of the Psychology department to
give students a feel for how to
think in an entrepreneurial way.
The second is called Entrepre-
neurial Business Basics, an over-
view on capital, management
and marketing basics needed to
form a startup.
Former CSG president Michael
Proppe, who was involved in the
creation of the minor, echoed a
similar sentiment to Zurbuchen.
"What entrepreneurship can
do is more of just starting a busi-
ness, it's able to empower people
to take their ideas and to put
them into practice," he said. "It's
really exciting to see that stu-
dents are going out on their own
and doing things and solving
The second two new degrees
are a masters and doctorate in
robotics, which have already
accepted a handful of students
for the fall.
These degrees are headed by
Dawn Tilbury, associate dean
for research and graduate educa-
tion, one of the advocates on an
associate steering committee for
robotics along with members of

many other engineering profes-
sors in different concentrations.
Tilbury, along with other
faculty members, said she felt
a robotics degree would enable
students to study robotics across
many different engineering
fields, instead of having to focus
on one aspect of robotic engi-
The degree program has two
new core classes: Mathematics
for Robotics, a graduate level
math course to introduce stu-
dents to the basic math needed
for the study of robotics; and
Introduction to Robotic Systems,
a hands-on class to expose stu-
dents to different robotic system
and sensory manipulation.
Tilbury said the new robotic
degree programs would appeal to
students who are interested in a
broader study of robotics instead
of solely focusing on a particular
robotic engineering field.
"I think that the students who
take the Ph.D program in robot-
ics will have a much broader
vision about robotics, instead of
deeper vision in their disciplines,
say mechanical engineering or
aerospace engineering," Tilbury
said. "The focus is on robotics
instead of one of the disciplines."

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Daily Sports Editor
You know the story by now.
Michigan wasn't supposed to have
as much success as it had last sea-
son without sophomore forward
Mitch McGary. It wasn't supposed
to win the Big Ten regular-season
title, it wasn't supposed to make
the Elite Eight and it wasn't sup-
posed to have an even more pro-
ductive offensive team than its
2012-13 national runner-up squad.
What seemed possible, though,
was McGary returning for his
junior year and raising his draft
stock that seemed to fall last sea-
son. But then McGary failed a drug
test in March and would have faced
a year-long NCAA suspension if he
returned. So, he ultimately decided
to enter the 2014 NBA Draft weeks
after sophomores Glenn Robinson
III and Nik Stauskas declared.
With everything that unfolded,
McGary can't be faulted for leaving
Michigan early. But you can specu-
late as to whether his short college
career - 47 games, 12 starts - and
his talent and athleticism will
translate to a lengthy NBA career,
or even a first-round selection.
may not have played in as many
games as he would have liked to in
his Michigan career, but he made

McGary a potential late first-rounder

his minutes count.
After starting just two games
in the regular season his fresh-
man year, McGary exploded on the
national scene in the 2013 NCAA
Tournament, averaging a double-
double with 14.3 points and 10.8
rebounds. His play earned him
a spot on the All-South Regional
team and All-Tournament team.
But then the back injury side-
lined him for Michigan's first two
regular-season games before he
came back for the Wolverines' next
eight. Those eight games were all
McGary would play for Michigan
before undergoing season-ending
Now, the bulk of McGary's draft
stock is built on his athleticism,
strength and potential. Clearly,
McGary has the resume of a player
who could be a lottery selection.
But his lingering back problems
might scare away teams from tak-
ing a chance on a player who could
either playlike he did last March or
sit on a bench for a long stretch like
he did this past season.
days, a lot of news has circulated
around McGary. From older mock
drafts, McGary was projected to
the Miami Heat at No. 26, the Los
Angeles Clippers at No. 28 or the
San Antonio Spurs at No. 30.
Meanwhile, the big man has only

participated in one known workout
- last Friday with the Milwaukee
Bucks, who hold the first pick of the
second round.
Some media members have
speculated that the reasoning
behind McGary not participat-
ing in workouts could be health-
related, as evidenced by his refusal
to take a pre-draft physical to run
tests on his lower back. Others see
the move to indicate McGary has a
guarantee from a late first-round
team totake him.
The most recent rumor from
ESPN NBA Insider Chad Ford
predicts that McGary will land at
No. 24 to the Charlotte Hornets.
Sporting News NBA writer Sean
Deveney reported Wednesday that
according to a source, McGary "has
been all but assured" that he will be
picked in the first round.
SPOTS: The most likely landing
spots for McGary are the Hornets,
Heat, Clippers, Spurs and Bucks.
Additionally, the Phoenix Suns
have been mentioned as a potential
destination because of their three
first-round picks, including two
late ones, No.18 and No. 27.
Miami Heat: With LeBron
James opting out of his deal and
Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh pos-
sibly following suit, the Heat could
have a very bare roster heading

