Thursday, June 12, 2014
The Michigan Daily -
Stauskas commences
NBA Draft workouts
By GREG GARNO ESPN's Chad Ford predicts
Daily Sports Editor Stauskas will fall to the Minne-
'x sota Timnberwolves at No. 13, while
CHARLOT TE, N.C. - If you has him going to
weren't aware yet, Nik Stauskas is Charlotte in its latest mock draft.
not just a shooter. Stauskas didn't know where
Now, he wants you to know that he'd be on draft night, but added
beyond being able to score from Wednesday he hoped to be in New
anywhere, he's also someone who York as one of the selections to
has a "high IQ." walk on stage.
"I'm good at reading the floor An All-American last season,
and making the right plays," he Stauskas finished with 17.5 points
said. "I feel like I don't force the and 3.3 assists per game, but stands
action too much, and I'm patient." out for his 47 percent shooting from
But the Charlotte Hornets don't the field, 44.2 percent from behind
need a playmaker in the upcoming the arc.
NBA Draft. They need someone "I'm a guy that can create for
like'Stauskas, who can shoot the others," Stauskas said. "People
ball from anywhere on the court started to see it this year. I got to
and draw defenders away from big the free-throw line a lot, I was
man Al Jefferson and guard Kemba driving and kicking to open threes
Walker. or dunks. I'm an anselfish player,
The former Michigan guard, and I'll take the open shot when it's
who has been training in Chicago there, but I've enjoyed setting my
since the NBA Combine, worked teammates up."
out in Charlotte on Wednesday But his body fat could be an issue
for his first of four pre-draft try- for some teams, which see 12 per-
outs. He was originally set to begin cent astoo high for their liking.
+ -workouts with the Los Angeles "I don't know if it's a lack of
Lakers last week, but a reported lean muscle or what. I don't think
- -- shoulder injury I'm fat, I think
-- t-
kept him out. I'm skinny," the
He appeared 6-foot-6, 205-
to be fine "I surprise pound Stauskas
Wednesday, said. "Maybe it's
though, as he them with my baby fat, but in
performed a these workouts
30-plus minute athleticism ." teams are going
workout devot- to see the way
ed primarily to I move. I'll nor-
shooting. prise them with
"There were a little bit of nerves my athleticism."
out there," Stauskas said, "but once Stauskas should do well with
you get going the nerves kind of go most offenses in the NBA, though,
away. You just get back to doing which utilize the pick-and-roll and
what you do." high ball screens. He'll benefitfrom
Added Hornets coach Steve Clif- his former system under Michigan
ford: "He's very skilled. I think he's coach John Beilein, who had flex
more than a shooter, though. He plays thatput emphasis on the pick-
can play in the pick-and-roll, but and-roll.
the big thing to me is that he has Clifford didn't elaborate on what
NBA size, which is a big deal. You drills he put Stauskas through, but
have to have size, and he has really Charlotte has tested a prospect's
good size for his position." hand size in the past to evaluate
The Big Ten Player of the Year how well an athlete can pick up a
is also slated to work out with the ball with one hand.
Boston Celtics, Lakers and Phoenix "The guys who play for the best
Suns. The Hornets have the No. 9 coaches are the ones that have
pick in the draft, while the Lakers the advantage," Clifford said. "It's
and Celtics hold the sixth and sev- those who play in structured pro-
enthspots, respectively. Only Phoe- grams where they have demands
nix picks outside the top 10 at No. put on them, have been forced to
14, though it could use its two other work hard every day and play in big
first-round picks to move up. games."
" e
insi de
Fracking debate
Report details Michigan
resident's concerns about
the controversial practice
Proposition 1
From the Daily: Reforms
to state tax code could
benefit small business
Season 2 of the popular
Netflix series looks at new
storylines, characters
Confident Nick Stauskas
begins workouts in
Charlotte before NBA draft
VIoCX ,N. 110 2014 TheMichigan Daily
NEW S .............................. .2
CLASSIFIEDS .........8
CROSSWORD...... ...8
SPORTS ..................... 10
Previously existing
payment reduction
plan extended to
older borrowers
ManagingNews Editor
Five million borrowers became
eligible to have payments lowered
on their student loans Monday
after President Obama signed a
new executive order expanding
access to a previously existing gov-
ernment program that decreased
monthly payments for low-income
The President also announced
measures to renegotiate the
financial incentives for on-time received at least one disbursement
repayment, reduce paperwork for of a federal direct loan during
active duty military with loans or after 2011, and first borrowed
who receive a 6% interest cap and after or in 2007 . The plan limits
increase awareness of reduced- monthly payments to 10 percent
payment plans. of an individual's discretionary
A White House press release income, which must be lower than
stated making college degrees the monthly payment under a
more affordable and accessible has standard federal repayment plan.
been a longtime priority for the It also limits the amount of inter-
President. est that can capitalize - the prac-
"As part of his year of action to tice of adding unpaid interest to
expand opportunity for all Ameri- the original amount of the loan,
cans, the President is committed to which can raise both minimum
building on these efforts by using monthly payments and interest -
his pen and his phone to make to 10 percent of the original loan
student debt more affordable and and allows individuals who make
more manageable to repay," the qualifying payments to the plan
release read. for 20 years to have any remaining
The order specifically debt forgiven.
addressed the Pay As You Earn Following implementation
repayment plan, which previously of the order, which is expected
only applied to borrowers who See LOANS, Page 3
Obama signs executive order
to address student loan debt
Pre- surgery,
' rogram
$6.3 million
Researchers to
explore improving
outcomes for high-
risk patients
Daily StaffReporter
The University's Michigan Sur-
gical Home & Optimization Pro-
gram has received $6.3 million
from the Health Care Innovation
Award to fund the implementation
of theirstructured, pre-surgery
MSHOP seeks to improve sur-
gical outcomes in high-risk cases
through four basic steps taken dur-
ing the time between a patient's
decision to have surgery and the
scheduled surgery date. Patients in
the program are encouraged to be
active, quit smoking, eat properly
and practice relaxation techniques
designed to boost optimism.
Dr. Michael J. Englesbe, associ-
ate professor of surgery and a prin-
cipal investigator on the project,
said the new habits introduced in
the study, such as increased physi-
cal activity and proper nutrition,
have the potential to produce bet-
ter post-surgery results even in a
short time period.
"The program is similar to the
training for a 5k race, as a two hour
operation has a similar effect on
the body, and you can imagine what
See SURGERY, Page 3