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June 05, 2014 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2014-06-05
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Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cum 7

Gay mamage remams in limbo

ACLU sues state to co"p' of recognition after it
issues a valid marriage license."
have 300 same-sex Kaplan, as well as five other
ACLU attorneys and two ACLU
marriages reCogniZed cooperating attorneys, are
representing the same-sex
ByALLANAAKHTAR couples in the case.
IuyNewsEditor In January 2012, Hazel Park
residentsApril DeBoer and Jayne
Lawyers, advocates and Rowse sued the state of Michigan
legislatures continue to fight for for denying them the right to
marriage equality months after jointly adopt their children
U.S. District Judge Bernard because the couple could not
Friedman struck down the state's legally marry. Though the case
ban on same-sex marriage. began as a matter of changing
Last Thursday, the Michigan the state adoption policies, the
chapter of the American Civil lawsuit evolved into a question
Liberties Union filed a request to of whether or not same-sex
force the state to recognize over marriage is legal in Michigan.
300 marriages preformed before Judge Friedman struck down
the stay ordered by Michigan the Michigan Marriage Act
Attorney General Bill Schuette this March, voted for by a 58
(R) on Judge Friedman's ruling. percent majority through a ballot
In their brief for the case, initiative. Friedman declared
Caspar v. Snyder, the ACLU said the ban on same-sex marriage
they are defending the same-sex unconstitutional.
couples that married in the time "In attempting to define this
between the ruling and the stay, case as a challenge to 'the will
asking Michigan to recognize of the people,'...state defendants
their marriages as legal. lost sight of what this case is
"At the heart of this case is the truly about: people," he wrote in
fundamental right of lawfully his 31-page ruling.
married couples to enjoy the After Schuette requested a
benefits of marriage," said Jay stay on the ruling, the U.S. 6th
Kaplan, staff attorney for the Circuit Court of Appeals granted
ACLU of Michigan's LGBT the stay by a 2-1 majority on
Project, in a press release. "The March 24,2014.
state cannot strip a married Though the federal

government announced it would
recognize the hundreds of
marriages made between the
time of Friedman's ruling and
the stay, the state government
did not.
Law Prof. Julian Mortenson,
who is currently working with
the ACLU as a cooperating
attorney in Casper v. Snyder, said
when these marriages occurred,
it was unequivocally legal for
the couples to wed. Therefore,
no matter what happens after
they occurred, the state does not
have the constitutional authority
to take away these couples'
Though it is difficult to find
constitutionality with same-
sex marriage bans, the future of
same-sex marriage in Michigan
and in the nation is still
uncertain. However, Mortenson
said he firmly believes in the
legality of the ACLU's argument
in Caspar v. Snyder, saying the
law does not allow anyone to take
away the rights of people who
married validly.
"We believe, quite strongly,
thatbanson marriage equalityare
unconstitutional and specifically,
regardless of whether they are
unconstitutional, once valid
marriage have been entered
into, they can't be taken away,"
Mortenson said.

Tom ukun
Korean BBQ



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ew restaurant or short rib, holding chopsticks
over them ready to swat away any
ffers a unique wandering pair that dared snatch
and delicious their baby. All the while, the pieces
cooking piled up and stucktogether
experience as the smoking grill descended into
a cross-contaminating, carnivo-
ANCARLO BUONOMO rous clusterfuck. I went home and
fanagingArts Editor cried myself to sleep, lamenting my
tragic inability to live up to Antho-
e me if the beginning of ny Bourdain.
ew sounds like a personal Okay, I'm kidding about that
t then again, eating Korean last part, but my first experience
is a very personal experi- with Korean barbecue taught me
of itself, a very important lesson: It's a two
hat you way street. Your enjoyment of your
ost all of meal is dependent on both you and
d your- the restaurant, and more specifi-
a custom Tomukun cally, you taking advantage of how
ilt right Kren well the restaurant facilitates the
able. experience. And I am happy to
went to Ba'beaue report, based on subsequent visits,
n Kore- 5o5 E that Tomukun does an exceptional
ecue at L y t job of facilitating an exceptional
nning of experience.
y a week $$$ Seeing that it's Korean barbe-
after it cue, the main focus of Tomukun
The res- is the meat - different cuts can be
is adjacent to it's wildly ordered a la carte, or as combo plat-
older sibling, Tomukun ters. But before your protein arrives,
Bar, as well as Lab Cafe, an assortment of little plates called
he trio into the Ann Arbor banchan is brought out. Almost all
f Momofuku, the fber-hip of them are pickled, fermented or
d empire centered in New marinated vegetables, and they
y. After many attempts to range from the simply delicious
e, I finally scored one with (cucumber kimchi), to the funky-
r friends early one evening. but-good (marinated fish cakes),
to both experience Korean with a few "well, at least I tried it"
, and Tomukun's take on (long beans with dried shrimp).
red us a "Combo 2" meat Either way, these little amuse-
vhich is six different types bouches are excellent for priming
ated raw meat, accompa- your palate for the pile of flesh soon
n assortment of sauces and to be delivered to your table.
s. When it comes time to eat the
a disaster, or at least it felt meat, your server will turn on your
at the time. Six different grill, which is a gas flame sunk into
ere grabbing at the meat the middle of the table, and covered
provided tongs and snip- with a perforated metal plate, sort
bite-sized pieces with the of like a flat colander. When it heats
* shears. When that proved up, they will then take a piece of
, some of us resorted to pure beeffatand rub it on every inch
large pieces off the tray of the grill.
chopsticks and plopping This is where my whole "two
grill. With so many people way street" shtick comes in. Your
cook small pieces of meat dining experience will be substan-
e, the grill was soon lac- tially more enjoyable if you go with
with grease and scorched one or two people, and cook your
d we began losing track of meats one a time. The most basic-
Scooked and what needed platter, a "Combo 1," feeds two to
e. People beganto jealous- four people, and contains sliced
small squares of pork belly See TOMUKUN, Page 8



Trombone aoy
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the H n ofGOtry

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Ann Arbor citizensRyanand Keller Ray hula hoop during Taste of Ann Arbor on Main Street Sunday.

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