into the offseason. With upwards
of $50 million in cap space avail-
able and plenty of roster spots open
on a veteran-heavy team, the draft
represents a market for the Heat to
improve in a number of areas.
One place the Heat could look
is the backcourt. With inconsis-
tent play from Mario Chalmers,
who will be a free agent this sum-
mer, and Norris Cole, Miami could
go for a proven college player like
Connecticut's Shabazz Napier.
At the same time, the Heat's
frontcourt is thin. Miami has Udo-
nis Haslem, but he's not getting
any younger, nor are his minutes
With speculation of Bosh, Wade
and James returning to Miami,
McGary could fill the rebounding
void of the Heat. He wouldn't have
to start, but McGary would supply
much-needed youth and energy off
the bench.
San Antonio Spurs: Well, they're
the defending NBA champions,
Tim Duncan just announced he'll
be returning for his 19th season
and coach Gregg Popovich will be
back as well.
For a team that plays in a system
that focuses on patience, selfless-
ness and passing the ball to find the
bestshot, McGarywould fitrightin.
Unlike a place like Los Angeles
or Miami, McGary could grow into

his role, learning from one of the
best in Duncan. Given the Spurs'
depth, McGary would be able to
learn the system at a slower pace,
while still getting some minutes
in blowouts or when Popovich
decides to resthis starters.
Charlotte Hornets: The Hor-
nets' interest in Stauskas has been
known for a while. But their inter-
est in McGary has only recently
been reported.
The main reason behind the
Hornets' interest is their lack of
height. Despite being their start-
ing center, Al Jefferson stands
just 6-foot-10, a bit undersized
for a center. Though they hope to
resign forward Josh McRoberts to
help Jefferson in the paint, it's stilley
unclear what to expect from Char-
lotte's 2013 first-round pick, Cody
PREDICTION: As tantalizing
as it is to have Stauskas and McGary
stay together in Charlotte, I don't
see it happening. The Hornets can
afford to wait to draft another big
man until the second round and
draft the best available player with
their second first-round selection.
That's why I see the next inter-
ested team, the Heat, taking
McGary. In that way, McGary will
stillbe reunited with aformer Wol-
verine - in the form of Heat assis-
tant coach Juwan Howard instead.

Stephanie ,hennuda

Managing Editor


From Page 1
issues by adopting climate change
action plans.
She cited several local impacts
of global rises in temperature in
her speech, including a rise in nat-
ural disasters that could put basic
city infrastructure at risk, emer-
gency services that could become
strained due to larger, more fre-
quent storms and the general
inconvenience of excessive rain.
Similar potential impacts were
also raised in the GLISA report.
"Adaptation is about buildings,
cities, families, employees, etc. It
is incredibly local," Coffee said,
"Local government is an early
actor, and adaptation often comes
from political motivations."
Coffee also discussed nonprof-

its briefly, and added that they
shouldn't be the only sector con-
sidered when it comes to solving
climate change issues.
Missy Stults, a University
research assistant who helped
with the event, said the over-
all goal of the conference was to
understand what lies ahead for
the Great Lakes, especially in
terms of climate change, and what
that means for homes, businesses,
and communities.
"It's about what businesses do
and why, and us making the busi-
ness case for why taking action
matters," she said. "It's about
what local governments can do,
and it's also about what you and
I can do in our lives to make sure
that we are prepared and reduc-
ing our footprint. It's all scales, all
sectors, and it's going to take all of
us to do this."

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Larkin awaits draft fate

Daily Sports Writer
Dylan Larkin is set to make the
Big Ten hockey record books before
he even skates in a maize sweater.
. Friday, the incoming freshman
forward and former U.S. Nation-
al Team Development Program
standout should be drafted in
the first round of the NHL Draft,
making him the first player in the
Big Ten's two-year existence to be
selected in the first round.
Though SB Nation's Bob McK-
enzie lists him as the No. 12 pick,
most mock drafts project Larkin,
the centerpiece to the Michigan
hockey team's 2014-15 freshman
class, going between 15th and 17th.
Still, Larkin's draft stock has
improved since mid-season rank-
ings thanks to a two-goal, two-
assist performance at the IIHF

Men's Under-18 World Champion-
ships, in which the United States
took gold.
Larkin will be the only Wolver-
ine present at the Wells Fargo Cen-
ter in Philadelphia this weekend
and will likely be the onlyincoming
freshman drafted. Assistant coach
Brian Wiseman will also attend the
Michigan had five players,
including four incoming fresh-
men - defenseman Nolan De Jong
(Minnesota Wild), defenseman
Michael Downing (Florida Pan-
thers), forward Tyler Motte (Chi-
cago Blackhawks) and forward JT
Compher - drafted in 2013. Cap-
tain and junior forward Andrew
Copp was also selected bythe Win-
nipeg Jets in the fourth round.
A late commit to the program,
himself in a position to be drafted.

In place of injured sophomore net-
minder Steve Racine, ' Nagelvoort
became one of the best goaltendern'a
in the NCAA and finished the sea-
son allowing just 2.20 goals per
game, good for 15th among Divi-
sion I goalies. Nagelvoort's .929
save percentage placed him second
only to Shawn Hunwick on the pro-
gram's single-season record list.
A single-game school-record
63 saves in a double-overtime loss
to Penn State in the Big Ten Tour-
nament perhaps solidified Nagel-
voort's potential draft stock. He
is currently ranked No. 21 among
North American goalies.
Sophomore forward Evan Allen
is one of'Several North American
skaters tied for No. 210 on NHL
prospect rankings. Allen, a U.S.
NTDP alum, tallied six points in 23
games played during his freshmanA

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